monix.reactive.Observable.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2014-2016 by its authors. Some rights reserved.
* See the project homepage at:
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package monix.reactive
import{BufferedReader, InputStream, Reader}
import monix.eval.Coeval.Attempt
import monix.eval.{Coeval, Task}
import monix.execution.Ack.{Continue, Stop}
import monix.execution._
import monix.execution.cancelables.SingleAssignmentCancelable
import monix.reactive.observables.ObservableLike.{Operator, Transformer}
import monix.reactive.observables._
import monix.reactive.observers._
import monix.reactive.subjects._
import monix.types._
import org.reactivestreams.{Publisher => RPublisher, Subscriber => RSubscriber}
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.concurrent.duration.{Duration, FiniteDuration}
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
/** The Observable type that implements the Reactive Pattern.
* Provides methods of subscribing to the Observable and operators
* for combining observable sources, filtering, modifying,
* throttling, buffering, error handling and others.
* See the available documentation at: [[]]
trait Observable[+A] extends ObservableLike[A, Observable] { self =>
/** Characteristic function for an `Observable` instance, that creates
* the subscription and that eventually starts the streaming of
* events to the given [[Observer]], being meant to be provided.
* This function is "unsafe" to call because it does not protect
* the calls to the given [[Observer]] implementation in regards to
* unexpected exceptions that violate the contract, therefore the
* given instance must respect its contract and not throw any
* exceptions when the observable calls `onNext`, `onComplete` and
* `onError`. If it does, then the behavior is undefined.
* @see [[Observable.subscribe(observer* subscribe]].
def unsafeSubscribeFn(subscriber: Subscriber[A]): Cancelable
def unsafeSubscribeFn(observer: Observer[A])(implicit s: Scheduler): Cancelable =
/** Subscribes to the stream.
* @return a subscription that can be used to cancel the streaming.
* @see [[runWith]] for another way of consuming observables
def subscribe(subscriber: Subscriber[A]): Cancelable = {
/** Subscribes to the stream.
* @return a subscription that can be used to cancel the streaming.
* @see [[runWith]] for another way of consuming observables
def subscribe(observer: Observer[A])(implicit s: Scheduler): Cancelable =
subscribe(Subscriber(observer, s))
/** Subscribes to the stream.
* @return a subscription that can be used to cancel the streaming.
* @see [[runWith]] for another way of consuming observables
def subscribe(nextFn: A => Future[Ack], errorFn: Throwable => Unit, completedFn: () => Unit)
(implicit s: Scheduler): Cancelable = {
subscribe(new Subscriber[A] {
implicit val scheduler = s
def onNext(elem: A) = nextFn(elem)
def onComplete() = completedFn()
def onError(ex: Throwable) = errorFn(ex)
/** Subscribes to the stream.
* @return a subscription that can be used to cancel the streaming.
* @see [[runWith]] for another way of consuming observables
def subscribe(nextFn: A => Future[Ack], errorFn: Throwable => Unit)(implicit s: Scheduler): Cancelable =
subscribe(nextFn, errorFn, () => ())
/** Subscribes to the stream.
* @return a subscription that can be used to cancel the streaming.
* @see [[runWith]] for another way of consuming observables
def subscribe()(implicit s: Scheduler): Cancelable =
subscribe(elem => Continue)
/** Subscribes to the stream.
* @return a subscription that can be used to cancel the streaming.
* @see [[runWith]] for another way of consuming observables
def subscribe(nextFn: A => Future[Ack])(implicit s: Scheduler): Cancelable =
subscribe(nextFn, error => s.reportFailure(error), () => ())
/** On execution, consumes the source observable
* with the given [[Consumer]], effectively transforming the
* source observable into a [[monix.eval.Task Task]].
def runWith[R](f: Consumer[A,R]): Task[R] =
/** Transforms the source using the given operator. */
override def liftByOperator[B](operator: Operator[A, B]): Observable[B] =
new Observable[B] {
def unsafeSubscribeFn(subscriber: Subscriber[B]): Cancelable = {
val sb = operator(subscriber)
/** Transforms the source using the given transformer function. */
override def transform[B](transformer: Transformer[A, B]): Observable[B] =
/** Wraps this Observable into a `org.reactivestreams.Publisher`.
* See the [[ Reactive Streams]]
* protocol that Monix implements.
def toReactivePublisher[B >: A](implicit s: Scheduler): RPublisher[B] =
new RPublisher[B] {
def subscribe(subscriber: RSubscriber[_ >: B]): Unit = {
val subscription = SingleAssignmentCancelable()
subscription := unsafeSubscribeFn(SafeSubscriber(
Subscriber.fromReactiveSubscriber(subscriber, subscription)
/** Converts this observable into a multicast observable, useful for
* turning a cold observable into a hot one (i.e. whose source is
* shared by all observers).
* This operator is unsafe because `Subject` objects are stateful
* and have to obey the `Observer` contract, meaning that they
* shouldn't be subscribed multiple times, so they are error
* prone. Only use if you know what you're doing, otherwise prefer
* the safe [[Observable!.multicast multicast]] operator.
def unsafeMulticast[B >: A, R](processor: Subject[B, R])(implicit s: Scheduler): ConnectableObservable[R] =
ConnectableObservable.unsafeMulticast(this, processor)
/** Converts this observable into a multicast observable, useful for
* turning a cold observable into a hot one (i.e. whose source is
* shared by all observers).
def multicast[B >: A, R](pipe: Pipe[B, R])(implicit s: Scheduler): ConnectableObservable[R] =
ConnectableObservable.multicast(this, pipe)
/** Converts this observable into a multicast observable, useful for
* turning a cold observable into a hot one (i.e. whose source is
* shared by all observers). The underlying subject used is a
* [[monix.reactive.subjects.PublishSubject PublishSubject]].
def publish(implicit s: Scheduler): ConnectableObservable[A] =
/** Returns a new Observable that multi-casts (shares) the original
* Observable.
def share(implicit s: Scheduler): Observable[A] =
/** Caches the emissions from the source Observable and replays them
* in order to any subsequent Subscribers. This operator has
* similar behavior to [[Observable!.replay(implicit* replay]]
* except that this auto-subscribes to the source Observable rather
* than returning a
* [[monix.reactive.observables.ConnectableObservable ConnectableObservable]]
* for which you must call
* [[monix.reactive.observables.ConnectableObservable.connect connect]]
* to activate the subscription.
* When you call cache, it does not yet subscribe to the source
* Observable and so does not yet begin caching items. This only
* happens when the first Subscriber calls the resulting
* Observable's `subscribe` method.
* Note: You sacrifice the ability to cancel the origin when you
* use the cache operator so be careful not to use this on
* Observables that emit an infinite or very large number of items
* that will use up memory.
* @return an Observable that, when first subscribed to, caches all of its
* items and notifications for the benefit of subsequent subscribers
def cache: Observable[A] =
/** Caches the emissions from the source Observable and replays them
* in order to any subsequent Subscribers. This operator has
* similar behavior to [[Observable!.replay(implicit* replay]]
* except that this auto-subscribes to the source Observable rather
* than returning a
* [[monix.reactive.observables.ConnectableObservable ConnectableObservable]]
* for which you must call
* [[monix.reactive.observables.ConnectableObservable.connect connect]]
* to activate the subscription.
* When you call cache, it does not yet subscribe to the source
* Observable and so does not yet begin caching items. This only
* happens when the first Subscriber calls the resulting
* Observable's `subscribe` method.
* @param maxCapacity is the maximum buffer size after which old events
* start being dropped (according to what happens when using
* [[monix.reactive.subjects.ReplaySubject.createLimited[T](capacity:Int,initial* ReplaySubject.createLimited]])
* @return an Observable that, when first subscribed to, caches all of its
* items and notifications for the benefit of subsequent subscribers
def cache(maxCapacity: Int): Observable[A] =
CachedObservable.create(self, maxCapacity)
/** Converts this observable into a multicast observable, useful for
* turning a cold observable into a hot one (i.e. whose source is
* shared by all observers). The underlying subject used is a
* [[monix.reactive.subjects.BehaviorSubject BehaviorSubject]].
def behavior[B >: A](initialValue: B)(implicit s: Scheduler): ConnectableObservable[B] =
/** Converts this observable into a multicast observable, useful for
* turning a cold observable into a hot one (i.e. whose source is
* shared by all observers). The underlying subject used is a
* [[monix.reactive.subjects.ReplaySubject ReplaySubject]].
def replay(implicit s: Scheduler): ConnectableObservable[A] =
/** Converts this observable into a multicast observable, useful for
* turning a cold observable into a hot one (i.e. whose source is
* shared by all observers). The underlying subject used is a
* [[monix.reactive.subjects.ReplaySubject ReplaySubject]].
* @param bufferSize is the size of the buffer limiting the number
* of items that can be replayed (on overflow the head
* starts being dropped)
def replay(bufferSize: Int)(implicit s: Scheduler): ConnectableObservable[A] =
/** Converts this observable into a multicast observable, useful for
* turning a cold observable into a hot one (i.e. whose source is
* shared by all observers). The underlying subject used is a
* [[monix.reactive.subjects.AsyncSubject AsyncSubject]].
def publishLast(implicit s: Scheduler): ConnectableObservable[A] =
/** Creates a new [[monix.execution.CancelableFuture CancelableFuture]]
* that upon execution will signal the last generated element of the
* source observable. Returns an `Option` because the source can be empty.
def runAsyncGetFirst(implicit s: Scheduler): CancelableFuture[Option[A]] =
/** Creates a new [[monix.execution.CancelableFuture CancelableFuture]]
* that upon execution will signal the last generated element of the
* source observable. Returns an `Option` because the source can be empty.
def runAsyncGetLast(implicit s: Scheduler): CancelableFuture[Option[A]] =
/** Creates a task that emits the total number of `onNext`
* events that were emitted by the source.
def countL: Task[Long] =
/** Returns a `Task` which emits either `true`, in case the given predicate
* holds for at least one item, or `false` otherwise.
* @param p is a function that evaluates the items emitted by the
* source, returning `true` if they pass the filter
* @return a task that emits `true` or `false` in case
* the given predicate holds or not for at least one item
def existsL(p: A => Boolean): Task[Boolean] =
findF(p).foldLeftL(false)((_, _) => true)
/** Returns a task which emits the first item for which
* the predicate holds.
* @param p is a function that evaluates the items emitted by the
* source observable, returning `true` if they pass the filter
* @return a task that emits the first item in the source
* observable for which the filter evaluates as `true`
def findL(p: A => Boolean): Task[Option[A]] =
/** Applies a binary operator to a start value and all elements of
* the source, going left to right and returns a new `Task` that
* upon evaluation will eventually emit the final result.
def foldLeftL[R](initial: => R)(op: (R, A) => R): Task[R] =
/** Folds the source observable, from start to finish, until the
* source completes, or until the operator short-circuits the
* process by returning `false`.
* Note that a call to [[foldLeftL]] is equivalent to this function
* being called with an operator always returning `true` as the first
* member of its result.
* @param op is an operator that will fold the signals of the source
* observable, returning either a new state along with a boolean
* that should become false in case the folding must be
* interrupted.
def foldWhileL[R](initial: => R)(op: (R,A) => (Boolean, R)): Task[R] =
/** Returns a `Task` that emits a single boolean, either true, in
* case the given predicate holds for all the items emitted by the
* source, or false in case at least one item is not verifying the
* given predicate.
* @param p is a function that evaluates the items emitted by the source
* observable, returning `true` if they pass the filter
* @return a task that emits only true or false in case the given
* predicate holds or not for all the items
def forAllL(p: A => Boolean): Task[Boolean] =
existsL(e => !p(e)).map(r => !r)
/** Creates a new [[monix.eval.Task Task]] that upon execution
* will signal the first generated element of the source observable.
* In case the stream was empty, then the `Task` gets completed
* in error with a `NoSuchElementException`.
def firstL: Task[A] =
firstOrElseL(throw new NoSuchElementException("firstL on empty observable"))
/** Creates a new [[monix.eval.Task Task]] that upon execution
* will signal the first generated element of the source observable.
* Returns an `Option` because the source can be empty.
def firstOptionL: Task[Option[A]] =
/** Creates a new [[monix.eval.Task Task]] that upon execution
* will signal the first generated element of the source observable.
* In case the stream was empty, then the given default
* gets evaluated and emitted.
def firstOrElseL[B >: A](default: => B): Task[B] =
Task.create { (s, cb) =>
unsafeSubscribeFn(new Subscriber.Sync[A] {
implicit val scheduler: Scheduler = s
private[this] var isDone = false
def onNext(elem: A): Stop = {
isDone = true
def onError(ex: Throwable): Unit =
if (!isDone) {
isDone = true
def onComplete(): Unit =
if (!isDone) {
isDone = true
/** Alias for [[firstOptionL]]. */
def headOptionL: Task[Option[A]] = firstOptionL
/** Alias for [[firstL]]. */
def headL: Task[A] = firstL
/** Alias for [[firstOrElseL]]. */
def headOrElseL[B >: A](default: => B): Task[B] = firstOrElseL(default)
/** Creates a new [[monix.eval.Task Task]] that upon execution
* will signal the last generated element of the source observable.
* In case the stream was empty, then the given default gets
* evaluated and emitted.
def lastOrElseL[B >: A](default: => B): Task[B] =
Task.create { (s, cb) =>
unsafeSubscribeFn(new Subscriber.Sync[A] {
implicit val scheduler: Scheduler = s
private[this] var value: A = _
private[this] var isEmpty = true
def onNext(elem: A): Continue = {
if (isEmpty) isEmpty = false
value = elem
def onError(ex: Throwable): Unit = {
def onComplete(): Unit = {
if (isEmpty)
/** Returns a [[monix.eval.Task Task]] that upon execution
* will signal the last generated element of the source observable.
* Returns an `Option` because the source can be empty.
def lastOptionL: Task[Option[A]] =
/** Returns a [[monix.eval.Task Task]] that upon execution
* will signal the last generated element of the source observable.
* In case the stream was empty, then the `Task` gets completed
* in error with a `NoSuchElementException`.
def lastL: Task[A] =
lastOrElseL(throw new NoSuchElementException("lastL"))
/** Returns a task that emits `true` if the source observable is
* empty, otherwise `false`.
def isEmptyL: Task[Boolean] =
/** Creates a new [[monix.eval.Task Task]] that will consume the
* source observable and upon completion of the source it will
* complete with `Unit`.
def completedL: Task[Unit] =
Task.create { (s, cb) =>
unsafeSubscribeFn(new Subscriber.Sync[A] {
implicit val scheduler: Scheduler = s
private[this] var isDone = false
def onNext(elem: A): Continue = Continue
def onError(ex: Throwable): Unit =
if (!isDone) { isDone = true; cb.onError(ex) }
def onComplete(): Unit =
if (!isDone) { isDone = true; cb.onSuccess(()) }
/** Takes the elements of the source and emits the maximum
* value, after the source has completed.
def maxL[B >: A](implicit ev: Ordering[B]): Task[Option[B]] =
/** Takes the elements of the source and emits the element
* that has the maximum key value, where the key is generated by
* the given function `f`.
def maxByL[B](f: A => B)(implicit ev: Ordering[B]): Task[Option[A]] =
/** Takes the elements of the source and emits the minimum
* value, after the source has completed.
def minL[B >: A](implicit ev: Ordering[B]): Task[Option[B]] =
/** Takes the elements of the source and emits the element
* that has the minimum key value, where the key is generated by
* the given function `f`.
def minByL[B](f: A => B)(implicit ev: Ordering[B]): Task[Option[A]] =
/** Returns a task that emits `false` if the source observable is
* empty, otherwise `true`.
def nonEmptyL: Task[Boolean] =
/** Given a source that emits numeric values, the `sum` operator sums
* up all values and returns the result.
def sumL[B >: A](implicit B: Numeric[B]): Task[B] =
/** Returns a `Task` that upon evaluation will collect all items from
* the source in a Scala `List` and return this list instead.
* WARNING: for infinite streams the process will eventually blow up
* with an out of memory error.
def toListL: Task[List[A]] =
foldLeftL(mutable.ListBuffer.empty[A])(_ += _).map(_.toList)
/** Creates a new [[monix.eval.Task Task]] that will consume the
* source observable, executing the given callback for each element.
def foreachL(cb: A => Unit): Task[Unit] =
Task.create { (s, onFinish) =>
unsafeSubscribeFn(new Subscriber.Sync[A] {
implicit val scheduler: Scheduler = s
private[this] var isDone = false
def onNext(elem: A): Ack = {
try {
} catch {
case NonFatal(ex) =>
def onError(ex: Throwable): Unit =
if (!isDone) { isDone = true; onFinish.onError(ex) }
def onComplete(): Unit =
if (!isDone) { isDone = true; onFinish.onSuccess(()) }
/** Subscribes to the source `Observable` and foreach element emitted
* by the source it executes the given callback.
def foreach(cb: A => Unit)(implicit s: Scheduler): CancelableFuture[Unit] =
/** Observable builders.
* @define multicastDesc Creates an input channel and an output observable
* pair for building a [[MulticastStrategy multicast]] data-source.
* Useful for building [[MulticastStrategy multicast]] observables
* from data-sources that cannot be back-pressured.
* Prefer [[Observable.create]] when possible.
* @define fromIteratorDesc Converts any `Iterator` into an observable.
* WARNING: reading from an `Iterator` is a destructive process.
* Therefore only a single subscriber is supported, the result being
* a single-subscriber observable. If multiple subscribers are attempted,
* all subscribers, except for the first one, will be terminated with a
* [[monix.reactive.exceptions.MultipleSubscribersException MultipleSubscribersException]].
* Therefore, if you need a factory of data sources, from a cold source
* from which you can open how many iterators you want,
* you can use [[Observable.defer]] to build such a factory. Or you can share
* the resulting observable by converting it into a
* [[monix.reactive.observables.ConnectableObservable ConnectableObservable]]
* by means of [[Observable!.multicast multicast]].
* @define fromInputStreamDesc Converts a `` into an
* observable that will emit `Array[Byte]` elements.
* WARNING: reading from the input stream is a destructive process.
* Therefore only a single subscriber is supported, the result being
* a single-subscriber observable. If multiple subscribers are attempted,
* all subscribers, except for the first one, will be terminated with a
* [[monix.reactive.exceptions.MultipleSubscribersException MultipleSubscribersException]].
* Therefore, if you need a factory of data sources, from a cold source such
* as a `` from which you can open how many file handles you want,
* you can use [[Observable.defer]] to build such a factory. Or you can share
* the resulting observable by converting it into a
* [[monix.reactive.observables.ConnectableObservable ConnectableObservable]]
* by means of [[Observable!.multicast multicast]].
* @define fromCharsReaderDesc Converts a `` into an observable
* that will emit `Array[Char]` elements.
* WARNING: reading from a reader is a destructive process.
* Therefore only a single subscriber is supported, the result being
* a single-subscriber observable. If multiple subscribers are attempted,
* all subscribers, except for the first one, will be terminated with a
* [[monix.reactive.exceptions.MultipleSubscribersException MultipleSubscribersException]].
* Therefore, if you need a factory of data sources, from a cold source such
* as a `` from which you can open how many file handles you want,
* you can use [[Observable.defer]] to build such a factory. Or you can share
* the resulting observable by converting it into a
* [[monix.reactive.observables.ConnectableObservable ConnectableObservable]]
* by means of [[Observable!.multicast multicast]].
object Observable {
/** Given a sequence of elements, builds an observable from it. */
def apply[A](elems: A*): Observable[A] =
/** Creates an observable that doesn't emit anything, but immediately
* calls `onComplete` instead.
def empty[A]: Observable[A] =
/** Returns an `Observable` that on execution emits the given strict value.
def now[A](elem: A): Observable[A] =
new builders.NowObservable(elem)
/** Lifts an element into the `Observable` context.
* Alias for [[now]].
def pure[A](elem: A): Observable[A] =
new builders.NowObservable(elem)
/** Given a non-strict value, converts it into an Observable
* that upon subscription, evaluates the expression and
* emits a single element.
def eval[A](a: => A): Observable[A] =
new builders.EvalAlwaysObservable(a)
/** Alias for [[eval]]. */
def delay[A](a: => A): Observable[A] = eval(a)
/** Alias for [[eval]]. Deprecated. */
@deprecated("Renamed, please use Observable.eval", since="2.0-RC12")
def evalAlways[A](a: => A): Observable[A] = eval(a)
/** Given a non-strict value, converts it into an Observable
* that emits a single element and that memoizes the value
* for subsequent invocations.
def evalOnce[A](f: => A): Observable[A] =
new builders.EvalOnceObservable(f)
/** Transforms a non-strict [[monix.eval.Coeval Coeval]] value
* into an `Observable` that emits a single element.
def coeval[A](value: Coeval[A]): Observable[A] =
value match {
case Coeval.Now(v) =>
case Coeval.Error(ex) => Observable.raiseError(ex)
case other => Observable.eval(other.value)
/** Lifts a non-strict value into an observable that emits a single element,
* but upon subscription delay its evaluation by the specified timespan
def evalDelayed[A](delay: FiniteDuration, a: => A): Observable[A] =
/** Creates an Observable that emits an error.
def raiseError(ex: Throwable): Observable[Nothing] =
new builders.ErrorObservable(ex)
/** Creates an Observable that doesn't emit anything and that never
* completes.
def never: Observable[Nothing] =
/** Forks a logical thread on executing the subscription. */
def fork[A](fa: Observable[A]): Observable[A] =
new builders.ForkObservable(fa)
/** Given a subscribe function, lifts it into an [[Observable]].
* This function is unsafe to use because users have to know and apply
* the Monix communication contract, related to thread-safety, communicating
* demand (back-pressure) and error handling.
* Only use if you know what you're doing. Otherwise prefer [[create]].
def unsafeCreate[A](f: Subscriber[A] => Cancelable): Observable[A] =
new builders.UnsafeCreateObservable(f)
/** Creates an observable from a function that receives a
* concurrent and safe
* [[monix.reactive.observers.Subscriber.Sync Subscriber.Sync]].
* This builder represents the safe way of building observables
* from data-sources that cannot be back-pressured.
def create[A](overflowStrategy: OverflowStrategy.Synchronous[A])
(f: Subscriber.Sync[A] => Cancelable): Observable[A] =
new builders.CreateObservable(overflowStrategy, f)
/** $multicastDesc
* @param multicast is the multicast strategy to use (e.g. publish, behavior,
* reply, async)
def multicast[A](multicast: MulticastStrategy[A])
(implicit s: Scheduler): (Observer.Sync[A], Observable[A]) = {
val ref = ConcurrentSubject(multicast)
(ref, ref)
/** $multicastDesc
* @param multicast is the multicast strategy to use (e.g. publish, behavior,
* reply, async)
* @param overflow is the overflow strategy for the buffer that gets placed
* in front (since this will be a hot data-source that cannot be
* back-pressured)
def multicast[A](multicast: MulticastStrategy[A], overflow: OverflowStrategy.Synchronous[A])
(implicit s: Scheduler): (Observer.Sync[A], Observable[A]) = {
val ref = ConcurrentSubject(multicast, overflow)
(ref, ref)
/** $fromIteratorDesc
* @param iterator to transform into an observable
def fromIterator[A](iterator: Iterator[A]): Observable[A] =
new builders.IteratorAsObservable[A](iterator, Cancelable.empty)
/** $fromIteratorDesc
* This variant of `fromIterator` takes an `onFinish` callback that
* will be called when the streaming is finished, either with
* `onComplete`, `onError`, when the downstream signals a `Stop` or
* when the subscription gets canceled.
* This `onFinish` callback is guaranteed to be called only once.
* Useful for controlling resource deallocation (e.g. closing file
* handles).
* @param iterator to transform into an observable
* @param onFinish a callback that will be called for resource deallocation
* whenever the iterator is complete, or when the stream is
* canceled
def fromIterator[A](iterator: Iterator[A], onFinish: () => Unit): Observable[A] =
new builders.IteratorAsObservable[A](iterator, Cancelable(onFinish))
/** Converts any `Iterable` into an [[Observable]]. */
def fromIterable[A](iterable: Iterable[A]): Observable[A] =
new builders.IterableAsObservable[A](iterable)
/** $fromInputStreamDesc
* @param in is the `InputStream` to convert into an observable
def fromInputStream(in: InputStream): Observable[Array[Byte]] =
fromInputStream(in, chunkSize = 4096)
/** $fromInputStreamDesc
* @param in is the `InputStream` to convert into an observable
* @param chunkSize is the maximum length of the emitted arrays of bytes.
* It's also used when reading from the input stream.
def fromInputStream(in: InputStream, chunkSize: Int): Observable[Array[Byte]] =
new builders.InputStreamObservable(in, chunkSize)
/** $fromCharsReaderDesc
* @param in is the `Reader` to convert into an observable
def fromCharsReader(in: Reader): Observable[Array[Char]] =
fromCharsReader(in, chunkSize = 4096)
/** $fromCharsReaderDesc
* @param in is the `Reader` to convert into an observable
* @param chunkSize is the maximum length of the emitted arrays of chars.
* It's also used when reading from the reader.
def fromCharsReader(in: Reader, chunkSize: Int): Observable[Array[Char]] =
new builders.CharsReaderObservable(in, chunkSize)
/** Converts a `` into an
* observable that will emit `String` text lines from the input.
* Note that according to the specification of `BufferedReader`, a
* line is considered to be terminated by any one of a line
* feed (`\n`), a carriage return (`\r`), or a carriage return
* followed immediately by a linefeed.
* WARNING: reading from a reader is a destructive process.
* Therefore only a single subscriber is supported, the result being
* a single-subscriber observable. If multiple subscribers are attempted,
* all subscribers, except for the first one, will be terminated with a
* [[monix.reactive.exceptions.MultipleSubscribersException MultipleSubscribersException]].
* Therefore, if you need a factory of data sources, from a cold source such
* as a `` from which you can open how many file handles you want,
* you can use [[Observable.defer]] to build such a factory. Or you can share
* the resulting observable by converting it into a
* [[monix.reactive.observables.ConnectableObservable ConnectableObservable]]
* by means of [[Observable!.multicast multicast]].
* @param in is the `Reader` to convert into an observable
def fromLinesReader(in: BufferedReader): Observable[String] =
new builders.LinesReaderObservable(in)
/** Given a `org.reactivestreams.Publisher`, converts it into a
* Monix / Rx Observable.
* See the [[ Reactive Streams]]
* protocol that Monix implements.
* @see [[Observable.toReactive]] for converting an `Observable` to
* a reactive publisher.
def fromReactivePublisher[A](publisher: RPublisher[A]): Observable[A] =
new builders.ReactiveObservable[A](publisher)
/** Converts a Scala `Future` provided into an [[Observable]].
* If the created instance is a
* [[monix.execution.CancelableFuture CancelableFuture]],
* then it will be used for the returned
* [[monix.execution.Cancelable Cancelable]] on `subscribe`.
def fromFuture[A](factory: => Future[A]): Observable[A] =
new builders.FutureAsObservable(factory)
/** Converts any [[monix.eval.Task Task]] into an [[Observable]]. */
def fromTask[A](task: Task[A]): Observable[A] =
new builders.TaskAsObservable(task)
/** Returns a new observable that creates a sequence from the
* given factory on each subscription.
def defer[A](fa: => Observable[A]): Observable[A] =
new builders.DeferObservable(fa)
/** Alias for [[defer]]. */
def suspend[A](fa: => Observable[A]): Observable[A] = defer(fa)
/** Builds a new observable from a strict `head` and a lazily
* evaluated head.
def cons[A](head: A, tail: Observable[A]): Observable[A] =
new builders.ConsObservable[A](head, tail)
/** Creates a new observable from this observable and another given
* observable by interleaving their items into a strictly alternating sequence.
* So the first item emitted by the new observable will be the item emitted by
* `self`, the second item will be emitted by the other observable, and so forth;
* when either `self` or `other` calls `onCompletes`, the items will then be
* directly coming from the observable that has not completed; when `onError` is
* called by either `self` or `other`, the new observable will call `onError` and halt.
* See [[merge]] for a more relaxed alternative that doesn't
* emit items in strict alternating sequence.
def interleave2[A](oa1: Observable[A], oa2: Observable[A]): Observable[A] =
new builders.Interleave2Observable(oa1, oa2)
/** Creates an Observable that emits auto-incremented natural numbers
* (longs) spaced by a given time interval. Starts from 0 with no
* delay, after which it emits incremented numbers spaced by the
* `period` of time. The given `period` of time acts as a fixed
* delay between successive events.
* @param delay the delay between 2 successive events
def intervalWithFixedDelay(delay: FiniteDuration): Observable[Long] =
new builders.IntervalFixedDelayObservable(Duration.Zero, delay)
/** Creates an Observable that emits auto-incremented natural numbers
* (longs) spaced by a given time interval. Starts from 0 with no
* delay, after which it emits incremented numbers spaced by the
* `period` of time. The given `period` of time acts as a fixed
* delay between successive events.
* @param initialDelay is the delay to wait before emitting the first event
* @param delay the time to wait between 2 successive events
def intervalWithFixedDelay(initialDelay: FiniteDuration, delay: FiniteDuration): Observable[Long] =
new builders.IntervalFixedDelayObservable(initialDelay, delay)
/** Creates an Observable that emits auto-incremented natural numbers
* (longs) spaced by a given time interval. Starts from 0 with no
* delay, after which it emits incremented numbers spaced by the
* `period` of time. The given `period` of time acts as a fixed
* delay between successive events.
* @param delay the delay between 2 successive events
def interval(delay: FiniteDuration): Observable[Long] =
/** Creates an Observable that emits auto-incremented natural numbers
* (longs) at a fixed rate, as given by the specified `period`. The
* time it takes to process an `onNext` event gets subtracted from
* the specified `period` and thus the created observable tries to
* emit events spaced by the given time interval, regardless of how
* long the processing of `onNext` takes.
* @param period the period between 2 successive `onNext` events
def intervalAtFixedRate(period: FiniteDuration): Observable[Long] =
new builders.IntervalFixedRateObservable(Duration.Zero, period)
/** Creates an Observable that emits auto-incremented natural numbers
* (longs) at a fixed rate, as given by the specified `period`. The
* time it takes to process an `onNext` event gets subtracted from
* the specified `period` and thus the created observable tries to
* emit events spaced by the given time interval, regardless of how
* long the processing of `onNext` takes.
* This version of the `intervalAtFixedRate` allows specifying an
* `initialDelay` before events start being emitted.
* @param initialDelay is the initial delay before emitting the first event
* @param period the period between 2 successive `onNext` events
def intervalAtFixedRate(initialDelay: FiniteDuration, period: FiniteDuration): Observable[Long] =
new builders.IntervalFixedRateObservable(initialDelay, period)
/** Creates an Observable that continuously emits the given ''item'' repeatedly.
def repeat[A](elems: A*): Observable[A] =
new builders.RepeatObservable(elems:_*)
/** Repeats the execution of the given `task`, emitting
* the results indefinitely.
def repeatEval[A](task: => A): Observable[A] =
new builders.RepeatEvalObservable(task)
/** Creates an Observable that emits items in the given range.
* @param from the range start
* @param until the range end
* @param step increment step, either positive or negative
def range(from: Long, until: Long, step: Long = 1L): Observable[Long] =
new builders.RangeObservable(from, until, step)
/** Given an initial state and a generator function that produces the
* next state and the next element in the sequence, creates an
* observable that keeps generating elements produced by our
* generator function.
def fromStateAction[S, A](f: S => (A, S))(initialState: => S): Observable[A] =
new builders.StateActionObservable(initialState, f)
/** Given an initial state and a generator function that produces the
* next state and the next element in the sequence, creates an
* observable that keeps generating elements produced by our
* generator function.
def fromAsyncStateAction[S, A](f: S => Task[(A, S)])(initialState: => S): Observable[A] =
new builders.AsyncStateActionObservable(initialState, f)
/** Wraps this Observable into a `org.reactivestreams.Publisher`.
* See the [[ Reactive Streams]]
* protocol that Monix implements.
def toReactive[A](source: Observable[A])(implicit s: Scheduler): RPublisher[A] =
/** Create an Observable that repeatedly emits the given `item`, until
* the underlying Observer cancels.
def timerRepeated[A](initialDelay: FiniteDuration, period: FiniteDuration, unit: A): Observable[A] =
new builders.RepeatedValueObservable[A](initialDelay, period, unit)
/** Concatenates the given list of ''observables'' into a single observable.
def flatten[A](sources: Observable[A]*): Observable[A] =
/** Concatenates the given list of ''observables'' into a single
* observable. Delays errors until the end.
def flattenDelayError[A](sources: Observable[A]*): Observable[A] =
/** Merges the given list of ''observables'' into a single observable.
def merge[A](sources: Observable[A]*)
(implicit os: OverflowStrategy[A] = OverflowStrategy.Default): Observable[A] =
/** Merges the given list of ''observables'' into a single observable.
* Delays errors until the end.
def mergeDelayError[A](sources: Observable[A]*)
(implicit os: OverflowStrategy[A] = OverflowStrategy.Default): Observable[A] =
/** Concatenates the given list of ''observables'' into a single
* observable.
def concat[A](sources: Observable[A]*): Observable[A] =
/** Concatenates the given list of ''observables'' into a single observable.
* Delays errors until the end.
def concatDelayError[A](sources: Observable[A]*): Observable[A] =
/** Given a sequence of observables, builds an observable
* that emits the elements of the most recently emitted
* observable.
def switch[A](sources: Observable[A]*): Observable[A] =
/** Creates a new observable from two observable sequences
* by combining their items in pairs in a strict sequence.
* So the first item emitted by the new observable will be the result
* of the function applied to the first items emitted by each of
* the source observables; the second item emitted by the new observable
* will be the result of the function applied to the second items
* emitted by each of those observables; and so forth.
* See [[combineLatestMap2]] for a more relaxed alternative that doesn't
* combine items in strict sequence.
def zip2[A1,A2](oa1: Observable[A1], oa2: Observable[A2]): Observable[(A1,A2)] =
new builders.Zip2Observable[A1,A2,(A1,A2)](oa1,oa2)((a1,a2) => (a1,a2))
/** Creates a new observable from two observable sequences
* by combining their items in pairs in a strict sequence.
* So the first item emitted by the new observable will be the result
* of the function applied to the first items emitted by each of
* the source observables; the second item emitted by the new observable
* will be the result of the function applied to the second items
* emitted by each of those observables; and so forth.
* See [[combineLatestMap2]] for a more relaxed alternative that doesn't
* combine items in strict sequence.
* @param f is the mapping function applied over the generated pairs
def zipMap2[A1,A2,R](oa1: Observable[A1], oa2: Observable[A2])(f: (A1,A2) => R): Observable[R] =
new builders.Zip2Observable[A1,A2,R](oa1,oa2)(f)
/** Creates a new observable from three observable sequences
* by combining their items in pairs in a strict sequence.
* So the first item emitted by the new observable will be the result
* of the function applied to the first items emitted by each of
* the source observables; the second item emitted by the new observable
* will be the result of the function applied to the second items
* emitted by each of those observables; and so forth.
* See [[combineLatestMap3]] for a more relaxed alternative that doesn't
* combine items in strict sequence.
def zip3[A1,A2,A3](oa1: Observable[A1], oa2: Observable[A2], oa3: Observable[A3]): Observable[(A1,A2,A3)] =
new builders.Zip3Observable(oa1,oa2,oa3)((a1,a2,a3) => (a1,a2,a3))
/** Creates a new observable from three observable sequences
* by combining their items in pairs in a strict sequence.
* So the first item emitted by the new observable will be the result
* of the function applied to the first items emitted by each of
* the source observables; the second item emitted by the new observable
* will be the result of the function applied to the second items
* emitted by each of those observables; and so forth.
* See [[combineLatestMap3]] for a more relaxed alternative that doesn't
* combine items in strict sequence.
* @param f is the mapping function applied over the generated pairs
def zipMap3[A1,A2,A3,R](oa1: Observable[A1], oa2: Observable[A2], oa3: Observable[A3])
(f: (A1,A2,A3) => R): Observable[R] =
new builders.Zip3Observable(oa1,oa2,oa3)(f)
/** Creates a new observable from four observable sequences
* by combining their items in pairs in a strict sequence.
* So the first item emitted by the new observable will be the result
* of the function applied to the first items emitted by each of
* the source observables; the second item emitted by the new observable
* will be the result of the function applied to the second items
* emitted by each of those observables; and so forth.
* See [[combineLatestMap4]] for a more relaxed alternative that doesn't
* combine items in strict sequence.
def zip4[A1,A2,A3,A4]
(oa1: Observable[A1], oa2: Observable[A2], oa3: Observable[A3], oa4: Observable[A4]): Observable[(A1,A2,A3,A4)] =
new builders.Zip4Observable(oa1,oa2,oa3,oa4)((a1,a2,a3,a4) => (a1,a2,a3,a4))
/** Creates a new observable from four observable sequences
* by combining their items in pairs in a strict sequence.
* So the first item emitted by the new observable will be the result
* of the function applied to the first items emitted by each of
* the source observables; the second item emitted by the new observable
* will be the result of the function applied to the second items
* emitted by each of those observables; and so forth.
* See [[combineLatestMap4]] for a more relaxed alternative that doesn't
* combine items in strict sequence.
* @param f is the mapping function applied over the generated pairs
def zipMap4[A1,A2,A3,A4,R]
(oa1: Observable[A1], oa2: Observable[A2], oa3: Observable[A3], oa4: Observable[A4])
(f: (A1,A2,A3,A4) => R): Observable[R] =
new builders.Zip4Observable(oa1,oa2,oa3,oa4)(f)
/** Creates a new observable from five observable sequences
* by combining their items in pairs in a strict sequence.
* So the first item emitted by the new observable will be the result
* of the function applied to the first items emitted by each of
* the source observables; the second item emitted by the new observable
* will be the result of the function applied to the second items
* emitted by each of those observables; and so forth.
* See [[combineLatestMap5]] for a more relaxed alternative that doesn't
* combine items in strict sequence.
def zip5[A1,A2,A3,A4,A5](
oa1: Observable[A1], oa2: Observable[A2], oa3: Observable[A3],
oa4: Observable[A4], oa5: Observable[A5]): Observable[(A1,A2,A3,A4,A5)] =
new builders.Zip5Observable(oa1,oa2,oa3,oa4,oa5)((a1,a2,a3,a4,a5) => (a1,a2,a3,a4,a5))
/** Creates a new observable from five observable sequences
* by combining their items in pairs in a strict sequence.
* So the first item emitted by the new observable will be the result
* of the function applied to the first items emitted by each of
* the source observables; the second item emitted by the new observable
* will be the result of the function applied to the second items
* emitted by each of those observables; and so forth.
* See [[combineLatestMap5]] for a more relaxed alternative that doesn't
* combine items in strict sequence.
* @param f is the mapping function applied over the generated pairs
def zipMap5[A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,R]
(oa1: Observable[A1], oa2: Observable[A2], oa3: Observable[A3],
oa4: Observable[A4], oa5: Observable[A5])
(f: (A1,A2,A3,A4,A5) => R): Observable[R] =
new builders.Zip5Observable(oa1,oa2,oa3,oa4,oa5)(f)
/** Creates a new observable from five observable sequences
* by combining their items in pairs in a strict sequence.
* So the first item emitted by the new observable will be the result
* of the function applied to the first items emitted by each of
* the source observables; the second item emitted by the new observable
* will be the result of the function applied to the second items
* emitted by each of those observables; and so forth.
* See [[combineLatestMap5]] for a more relaxed alternative that doesn't
* combine items in strict sequence.
def zip6[A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6](
oa1: Observable[A1], oa2: Observable[A2], oa3: Observable[A3],
oa4: Observable[A4], oa5: Observable[A5], oa6: Observable[A6]): Observable[(A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6)] =
new builders.Zip6Observable(oa1,oa2,oa3,oa4,oa5,oa6)((a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6) => (a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6))
/** Creates a new observable from five observable sequences
* by combining their items in pairs in a strict sequence.
* So the first item emitted by the new observable will be the result
* of the function applied to the first items emitted by each of
* the source observables; the second item emitted by the new observable
* will be the result of the function applied to the second items
* emitted by each of those observables; and so forth.
* See [[combineLatestMap5]] for a more relaxed alternative that doesn't
* combine items in strict sequence.
* @param f is the mapping function applied over the generated pairs
def zipMap6[A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,R]
(oa1: Observable[A1], oa2: Observable[A2], oa3: Observable[A3],
oa4: Observable[A4], oa5: Observable[A5], oa6: Observable[A6])
(f: (A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6) => R): Observable[R] =
new builders.Zip6Observable(oa1,oa2,oa3,oa4,oa5,oa6)(f)
/** Given an observable sequence, it [[Observable!.zip zips]] them
* together returning a new observable that generates sequences.
def zipList[A](sources: Observable[A]*): Observable[Seq[A]] = {
if (sources.isEmpty) Observable.empty
else {
val seed = => Vector(t))
sources.tail.foldLeft(seed) { (acc, obs) =>
acc.zipMap(obs)((seq, elem) => seq :+ elem)
@deprecated("Renamed to Observable.zipMap2", since="2.0-RC12")
def zipWith2[A1,A2,R](fa1: Observable[A1], fa2: Observable[A2])(f: (A1,A2) => R): Observable[R] =
zipMap2(fa1, fa2)(f)
@deprecated("Renamed to Observable.zipMap3", since="2.0-RC12")
def zipWith3[A1,A2,A3,R](fa1: Observable[A1], fa2: Observable[A2], fa3: Observable[A3])(f: (A1,A2,A3) => R): Observable[R] =
zipMap3(fa1, fa2, fa3)(f)
@deprecated("Renamed to Observable.zipMap4", since="2.0-RC12")
def zipWith4[A1,A2,A3,A4,R](fa1: Observable[A1], fa2: Observable[A2], fa3: Observable[A3], fa4: Observable[A4])(f: (A1,A2,A3,A4) => R): Observable[R] =
zipMap4(fa1, fa2, fa3, fa4)(f)
@deprecated("Renamed to Observable.zipMap5", since="2.0-RC12")
def zipWith5[A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,R](fa1: Observable[A1], fa2: Observable[A2], fa3: Observable[A3], fa4: Observable[A4], fa5: Observable[A5])(f: (A1,A2,A3,A4,A5) => R): Observable[R] =
zipMap5(fa1, fa2, fa3, fa4, fa5)(f)
@deprecated("Renamed to Observable.zipMap6", since="2.0-RC12")
def zipWith6[A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,R](fa1: Observable[A1], fa2: Observable[A2], fa3: Observable[A3], fa4: Observable[A4], fa5: Observable[A5], fa6: Observable[A6])(f: (A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6) => R): Observable[R] =
zipMap6(fa1, fa2, fa3, fa4, fa5, fa6)(f)
/** Creates a combined observable from 2 source observables.
* This operator behaves in a similar way to [[zip2]],
* but while `zip` emits items only when all of the zipped source
* observables have emitted a previously unzipped item, `combine`
* emits an item whenever any of the source Observables emits an
* item (so long as each of the source Observables has emitted at
* least one item).
def combineLatest2[A1,A2](oa1: Observable[A1], oa2: Observable[A2]): Observable[(A1, A2)] =
new builders.CombineLatest2Observable[A1,A2,(A1,A2)](oa1,oa2)((a1,a2) => (a1,a2))
/** Creates a combined observable from 2 source observables.
* This operator behaves in a similar way to [[zipMap2]],
* but while `zip` emits items only when all of the zipped source
* observables have emitted a previously unzipped item, `combine`
* emits an item whenever any of the source Observables emits an
* item (so long as each of the source Observables has emitted at
* least one item).
def combineLatestMap2[A1,A2,R](oa1: Observable[A1], oa2: Observable[A2])
(f: (A1,A2) => R): Observable[R] =
new builders.CombineLatest2Observable[A1,A2,R](oa1,oa2)(f)
/** Creates a combined observable from 3 source observables.
* This operator behaves in a similar way to [[zip3]],
* but while `zip` emits items only when all of the zipped source
* observables have emitted a previously unzipped item, `combine`
* emits an item whenever any of the source Observables emits an
* item (so long as each of the source Observables has emitted at
* least one item).
def combineLatest3[A1,A2,A3](
oa1: Observable[A1], oa2: Observable[A2], oa3: Observable[A3]): Observable[(A1,A2,A3)] =
new builders.CombineLatest3Observable(oa1,oa2,oa3)((a1,a2,a3) => (a1,a2,a3))
/** Creates a combined observable from 3 source observables.
* This operator behaves in a similar way to [[zipMap3]],
* but while `zip` emits items only when all of the zipped source
* observables have emitted a previously unzipped item, `combine`
* emits an item whenever any of the source Observables emits an
* item (so long as each of the source Observables has emitted at
* least one item).
def combineLatestMap3[A1,A2,A3,R](a1: Observable[A1], a2: Observable[A2], a3: Observable[A3])
(f: (A1,A2,A3) => R): Observable[R] =
new builders.CombineLatest3Observable[A1,A2,A3,R](a1,a2,a3)(f)
/** Creates a combined observable from 4 source observables.
* This operator behaves in a similar way to [[zip4]],
* but while `zip` emits items only when all of the zipped source
* observables have emitted a previously unzipped item, `combine`
* emits an item whenever any of the source Observables emits an
* item (so long as each of the source Observables has emitted at
* least one item).
def combineLatest4[A1,A2,A3,A4](
oa1: Observable[A1], oa2: Observable[A2], oa3: Observable[A3],
oa4: Observable[A4]): Observable[(A1,A2,A3,A4)] =
new builders.CombineLatest4Observable(oa1,oa2,oa3,oa4)((a1,a2,a3,a4) => (a1,a2,a3,a4))
/** Creates a combined observable from 4 source observables.
* This operator behaves in a similar way to [[zipMap4]],
* but while `zip` emits items only when all of the zipped source
* observables have emitted a previously unzipped item, `combine`
* emits an item whenever any of the source Observables emits an
* item (so long as each of the source Observables has emitted at
* least one item).
def combineLatestMap4[A1,A2,A3,A4,R]
(a1: Observable[A1], a2: Observable[A2], a3: Observable[A3], a4: Observable[A4])
(f: (A1,A2,A3,A4) => R): Observable[R] =
new builders.CombineLatest4Observable[A1,A2,A3,A4,R](a1,a2,a3,a4)(f)
/** Creates a combined observable from 5 source observables.
* This operator behaves in a similar way to [[zip5]],
* but while `zip` emits items only when all of the zipped source
* observables have emitted a previously unzipped item, `combine`
* emits an item whenever any of the source Observables emits an
* item (so long as each of the source Observables has emitted at
* least one item).
def combineLatest5[A1,A2,A3,A4,A5](
oa1: Observable[A1], oa2: Observable[A2], oa3: Observable[A3],
oa4: Observable[A4], oa5: Observable[A5]): Observable[(A1,A2,A3,A4,A5)] =
new builders.CombineLatest5Observable(oa1,oa2,oa3,oa4,oa5)((a1,a2,a3,a4,a5) => (a1,a2,a3,a4,a5))
/** Creates a combined observable from 5 source observables.
* This operator behaves in a similar way to [[zipMap5]],
* but while `zip` emits items only when all of the zipped source
* observables have emitted a previously unzipped item, `combine`
* emits an item whenever any of the source Observables emits an
* item (so long as each of the source Observables has emitted at
* least one item).
def combineLatestMap5[A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,R]
(a1: Observable[A1], a2: Observable[A2], a3: Observable[A3], a4: Observable[A4], a5: Observable[A5])
(f: (A1,A2,A3,A4,A5) => R): Observable[R] =
new builders.CombineLatest5Observable[A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,R](a1,a2,a3,a4,a5)(f)
/** Creates a combined observable from 6 source observables.
* This operator behaves in a similar way to [[zip6]],
* but while `zip` emits items only when all of the zipped source
* observables have emitted a previously unzipped item, `combine`
* emits an item whenever any of the source Observables emits an
* item (so long as each of the source Observables has emitted at
* least one item).
def combineLatest6[A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6](
oa1: Observable[A1], oa2: Observable[A2], oa3: Observable[A3],
oa4: Observable[A4], oa5: Observable[A5], oa6: Observable[A6]): Observable[(A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6)] =
new builders.CombineLatest6Observable(oa1,oa2,oa3,oa4,oa5,oa6)((a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6) => (a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6))
/** Creates a combined observable from 6 source observables.
* This operator behaves in a similar way to [[zipMap6]],
* but while `zip` emits items only when all of the zipped source
* observables have emitted a previously unzipped item, `combine`
* emits an item whenever any of the source Observables emits an
* item (so long as each of the source Observables has emitted at
* least one item).
def combineLatestMap6[A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,R]
(a1: Observable[A1], a2: Observable[A2], a3: Observable[A3],
a4: Observable[A4], a5: Observable[A5], a6: Observable[A6])
(f: (A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6) => R): Observable[R] =
new builders.CombineLatest6Observable[A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,R](a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6)(f)
/** Given an observable sequence, it combines them together
* (using [[combineLatestMap2 combineLatest]])
* returning a new observable that generates sequences.
def combineLatestList[A](sources: Observable[A]*): Observable[Seq[A]] = {
if (sources.isEmpty) Observable.empty
else {
val seed = => Vector(t))
sources.tail.foldLeft(seed) { (acc, obs) =>
acc.combineLatestMap(obs) { (seq, elem) => seq :+ elem }
@deprecated("Renamed to Observable.combineLatestMap2", since="2.0-RC12")
def combineLatestWith2[A1,A2,R](fa1: Observable[A1], fa2: Observable[A2])(f: (A1,A2) => R): Observable[R] =
combineLatestMap2(fa1, fa2)(f)
@deprecated("Renamed to Observable.combineLatestMap3", since="2.0-RC12")
def combineLatestWith3[A1,A2,A3,R](fa1: Observable[A1], fa2: Observable[A2], fa3: Observable[A3])(f: (A1,A2,A3) => R): Observable[R] =
combineLatestMap3(fa1, fa2, fa3)(f)
@deprecated("Renamed to Observable.combineLatestMap4", since="2.0-RC12")
def combineLatestWith4[A1,A2,A3,A4,R](fa1: Observable[A1], fa2: Observable[A2], fa3: Observable[A3], fa4: Observable[A4])(f: (A1,A2,A3,A4) => R): Observable[R] =
combineLatestMap4(fa1, fa2, fa3, fa4)(f)
@deprecated("Renamed to Observable.combineLatestMap5", since="2.0-RC12")
def combineLatestWith5[A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,R](fa1: Observable[A1], fa2: Observable[A2], fa3: Observable[A3], fa4: Observable[A4], fa5: Observable[A5])(f: (A1,A2,A3,A4,A5) => R): Observable[R] =
combineLatestMap5(fa1, fa2, fa3, fa4, fa5)(f)
@deprecated("Renamed to Observable.combineLatestMap6", since="2.0-RC12")
def combineLatestWith6[A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,R](fa1: Observable[A1], fa2: Observable[A2], fa3: Observable[A3], fa4: Observable[A4], fa5: Observable[A5], fa6: Observable[A6])(f: (A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6) => R): Observable[R] =
combineLatestMap6(fa1, fa2, fa3, fa4, fa5, fa6)(f)
/** Given a list of source Observables, emits all of the items from
* the first of these Observables to emit an item or to complete,
* and cancel the rest.
def firstStartedOf[A](source: Observable[A]*): Observable[A] =
new builders.FirstStartedObservable(source: _*)
/** Implicit type-class instances for [[Observable]]. */
implicit val typeClassInstances: TypeClassInstances = new TypeClassInstances
/** Type-class instances for [[Observable]]. */
class TypeClassInstances extends DeferrableClass[Observable]
with MemoizableClass[Observable] with RecoverableClass[Observable,Throwable]
with MonadFilterClass[Observable] with MonoidKClass[Observable]
with CoflatMapClass[Observable] {
override def pure[A](a: A): Observable[A] =
override def defer[A](fa: => Observable[A]): Observable[A] = Observable.suspend(fa)
override def eval[A](a: => A): Observable[A] = Observable.eval(a)
override def evalOnce[A](a: => A): Observable[A] = Observable.evalOnce(a)
override def memoize[A](fa: Observable[A]): Observable[A] = fa.cache
override def combineK[A](x: Observable[A], y: Observable[A]): Observable[A] =
x ++ y
override def flatMap[A, B](fa: Observable[A])(f: (A) => Observable[B]): Observable[B] =
override def flatten[A](ffa: Observable[Observable[A]]): Observable[A] =
override def coflatMap[A, B](fa: Observable[A])(f: (Observable[A]) => B): Observable[B] =
override def ap[A, B](ff: Observable[(A) => B])(fa: Observable[A]): Observable[B] =
for (f <- ff; a <- fa) yield f(a)
override def map2[A, B, Z](fa: Observable[A], fb: Observable[B])(f: (A, B) => Z): Observable[Z] =
for (a <- fa; b <- fb) yield f(a,b)
override def map[A, B](fa: Observable[A])(f: (A) => B): Observable[B] =
override def raiseError[A](e: Throwable): Observable[A] =
override def onErrorHandle[A](fa: Observable[A])(f: (Throwable) => A): Observable[A] =
override def onErrorHandleWith[A](fa: Observable[A])(f: (Throwable) => Observable[A]): Observable[A] =
override def onErrorRecover[A](fa: Observable[A])(pf: PartialFunction[Throwable, A]): Observable[A] =
override def onErrorRecoverWith[A](fa: Observable[A])(pf: PartialFunction[Throwable, Observable[A]]): Observable[A] =
override def empty[A]: Observable[A] =
override def filter[A](fa: Observable[A])(f: (A) => Boolean): Observable[A] =
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