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play.api.libs.json.JsConstraints.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 * Copyright (C) 2009-2015 Typesafe Inc. 
package play.api.libs.json

import Json._

trait ConstraintFormat {
  def of[A](implicit fmt: Format[A]): Format[A] = fmt

  /** deleted because useless and troublesome (better to use nullable anyway) */
  //def optional[A](implicit fmt: Format[A]): Format[Option[A]] = Format[Option[A]]( Reads.optional(fmt), Writes.optional(fmt) )

  def optionWithNull[A](implicit fmt: Format[A]): Format[Option[A]] = Format[Option[A]](Reads.optionWithNull(fmt), Writes.optionWithNull(fmt))

trait PathFormat {
  def at[A](path: JsPath)(implicit f: Format[A]): OFormat[A] =

  def nullable[A](path: JsPath)(implicit f: Format[A]): OFormat[Option[A]] =
    OFormat(Reads.nullable(path)(f), Writes.nullable(path)(f))


trait PathReads {

  def required(path: JsPath)(implicit reads: Reads[JsValue]): Reads[JsValue] = at(path)(reads)

  def at[A](path: JsPath)(implicit reads: Reads[A]): Reads[A] =
    Reads[A](js => path.asSingleJsResult(js).flatMap(reads.reads(_).repath(path)))

   * Reads a Option[T] search optional or nullable field at JsPath (field not found or null is None
   * and other cases are Error).
   * It runs through JsValue following all JsPath nodes on JsValue except last node:
   * - If one node in JsPath is not found before last node => returns JsError( "missing-path" )
   * - If all nodes are found till last node, it runs through JsValue with last node =>
   *   - If last node if not found => returns None
   *   - If last node is found with value "null" => returns None
   *   - If last node is found => applies implicit Reads[T]
  def nullable[A](path: JsPath)(implicit reads: Reads[A]) = Reads[Option[A]] { json =>
      jserr => jserr,
      jsres => jsres.fold(
        _ => JsSuccess(None),
        a => a match {
          case JsNull => JsSuccess(None)
          case js => reads.reads(js).repath(path).map(Some(_))

  def jsPick[A <: JsValue](path: JsPath)(implicit reads: Reads[A]): Reads[A] = at(path)(reads)

  def jsPickBranch[A <: JsValue](path: JsPath)(implicit reads: Reads[A]): Reads[JsObject] =
    Reads[JsObject](js => path.asSingleJsResult(js).flatMap { jsv => reads.reads(jsv).repath(path) }.map(jsv => JsPath.createObj(path -> jsv)))

  def jsPut(path: JsPath, a: => JsValue) = Reads[JsObject](json => JsSuccess(JsPath.createObj(path -> a)))

  def jsCopyTo[A <: JsValue](path: JsPath)(reads: Reads[A]) =
    Reads[JsObject](js => reads.reads(js).map(js => JsPath.createObj(path -> js)))

  def jsUpdate[A <: JsValue](path: JsPath)(reads: Reads[A]) =
    Reads[JsObject](js => js match {
      case o: JsObject =>
          .flatMap(js => reads.reads(js).repath(path))
          .map(jsv => JsPath.createObj(path -> jsv))
          .map(opath => o.deepMerge(opath))
      case _ =>
        JsError(JsPath(), ValidationError("error.expected.jsobject"))

  def jsPrune(path: JsPath) = Reads[JsObject](js => path.prune(js))

trait ConstraintReads {
  /** The simpler of all Reads that just finds an implicit Reads[A] of the expected type */
  def of[A](implicit r: Reads[A]) = r

  /** deleted because useless and troublesome (better to use nullable anyway) */
  //def optional[A](implicit reads:Reads[A]):Reads[Option[A]] =
  //  Reads[Option[A]](js => JsSuccess(reads.reads(js).asOpt))

  /** very simple optional field Reads that maps "null" to None */
  def optionWithNull[T](implicit rds: Reads[T]): Reads[Option[T]] = Reads(js => js match {
    case JsNull => JsSuccess(None)
    case js => rds.reads(js).map(Some(_))

  /** Stupidly reads a field as an Option mapping any error (format or missing field) to None */
  def optionNoError[A](implicit reads: Reads[A]): Reads[Option[A]] =
    Reads[Option[A]](js => JsSuccess(reads.reads(js).asOpt))

  def list[A](implicit reads: Reads[A]): Reads[List[A]] = Reads.traversableReads[List, A]
  def set[A](implicit reads: Reads[A]): Reads[Set[A]] = Reads.traversableReads[Set, A]
  def seq[A](implicit reads: Reads[A]): Reads[Seq[A]] = Reads.traversableReads[Seq, A]
  def map[A](implicit reads: Reads[A]): Reads[collection.immutable.Map[String, A]] = Reads.mapReads[A]

   * Defines a minimum value for a numeric Reads. Combine with `max` using `or`, e.g.
   * `.read(Reads.min(0) or Reads.max(100))`.
  def min[N](m: N)(implicit reads: Reads[N], num: Numeric[N]) =
    filterNot[N](ValidationError("error.min", m))(, m))(reads)

   * Defines a maximum value for a numeric Reads. Combine with `min` using `or`, e.g.
   * `.read(Reads.min(0.1) or Reads.max(1.0))`.
  def max[N](m: N)(implicit reads: Reads[N], num: Numeric[N]) =
    filterNot[N](ValidationError("error.max", m))(, m))(reads)

  def filterNot[A](error: ValidationError)(p: A => Boolean)(implicit reads: Reads[A]) =
    Reads[A](js => reads.reads(js).filterNot(error)(p))

  def filter[A](otherwise: ValidationError)(p: A => Boolean)(implicit reads: Reads[A]) =
    Reads[A](js => reads.reads(js).filter(otherwise)(p))

  def minLength[M](m: Int)(implicit reads: Reads[M], p: M => scala.collection.TraversableLike[_, M]) =
    filterNot[M](ValidationError("error.minLength", m))(_.size < m)

  def maxLength[M](m: Int)(implicit reads: Reads[M], p: M => scala.collection.TraversableLike[_, M]) =
    filterNot[M](ValidationError("error.maxLength", m))(_.size > m)

   * Defines a regular expression constraint for `String` values, i.e. the string must match the regular expression pattern
  def pattern(regex: => scala.util.matching.Regex, error: String = "error.pattern")(implicit reads: Reads[String]) =
    Reads[String](js => reads.reads(js).flatMap { o =>
      regex.unapplySeq(o).map(_ => JsSuccess(o)).getOrElse(JsError(error))

  def email(implicit reads: Reads[String]): Reads[String] =
    pattern("""^[a-zA-Z0-9\.!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?)*$""".r, "")

  def verifying[A](cond: A => Boolean)(implicit rds: Reads[A]) =

  def verifyingIf[A](cond: A => Boolean)(subreads: Reads[_])(implicit rds: Reads[A]) =
    Reads[A] { js =>
      rds.reads(js).flatMap { t =>
        (scala.util.control.Exception.catching(classOf[MatchError]) opt cond(t)).flatMap { b =>
          if (b) Some(subreads.reads(js).map(_ => t))
          else None

  def pure[A](a: => A) = Reads[A] { js => JsSuccess(a) }


trait PathWrites {
  def at[A](path: JsPath)(implicit wrs: Writes[A]): OWrites[A] =
    OWrites[A] { a => JsPath.createObj(path -> wrs.writes(a)) }

   * writes a optional field in given JsPath : if None, doesn't write field at all.
   * Please note we do not write "null" but simply omit the field when None
   * If you want to write a "null", use ConstraintWrites.optionWithNull[A]
  def nullable[A](path: JsPath)(implicit wrs: Writes[A]): OWrites[Option[A]] =
    OWrites[Option[A]] { a =>
      a match {
        case Some(a) => JsPath.createObj(path -> wrs.writes(a))
        case None => Json.obj()

  def jsPick(path: JsPath): Writes[JsValue] =
    Writes[JsValue] { obj => path(obj).headOption.getOrElse(JsNull) }

  def jsPickBranch(path: JsPath): OWrites[JsValue] =
    OWrites[JsValue] { obj => JsPath.createObj(path -> path(obj).headOption.getOrElse(JsNull)) }

  def jsPickBranchUpdate(path: JsPath, wrs: OWrites[JsValue]): OWrites[JsValue] =
    OWrites[JsValue] { js =>
        path -> path(js).headOption.flatMap(js => js.asOpt[JsObject].map(obj => obj.deepMerge(wrs.writes(obj)))).getOrElse(JsNull)

  def pure[A](path: JsPath, fixed: => A)(implicit wrs: Writes[A]): OWrites[JsValue] =
    OWrites[JsValue] { js => JsPath.createObj(path -> wrs.writes(fixed)) }


trait ConstraintWrites {
  def of[A](implicit w: Writes[A]) = w

  // deleted because troublesome...
  // def optional[A](implicit wa: Writes[A]): Writes[Option[A]] = Writes[Option[A]] { a => a match {
  //  case None => Json.obj()
  //  case Some(av) => wa.writes(av)

  def pure[A](fixed: => A)(implicit wrs: Writes[A]): Writes[JsValue] =
    Writes[JsValue] { js => wrs.writes(fixed) }

  def pruned[A](implicit w: Writes[A]): Writes[A] = new Writes[A] {
    def writes(a: A): JsValue = JsNull

  def list[A](implicit writes: Writes[A]): Writes[List[A]] = Writes.traversableWrites[A]
  def set[A](implicit writes: Writes[A]): Writes[Set[A]] = Writes.traversableWrites[A]
  def seq[A](implicit writes: Writes[A]): Writes[Seq[A]] = Writes.traversableWrites[A]
  def map[A](implicit writes: Writes[A]): OWrites[collection.immutable.Map[String, A]] = Writes.mapWrites[A]

   * Pure Option Writer[T] which writes "null" when None which is different
   * from `JsPath.writeNullable which omits the field when None
  def optionWithNull[A](implicit wa: Writes[A]) = Writes[Option[A]] { a =>
    a match {
      case None => JsNull
      case Some(av) => wa.writes(av)

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