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io.mvnpm.esbuild.model.AutoEntryPoint Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Small wrapper around esbuild to be able to use it in Java
package io.mvnpm.esbuild.model;
import static io.mvnpm.esbuild.util.PathUtils.copyEntries;
import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
public record AutoEntryPoint(Path rootDir, String name, List sources, AutoDeps autoDeps) implements EntryPoint {
private static final Set SCRIPTS = Set.of("js", "ts", "jsx", "tsx", "mjs", "mts", "cjs", "cts");
public AutoEntryPoint {
requireNonNull(name, "name is required");
requireNonNull(rootDir, "rootDir is required");
requireNonNull(sources, "sources are required");
public static EntryPoint withoutAutoDeps(Path rootDir, String name, List sources) {
return withAutoDeps(rootDir, name, sources, null);
public static EntryPoint withAutoDeps(Path rootDir, String name, List sources, AutoDeps autoDeps) {
final List sourceList = requireNonNull(sources, "sources are required").stream().map(Source::of).toList();
return new AutoEntryPoint(rootDir, name, sourceList, autoDeps);
public Path process(Path workDir) {
try {
String content = "";
AutoDepsMode resolvedMode = autoDeps != null ? autoDeps.mode() : AutoDepsMode.NONE;
if (resolvedMode == AutoDepsMode.AUTO) {
resolvedMode = ? AutoDepsMode.ALL : AutoDepsMode.STYLES;
switch (resolvedMode) {
case ALL -> content += DependenciesAutoImports.dependenciesImports(autoDeps.nodeModulesDir,
autoDeps.idsPredicate, false);
case STYLES -> content += DependenciesAutoImports.dependenciesImports(autoDeps.nodeModulesDir,
autoDeps.idsPredicate, true);
case NONE -> {
content += autoImportsSources(workDir);
return createEntryPoint(name, workDir, content);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
static Path createEntryPoint(String name, Path workDir, String content) throws IOException {
final Path entry = workDir.resolve("%s.js".formatted(name));
Files.writeString(entry, content, StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.TRUNCATE_EXISTING);
return entry;
private String autoImportsSources(Path workDir) {
if (sources.isEmpty()) {
return "";
if (!Objects.equals(rootDir, workDir)) {
copyEntries(rootDir,, workDir);
try (StringWriter sw = new StringWriter()) {
sw.write("// Auto-generated imports for project sources\n");
for (Source source : sources) {
String line;
if (source.isScript()) {
line = EXPORT.formatted(source.relativePathWithoutExt());
} else {
line = IMPORT.formatted(source.relativePath());
return sw.toString();
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new UncheckedIOException(ex);
private static final String EXPORT = "export * from \"./%s\";";
private static final String IMPORT = "import \"./%s\";";
record Source(String relativePath, String ext) {
public static Source of(String relativePath) {
final String ext = resolveExtension(relativePath);
return new Source(relativePath, ext);
public String relativePathWithoutExt() {
return relativePath.substring(0, relativePath.lastIndexOf("."));
public boolean isScript() {
return SCRIPTS.contains(ext);
public static boolean isScript(String relativePath) {
if (relativePath == null || relativePath.isBlank()) {
return false;
final String ext = resolveExtension(relativePath);
return SCRIPTS.contains(ext);
public static String resolveExtension(String relativePath) {
final String fileName = Path.of(relativePath).getFileName().toString();
final int index = fileName.lastIndexOf(".");
return fileName.substring(index + 1);
public enum AutoDepsMode {
public record AutoDeps(AutoDepsMode mode, Path nodeModulesDir, Predicate idsPredicate) {
public AutoDeps(AutoDepsMode mode, Path nodeModulesDir) {
this(mode, nodeModulesDir, id -> true);