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import io.muserver.*;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.reflect.Parameter;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage;

import static io.muserver.Mutils.hasValue;
import static;
import static;
import static java.util.Collections.emptyList;
import static java.util.Collections.singletonList;

 * A handler that serves JAX-RS resources.
 * @see RestHandlerBuilder#restHandler(Object...)
public class RestHandler implements MuHandler {
    private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RestHandler.class);

    private final RequestMatcher requestMatcher;
    private final EntityProviders entityProviders;
    private final MuHandler documentor;
    private final CustomExceptionMapper customExceptionMapper;
    private final FilterManagerThing filterManagerThing;
    private final CORSConfig corsConfig;

    RestHandler(EntityProviders entityProviders, Set roots, MuHandler documentor, CustomExceptionMapper customExceptionMapper, FilterManagerThing filterManagerThing, CORSConfig corsConfig) {
        this.requestMatcher = new RequestMatcher(roots);
        this.entityProviders = entityProviders;
        this.documentor = documentor;
        this.customExceptionMapper = customExceptionMapper;
        this.filterManagerThing = filterManagerThing;
        this.corsConfig = corsConfig;

    public boolean handle(MuRequest muRequest, MuResponse muResponse) throws Exception {
        if (documentor != null && documentor.handle(muRequest, muResponse)) {
            return true;
        AsyncHandle asyncHandle = null;
        List acceptHeaders;
        try {
            acceptHeaders = MediaTypeDeterminer.parseAcceptHeaders(muRequest.headers().getAll(HeaderNames.ACCEPT));
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            return true;
        List producesRef = null;
        List directlyProducesRef = null;
        SecurityContext securityContext = muRequest.uri().getScheme().equals("https") ? MuSecurityContext.notLoggedInHttpsContext : MuSecurityContext.notLoggedInHttpContext;
        MuContainerRequestContext requestContext = new MuContainerRequestContext(muRequest, new LazyAccessInputStream(muRequest), Mutils.trim(muRequest.relativePath(), "/"), securityContext);
        try {
            String relativePath = requestContext.getUriInfo().getPath(false);

            String requestContentType = muRequest.headers().get(HeaderNames.CONTENT_TYPE);
            RequestMatcher.MatchedMethod mm;
            try {
                mm = requestMatcher.findResourceMethod(requestContext.getMuMethod(), relativePath, acceptHeaders, requestContentType);
            } catch (NotAllowedException e) {
                if (requestContext.getMuMethod() == Method.HEAD) {
                    mm = requestMatcher.findResourceMethod(Method.GET, relativePath, acceptHeaders, requestContentType);
                } else if (requestContext.getMuMethod() == Method.OPTIONS) {
                    Set matchedMethodsForPath = requestMatcher.getMatchedMethodsForPath(relativePath);
                    muResponse.headers().set(HeaderNames.ALLOW, getAllowedMethods(matchedMethodsForPath));
                    corsConfig.writeHeaders(muRequest, muResponse, matchedMethodsForPath);
                    return true;
                } else {
                    throw e;

            corsConfig.writeHeaders(muRequest, muResponse, Collections.singleton(mm));

            List produces = producesRef = mm.resourceMethod.resourceClass.produces;
            List directlyProduces = directlyProducesRef = mm.resourceMethod.directlyProduces;
            ResourceMethod rm = mm.resourceMethod;
            Object[] params = new Object[rm.methodHandle.getParameterCount()];


            boolean isAsync = false;

            for (ResourceMethodParam param : rm.params) {
                Object paramValue;
                if (param.source == ResourceMethodParam.ValueSource.MESSAGE_BODY) {
                    if (requestContext.hasEntity()) {
                        paramValue = readRequestEntity(requestContentType, rm, param.parameterHandle, requestContext.getEntityStream(), entityProviders, requestContext.getHeaders());
                    } else {
                        throw new BadRequestException("No request body was sent to the " + param.parameterHandle.getName()
                            + " parameter of the resource method \"" + rm.methodHandle + "\" "
                            + "- if this should be optional then specify an @DefaultValue annotation on the parameter");
                } else if (param.source == ResourceMethodParam.ValueSource.CONTEXT) {
                    paramValue = getContextParam(requestContext, muResponse, relativePath, mm, param, entityProviders);

                } else if (param.source == ResourceMethodParam.ValueSource.SUSPENDED) {
                    if (isAsync) {
                        throw new MuException("A REST method can only have one @Suspended attribute. Error for " + rm);
                    isAsync = true;
                    asyncHandle = muRequest.handleAsync();
                    paramValue = new AsyncResponseAdapter(asyncHandle, response -> sendResponse(0, requestContext, muResponse, acceptHeaders, produces, directlyProduces, response));
                } else {
                    ResourceMethodParam.RequestBasedParam rbp = (ResourceMethodParam.RequestBasedParam) param;
                    paramValue = rbp.getValue(muRequest, mm);
                params[param.index] = paramValue;

            Object result = rm.invoke(params);

            isAsync |= muRequest.isAsync();

            if (!isAsync) {
                if (result instanceof CompletionStage) {
                    AsyncHandle asyncHandle1 = muRequest.handleAsync();
                    CompletionStage cs = (CompletionStage) result;
                    cs.thenAccept(o -> {
                        try {
                            sendResponse(0, requestContext, muResponse, acceptHeaders, produces, directlyProduces, o);
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                } else {
                    sendResponse(0, requestContext, muResponse, acceptHeaders, produces, directlyProduces, result);
        } catch (NotMatchedException e) {
            return false;
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            if (ex instanceof WebApplicationException) {
                dealWithWebApplicationException(0, requestContext, muResponse, (WebApplicationException) ex, acceptHeaders,
                    producesRef == null ? emptyList() : producesRef, directlyProducesRef == null ? emptyList() : directlyProducesRef);
            } else {
                dealWithUnhandledException(0, requestContext, muResponse, ex, acceptHeaders, producesRef, directlyProducesRef);
            if (asyncHandle != null) {
        return true;

    private void dealWithUnhandledException(int nestingLevel, MuContainerRequestContext request, MuResponse muResponse, Exception ex, List acceptHeaders, List producesRef, List directlyProducesRef) throws Exception {
        Response response = customExceptionMapper.toResponse(ex);
        if (response == null) {
            throw ex;
        sendResponse(nestingLevel, request, muResponse, acceptHeaders, producesRef, directlyProducesRef, response);

    private void sendResponse(int nestingLevel, MuContainerRequestContext requestContext, MuResponse muResponse, List acceptHeaders, List produces, List directlyProduces, Object result) throws Exception {
        try {
            if (!muResponse.hasStartedSendingData()) {
                ObjWithType obj = ObjWithType.objType(result);

                if (obj.entity instanceof Exception) {
                    throw (Exception) obj.entity;

                JaxRSResponse jaxRSResponse = obj.response;
                if (jaxRSResponse == null) {
                    jaxRSResponse = new JaxRSResponse(Response.Status.fromStatusCode(obj.status()), new Headers(), obj.entity, null, new NewCookie[0]);

                MuResponseContext responseContext = new MuResponseContext(jaxRSResponse, obj, requestContext.getMuMethod() == Method.HEAD ? NullOutputStream.INSTANCE :  new LazyAccessOutputStream(muResponse));
                if (obj.entity != null) {
                    Annotation[] annotations = new Annotation[0]; // TODO set this properly
                    MediaType responseMediaType = MediaTypeDeterminer.determine(obj, produces, directlyProduces, entityProviders.writers, acceptHeaders);
                    responseContext.setEntity(result, annotations, responseMediaType);

                filterManagerThing.onBeforeSendResponse(requestContext, responseContext);

                for (NewCookie cookie : jaxRSResponse.getCookies().values()) {
                    muResponse.headers().add(HeaderNames.SET_COOKIE, cookie.toString());

                Object entity = responseContext.getEntity();
                if (entity == null) {
                    muResponse.headers().set(HeaderNames.CONTENT_LENGTH, 0);
                } else {

                    MediaType responseMediaType = responseContext.getMediaType();
                    Annotation[] entityAnnotations = responseContext.getEntityAnnotations();

                    Class entityType = responseContext.getEntityClass();
                    Type entityGenericType = responseContext.getEntityType();
                    MessageBodyWriter messageBodyWriter = entityProviders.selectWriter(entityType, entityGenericType, entityAnnotations, responseMediaType);

                    long size = messageBodyWriter.getSize(entity, entityType, entityGenericType, entityAnnotations, responseMediaType);
                    if (size > -1) {
                        muResponse.headers().set(HeaderNames.CONTENT_LENGTH.toString(), size);

                    muResponse.headers().set(HeaderNames.CONTENT_TYPE, responseMediaType.toString());

                    messageBodyWriter.writeTo(entity, entityType, entityGenericType, entityAnnotations, responseMediaType, muHeadersToJaxObj(muResponse.headers()), responseContext.getEntityStream());

        } catch (WebApplicationException e) {
            dealWithWebApplicationException(nestingLevel + 1, requestContext, muResponse, e, acceptHeaders, produces, directlyProduces);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            dealWithUnhandledException(nestingLevel + 1, requestContext, muResponse, ex, acceptHeaders, produces, directlyProduces);

    private void dealWithWebApplicationException(int nestingLevel, MuContainerRequestContext requestContext, MuResponse muResponse, WebApplicationException e, List acceptHeaders, List produces, List directlyProduces) throws Exception {
        if (muResponse.hasStartedSendingData()) {
            log.warn("A web application exception " + e + " was thrown for " + requestContext.muRequest + ", however the response code and message cannot be sent to the client as some data was already sent.");
        } else {
            Response r = e.getResponse();
            if (nestingLevel < 2) {
                Response.ResponseBuilder toSend = Response.fromResponse(r);
                if (r.getEntity() == null) {
                    String entity = "

" + r.getStatus() + " " + r.getStatusInfo().getReasonPhrase() + "

"; if (e instanceof ServerErrorException) { String errorID = "ERR-" + UUID.randomUUID().toString();"Sending a 500 to the client with ErrorID=" + errorID + " for " + requestContext.muRequest, e); toSend.entity(entity + "

ErrorID=" + errorID + "

"); } else { toSend.entity(entity + "

" + Mutils.htmlEncode(e.getMessage()) + "

"); } } sendResponse(nestingLevel + 1, requestContext, muResponse, acceptHeaders, produces, directlyProduces,; } else { muResponse.status(r.getStatus()); muResponse.contentType(ContentTypes.TEXT_PLAIN); Response.StatusType statusInfo = r.getStatusInfo(); String message = statusInfo.getStatusCode() + " " + statusInfo.getReasonPhrase() + " - " + e.getMessage(); muResponse.write(message); } } } private static Object getContextParam(MuContainerRequestContext requestContext, MuResponse muResponse, String relativePath, RequestMatcher.MatchedMethod mm, ResourceMethodParam param, EntityProviders providers) { MuRequest request = requestContext.muRequest; Object paramValue; Class type = param.parameterHandle.getType(); if (type.equals(UriInfo.class)) { paramValue = createUriInfo(relativePath, mm, request.uri().resolve(request.contextPath() + "/"), request.uri()); } else if (type.equals(MuResponse.class)) { paramValue = muResponse; } else if (type.equals(MuRequest.class)) { paramValue = request; } else if (type.equals(HttpHeaders.class)) { paramValue = new JaxRsHttpHeadersAdapter(request.headers(), request.cookies()); } else if (type.equals(SecurityContext.class)) { return requestContext.getSecurityContext(); } else if (type.equals(Sse.class)) { return new JaxSseImpl(); } else if (type.equals(SseEventSink.class)) { AsyncSsePublisher pub = AsyncSsePublisher.start(requestContext.muRequest, muResponse); return new JaxSseEventSinkImpl(pub, muResponse, providers); } else { throw new ServerErrorException("MuServer does not support @Context parameters with type " + type, 500); } return paramValue; } static MuUriInfo createUriInfo(String relativePath, RequestMatcher.MatchedMethod mm, URI baseUri, URI requestUri) { List matchedURIs = new ArrayList<>(); matchedURIs.add(relativePath); ResourceMethod rm = null; if (mm != null) { String methodSpecific = mm.pathMatch.regexMatcher().group(); matchedURIs.add(relativePath.replace("/" + methodSpecific, "")); rm = mm.resourceMethod; } List matchedResources = rm == null ? emptyList() : Collections.unmodifiableList(singletonList(mm.resourceMethod.resourceClass.resourceInstance)); return new MuUriInfo(baseUri, requestUri, Mutils.trim(relativePath, "/"), Collections.unmodifiableList(matchedURIs), matchedResources); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static Object readRequestEntity(String requestContentType, ResourceMethod rm, Parameter parameter, InputStream inputStream, EntityProviders entityProviders, MultivaluedMap headers) throws { Annotation[] annotations = parameter.getDeclaredAnnotations(); // Section 4.2.1 - determine message body reader // 1. Obtain the media type of the request. If the request does not contain a Content-Type header then use application/octet-stream MediaType requestBodyMediaType = hasValue(requestContentType) ? MediaType.valueOf(requestContentType) : MediaType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM_TYPE; // 2. Identify the Java type of the parameter whose value will be mapped from the entity body. Class type = parameter.getType(); Type genericType = parameter.getParameterizedType(); // 3 & 4: Select a reader that supports the media type of the request and isReadable MessageBodyReader messageBodyReader = entityProviders.selectReader(type, genericType, annotations, requestBodyMediaType); try { return messageBodyReader.readFrom(type, genericType, annotations, requestBodyMediaType, headers, inputStream); } catch (NoContentException nce) { throw new BadRequestException("No request body was sent to the " + parameter.getName() + " parameter of " + rm.methodHandle + " - if this should be optional then specify an @DefaultValue annotation on the parameter", nce); } } }