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monix.connect.redis.commands.SortedSetCommands.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 * Copyright (c) 2020-2021 by The Monix Connect Project Developers.
 * See the project homepage at:
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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package monix.connect.redis.commands

import io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
import io.lettuce.core.{Limit, Range}
import monix.connect.redis.domain.{VScore, ZArgs, ZRange}
import monix.connect.redis.domain.ZArgs.ZArg
import monix.connect.redis.kvToTuple
import monix.eval.Task
import monix.reactive.Observable

import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration

  * Exposes the set of redis sorted set commands available.
  * @see Sorted set commands reference.
  * @note Does yet not support `zRevRange`, `zRevRangeWithScores`, `zRemRangeByRank`.
class SortedSetCommands[K, V] private[redis] (reactiveCmd: RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands[K, V]) {

    * Removes and returns a member with the lowest scores in the sorted set stored at one of the keys.
    * @see BZPOPMIN.
    * @return Multi-bulk containing the name of the key, the score and the popped member.
  def bZPopMin(timeout: FiniteDuration, keys: K*): Task[Option[(K, VScore[V])]] =
      .fromReactivePublisher(reactiveCmd.bzpopmin(timeout.toSeconds, keys: _*))
      .map( {
        case (t1, t2) =>

    * Removes and returns a member with the highest scores in the sorted set stored at one of the keys.
    * @see BZPOPMAX.
    * @return Multi-bulk containing the name of the key, the score and the popped member.
  def bZPopMax(timeout: FiniteDuration, keys: K*): Task[Option[(K, VScore[V])]] =
      .fromReactivePublisher(reactiveCmd.bzpopmax(timeout.toSeconds, keys: _*))
      .map( {
        case (t1, t2) =>

    * Add one or more members to a sorted set, or update its score if it already exists.
    * @see ZADD.
    * @return Long integer-reply specifically:
    *         True if the member was added to the sorted sets
    *         False if the member was already present, in which case the score is also been updated.
  def zAdd(key: K, score: Double, member: V): Task[Boolean] =
    Task.fromReactivePublisher(reactiveCmd.zadd(key, score, member)).map(_.exists(_.longValue > 0L))

    * Add one or more members to a sorted set, or update its score if it already exists.
    * @see ZADD.
    * @return The number of elements added to the sorted sets,
    *         without including elements already existing for
    *         which the score was updated.
  def zAdd(key: K, scoredValues: VScore[V]*): Task[Long] =
      .fromReactivePublisher(reactiveCmd.zadd(key, _*))

  def zAdd(key: K, scoredValues: List[VScore[V]]): Task[Long] =
      .fromReactivePublisher(reactiveCmd.zadd(key, _*))

  def zAdd(key: K, zArg: ZArg, score: Double, value: V): Task[Long] =
      .fromReactivePublisher(reactiveCmd.zadd(key, ZArgs.parse(zArg), score, value))

  def zAdd(key: K, zArg: ZArg, scoredValues: VScore[V]*): Task[Long] =
      .fromReactivePublisher(reactiveCmd.zadd(key, ZArgs.parse(zArg), _*))

  def zAdd(key: K, zArg: ZArg, scoredValues: List[VScore[V]]): Task[Long] =
      .fromReactivePublisher(reactiveCmd.zadd(key, ZArgs.parse(zArg), _*))

    * Add one or more members to a sorted set, or update its score if
    * it already exists applying the INCR option.
    * @see ZADD.
    * @return The total number of elements changed
  def zAddIncr(key: K, score: Double, member: V): Task[Long] =
      .fromReactivePublisher(reactiveCmd.zaddincr(key, score, member))

    * Add one or more members to a sorted set,
    * or update its score depending on [[ZArgs]].
    * @see ZADD.
    * @return The score number of the updated element.
  def zAddIncr(key: K, zArg: ZArg, score: Double, member: V): Task[Long] =
      .fromReactivePublisher(reactiveCmd.zaddincr(key, ZArgs.parse(zArg), score, member))

    * Get the number of members in a sorted set.
    * @see ZCARD.
    * @return the cardinality (number of elements) of the sorted set, or 0 if key does not exist..
  def zCard(key: K): Task[Long] =

    * Count the number of members in a sorted set within a given [[ZRange]].
    * @see ZCOUNT.
    * @return The number of elements in the specified score range.
  def zCount(key: K, range: ZRange[_ <: Number]): Task[Long] =
      .fromReactivePublisher(reactiveCmd.zcount(key, range.underlying))

    * Increment the score of a member in a sorted set.
    * @see ZINCRBY.
    * @return The new score of member.
  def zIncrBy(key: K, amount: Double, member: V): Task[Double] =
      .fromReactivePublisher(reactiveCmd.zincrby(key, amount, member))

    * Intersect multiple sorted sets and store the resulting sorted set in a new key.
    * @see ZINTERSTORE.
    * @return The number of elements in the resulting sorted set at destination.
  def zInterStore(destination: K, keys: K*): Task[Long] =
      .fromReactivePublisher(reactiveCmd.zinterstore(destination, keys: _*))

    * Count the number of members in a sorted set between a given lexicographical range.
    * @see ZLEXCOUNT.
    * @return The number of elements in the specified score range.
  def zLexCount(key: K, range: ZRange[_ <: V]): Task[Long] =
      .fromReactivePublisher(reactiveCmd.zlexcount(key, range.underlying))

    * Removes and returns up the highest scores in the sorted set stored at key.
    * @see ZPOPMAX.
    * @return Scored value of the removed element.
  def zPopMax(key: K): Task[VScore[V]] =

    * Removes and returns up to count members with the highest scores in the sorted set stored at key.
    * @see ZPOPMAX.
    * @return Scored values of popped scores and elements.
  def zPopMax(key: K, count: Long): Observable[VScore[V]] =
    Observable.fromReactivePublisher(reactiveCmd.zpopmax(key, count)).map(VScore.from)

    * Removes and returns the lowest score in the sorted set stored at key.
    * @see ZPOPMIN.
    * @return Scored value the removed element.
  def zPopMin(key: K): Task[VScore[V]] =

    * Removes and returns up to count members with the lowest scores in the sorted set stored at key.
    * @see ZPOPMIN.
    * @return Scored values of the popped scores and elements.
  def zPopMin(key: K, count: Long): Observable[VScore[V]] =
    Observable.fromReactivePublisher(reactiveCmd.zpopmin(key, count)).map(VScore.from)

    * Return a range of members in a sorted set.
    * @see ZRANGE.
    * @return Elements in the specified range.
  def zRange(key: K, start: Long, stop: Long): Observable[V] =
    Observable.fromReactivePublisher(reactiveCmd.zrange(key, start, stop))

    * Return a range of members in a sorted set, by lexicographical range.
    * @see ZRANGEBYLEX.
    * @return Elements in the specified range.
  def zRangeByLex(key: K, range: ZRange[_ <: V]): Observable[V] =
    Observable.fromReactivePublisher(reactiveCmd.zrangebylex(key, range.underlying))

    * Return a range of members in a sorted set, by lexicographical range.
    * @see ZRANGEBYLEX.
    * @return Elements in the specified range.
  def zRangeByLex(key: K, range: ZRange[_ <: V], limit: Int, offset: Int = 0): Observable[V] =
    Observable.fromReactivePublisher(reactiveCmd.zrangebylex(key, range.underlying, Limit.create(offset, limit)))

    * Return a range of members in a sorted set, by score.
    * @return Elements in the specified score range.
  def zRangeByScore(key: K, range: ZRange[_ <: Number]): Observable[V] =
    Observable.fromReactivePublisher(reactiveCmd.zrangebyscore(key, range.underlying))

    * Return a range of members in a sorted set, by score.
    * @return Elements in the specified score range.
  def zRangeByScore(key: K, range: ZRange[_ <: Number], limit: Int, offset: Int = 0): Observable[V] =
    Observable.fromReactivePublisher(reactiveCmd.zrangebyscore(key, range.underlying, Limit.create(offset, limit)))

    * Return a range of members with score in a sorted set, by score.
    * @return Scored values in the specified score range.
  def zRangeByScoreWithScores(key: K, range: ZRange[_ <: Number]): Observable[VScore[V]] =
      .fromReactivePublisher(reactiveCmd.zrangebyscoreWithScores(key, range.underlying))

    * Return a range of members with score in a sorted set, by score.
    * @return Elements in the specified score range.
  def zRangeByScoreWithScores(key: K, range: ZRange[_ <: Number], limit: Int, offset: Int = 0): Observable[VScore[V]] =
      .fromReactivePublisher(reactiveCmd.zrangebyscoreWithScores(key, range.underlying, Limit.create(offset, limit)))

    * Determine the index of a member in a sorted set.
    * @see ZRANK.
    * @return The rank of member. [[None]] if the member does
    *         not exist in the sorted set or key does not exist.
  def zRank(key: K, member: V): Task[Option[Long]] =
      .fromReactivePublisher(reactiveCmd.zrank(key, member))

    * Remove one or more members from a sorted set.
    * @see ZREM.
    * @return The number of members removed from the sorted set,
    *         not including non existing members.
  def zRem(key: K, members: V*): Task[Long] =
      .fromReactivePublisher(reactiveCmd.zrem(key, members: _*))

    * Remove all members in a sorted set between the given lexicographical range.
    * @return The number of elements removed.
  def zRemRangeByLex(key: K, range: ZRange[_ <: V]): Task[Long] =
      .fromReactivePublisher(reactiveCmd.zremrangebylex(key, range.underlying))

    * Remove all members in a sorted set within the given scores.
    * @return The number of elements removed.
  def zRemRangeByScore(key: K, range: ZRange[_ <: Number]): Task[Long] =
      .fromReactivePublisher(reactiveCmd.zremrangebyscore(key, range.underlying))

    * Return a range of members in a sorted set,
    * by lexicographical range ordered from high to low.
    * @return Elements in the specified score range.
  def zRevRangeByLex(key: K, range: ZRange[_ <: V]): Observable[V] =
    Observable.fromReactivePublisher(reactiveCmd.zrevrangebylex(key, range.underlying))

    * Return a range of members in a sorted set,
    * by lexicographical range ordered from high to low.
    * @return Elements in the specified score range.
  def zRevRangeByLex(key: K, range: ZRange[_ <: V], limit: Int, offset: Int = 0): Observable[V] =
    Observable.fromReactivePublisher(reactiveCmd.zrevrangebylex(key, range.underlying, Limit.create(offset, limit)))

    * Return a range of members in a sorted set, by score,
    * with scores ordered from high to low.
    * @return Elements in the specified score range.
  def zRevRangeByScore(key: K, range: ZRange[_ <: Number]): Observable[V] =
    Observable.fromReactivePublisher(reactiveCmd.zrevrangebyscore(key, range.underlying))

    * Return a range of members in a sorted set, by score, with scores ordered from high to low.
    * Alias for zRevRangeByScoreWithScores
    * @return Elements in the specified score range.
  def zRevRangeByScore(key: K, range: ZRange[_ <: Number], limit: Int, offset: Int = 0): Observable[V] =
    Observable.fromReactivePublisher(reactiveCmd.zrevrangebyscore(key, range.underlying, Limit.create(offset, limit)))

    * Return a range of members with scores in a sorted set, by score, with scores ordered from high to low.
    * Alias to zRevRangeByScoreWithScores
    * @return Elements in the specified score range.
  def zRevRangeByScoreWithScores(key: K, range: ZRange[_ <: Number]): Observable[VScore[V]] =
      .fromReactivePublisher(reactiveCmd.zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(key, range.underlying))

    * Return a range of members with scores in a sorted set,
    * by score, with scores ordered from high to low.
    * @return Elements in the specified score range.
  def zRevRangeByScoreWithScores(
    key: K,
    range: ZRange[_ <: Number],
    limit: Int,
    offset: Int = 0): Observable[VScore[V]] =
      .fromReactivePublisher(reactiveCmd.zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(key, range.underlying, Limit.create(offset, limit)))

    * Determine the index of a member in a sorted set, with scores ordered from high to low.
    * @see ZREVRANK.
    * @return The rank of member. [[None]] if member or the key does not exist.
  def zRevRank(key: K, member: V): Task[Option[Long]] = {
      .fromReactivePublisher(reactiveCmd.zrevrank(key, member))

    * Return all members with scores in a sorted set,
    * by score, with scores ordered from low to high.
  def zGetAll(key: K): Observable[VScore[V]] =
      .fromReactivePublisher(reactiveCmd.zrangebyscoreWithScores(key, Range.unbounded()))

    * Return all members with scores in a sorted set,
    * by score, with scores ordered from high to low.
  def zRevGetAll(key: K): Observable[VScore[V]] =
      .fromReactivePublisher(reactiveCmd.zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(key, Range.unbounded()))

  /** Return a range of members in a sorted set, from low to high. */
  def zMembers(key: K): Observable[V] =
    Observable.fromReactivePublisher(reactiveCmd.zrangebyscore(key, Range.unbounded()))

  /** All members in a sorted set, from high to low. */
  def zRevMembers(key: K): Observable[V] =
    Observable.fromReactivePublisher(reactiveCmd.zrevrangebyscore(key, Range.unbounded()))

    * Get the score associated with the given member in a sorted set.
    * @see ZSCORE.
    * @param key the key.
    * @param member the member type: value.
    * @return Double number representing the score string,
    *         '0.0' if the member was not present.
  def zScore(key: K, member: V): Task[Double] =
      .fromReactivePublisher(reactiveCmd.zscore(key, member))

    * Add multiple sorted sets and store the resulting sorted set in a new key.
    * @see SUNIONSTORE.
    * @return The number of elements in the resulting sorted set at destination.
  def zUnionStore(destination: K, keys: K*): Task[Long] =
      .fromReactivePublisher(reactiveCmd.zunionstore(destination, keys: _*))


object SortedSetCommands {
  def apply[K, V](reactiveCmd: RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands[K, V]): SortedSetCommands[K, V] =
    new SortedSetCommands[K, V](reactiveCmd)

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