io.mosip.admin.bulkdataupload.repositories.RegistrationCenterDeviceRepository Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package io.mosip.admin.bulkdataupload.repositories;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Optional;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository;
import io.mosip.admin.bulkdataupload.entity.RegistrationCenterDevice;
import io.mosip.kernel.core.dataaccess.spi.repository.BaseRepository;
* Repository to perform CRUD operations on RegistrationCenterDevice.
* @author Dharmesh Khandelwal
* @author Bal Vikash Sharma
* @since 1.0.0
* @see RegistrationCenterDevice
* @see BaseRepository
public interface RegistrationCenterDeviceRepository
extends BaseRepository {
@Query("FROM RegistrationCenterDevice WHERE registrationCenterDevicePk =?1 and (isDeleted is null or isDeleted =false) and isActive = true")
Optional findAllNondeletedMappings(RegistrationCenterDeviceID registrationCenterDevicePk);
@Query("FROM RegistrationCenterDevice rd where rd.registrationCenterDevicePk.deviceId = ?1 AND (rd.isDeleted is null or rd.isDeleted=false)")
List findByDeviceIdAndIsDeletedFalseOrIsDeletedIsNull(String deviceId);
@Query("FROM RegistrationCenterDevice rd where rd.registrationCenterDevicePk.regCenterId = ?1 AND (rd.isDeleted is null or rd.isDeleted=false) and rd.isActive = true")
List findByRegCenterIdAndIsDeletedFalseOrIsDeletedIsNull(String regCenterId);
@Query(value = "select count(*) from master.reg_center_device where regcntr_id=?1 and (is_deleted is null or is_deleted=false);", nativeQuery = true)
Long countCenterDevices(String centerId);
* Method that returns the list of registration centers mapped to devices.
* @param regCenterID the center ID of the reg-center which needs to be
* decommissioned.
* @return the list of registration centers mapped to devices.
@Query(value = "FROM RegistrationCenterDevice rd WHERE rd.registrationCenterDevicePk.regCenterId =?1 and (rd.isDeleted is null or rd.isDeleted =false)")
public List registrationCenterDeviceMappings(String regCenterID);
@Query("FROM RegistrationCenterDevice rd where (rd.isDeleted is null or rd.isDeleted =false) and rd.isActive = true")
List findAllCenterDevices();
@Query("FROM RegistrationCenterDevice rd where rd.registrationCenterDevicePk.regCenterId = ?1 and rd.registrationCenterDevicePk.deviceId = ?2 and rd.langCode=?3 ")
public RegistrationCenterDevice findByRegIdAndDeviceIdAndLangCode(String regCenterId, String deviceId,
String langCode);
@Query("FROM RegistrationCenterDevice rd where rd.registrationCenterDevicePk.deviceId = ?1 and rd.langCode=?2 and rd.isActive=true")
public RegistrationCenterDevice findByDeviceIdAndLangCode(String deviceId, String langCode);
* Method to find valid document based on Document Category code and Document
* Type code provided.
* @param docCategoryCode the document category code.
* @param docTypeCode the document type code.
* @return ValidDocument
@Query("FROM RegistrationCenterDevice rd WHERE rd.registrationCenterDevicePk.deviceId=?1 AND rd.registrationCenterDevicePk.regCenterId =?2 AND (rd.isDeleted is null OR rd.isDeleted = false)")
RegistrationCenterDevice findByDeviceIdAndRegCenterId(String deviceId, String regCenterId);