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org.apache.jmeter.samplers.SampleResult Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.apache.jmeter.samplers;

import org.apache.jmeter.assertions.AssertionResult;
import org.apache.jmeter.gui.Searchable;
import org.apache.jmeter.testelement.TestPlan;
import org.apache.jmeter.threads.JMeterContext.TestLogicalAction;
import org.apache.jmeter.threads.JMeterContextService;
import org.apache.jmeter.util.JMeterUtils;
import org.apache.jorphan.util.JOrphanUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

// For unit tests, @see TestSampleResult

 * This is a nice packaging for the various information returned from taking a
 * sample of an entry.
public class SampleResult implements Serializable, Cloneable, Searchable {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 241L;

    // Needs to be accessible from Test code
    static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SampleResult.class);

     * The default encoding to be used if not overridden.
     * The value is ISO-8859-1.
    public static final String DEFAULT_HTTP_ENCODING =;

    private static final String OK_CODE = Integer.toString(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK);
    private static final String OK_MSG = "OK"; // $NON-NLS-1$
    private static final String INVALID_CALL_SEQUENCE_MSG = "Invalid call sequence"; // $NON-NLS-1$

    // Bug 33196 - encoding ISO-8859-1 is only suitable for Western countries
    // However the suggested System.getProperty("file.encoding") is Cp1252 on
    // Windows
    // So use a new property with the original value as default
    // needs to be accessible from test code
     * The default encoding to be used to decode the responseData byte array.
     * The value is defined by the property "sampleresult.default.encoding"
     * with a default of DEFAULT_HTTP_ENCODING if that is not defined.
    protected static final String DEFAULT_ENCODING
            = JMeterUtils.getPropDefault("sampleresult.default.encoding", // $NON-NLS-1$

     * The default used by {@link #setResponseData(String, String)}
    private static final String DEFAULT_CHARSET = Charset.defaultCharset().name();

     * Data type value ({@value}) indicating that the response data is text.
     * @see #getDataType
     * @see #setDataType(java.lang.String)
    public static final String TEXT = "text"; // $NON-NLS-1$

     * Data type value ({@value}) indicating that the response data is binary.
     * @see #getDataType
     * @see #setDataType(java.lang.String)
    public static final String BINARY = "bin"; // $NON-NLS-1$

    private static final boolean DISABLE_SUBRESULTS_RENAMING = JMeterUtils.getPropDefault("subresults.disable_renaming", false);

    // List of types that are known to be binary
    private static final String[] BINARY_TYPES = {
            "image/",       //$NON-NLS-1$
            "audio/",       //$NON-NLS-1$
            "video/",       //$NON-NLS-1$

    // List of types that are known to be ascii, although they may appear to be binary
    private static final String[] NON_BINARY_TYPES = {
            "audio/x-mpegurl",  //$NON-NLS-1$ (HLS Media Manifest)
            "audio/mpegurl",    //$NON-NLS-1$ (HLS Media Manifest)
            "video/f4m",        //$NON-NLS-1$ (Flash Media Manifest)
            "image/svg+xml"     //$NON-NLS-1$ (SVG is xml)

     * empty array which can be returned instead of null
    private static final byte[] EMPTY_BA = new byte[0];

    private static final SampleResult[] EMPTY_SR = new SampleResult[0];

    private static final AssertionResult[] EMPTY_AR = new AssertionResult[0];

    private static final boolean START_TIMESTAMP =
            JMeterUtils.getPropDefault("sampleresult.timestamp.start", false);  // $NON-NLS-1$

     * Allow read-only access from test code
    private static final boolean USE_NANO_TIME =
            JMeterUtils.getPropDefault("sampleresult.useNanoTime", true);  // $NON-NLS-1$

     * How long between checks of nanotime; default 5000ms; set to <=0 to disable the thread
    private static final long NANOTHREAD_SLEEP =
            JMeterUtils.getPropDefault("sampleresult.nanoThreadSleep", 5000);  // $NON-NLS-1$

    private static final String NULL_FILENAME = "NULL";

    static {
        if (START_TIMESTAMP) {
  "Note: Sample TimeStamps are START times");
        } else {
  "Note: Sample TimeStamps are END times");
        }"sampleresult.default.encoding is set to {}", DEFAULT_ENCODING);"sampleresult.useNanoTime={}", USE_NANO_TIME);"sampleresult.nanoThreadSleep={}", NANOTHREAD_SLEEP);

        if (USE_NANO_TIME && NANOTHREAD_SLEEP > 0) {
            // Make sure we start with a reasonable value
            NanoOffset.nanoOffset = System.currentTimeMillis() - SampleResult.sampleNsClockInMs();
            NanoOffset nanoOffset = new NanoOffset();

     * 定制自定义添加 =================
    private String samplerId;

    private String resourceId;

    private String extVars;

    public String getSamplerId() {
        return this.samplerId;

    public String getResourceId() {
        return this.resourceId;

    // 数据格式 List 多层父级按照同级统计
    private String scenario;

    public String getScenario() {
        return this.scenario;

    public void setExtVars(String vars) {
        this.extVars = vars;

    public String getExtVars() {
        return this.extVars;

     * 定制自定义添加 =================
    private SampleSaveConfiguration saveConfig;

    private SampleResult parent;

    private byte[] responseData = EMPTY_BA;

    private String responseCode = "";// Never return null

    private String label = "";// Never return null

    /** Filename used by ResultSaver */
    private String resultFileName = "";

    /** The data used by the sampler */
    private String samplerData;

    private String threadName = ""; // Never return null

    private String responseMessage = "";

    private String responseHeaders = ""; // Never return null

    private String requestHeaders = "";

     * timeStamp == 0 means either not yet initialised or no stamp available (e.g. when loading a results file)
     * the time stamp - can be start or end
    private long timeStamp = 0;

    private long startTime = 0;

    private long endTime = 0;

    private long idleTime = 0;// Allow for non-sample time

    /** Start of pause (if any) */
    private long pauseTime = 0;

    private List assertionResults;

    private List subResults;

     * The data type of the sample
     * @see #getDataType()
     * @see #setDataType(String)
     * @see #TEXT
     * @see #BINARY
    private String dataType = ""; // Don't return null if not set

    private boolean success;

     * Files that this sample has been saved in.
     * In Non GUI mode and when best config is used, size never exceeds 1,
     * but as a compromise set it to 2
    private final Set files = ConcurrentHashMap.newKeySet(2);

    // TODO do contentType and/or dataEncoding belong in HTTPSampleResult instead?
    private String dataEncoding;// (is this really the character set?) e.g.
    // ISO-8895-1, UTF-8

    private String contentType = ""; // e.g. text/html; charset=utf-8

    /** elapsed time */
    private long elapsedTime = 0;

    /** time to first response */
    private long latency = 0;

    /** time to end connecting */
    private long connectTime = 0;

    /** Way to signal what to do on Test */
    private TestLogicalAction testLogicalAction = TestLogicalAction.CONTINUE;

    /** Should thread terminate? */
    private boolean stopThread = false;

    /** Should test terminate? */
    private boolean stopTest = false;

    /** Should test terminate abruptly? */
    private boolean stopTestNow = false;

    private int sampleCount = 1;

    private long bytes = 0; // Allows override of sample size in case sampler does not want to store all the data

    private int headersSize = 0;

    private long bodySize = 0;

    /** Currently active threads in this thread group */
    private volatile int groupThreads = 0;

    /** Currently active threads in all thread groups */
    private volatile int allThreads = 0;

    private final long nanoTimeOffset;

    // Allow testcode access to the settings
    final boolean useNanoTime;

    final long nanoThreadSleep;

    private long sentBytes;

    private URL location;

    private transient boolean ignore;

    private transient int subResultIndex;

     * Cache for responseData as string to avoid multiple computations
    private transient volatile String responseDataAsString;

    public SampleResult() {

    // Allow test code to change the default useNanoTime setting
    SampleResult(boolean nanoTime) {
        this(nanoTime, NANOTHREAD_SLEEP);

    // Allow test code to change the default useNanoTime and nanoThreadSleep settings
    SampleResult(boolean nanoTime, long nanoThreadSleep) {
        this.elapsedTime = 0;
        this.useNanoTime = nanoTime;
        this.nanoThreadSleep = nanoThreadSleep;
        this.nanoTimeOffset = initOffset();
        // 增加请求ID的获取
        Sampler sampler = JMeterContextService.getContext().getCurrentSampler();
        if (sampler != null) {
            this.samplerId = sampler.getPropertyAsString("MS-ID");
            this.resourceId = sampler.getPropertyAsString("MS-RESOURCE-ID");
            this.scenario = sampler.getPropertyAsString("MS-SCENARIO");


     * Copy constructor.
     * @param res existing sample result
    public SampleResult(SampleResult res) {
        allThreads = res.allThreads;//OK
        assertionResults = res.assertionResults;
        bytes = res.bytes;
        headersSize = res.headersSize;
        bodySize = res.bodySize;
        contentType = res.contentType;//OK
        dataEncoding = res.dataEncoding;//OK
        dataType = res.dataType;//OK
        endTime = res.endTime;//OK
        // files is created automatically, and applies per instance
        groupThreads = res.groupThreads;//OK
        idleTime = res.idleTime;
        label = res.label;//OK
        latency = res.latency;
        connectTime = res.connectTime;
        location = res.location;//OK
        parent = res.parent;
        pauseTime = res.pauseTime;
        requestHeaders = res.requestHeaders;//OK
        responseCode = res.responseCode;//OK
        responseData = res.responseData;//OK
        responseDataAsString = null;
        responseHeaders = res.responseHeaders;//OK
        responseMessage = res.responseMessage;//OK

        // Don't copy this; it is per instance resultFileName = res.resultFileName;

        sampleCount = res.sampleCount;
        samplerData = res.samplerData;
        saveConfig = res.saveConfig;
        sentBytes = res.sentBytes;
        startTime = res.startTime;//OK
        stopTest = res.stopTest;
        stopTestNow = res.stopTestNow;
        stopThread = res.stopThread;
        testLogicalAction = res.testLogicalAction;
        subResults = res.subResults;
        success = res.success;//OK
        threadName = res.threadName;//OK
        elapsedTime = res.elapsedTime;
        timeStamp = res.timeStamp;

     * Create a sample with a specific elapsed time but don't allow the times to
     * be changed later
     * (only used by HTTPSampleResult)
     * @param elapsed
     *            time
     * @param atend
     *            create the sample finishing now, else starting now
    protected SampleResult(long elapsed, boolean atend) {
        long now = currentTimeInMillis();
        if (atend) {
            setTimes(now - elapsed, now);
        } else {
            setTimes(now, now + elapsed);

     * Allow users to create a sample with specific timestamp and elapsed times
     * for cloning purposes, but don't allow the times to be changed later

* Currently used by CSVSaveService and * StatisticalSampleResult * * @param stamp this may be a start time or an end time (both in * milliseconds) * @param elapsed time in milliseconds */ public SampleResult(long stamp, long elapsed) { this(); stampAndTime(stamp, elapsed); } private long initOffset() { if (useNanoTime) { return nanoThreadSleep > 0 ? NanoOffset.getNanoOffset() : System.currentTimeMillis() - sampleNsClockInMs(); } else { return Long.MIN_VALUE; } } /** * @param propertiesToSave * The propertiesToSave to set. */ public void setSaveConfig(SampleSaveConfiguration propertiesToSave) { this.saveConfig = propertiesToSave; } public SampleSaveConfiguration getSaveConfig() { return saveConfig; } public boolean isStampedAtStart() { return START_TIMESTAMP; } /** * Create a sample with specific start and end times for test purposes, but * don't allow the times to be changed later * * (used by StatVisualizerModel.Test) * * @param start * start time in milliseconds since unix epoch * @param end * end time in milliseconds since unix epoch * @return sample with given start and end time */ public static SampleResult createTestSample(long start, long end) { SampleResult res = new SampleResult(); res.setStartTime(start); res.setEndTime(end); return res; } /** * Create a sample with a specific elapsed time for test purposes, but don't * allow the times to be changed later * * @param elapsed * - desired elapsed time in milliseconds * @return sample that starts 'now' and ends elapsed milliseconds later */ public static SampleResult createTestSample(long elapsed) { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); return createTestSample(now, now + elapsed); } private static long sampleNsClockInMs() { return System.nanoTime() / 1000000; } /** * Helper method to get 1 ms resolution timing. * * @return the current time in milliseconds * @throws RuntimeException * when useNanoTime is true but * nanoTimeOffset is not set */ public long currentTimeInMillis() { if (useNanoTime) { if (nanoTimeOffset == Long.MIN_VALUE) { throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid call; nanoTimeOffset has not been set"); } return sampleNsClockInMs() + nanoTimeOffset; } return System.currentTimeMillis(); } // Helper method to maintain timestamp relationships private void stampAndTime(long stamp, long elapsed) { if (START_TIMESTAMP) { startTime = stamp; endTime = stamp + elapsed; } else { startTime = stamp - elapsed; endTime = stamp; } timeStamp = stamp; elapsedTime = elapsed; } /** * For use by SaveService only. * * @param stamp * this may be a start time or an end time (both in milliseconds) * @param elapsed * time in milliseconds * @throws RuntimeException * when startTime or endTime has been * set already */ public void setStampAndTime(long stamp, long elapsed) { if (startTime != 0 || endTime != 0) { throw new IllegalStateException("Calling setStampAndTime() after start/end times have been set"); } stampAndTime(stamp, elapsed); } /** * Set the "marked" flag to show that the result has been written to the file. * * @param filename the name of the file * @return true if the result was previously marked */ public boolean markFile(String filename) { return !files.add(filename != null ? filename : NULL_FILENAME); } public String getResponseCode() { return responseCode; } /** * Set response code to OK, i.e. "200" * */ public void setResponseCodeOK() { responseCode = OK_CODE; } public void setResponseCode(String code) { responseCode = code; } public boolean isResponseCodeOK() { return responseCode.equals(OK_CODE); } public String getResponseMessage() { return responseMessage; } public void setResponseMessage(String msg) { responseMessage = msg; } public void setResponseMessageOK() { responseMessage = OK_MSG; } /** * Set result statuses OK - shorthand method to set: *

  • ResponseCode
  • *
  • ResponseMessage
  • *
  • Successful status
  • *
*/ public void setResponseOK() { setResponseCodeOK(); setResponseMessageOK(); setSuccessful(true); } public String getThreadName() { return threadName; } public void setThreadName(String threadName) { this.threadName = threadName; } /** * Get the sample timestamp, which may be either the start time or the end time. * * @see #getStartTime() * @see #getEndTime() * * @return timeStamp in milliseconds */ public long getTimeStamp() { return timeStamp; } public String getSampleLabel() { return label; } /** * Get the sample label for use in summary reports etc. * * @param includeGroup whether to include the thread group name * @return the label */ public String getSampleLabel(boolean includeGroup) { if (includeGroup) { // while JMeters own samplers always set the threadName, that might not be the case for plugins int lastSpacePos = Math.max(0, threadName.lastIndexOf(' ')); return threadName.substring(0, lastSpacePos) + ":" + label; } return label; } public void setSampleLabel(String label) { this.label = label; } public void addAssertionResult(AssertionResult assertResult) { if (assertionResults == null) { assertionResults = new ArrayList<>(); } assertionResults.add(assertResult); } /** * Gets the assertion results associated with this sample. * * @return an array containing the assertion results for this sample. * Returns empty array if there are no assertion results. */ public AssertionResult[] getAssertionResults() { if (assertionResults == null) { return EMPTY_AR; } return assertionResults.toArray(new AssertionResult[assertionResults.size()]); } /** * Add a subresult and adjust the parent byte count and end-time. * * @param subResult * the {@link SampleResult} to be added */ public void addSubResult(SampleResult subResult) { addSubResult(subResult, isRenameSampleLabel()); } /** * see * @return true if TestPlan is in functional mode or property subresults.disable_renaming is true */ public static boolean isRenameSampleLabel() { return !(TestPlan.getFunctionalMode() || DISABLE_SUBRESULTS_RENAMING); } /** * Add a subresult and adjust the parent byte count and end-time. * * @param subResult * the {@link SampleResult} to be added * @param renameSubResults boolean do we rename subResults based on position */ public void addSubResult(SampleResult subResult, boolean renameSubResults) { if (subResult == null) { // see return; } String tn = getThreadName(); if (tn.length() == 0) { tn = Thread.currentThread().getName(); this.setThreadName(tn); } subResult.setThreadName(tn); // Extend the time to the end of the added sample setEndTime(Math.max(getEndTime(), subResult.getEndTime() + nanoTimeOffset - subResult.nanoTimeOffset)); // Bug 51855 // Include the byte count for the added sample setBytes(getBytesAsLong() + subResult.getBytesAsLong()); setSentBytes(getSentBytes() + subResult.getSentBytes()); setHeadersSize(getHeadersSize() + subResult.getHeadersSize()); setBodySize(getBodySizeAsLong() + subResult.getBodySizeAsLong()); addRawSubResult(subResult, renameSubResults); } /** * Add a subresult to the collection without updating any parent fields. * * @param subResult * the {@link SampleResult} to be added */ public void addRawSubResult(SampleResult subResult) { storeSubResult(subResult, isRenameSampleLabel()); } /** * Add a subresult to the collection without updating any parent fields. * * @param subResult * the {@link SampleResult} to be added */ private void addRawSubResult(SampleResult subResult, boolean renameSubResults) { storeSubResult(subResult, renameSubResults); } /** * Add a subresult read from a results file. *

* As for {@link SampleResult#addSubResult(SampleResult) * addSubResult(SampleResult)}, except that the fields don't need to be * accumulated * * @param subResult * the {@link SampleResult} to be added */ public void storeSubResult(SampleResult subResult) { storeSubResult(subResult, isRenameSampleLabel()); } /** * Add a subresult read from a results file. *

* As for {@link SampleResult#addSubResult(SampleResult) * addSubResult(SampleResult)}, except that the fields don't need to be * accumulated * * @param subResult * the {@link SampleResult} to be added * @param renameSubResults boolean do we rename subResults based on position */ public void storeSubResult(SampleResult subResult, boolean renameSubResults) { if (subResults == null) { subResults = new ArrayList<>(); } if (renameSubResults) { subResult.setSampleLabel(getSampleLabel() + "-" + subResultIndex++); } subResults.add(subResult); subResult.setParent(this); } /** * Gets the subresults associated with this sample. * * @return an array containing the subresults for this sample. Returns an * empty array if there are no subresults. */ public SampleResult[] getSubResults() { if (subResults == null) { return EMPTY_SR; } return subResults.toArray(new SampleResult[subResults.size()]); } /** * Sets the responseData attribute of the SampleResult object. * * If the parameter is null, then the responseData is set to an empty byte array. * This ensures that getResponseData() can never be null. * * @param response * the new responseData value */ public void setResponseData(byte[] response) { responseDataAsString = null; responseData = response == null ? EMPTY_BA : response; } /** * Sets the responseData attribute of the SampleResult object. * Should only be called after setting the dataEncoding (if necessary) * * @param response * the new responseData value (String) * * @deprecated - only intended for use from BeanShell code */ @Deprecated public void setResponseData(String response) { responseDataAsString = null; try { responseData = response.getBytes(getDataEncodingWithDefault()); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { log.warn("Could not convert string, using default encoding. {}", e.getLocalizedMessage()); responseData = response.getBytes(Charset.defaultCharset()); // N.B. default charset is used deliberately here } } /** * Sets the encoding and responseData attributes of the SampleResult object. * * @param response the new responseData value (String) * @param encoding the encoding to set and then use (if null, use platform default) * */ public void setResponseData(final String response, final String encoding) { responseDataAsString = null; String encodeUsing = encoding != null ? encoding : DEFAULT_CHARSET; try { responseData = response.getBytes(encodeUsing); setDataEncoding(encodeUsing); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { log.warn("Could not convert string using '{}', using default encoding: {}", encodeUsing, DEFAULT_CHARSET, e); responseData = response.getBytes(Charset.defaultCharset()); // N.B. default charset is used deliberately here setDataEncoding(DEFAULT_CHARSET); } } /** * Gets the responseData attribute of the SampleResult object. *

* Note that some samplers may not store all the data, in which case * getResponseData().length will be incorrect. * * Instead, always use {@link #getBytes()} to obtain the sample result byte count. *

* @return the responseData value (cannot be null) */ public byte[] getResponseData() { return responseData; } /** * Gets the responseData of the SampleResult object as a String * * @return the responseData value as a String, converted according to the encoding */ public String getResponseDataAsString() { try { if (responseDataAsString == null) { responseDataAsString = new String(responseData, getDataEncodingWithDefault()); } return responseDataAsString; } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { log.warn("Using platform default as {} caused {}", getDataEncodingWithDefault(), e.getLocalizedMessage()); return new String(responseData, Charset.defaultCharset()); // N.B. default charset is used deliberately here } } public void setSamplerData(String s) { samplerData = s; } public String getSamplerData() { return samplerData; } /** * Get the time it took this sample to occur. * * @return elapsed time in milliseconds * */ public long getTime() { return elapsedTime; } public boolean isSuccessful() { return success; } /** * Sets the data type of the sample. * @param dataType String containing {@link #BINARY} or {@link #TEXT} * @see #BINARY * @see #TEXT */ public void setDataType(String dataType) { this.dataType = dataType; } /** * Returns the data type of the sample. * * @return String containing {@link #BINARY} or {@link #TEXT} or the empty string * @see #BINARY * @see #TEXT */ public String getDataType() { return dataType; } /** * Extract and save the DataEncoding and DataType from the parameter provided. * Does not save the full content Type. * @see #setContentType(String) which should be used to save the full content-type string * * @param ct - content type (may be null) */ public void setEncodingAndType(String ct) { if (ct != null) { // Extract charset and store as DataEncoding // N.B. The meta tag: // // is now processed by HTTPSampleResult#getDataEncodingWithDefault final String charsetPrefix = "charset="; // $NON-NLS-1$ int cset = ct.toLowerCase(java.util.Locale.ENGLISH).indexOf(charsetPrefix); if (cset >= 0) { String charSet = ct.substring(cset + charsetPrefix.length()); // handle: ContentType: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed int semiColon = charSet.indexOf(';'); if (semiColon >= 0) { charSet = charSet.substring(0, semiColon); } // Check for quoted string if (charSet.startsWith("\"") || charSet.startsWith("\'")) { // $NON-NLS-1$ setDataEncoding(charSet.substring(1, charSet.length() - 1)); // remove quotes } else { setDataEncoding(charSet); } } if (isBinaryType(ct)) { setDataType(BINARY); } else { setDataType(TEXT); } } } /* * Determine if content-type is known to be binary, i.e. not displayable as text. * * @param ct content type * @return true if content-type is of type binary. */ public static boolean isBinaryType(String ct) { for (String entry : NON_BINARY_TYPES) { if (ct.startsWith(entry)) { return false; } } for (String binaryType : BINARY_TYPES) { if (ct.startsWith(binaryType)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Sets the successful attribute of the SampleResult object. * * @param success * the new successful value */ public void setSuccessful(boolean success) { this.success = success; } /** * Returns the display name. * * @return display name of this sample result */ @Override public String toString() { return getSampleLabel(); } /** * Returns the dataEncoding or the default if no dataEncoding was provided. * * @return the value of the dataEncoding or DEFAULT_ENCODING */ public String getDataEncodingWithDefault() { return getDataEncodingWithDefault(DEFAULT_ENCODING); } /** * Returns the dataEncoding or the default if no dataEncoding was provided. * * @param defaultEncoding the default to be applied * @return the value of the dataEncoding or the provided default */ protected String getDataEncodingWithDefault(String defaultEncoding) { if (dataEncoding != null && dataEncoding.length() > 0) { return dataEncoding; } return defaultEncoding; } /** * Returns the dataEncoding. May be null or the empty String. * @return the value of the dataEncoding */ public String getDataEncodingNoDefault() { return dataEncoding; } /** * Sets the dataEncoding. * * @param dataEncoding * the dataEncoding to set, e.g. ISO-8895-1, UTF-8 */ public void setDataEncoding(String dataEncoding) { this.dataEncoding = dataEncoding; } /** * @return whether to stop the test waiting for current running Sampler to end */ public boolean isStopTest() { return stopTest; } /** * @return whether to stop the test now interrupting current running samplers */ public boolean isStopTestNow() { return stopTestNow; } /** * @return whether to stop this thread */ public boolean isStopThread() { return stopThread; } public void setStopTest(boolean b) { stopTest = b; } public void setStopTestNow(boolean b) { stopTestNow = b; } public void setStopThread(boolean b) { stopThread = b; } /** * @return the request headers */ public String getRequestHeaders() { return requestHeaders; } /** * @return the response headers */ public String getResponseHeaders() { return responseHeaders; } /** * @param string - * request headers */ public void setRequestHeaders(String string) { requestHeaders = string; } /** * @param string - * response headers */ public void setResponseHeaders(String string) { responseHeaders = string; } /** * @return the full content type - e.g. text/html [;charset=utf-8 ] */ public String getContentType() { return contentType; } /** * Get the media type from the Content Type * @return the media type - e.g. text/html (without charset, if any) */ public String getMediaType() { return JOrphanUtils.trim(contentType, " ;").toLowerCase(java.util.Locale.ENGLISH); } /** * Stores the content-type string, e.g. text/xml; charset=utf-8 * @see #setEncodingAndType(String) which can be used to extract the charset. * * @param string the content-type to be set */ public void setContentType(String string) { contentType = string; } /** * @return idleTime */ public long getIdleTime() { return idleTime; } /** * @return the end time */ public long getEndTime() { return endTime; } /** * @return the start time */ public long getStartTime() { return startTime; } /* * Helper methods N.B. setStartTime must be called before setEndTime * * setStartTime is used by HTTPSampleResult to clone the parent sampler and * allow the original start time to be kept */ public void setStartTime(long start) { startTime = start; if (START_TIMESTAMP) { timeStamp = startTime; } } public void setEndTime(long end) { endTime = end; if (!START_TIMESTAMP) { timeStamp = endTime; } if (startTime == 0) { log.error("setEndTime must be called after setStartTime", new Throwable(INVALID_CALL_SEQUENCE_MSG)); } else { elapsedTime = endTime - startTime - idleTime; } } /** * Set idle time pause. * For use by SampleResultConverter/CSVSaveService. * @param idle long */ public void setIdleTime(long idle) { idleTime = idle; } private void setTimes(long start, long end) { setStartTime(start); setEndTime(end); } /** * Record the start time of a sample * */ public void sampleStart() { if (startTime == 0) { setStartTime(currentTimeInMillis()); } else { log.error("sampleStart called twice", new Throwable(INVALID_CALL_SEQUENCE_MSG)); } } /** * Record the end time of a sample and calculate the elapsed time * */ public void sampleEnd() { if (endTime == 0) { setEndTime(currentTimeInMillis()); } else { log.error("sampleEnd called twice", new Throwable(INVALID_CALL_SEQUENCE_MSG)); } } /** * Pause a sample * */ public void samplePause() { if (pauseTime != 0) { log.error("samplePause called twice", new Throwable(INVALID_CALL_SEQUENCE_MSG)); } pauseTime = currentTimeInMillis(); } /** * Resume a sample * */ public void sampleResume() { if (pauseTime == 0) { log.error("sampleResume without samplePause", new Throwable(INVALID_CALL_SEQUENCE_MSG)); } idleTime += currentTimeInMillis() - pauseTime; pauseTime = 0; } /** * When a Sampler is working as a monitor * * @param monitor * flag whether this sampler is working as a monitor * * @deprecated since 3.2 NOOP */ @Deprecated public void setMonitor(boolean monitor) { // NOOP } /** * If the sampler is a monitor, method will return true. * * @return true if the sampler is a monitor * @deprecated since 3.2 always return false */ @Deprecated public boolean isMonitor() { return false; } /** * The statistical sample sender aggregates several samples to save on * transmission costs. * * @param count number of samples represented by this instance */ public void setSampleCount(int count) { sampleCount = count; } /** * return the sample count. by default, the value is 1. * * @return the sample count */ public int getSampleCount() { return sampleCount; } /** * Returns the count of errors. * * @return 0 - or 1 if the sample failed * * TODO do we need allow for nested samples? */ public int getErrorCount() { return success ? 0 : 1; } public void setErrorCount(int i) {// for reading from CSV files // ignored currently } /* * TODO: error counting needs to be sorted out. * * At present the Statistical Sampler tracks errors separately * It would make sense to move the error count here, but this would * mean lots of changes. * It's also tricky maintaining the count - it can't just be incremented/decremented * when the success flag is set as this may be done multiple times. * The work-round for now is to do the work in the StatisticalSampleResult, * which overrides this method. * Note that some JMS samplers also create samples with > 1 sample count * Also the Transaction Controller probably needs to be changed to do * proper sample and error accounting. * The purpose of this work-round is to allow at least minimal support for * errors in remote statistical batch mode. * */ /** * In the event the sampler does want to pass back the actual contents, we * still want to calculate the throughput. The bytes are the bytes of the * response data. * * @param length * the number of bytes of the response data for this sample */ public void setBytes(long length) { bytes = length; } /** * In the event the sampler does want to pass back the actual contents, we * still want to calculate the throughput. The bytes are the bytes of the * response data. * * @param length * the number of bytes of the response data for this sample * @deprecated use setBytes(long) */ @Deprecated public void setBytes(int length) { setBytes((long) length); } /** * * @param sentBytesCount long sent bytes */ public void setSentBytes(long sentBytesCount) { sentBytes = sentBytesCount; } /** * @return the sentBytes */ public long getSentBytes() { return sentBytes; } /** * return the bytes returned by the response. * * @return byte count * @deprecated use getBytesAsLong */ @Deprecated public int getBytes() { return (int) getBytesAsLong(); } /** * return the bytes returned by the response. * * @return byte count */ public long getBytesAsLong() { long tmpSum = this.getHeadersSize() + this.getBodySizeAsLong(); return tmpSum == 0 ? bytes : tmpSum; } /** * @return Returns the latency. */ public long getLatency() { return latency; } /** * Set the time to the first response * */ public void latencyEnd() { latency = currentTimeInMillis() - startTime - idleTime; } /** * This is only intended for use by SampleResultConverter! * * @param latency * The latency to set. */ public void setLatency(long latency) { this.latency = latency; } /** * @return Returns the connect time. */ public long getConnectTime() { return connectTime; } /** * Set the time to the end of connecting */ public void connectEnd() { connectTime = currentTimeInMillis() - startTime - idleTime; } /** * This is only intended for use by SampleResultConverter! * * @param time The connect time to set. */ public void setConnectTime(long time) { this.connectTime = time; } /** * This is only intended for use by SampleResultConverter! * * @param timeStamp * The timeStamp to set. */ public void setTimeStamp(long timeStamp) { this.timeStamp = timeStamp; } public void setURL(URL location) { this.location = location; } public URL getURL() { return location; } /** * Get a String representation of the URL (if defined). * * @return ExternalForm of URL, or empty string if url is null */ public String getUrlAsString() { return location == null ? "" : location.toExternalForm(); } /** * @return Returns the parent. */ public SampleResult getParent() { return parent; } /** * @param parent * The parent to set. */ public void setParent(SampleResult parent) { this.parent = parent; } public String getResultFileName() { return resultFileName; } public void setResultFileName(String resultFileName) { this.resultFileName = resultFileName; } public int getGroupThreads() { return groupThreads; } public void setGroupThreads(int n) { this.groupThreads = n; } public int getAllThreads() { return allThreads; } public void setAllThreads(int n) { this.allThreads = n; } // Bug 47394 /** * Allow custom SampleSenders to drop unwanted assertionResults */ public void removeAssertionResults() { this.assertionResults = null; } /** * Allow custom SampleSenders to drop unwanted subResults */ public void removeSubResults() { this.subResults = null; } /** * Set the headers size in bytes * * @param size * the number of bytes of the header */ public void setHeadersSize(int size) { this.headersSize = size; } /** * Get the headers size in bytes * * @return the headers size */ public int getHeadersSize() { return headersSize; } /** * @return the body size in bytes * @deprecated replaced by getBodySizeAsLong() */ @Deprecated public int getBodySize() { return (int) getBodySizeAsLong(); } /** * @return the body size in bytes */ public long getBodySizeAsLong() { return bodySize == 0 ? responseData.length : bodySize; } /** * @param bodySize the body size to set */ public void setBodySize(long bodySize) { this.bodySize = bodySize; } /** * @param bodySize the body size to set * @deprecated use setBodySize(long) */ @Deprecated public void setBodySize(int bodySize) { this.bodySize = bodySize; } private static class NanoOffset extends Thread { private static volatile long nanoOffset; static long getNanoOffset() { return nanoOffset; } @Override public void run() { // Wait longer than a clock pulse (generally 10-15ms) getOffset(30L); // Catch an early clock pulse to reduce slop. while(true) { getOffset(NANOTHREAD_SLEEP); // Can now afford to wait a bit longer between checks } } private static void getOffset(long wait) { try { TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.sleep(wait); long clock = System.currentTimeMillis(); long nano = SampleResult.sampleNsClockInMs(); nanoOffset = clock - nano; } catch (InterruptedException ignore) { // ignored Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } } } /** * @return the startNextThreadLoop * @deprecated use {@link SampleResult#getTestLogicalAction()} */ @Deprecated public boolean isStartNextThreadLoop() { return testLogicalAction == TestLogicalAction.START_NEXT_ITERATION_OF_THREAD; } /** * @deprecated use SampleResult#setTestLogicalAction(TestLogicalAction) * @param startNextThreadLoop the startNextLoop to set */ @Deprecated public void setStartNextThreadLoop(boolean startNextThreadLoop) { if(startNextThreadLoop) { testLogicalAction = TestLogicalAction.START_NEXT_ITERATION_OF_THREAD; } else { testLogicalAction = TestLogicalAction.CONTINUE; } } /** * Clean up cached data */ public void cleanAfterSample() { this.responseDataAsString = null; } @Override public Object clone() { try { return super.clone(); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("This should not happen"); } } @Override public List getSearchableTokens() throws Exception { List datasToSearch = new ArrayList<>(4); datasToSearch.add(getSampleLabel()); datasToSearch.add(getResponseDataAsString()); datasToSearch.add(getRequestHeaders()); datasToSearch.add(getResponseHeaders()); return datasToSearch; } /** * @return boolean true if this SampleResult should not be sent to Listeners */ public boolean isIgnore() { return ignore; } /** * Call this method to tell JMeter to ignore this SampleResult by Listeners */ public void setIgnore() { this.ignore = true; } /** * @return String first non null assertion failure message if assertionResults is not null, null otherwise */ public String getFirstAssertionFailureMessage() { String message = null; AssertionResult[] results = getAssertionResults(); if (results != null) { // Find the first non-null message for (AssertionResult result : results) { message = result.getFailureMessage(); if (message != null) { break; } } } return message; } /** * @return the testLogicalAction */ public TestLogicalAction getTestLogicalAction() { return testLogicalAction; } /** * @param testLogicalAction the testLogicalAction to set */ public void setTestLogicalAction(TestLogicalAction testLogicalAction) { this.testLogicalAction = testLogicalAction; } }

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