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play.json.extra.extra.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

The newest version!
package play.json.extra

import scala.language.experimental.macros
import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox
import play.api.libs.json._
import collection.immutable.ListMap
import scala.annotation.{StaticAnnotation, implicitNotFound}

//Name to be used to serialize this field
case class key(name: String) extends StaticAnnotation

  """could not find implicit value for parameter helper: play.api.libs.json.Reads[${T}]
could not find implicit value for parameter helper: play.json.extra.OptionValidationDispatcher[${T}]
import play.json.extra.implicits.optionWithNull // suggested
import play.json.extra.implicits.optionNoError // buggy play-json 2.3 behavior
final class OptionValidationDispatcher[T] private[extra](val validate: JsLookupResult => JsResult[T]) extends AnyVal

/** invariant Wrapper around play-json Writes to prevent ambiguity with ADT serialization */
NOTE: formatAdt requires InvariantFormat instead of Format as explicit return type of child class formatters
could not find implicit value of type play.json.extra.InvariantWrites[${T}]
trait InvariantWrites[T] extends Writes[T]

/** invariant Wrapper around play-json Reads to prevent ambiguity with ADT serialization */
trait InvariantReads[T] extends Reads[T]

/** invariant Wrapper around play-json Format to prevent ambiguity with ADT serialization */
trait InvariantFormat[T] extends Format[T] with InvariantReads[T] with InvariantWrites[T]

object `package` {
  implicit def nonOptionValidationDispatcher[T: Reads] = {
    new OptionValidationDispatcher(_.validate[T])

  implicit def optionValidationDispatcher[T](implicit reads: Reads[T]) = {
    new OptionValidationDispatcher(_.validateOpt[T])

  implicit class JsLookupResultExtensions(res: JsLookupResult) {
    properly validate Option and non-Option fields alike
    def validateAuto[T](implicit helper: OptionValidationDispatcher[T]): JsResult[T] = helper.validate(res)

    Backport of >2.4.1 validateOpt as an extension method
    def validateOpt[T](implicit reads: Reads[Option[T]]): JsResult[Option[T]] = res match {
      case JsUndefined() => JsSuccess(None.asInstanceOf[Option[T]])
      case JsDefined(a) => reads.reads(a)

  implicit class JsValueExtensions(res: JsValue) {
    properly validate Option and non-Option fields alike
    def validateAuto[T: OptionValidationDispatcher]: JsResult[T] = JsDefined(res).validateAuto[T]

    Backport of >2.4.1 validateOpt as an extension method
    def validateOpt[T: OptionValidationDispatcher](implicit reads: Reads[T]): JsResult[Option[T]] = JsDefined(res).validateOpt[T]


sealed trait AdtEncoder

object AdtEncoder {

  trait TypeTagAdtEncoder extends AdtEncoder {

    import scala.reflect.runtime.universe.TypeTag

    def extractClassJson[T: TypeTag](json: JsObject): Option[JsObject]

    def encodeObject[T: TypeTag]: JsValue

    def encodeClassType[T: TypeTag](json: JsObject): JsObject

  trait ClassTagAdtEncoder extends AdtEncoder {

    import scala.reflect.ClassTag

    def extractClassJson[T: ClassTag](json: JsObject): Option[JsObject]

    def encodeObject[T: ClassTag]: JsValue

    def encodeClassType[T: ClassTag](json: JsObject): JsObject

  object TypeAsField extends ClassTagAdtEncoder {

    import scala.reflect._

    def extractClassJson[T: ClassTag](json: JsObject) = {
      (json \ "type").toOption.collect { case JsString(s) if s == classTag[T].runtimeClass.getSimpleName => json }

    def encodeObject[T: ClassTag] = {

    def encodeClassType[T: ClassTag](json: JsObject) = {
      json ++ JsObject(Seq("type" -> JsString(classTag[T].runtimeClass.getSimpleName)))


private[extra] class Macros(val c: blackbox.Context) {

  import c.universe._

  val pkg = q""
  val pjson = q""

  case class Implicit(paramName: Name, paramType: Type, tpe: Type,
                      defaultValue: Option[Tree] = None,
                      serializedName: String = ""
                       ) {
    val name = paramName.decodedName.toString

  Generates a list of all known classes and traits in an inheritance tree.
  Includes the given class itself.
  Does not include subclasses of non-sealed classes and traits.
  private def knownTransitiveSubclasses(sym: ClassSymbol): Seq[ClassSymbol] = {
    sym +: (
      if (sym.isModuleClass) {
      } else {
        sym.knownDirectSubclasses.flatMap(s => knownTransitiveSubclasses(s.asClass))

  private def defaultValueForType(tpe:Type): Option[Tree] ={
    tpe match {
      case TypeRef(_, _, Nil) => None
      case TypeRef(_, cName, subs) => match {
                case "List" => Some(q"List.empty[${subs.head}]")
                case "Set" => Some(q"Set.empty[${subs.head}]")
                case "Seq" => Some(q"Seq.empty[${subs.head}]")
                case "Vector" => Some(q"Vector.empty[${subs.head}]")
                case "Option" => Some(q"None")
                case _ => None
      case _ =>

  private def caseClassFieldsTypes(tpe: Type): List[Implicit] = {
    val params = tpe.decls.collectFirst {
      case m: MethodSymbol if m.isPrimaryConstructor => m

    val companioned = tpe.typeSymbol
    val companionSymbol = companioned.companion
    val companionType = companionSymbol.typeSignature

    def createImplicit(name: Name, implType: c.universe.type#Type, field: Symbol, idx: Option[Int]) = {
      val (isRecursive, tpe) = implType match {
        case TypeRef(_, t, args) =>
          val isRec = args.exists(_.typeSymbol == companioned)
          // Option[_] needs special treatment because we need to use XXXOpt
          val tp = if (implType.typeConstructor <:< typeOf[Option[_]].typeConstructor) args.head else implType
          (isRec, tp)
        case TypeRef(_, t, _) =>
          (false, implType)

      val defaultValue: Option[Tree] = idx match {
        case Some(idx) =>
//          println(companionType.decls.toList)
          val defaultMethodOption = companionType.decls.toList.filter(_.isMethod).filter( == "$default$" + idx).headOption
          defaultMethodOption match {
            case Some(defaultMethod) =>
              Some(Select(Ident(companionSymbol), defaultMethod))
            case _ =>
        case _ => defaultValueForType(tpe)

      var attrName =
      if (field.annotations.nonEmpty) { {
          annotation =>
            annotation.tree match {
              case Apply(Select(New(tpe), _), List(Literal(Constant(unique)))) =>
                if (tpe.toString().endsWith(".key")) attrName = unique.toString
              case extra =>

      Implicit(name, implType, tpe, defaultValue, serializedName = attrName)
    } {
      case (param, idx) if param.asTerm.isParamWithDefault =>
        createImplicit(, param.typeSignature, param, Some(idx + 1))
      case (param, _) =>
        createImplicit(, param.typeSignature, param, None)

    //{ field =>
    //      println(showRaw(field))
    //      var
    //      if(field.annotations.nonEmpty){
    //          annotation =>
    //            annotation.tree match {
    //              case Apply(Select(New(tpe), _), List(Literal(Constant(unique)))) =>
    //                if(tpe.toString().endsWith(".key")) attrName=unique.toString
    //              case extra =>
    //            }
    //        }
    //      }
    ////      Implicit(, field.asType, attrName=attrName)
    //      (,
    //        attrName,
    //        field.typeSignature)
    //    }

  def formatCaseClass[T: c.WeakTypeTag](ev: Tree): Tree = {
    val T = c.weakTypeOf[T]
    if (!isCaseClass(T))
      c.error(c.enclosingPosition, s"not a case class: $T")

    val fieldTypes = caseClassFieldsTypes(T)
//    println(fieldTypes)
    val (results, mkResults) = {
      field =>
        val name = TermName(c.freshName)
        if (field.defaultValue.isDefined) {
            q"""val $name: JsResult[${field.paramType}] = {
            val path = (JsPath() \ ${field.serializedName})
            val resolved = path.asSingleJsResult(json)
            val result = (json \ ${field.serializedName}).validateAuto[${field.paramType}].repath(path)
            (resolved,result) match {
              case (_,result:JsSuccess[_]) => result
              case _ => JsSuccess(${field.defaultValue.get})

        } else {
            q"""val $name: JsResult[${field.paramType}] = {
            val path = (JsPath() \ ${field.serializedName})
            val resolved = path.asSingleJsResult(json)
            val result = (json \ ${field.serializedName}).validateAuto[${field.paramType}].repath(path)
            (resolved,result) match {
              case (_,result:JsSuccess[_]) => result
              case _ => resolved.flatMap(_ => result)


    val jsonFields = {
      field => q"""${Constant(field.serializedName)} -> Json.toJson[${field.paramType}](obj.${TermName(})(implicitly[Writes[${field.paramType}]])"""

    val res =
        import $pjson._
        import $pkg._
        new $pkg.InvariantFormat[$T]{
          def reads(json: JsValue) = {
            val errors = Seq[JsResult[_]](..$results).collect{
              case JsError(values) => values
                JsSuccess(new $T(..${ => q"$r.get")}))
              } catch {
                case e: =>
                  val sw = new
                  val pw = new
            } else JsError(errors)
          def writes(obj: $T) = JsObject(Seq[(String,JsValue)](..$jsonFields).filterNot(_._2 == JsNull))

//    println(res)

  def formatAdt[T: c.WeakTypeTag](encoder: Tree): Tree = {
    val T = c.weakTypeOf[T].typeSymbol.asClass

    val allSubs = knownTransitiveSubclasses(T)

    allSubs.foreach { sym =>
      lazy val modifiers = sym.toString.split(" ").dropRight(1).mkString
      if (!sym.isFinal && !sym.isSealed && !sym.isModuleClass) {
        c.error(c.enclosingPosition, s"required sealed or final, found $modifiers: ${sym.fullName}")
      if (!sym.isCaseClass && !sym.isAbstract) {
        c.error(c.enclosingPosition, s"required abstract, trait or case class, found $modifiers: ${sym.fullName}")

    val concreteSubs = allSubs.filterNot(_.isAbstract)

    // hack to detect breakage of knownDirectSubclasses as suggested in
    // and
    val global = c.universe.asInstanceOf[]
    def checkSubsPostTyper = if (allSubs != knownTransitiveSubclasses(T))
        s"""macro call formatAdt[$T] happend in a place, where typechecking of $T hasn't been completed yet.
Completion is required in order to find all subclasses (using .knownDirectSubclasses transitively).
Try moving the call into a separate file, a sibbling package, a separate sbt sub project or else.

    val checkSubsPostTyperTypTree =
      new global.TypeTreeWithDeferredRefCheck()(() => {

    val isModuleJson = (sym: ClassSymbol) =>
        (json: JsValue) => {
            _ == $encoder.encodeObject[$sym]

    val writes = {
      sym => if (sym.isModuleClass) {
        cq"`${TermName(}` => $encoder.encodeObject[$sym]" //
      } else {
        cq"""obj: $sym => {

    val (extractors, reads) = {
      sym =>
        val name = TermName(c.freshName)
        ( {
          val extractor = if (sym.isModuleClass) {
                (json: JsValue) =>
                  ${isModuleJson(sym)}(json).map(_ => JsSuccess(${sym.asClass.module}))
          } else {
                (json: JsValue) =>
          q"object $name extends $pkg.Extractor($extractor)"
          cq"""$name(json) => json"""

    val t =
        import $pjson._
        import $pkg._
        new $pkg.InvariantFormat[$T]{
          type T = $checkSubsPostTyperTypTree;
          def reads(json: JsValue) = {
            json match {
              case ..$reads
              case _ => throw new Exception("formatAdt failed to read as type "+${Literal(Constant(T.toString))}+s": $${json.getClass}$$json")
          def writes(obj: $T) = {
            obj match {
              case ..$writes
              case _ => throw new Exception("formatAdt failed to write as type "+${Literal(Constant(T.toString))}+s": $${obj.getClass}$$obj")

  protected def isCaseClass(tpe: Type)
  = tpe.typeSymbol.isClass && tpe.typeSymbol.asClass.isCaseClass

trait ImplicitCaseClassFormatDefault {
  implicit def formatCaseClass[T]
  (implicit ev: CaseClass[T])
  : InvariantFormat[T] = macro Macros.formatCaseClass[T]

object ImplicitCaseClassFormatDefault extends ImplicitCaseClassFormatDefault

object implicits {
  /** very simple optional field Reads that maps "null" to None */
  implicit def optionWithNull[T](implicit rds: Reads[T]): Reads[Option[T]] = Reads.optionWithNull[T]

  /** Stupidly reads a field as an Option mapping any error (format or missing field) to None */
  implicit def optionNoError[A](implicit reads: Reads[A]): Reads[Option[A]] = Reads.optionNoError[A]

class Extractor[T, R](f: T => Option[R]) {
  def unapply(arg: T): Option[R] = f(arg)

Type class for case classes
final class CaseClass[T]

object CaseClass {
  def checkCaseClassMacro[T: c.WeakTypeTag](c: blackbox.Context) = {
    import c.universe._
    val T = c.weakTypeOf[T]
      T.typeSymbol.isClass && T.typeSymbol.asClass.isCaseClass

  fails compilation if T is not a case class
  meaning this can be used as an implicit to check that a type is a case class
  implicit def checkCaseClass[T]: CaseClass[T] = macro checkCaseClassMacro[T]

object Jsonx {

  Generates a PlayJson Format[T] for a case class T with any number of fields (>22 included)
  def formatCaseClass[T]
  (implicit ev: CaseClass[T])
  : InvariantFormat[T]
  = macro Macros.formatCaseClass[T]

  Generates a PlayJson Format[T] for a sealed trait that only has case object children
  def formatAdt[T](encoder: AdtEncoder): InvariantFormat[T]
  = macro Macros.formatAdt[T]

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