monix.execution.schedulers.TrampolineScheduler.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright (c) 2014-2019 by The Monix Project Developers.
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package monix.execution.schedulers
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import monix.execution.{Cancelable, Scheduler, UncaughtExceptionReporter}
// Prevents conflict with the deprecated symbol
import monix.execution.{ExecutionModel => ExecModel}
/** A [[monix.execution.Scheduler Scheduler]] implementation
* that executes runnables immediately, on the current thread,
* by means of a trampoline implementation.
* Can be used in some cases to keep the asynchronous execution
* on the current thread, as an optimization, but be warned,
* you have to know what you're doing.
* The `TrampolineScheduler` keeps a reference to another
* `underlying` scheduler, to which it defers for:
* - reporting errors
* - time-delayed execution
* - deferring the rest of the queue in problematic situations
* Deferring the rest of the queue happens:
* - in case we have a runnable throwing an exception, the rest
* of the tasks get re-scheduled for execution by using
* the `underlying` scheduler
* - in case we have a runnable triggering a Scala `blocking`
* context, the rest of the tasks get re-scheduled for execution
* on the `underlying` scheduler to prevent any deadlocks
* Thus this implementation is compatible with the
* `scala.concurrent.BlockContext`, detecting `blocking` blocks and
* reacting by forking the rest of the queue to prevent deadlocks.
* @param underlying is the `ExecutionContext` to which the it defers
* to in case real asynchronous is needed
final class TrampolineScheduler(underlying: Scheduler, override val executionModel: ExecModel) extends Scheduler {
self =>
private[this] val trampoline =
override def execute(runnable: Runnable): Unit =
override def reportFailure(t: Throwable): Unit =
override def scheduleOnce(initialDelay: Long, unit: TimeUnit, r: Runnable): Cancelable =
underlying.scheduleOnce(initialDelay, unit, r)
override def scheduleWithFixedDelay(initialDelay: Long, delay: Long, unit: TimeUnit, r: Runnable): Cancelable =
underlying.scheduleWithFixedDelay(initialDelay, delay, unit, r)
override def scheduleAtFixedRate(initialDelay: Long, period: Long, unit: TimeUnit, r: Runnable): Cancelable =
underlying.scheduleAtFixedRate(initialDelay, period, unit, r)
override def clockRealTime(unit: TimeUnit): Long =
override def clockMonotonic(unit: TimeUnit): Long =
override def withExecutionModel(em: ExecModel): TrampolineScheduler =
new TrampolineScheduler(underlying, em)
override def withUncaughtExceptionReporter(r: UncaughtExceptionReporter): TrampolineScheduler =
new TrampolineScheduler(underlying.withUncaughtExceptionReporter(r), executionModel)
object TrampolineScheduler {
/** Builds a [[TrampolineScheduler]] instance.
* @param underlying is the [[monix.execution.Scheduler Scheduler]]
* to which the we defer to in case asynchronous or time-delayed
* execution is needed
* @define executionModel is the preferred [[ExecutionModel]],
* a guideline for run-loops and producers of data. Use
* [[monix.execution.ExecutionModel.Default ExecutionModel.Default]]
* for the default.
def apply(underlying: Scheduler, em: ExecModel): TrampolineScheduler =
new TrampolineScheduler(underlying, em)