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* Copyright (c) 2014-2020 by The Monix Project Developers.
* See the project homepage at:
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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package monix.reactive
import monix.execution.Ack.{Continue, Stop}
import monix.execution._
import monix.execution.cancelables.BooleanCancelable
import monix.reactive.internal.rstreams._
import monix.reactive.observers.Subscriber
import org.reactivestreams.{Subscriber => RSubscriber}
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.concurrent.{Future, Promise}
import scala.util.Success
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
/** The Observer from the Rx pattern is the trio of callbacks that
* get subscribed to an [[monix.reactive.Observable Observable]]
* for receiving events.
* The events received must follow the Rx grammar, which is:
* onNext * (onComplete | onError)?
* That means an Observer can receive zero or multiple events, the stream
* ending either in one or zero `onComplete` or `onError` (just one, not both),
* and after onComplete or onError, a well behaved `Observable`
* implementation shouldn't send any more onNext events.
trait Observer[-A] extends Any with Serializable {
def onNext(elem: A): Future[Ack]
def onError(ex: Throwable): Unit
def onComplete(): Unit
/** @define feedCollectionDesc Feeds the [[Observer]] instance with
* elements from the given collection, respecting the contract and
* returning a `Future[Ack]` with the last acknowledgement given
* after the last emitted element.
* @define feedIteratorDesc Feeds the [[Observer]] instance with
* elements from the given `Iterator`, respecting the contract
* and returning a `Future[Ack]` with the last acknowledgement
* given after the last emitted element.
* @define feedCancelableDesc is a
* [[monix.execution.cancelables.BooleanCancelable BooleanCancelable]]
* that will be queried for its cancellation status, but only on
* asynchronous boundaries, and when it is seen as being `isCanceled`,
* streaming is stopped
object Observer {
/** An `Observer.Sync` is an [[Observer]] that signals demand
* to upstream synchronously (i.e. the upstream observable doesn't need to
* wait on a `Future` in order to decide whether to send the next event
* or not).
* Can be used for optimizations.
trait Sync[-A] extends Observer[A] {
* Returns either a [[monix.execution.Ack.Continue Continue]] or a
* [[monix.execution.Ack.Stop Stop]], in response to an `elem` event
* being received.
def onNext(elem: A): Ack
/** Helper for building an empty observer that doesn't do anything,
* besides logging errors in case they happen.
def empty[A](implicit r: UncaughtExceptionReporter): Observer.Sync[A] =
new Observer.Sync[A] {
def onNext(elem: A): Ack = Continue
def onError(ex: Throwable): Unit = r.reportFailure(ex)
def onComplete(): Unit = ()
/** Helper for building an empty observer that continuously returns
* `Stop` in `onNext` and that reports errors pushed with `onError`.
def stopped[A]: Observer.Sync[A] = stoppedRef
// Reusable reference
private[this] val stoppedRef: Observer.Sync[Any] =
new Observer.Sync[Any] {
def onNext(elem: Any): Ack = Stop
def onError(ex: Throwable): Unit = ()
def onComplete(): Unit = ()
/** Builds an [[Observer]] that just logs incoming events. */
def dump[A](prefix: String, out: PrintStream = System.out): Observer.Sync[A] =
new DumpObserver[A](prefix, out)
/** Given a contravariant mapping function, transform
* the source [[Observer]] by transforming the input.
def contramap[A, B](fa: Observer[A])(f: B => A): Observer[B] =
new ContravariantObserver(fa)(f)
/** Given an `org.reactivestreams.Subscriber` as defined by the
* [[ Reactive Streams]] specification,
* it builds an [[Observer]] instance compliant with the
* Monix Rx implementation.
def fromReactiveSubscriber[A](subscriber: RSubscriber[A], subscription: Cancelable)(
implicit s: Scheduler): Observer[A] =
ReactiveSubscriberAsMonixSubscriber(subscriber, subscription)
/** Transforms the source [[Observer]] into a `org.reactivestreams.Subscriber`
* instance as defined by the [[ Reactive Streams]]
* specification.
def toReactiveSubscriber[A](observer: Observer[A])(implicit s: Scheduler): RSubscriber[A] = {
toReactiveSubscriber(observer, s.executionModel.recommendedBatchSize)(s)
/** Transforms the source [[Observer]] into a `org.reactivestreams.Subscriber`
* instance as defined by the [[ Reactive Streams]]
* specification.
* @param requestCount a strictly positive number, representing the size
* of the buffer used and the number of elements requested
* on each cycle when communicating demand, compliant with
* the reactive streams specification
def toReactiveSubscriber[A](observer: Observer[A], requestCount: Int)(implicit s: Scheduler): RSubscriber[A] = {
require(requestCount > 0, "requestCount > 0")
SubscriberAsReactiveSubscriber(Subscriber(observer, s), requestCount)
/** $feedCollectionDesc
* @param target is the observer that will get the events
* @param iterable is the collection of items to push downstream
def feed[A](target: Observer[A], iterable: Iterable[A])(implicit s: Scheduler): Future[Ack] =
feed(target, BooleanCancelable.dummy, iterable)
/** $feedCollectionDesc
* @param target is the observer that will get the events
* @param subscription $feedCancelableDesc
* @param iterable is the collection of items to push downstream
def feed[A](target: Observer[A], subscription: BooleanCancelable, iterable: Iterable[A])(
implicit s: Scheduler): Future[Ack] = {
try feed(target, subscription, iterable.iterator)
catch {
case ex if NonFatal(ex) =>
/** $feedIteratorDesc
* @param target is the observer that will get the events
* @param iterator is the collection of items to push downstream
def feed[A](target: Observer[A], iterator: Iterator[A])(implicit s: Scheduler): Future[Ack] =
feed(target, BooleanCancelable.dummy, iterator)
/** $feedIteratorDesc
* @param target is the observer that will get the events
* @param subscription $feedCancelableDesc
* @param iterator is the collection of items to push downstream
def feed[A](target: Observer[A], subscription: BooleanCancelable, iterator: Iterator[A])(
implicit s: Scheduler): Future[Ack] = {
def scheduleFeedLoop(promise: Promise[Ack], iterator: Iterator[A]): Future[Ack] = {
s.execute(new Runnable {
private[this] val em = s.executionModel
def fastLoop(syncIndex: Int): Unit = {
val ack = target.onNext(
if (iterator.hasNext) {
val nextIndex =
if (ack == Continue) em.nextFrameIndex(syncIndex)
else if (ack == Stop) -1
else 0
if (nextIndex > 0)
else if (nextIndex == 0 && !subscription.isCanceled)
ack.onComplete {
case Success(Continue) => run()
case other => promise.complete(other)
} else {
if ((ack eq Continue) || (ack eq Stop))
def run(): Unit = {
try fastLoop(0)
catch {
case ex if NonFatal(ex) =>
try target.onError(ex)
finally {
try {
if (iterator.hasNext)
scheduleFeedLoop(Promise[Ack](), iterator)
} catch {
case ex if NonFatal(ex) =>
/** Extension methods for [[Observer]].
* @define feedCollectionDesc Feeds the [[Observer]] instance with
* elements from the given collection, respecting the contract and
* returning a `Future[Ack]` with the last acknowledgement given
* after the last emitted element.
* @define feedCancelableDesc is a
* [[monix.execution.cancelables.BooleanCancelable BooleanCancelable]]
* that will be queried for its cancellation status, but only on
* asynchronous boundaries, and when it is seen as being `isCanceled`,
* streaming is stopped
implicit class Extensions[A](val target: Observer[A]) extends AnyVal {
/** Transforms the source [[Observer]] into a `org.reactivestreams.Subscriber`
* instance as defined by the [[ Reactive Streams]]
* specification.
def toReactive(implicit s: Scheduler): RSubscriber[A] =
/** Transforms the source [[Observer]] into a `org.reactivestreams.Subscriber`
* instance as defined by the [[ Reactive Streams]]
* specification.
* @param requestCount a strictly positive number, representing the size
* of the buffer used and the number of elements requested
* on each cycle when communicating demand, compliant with
* the reactive streams specification
def toReactive(requestCount: Int)(implicit s: Scheduler): RSubscriber[A] =
Observer.toReactiveSubscriber(target, requestCount)
/** $feedCollectionDesc
* @param xs the traversable object containing the elements to feed
* into our observer.
def onNextAll(xs: Iterable[A])(implicit s: Scheduler): Future[Ack] =
Observer.feed(target, xs)(s)
/** $feedCollectionDesc
* @param iterable is the collection of items to push downstream
def feed(iterable: Iterable[A])(implicit s: Scheduler): Future[Ack] =
Observer.feed(target, iterable)
/** $feedCollectionDesc
* @param subscription $feedCancelableDesc
* @param iterable is the collection of items to push downstream
def feed(subscription: BooleanCancelable, iterable: Iterable[A])(implicit s: Scheduler): Future[Ack] =
Observer.feed(target, subscription, iterable)
/** $feedCollectionDesc
* @param iterator is the collection of items to push downstream
def feed(iterator: Iterator[A])(implicit s: Scheduler): Future[Ack] =
Observer.feed(target, iterator)
/** $feedCollectionDesc
* @param subscription $feedCancelableDesc
* @param iterator is the collection of items to push downstream
def feed(subscription: BooleanCancelable, iterator: Iterator[A])(implicit s: Scheduler): Future[Ack] =
Observer.feed(target, subscription, iterator)
/** Given a contravariant mapping function, transform
* the source [[Observer]] by transforming the input.
def contramap[B](f: B => A): Observer[B] =
private[reactive] class DumpObserver[-A](prefix: String, out: PrintStream) extends Observer.Sync[A] {
private[this] var pos = 0
def onNext(elem: A): Ack = {
out.println(s"$pos: $prefix --> $elem")
pos += 1
def onError(ex: Throwable) = {
out.println(s"$pos: $prefix --> $ex")
pos += 1
def onComplete() = {
out.println(s"$pos: $prefix completed")
pos += 1
private[this] final class ContravariantObserver[A, B](source: Observer[A])(f: B => A) extends Observer[B] {
// For protecting the contract
private[this] var isDone = false
override def onNext(elem: B): Future[Ack] = {
if (isDone) Stop
else {
var streamError = true
try {
val b = f(elem)
streamError = false
} catch {
case NonFatal(ex) if streamError =>
override def onError(ex: Throwable): Unit =
if (!isDone) {
isDone = true; source.onError(ex)
override def onComplete(): Unit =
if (!isDone) {
isDone = true; source.onComplete()