monix.execution.Cancelable.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright (c) 2014-2021 by The Monix Project Developers.
* See the project homepage at: https://monix.io
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package monix.execution
import monix.execution.atomic.AtomicAny
import monix.execution.internal.Platform
import monix.execution.schedulers.TrampolinedRunnable
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
import scala.concurrent.Promise
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
/** Represents a one-time idempotent action that can be used
* to cancel async computations, or to release resources that
* active data sources are holding.
* It is equivalent to `java.io.Closeable`, but without the I/O focus, or
* to `IDisposable` in Microsoft .NET, or to `akka.actor.Cancellable`.
trait Cancelable extends Serializable {
/** Cancels the unit of work represented by this reference.
* Guaranteed idempotency - calling it multiple times should have
* the same side-effect as calling it only once. Implementations
* of this method should also be thread-safe.
def cancel(): Unit
object Cancelable {
/** Builds a [[monix.execution.Cancelable Cancelable]]. */
def apply(): Cancelable =
/** Builds a [[monix.execution.Cancelable Cancelable]] that executes the given
* `callback` when calling [[Cancelable.cancel cancel]].
def apply(callback: () => Unit): Cancelable =
new CancelableTask(callback)
/** Returns a dummy [[Cancelable]] that doesn't do anything. */
val empty: Cancelable =
new Empty {
def cancel(): Unit = ()
override def toString = "monix.execution.Cancelable.empty"
/** Builds a [[Cancelable]] reference from a sequence,
* cancelling everything on `cancel`.
def collection(refs: Cancelable*): Cancelable =
/** Builds a [[Cancelable]] reference from a sequence,
* cancelling everything on `cancel`.
def collection(seq: Iterable[Cancelable]): Cancelable =
apply { () =>
/** Wraps a collection of cancelable references into a `Cancelable`
* that will cancel them all by triggering a trampolined async
* boundary first, in order to prevent stack overflows.
def trampolined(refs: Cancelable*)(implicit s: Scheduler): Cancelable =
/** Wraps a collection of cancelable references into a `Cancelable`
* that will cancel them all by triggering a trampolined async
* boundary first, in order to prevent stack overflows.
def trampolined(seq: Iterable[Cancelable])(implicit s: Scheduler): Cancelable =
new CollectionTrampolined(seq, s)
/** Builds a [[Cancelable]] out of a Scala `Promise`, completing the
* promise with the given `Throwable` on cancel.
def fromPromise[A](p: Promise[A], e: Throwable): Cancelable =
new Cancelable {
def cancel(): Unit = { p.tryFailure(e); () }
/** Given a collection of cancelables, cancel them all.
* This function collects non-fatal exceptions and throws them all
* at the end as a composite, in a platform specific way:
* - for the JVM "Suppressed Exceptions" are used
* - for JS they are wrapped in a `CompositeException`
def cancelAll(seq: Iterable[Cancelable]): Unit = {
val errors = ListBuffer.empty[Throwable]
val cursor = seq.iterator
while (cursor.hasNext) {
try cursor.next().cancel()
catch { case ex if NonFatal(ex) => errors += ex }
errors.toList match {
case one :: Nil =>
throw one
case first :: rest =>
throw Platform.composeErrors(first, rest: _*)
case _ =>
() // Nothing
/** Interface for cancelables that are empty or already canceled. */
trait Empty extends Cancelable with IsDummy
/** Marker for cancelables that are dummies that can be ignored. */
trait IsDummy { self: Cancelable => }
private final class CancelableTask(cb: () => Unit) extends Cancelable {
private[this] val callbackRef = /*_*/ AtomicAny(cb) /*_*/
def cancel(): Unit = {
// Setting the callback to null with a `getAndSet` is solving
// two problems: `cancel` is idempotent, plus we allow the garbage
// collector to collect the task.
val callback = callbackRef.getAndSet(null)
if (callback != null) callback()
private final class CollectionTrampolined(refs: Iterable[Cancelable], sc: Scheduler)
extends Cancelable with TrampolinedRunnable {
private[this] val atomic = /*_*/ AtomicAny(refs) /*_*/
def cancel(): Unit =
def run(): Unit = {
val refs = atomic.getAndSet(null)
if (refs ne null) cancelAll(refs)
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