play.api.libs.json.JsLookup.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package play.api.libs.json
import play.api.data.validation.ValidationError
* A value representing the value at a particular JSON path, either an actual JSON node or undefined.
case class JsLookup(result: JsLookupResult) extends AnyVal {
* Access the head of this array.
def head: JsLookupResult = result match {
case JsDefined(JsArray(head +: tail)) => JsDefined(head)
case JsDefined(arr: JsArray) => JsUndefined("Cannot get head of " + arr)
case JsDefined(o) => JsUndefined(o + " is not an array")
case undef => undef
* Access the tail of this array.
def tail: JsLookupResult = result match {
case JsDefined(JsArray(head +: tail)) => JsDefined(JsArray(tail))
case JsDefined(arr: JsArray) => JsUndefined("Cannot get tail of " + arr)
case JsDefined(o) => JsUndefined(o + " is not an array")
case undef => undef
* Access the last element of this array.
def last: JsLookupResult = result match {
case JsDefined(JsArray(values)) if values.nonEmpty => JsDefined(values.last)
case JsDefined(arr: JsArray) => JsUndefined("Cannot get last element of " + arr)
case JsDefined(o) => JsUndefined(o + " is not an array")
case undef => undef
* Access a value of this array.
* @param index Element index.
def apply(index: Int): JsLookupResult = result match {
case JsDefined(arr: JsArray) =>
arr.value.lift(index).map(JsDefined.apply).getOrElse(JsUndefined("Array index out of bounds in " + arr))
case JsDefined(o) =>
JsUndefined(o + " is not an array")
case undef => undef
* Return the property corresponding to the fieldName, supposing we have a JsObject.
* @param fieldName the name of the property to look up
* @return the resulting JsValue wrapped in a JsLookup. If the current node is not a JsObject or doesn't have the
* property, a JsUndefined will be returned.
def \(fieldName: String): JsLookupResult = result match {
case JsDefined(obj: JsObject) =>
.getOrElse(JsUndefined("'" + fieldName + "' is undefined on object: " + obj))
case JsDefined(o) =>
JsUndefined(o + " is not an object")
case undef => undef
* Look up fieldName in the current object and all descendants.
* @return the list of matching nodes
def \\(fieldName: String): Seq[JsValue] = result match {
case JsDefined(obj: JsObject) =>
obj.value.foldLeft(Seq[JsValue]())((o, pair) => pair match {
case (key, value) if key == fieldName => o ++ (value +: (value \\ fieldName))
case (_, value) => o ++ (value \\ fieldName)
case JsDefined(arr: JsArray) =>
arr.value.flatMap(_ \\ fieldName)
case _ => Seq.empty
sealed trait JsLookupResult extends Any with JsReadable {
* Tries to convert the node into a JsValue
def toOption: Option[JsValue] = this match {
case JsDefined(v) => Some(v)
case _ => None
def toEither: Either[ValidationError, JsValue] = this match {
case JsDefined(v) => Right(v)
case undef: JsUndefined => Left(undef.validationError)
def get: JsValue = toOption.get
def getOrElse(v: JsValue): JsValue = toOption.getOrElse(v)
def validate[A](implicit rds: Reads[A]) = this match {
case JsDefined(v) => v.validate[A]
case undef: JsUndefined => JsError(undef.validationError)
* If this result contains `JsNull` or is undefined, returns `JsSuccess(None)`.
* Otherwise returns the result of validating as an `A` and wrapping the result in a `Some`.
def validateOpt[A](implicit rds: Reads[A]): JsResult[Option[A]] = this match {
case JsUndefined() => JsSuccess(None)
case JsDefined(a) => Reads.optionWithNull(rds).reads(a)
object JsLookupResult {
import scala.language.implicitConversions
implicit def jsLookupResultToJsLookup(value: JsLookupResult): JsLookup = JsLookup(value)
* Wrapper for JsValue to represent an existing Json value.
case class JsDefined(value: JsValue) extends AnyVal with JsLookupResult
* Represent a missing Json value.
final class JsUndefined(err: => String) extends JsLookupResult {
def error = err
def validationError = ValidationError(error)
override def toString = "JsUndefined(" + err + ")"
object JsUndefined {
def apply(err: => String) = new JsUndefined(err)
def unapply(o: Object): Boolean = o.isInstanceOf[JsUndefined]
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