zio.json.ast.JsonUtils.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2022-2023 Alberto Paro
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package zio.json.ast
import zio.Chunk
import zio.common.TraverseUtils
import zio.json._
import java.time.{ LocalDateTime, OffsetDateTime }
object JsonUtils {
def resolveSingleField[T: JsonDecoder](
json: Json,
field: String
): Option[Either[String, T]] =
resolveFieldMultiple(json, field).headOption
def resolveFieldMultiple[T: JsonDecoder](
json: Json,
field: String
): Chunk[Either[String, T]] = {
val tokens = field.split('.')
var terms: Chunk[Json] = keyValues(tokens.head, json)
tokens.tail.foreach(k => terms = terms.flatMap(j => keyValues(k, j)))
private def keyValues(key: String, json: Json): Chunk[Json] =
json match {
case Json.Obj(fields) => fields.filter(_._1 == key).map(_._2)
case Json.Arr(elements) => elements.flatMap(o => keyValues(key, o))
case _ => Chunk.empty
def mergeJsonList(items: List[Json]): Json = {
var json: Json = Json.Obj()
items.foreach { value =>
json = json.deepMerge(value)
def mapToJson(map: Map[_, _]): Json =
Json.Obj(map.toList.map { v =>
v._1.toString -> anyToJson(v._2)
}: _*)
def anyToJson(value: Any): Json = value match {
case v: Json => v
case None => Json.Null
case null => Json.Null
case Nil => Json.Arr()
case Some(x) => anyToJson(x)
case b: Boolean => Json.Bool(b)
case i: Int => Json.Num(i)
case i: Long => Json.Num(i)
case i: Float => Json.Num(i)
case i: Double => Json.Num(i)
// case i: BigDecimal => JsNumber(i)
case s: String => Json.Str(s)
case s: OffsetDateTime => Json.Str(s.toString)
case s: LocalDateTime => Json.Str(s.toString)
case x: Seq[_] => Json.Arr(x.map(anyToJson): _*)
case x: Set[_] => Json.Arr(x.map(anyToJson).toList: _*)
case x: Map[_, _] =>
Json.Obj(x.map { case (k, v) => k.toString -> anyToJson(v) }.toSeq: _*)
case default =>
throw InvalidJsonValue(s"$default not valid")
def jsToAny(value: Json): Any =
value match {
case Json.Obj(fields) =>
fields.toMap.map { case (name, jval) =>
name -> jsToAny(jval)
case Json.Arr(elements) => elements.map(p => jsToAny(p))
case Json.Bool(value) => value
case Json.Str(value) => value
case Json.Num(value) => value
case Json.Null => null
def jsClean(fields: (String, Json)*): Json =
Json.Obj(fields.filterNot(_._2 == Json.Null): _*)
def cleanValue(json: Json): Json =
json match {
case Json.Obj(fields) =>
if (fields.isEmpty)
case Json.Arr(elements) =>
val value = elements
if (value.isEmpty) {
} else {
value.map { curval =>
}.filterNot(_ == Json.Null)
case Json.Str(value) =>
val s = value
val strim = s.trim
if (strim.isEmpty)
else if (s == strim)
case x => x
def joClean(json: Json): Json = json match {
case Json.Obj(oFields) =>
val fields = oFields.map(v => v._1 -> cleanValue(v._2)).filterNot(_._2 == Json.Null)
if (fields.isEmpty) {
} else {
case x => x
* These functions are used to create Json objects from filtered sequences of
* (String, Json) tuples. When the Json in a tuple is Json.Null or JsUndefined
* or an empty Json.Obj, that tuple is considered not valid, and will be
* filtered out. Create a Json from `value`, which is valid if the `isValid`
* function applied to `value` is true.
def toJsonIfValid[T](value: T, isValid: T => Boolean)(implicit
enc: JsonEncoder[T]
): Either[String, Json] =
if (isValid(value)) enc.toJsonAST(value) else Right(Json.Null)
def toJsonIfFull[T](value: Seq[T])(implicit enc: JsonEncoder[T]): Either[String, Json] =
if (value.nonEmpty) TraverseUtils.traverse(value.map(enc.toJsonAST)).map(r => Json.Arr(r: _*)) else Right(Json.Null)
def toJsonIfFull[T, S](value: Seq[T], xform: T => S)(implicit
enc: JsonEncoder[S]
): Either[String, Json] =
if (value.nonEmpty) {
TraverseUtils.traverse(value.map(xform.andThen(enc.toJsonAST))).map(r => Json.Arr(r: _*))
} else Right(Json.Null)
* Create a Json from `xform` applied to `value`, which is valid if the
* `isValid` function applied to `value` is true.
def toJsonIfValid[T, S](value: T, isValid: T => Boolean, xform: T => S)(implicit
enc: JsonEncoder[S]
): Either[String, Json] =
if (isValid(value)) enc.toJsonAST(xform(value)) else Right(Json.Null)
* Create a Json from `value`, which is valid if `value` is not equal to
* `default`.
def toJsonIfNot[T](value: T, default: T)(implicit enc: JsonEncoder[T]): Either[String, Json] =
if (value != default) enc.toJsonAST(value) else Right(Json.Null)
* Create a Json from `xform` applied to `value`, which is valid if `value` is
* not equal to `default`.
def toJsonIfNot[T, S](value: T, default: T, xform: T => S)(implicit
enc: JsonEncoder[S]
): Either[String, Json] =
if (value != default) enc.toJsonAST(xform(value)) else Right(Json.Null)
* Determines if a property (String, Json) is valid, by testing the Json in
* the second item.
def isValidJsonProperty(property: (String, Json)): Boolean =
property._2 match {
case Json.Obj(fields) => fields.nonEmpty
case Json.Arr(elements) => elements.nonEmpty
case Json.Bool(value) => value
case Json.Null => false
case _ => true
* Filters a series of properties, keeping only the valid ones.
def filterValid(properties: (String, Json)*) =
* Create a Json object by filtering a series of properties.
def toJsonObject(properties: (String, Json)*): Json =
Json.Obj(filterValid(properties: _*): _*)
* Drop the entries with a null value if this is an object or array.
// def deepDropEmptyValues(src: Json): Json = {
// val folder = new Json.Folder[Json] {
// def onNull: Json = Json.Null
// def onBoolean(value: Boolean): Json = Json.Bool(value)
// def onNumber(value: JsonNumber): Json = Json.fromJsonNumber(value)
// def onString(value: String): Json = Json.Str(value)
// def onArray(value: Vector[Json]): Json = {
// val values = value.collect {
// case v if !v.isNull => v.foldWith(this)
// }
// if (values.nonEmpty)
// Json.Arr(values)
// else
// Json.Null
// }
// def onObject(value: Json.Obj): Json = {
// val jsonObject = value.filter { case (_, v) => !v.isNull }.mapValues(_.foldWith(this))
// if (jsonObject.nonEmpty)
// Json.fromJsonObject(jsonObject)
// else
// Json.Null
// }
// }
// src.foldWith(folder).deepDropNullValues
// }
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