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package io.mosip.admin.bulkdataupload.repositories;
import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository;
import io.mosip.admin.bulkdataupload.entity.RegistrationCenter;
import io.mosip.kernel.core.dataaccess.spi.repository.BaseRepository;
* Repository class for RegistrationCenter to trigger queries.
* @author Dharmesh Khandelwal
* @author Abhishek Kumar
* @author Sidhant Agarwal
* @author Sagar Mahapatra
* @author Uday Kumar
* @author Ravi Kant
* @since 1.0.0
public interface RegistrationCenterRepository extends BaseRepository {
* This method trigger query to fetch registration centers based on
* latitude,longitude,proximity distance and language code
* @param latitude latitude provided by user
* @param longitude longitude provided by user
* @param proximityDistance proximityDistance provided by user as a radius
* @param langCode langCode provided by user
* @return list of {@link RegistrationCenter} fetched from database
List findRegistrationCentersByLat(@Param("latitude") double latitude,
@Param("longitude") double longitude, @Param("proximitydistance") double proximityDistance,
@Param("langcode") String langCode);
* This method trigger query to fetch registration centers based on id and
* language code.
* @param id the centerId
* @param langCode the languageCode
* @return the RegistrationCenter
@Query("FROM RegistrationCenter WHERE id= ?1 and langCode =?2 and (isDeleted is null or isDeleted =false) and isActive = true")
RegistrationCenter findByIdAndLangCode(String id, String langCode);
* This method trigger query to fetch registration centers based on id and
* language code.
* @param id the centerId
* @param langCode the languageCode
* @return the RegistrationCenter
@Query("FROM RegistrationCenter WHERE id= ?1 and langCode =?2 and (isDeleted is null or isDeleted =false)")
RegistrationCenter findByIdAndLangCodeAndIsDeletedTrue(String id, String langCode);
* This method triggers query to find registration center holiday location code
* based on id and language code.
* @param id the id against which the holiday location code needs to be
* found.
* @param langCode the language code against which the holiday location code
* needs to be found.
* @return the holiday location code fetched.
String findRegistrationCenterHolidayLocationCodeByIdAndLangCode(String id, String langCode);
* This method trigger query to fetch registration centers based on locationCode
* and language code.
* @param locationCode locationCode provided by user
* @param langCode languageCode provided by user
* @return list of {@link RegistrationCenter} fetched from database
@Query("FROM RegistrationCenter WHERE locationCode= ?1 and langCode =?2 and (isDeleted is null or isDeleted =false) and isActive = true")
List findByLocationCodeAndLangCode(String locationCode, String langCode);
* This method trigger query to fetch all registration centers based on deletion
* condition.
* @return the list of list of {@link RegistrationCenter}.
@Query("FROM RegistrationCenter WHERE (isDeleted is null or isDeleted =false) and isActive = true")
List findAllByIsDeletedFalseOrIsDeletedIsNull();
* This method triggers query to find registration centers based on center type
* code.
* @param code the code against which registration centers need to be found.
* @return the list of registration centers.
@Query("FROM RegistrationCenter WHERE centerTypeCode= ?1 and (isDeleted is null or isDeleted =false) and isActive = true")
List findByCenterTypeCode(String code);
@Query(value = "select EXISTS(select * from master.loc_holiday hol where hol.is_active=true and (hol.is_deleted is null or hol.is_deleted=false) and hol.holiday_date=?1 and hol.location_code=?2)", nativeQuery = true)
boolean validateDateWithHoliday(LocalDate date, String holidayLocationCode);
* This method triggers query to find registration centers based on id.
* @param id - id of the registration center.
* @return - the fetched registration center entity.
@Query("FROM RegistrationCenter WHERE id= ?1 and (isDeleted is null or isDeleted =false) and isActive = true")
List findByIdAndIsDeletedFalseOrNull(String id);
* This method triggers query to set the isDeleted to true for a registration
* center based on id given.
* @param deletedDateTime the time at which the center is set to be deleted.
* @param id the id of the registration center which is to be
* deleted.
* @param updatedBy updated by
* @return the number of id deleted.
@Query("UPDATE RegistrationCenter r SET r.isDeleted =true , r.deletedDateTime = ?1, r.updatedBy = ?3 WHERE =?2 and (r.isDeleted is null or r.isDeleted =false)")
int deleteRegistrationCenter(LocalDateTime deletedDateTime, String id, String updatedBy);
* This method trigger query to fetch registration centers based on hierarchy
* List of location_code
* @param codes provided by user
* @param langCode language code
* @return list of {@link RegistrationCenter} fetched from database
@Query(value = "SELECT,, r.cntrtyp_code, r.addr_line1, r.addr_line2, r.addr_line3,r.number_of_kiosks,r.per_kiosk_process_time,r.center_end_time,r.center_start_time,r.time_zone,r.contact_person,r.lunch_start_time, r.lunch_end_time,r.latitude, r.longitude, r.location_code,r.holiday_loc_code,r.contact_phone, r.working_hours, r.lang_code,r.is_active, r.cr_by,r.cr_dtimes, r.upd_by,r.upd_dtimes, r.is_deleted, r.del_dtimes, r.zone_code FROM master.registration_center r WHERE r.lang_code=:langcode AND r.location_code in :codes AND (r.is_deleted is null or r.is_deleted = false) AND r.is_active = true", nativeQuery = true)
List findRegistrationCenterByListOfLocationCode(@Param("codes") Set codes,
@Param("langcode") String langCode);
* This method triggers query to find registration centers based on id.
* @param id - id of the registration center.
* @return - the fetched registration center entity.
@Query("FROM RegistrationCenter WHERE id= ?1 and (isDeleted is null or isDeleted =false) ")
List findByRegIdAndIsDeletedFalseOrNull(String id);
* This method triggers query to find registration centers based on id.
* @param id - id of the registration center.
* @return - the fetched registration center entity.
@Query("FROM RegistrationCenter WHERE id= ?1 and (isDeleted is null or isDeleted =false)")
List findByRegCenterIdAndIsDeletedFalseOrNull(String id);
@Query("FROM RegistrationCenter WHERE id= ?1 and lang_code=?2 ")
List findByRegIdAndLangCode(String id, String langCode);
* Method to decommission the reg-center.
* @param regCenterID the center ID of the reg-center which needs to
* be decommissioned.
* @param deCommissionedBy the user name retrieved from the context who
* performs this operation.
* @param deCommissionedDateTime date and time at which the center was
* decommissioned.
* @return the number of registration centers decommissioned.
@Query("UPDATE RegistrationCenter rc SET rc.isDeleted = true, rc.isActive = false, rc.updatedBy = ?2, rc.updatedDateTime = ?3, rc.deletedDateTime = ?3 WHERE = ?1 and (rc.isDeleted is null or rc.isDeleted =false)")
int decommissionRegCenter(String regCenterID, String deCommissionedBy, LocalDateTime deCommissionedDateTime);
* This method trigger query to fetch registration centers based on id and
* language code with is_Deleted true or false or null and is_Active true or
* false
* @param id the centerId
* @param langCode the languageCode
* @return the RegistrationCenter
@Query("FROM RegistrationCenter WHERE id= ?1 and langCode =?2 and (isDeleted is null or isDeleted = false)")
RegistrationCenter findByLangCodeAndId(String id, String langCode);