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package io.nacular.doodle.controls.carousel
import io.nacular.doodle.controls.carousel.Carousel.ItemMarkers
import io.nacular.doodle.controls.carousel.CarouselBehavior.Transitioner
import io.nacular.doodle.geometry.Vector2D
import io.nacular.doodle.geometry.times
import io.nacular.doodle.scheduler.AnimationScheduler
import io.nacular.doodle.scheduler.Task
import io.nacular.doodle.time.Timer
import io.nacular.doodle.utils.Completable
import io.nacular.doodle.utils.CompletableImpl
import io.nacular.doodle.utils.Pausable
import io.nacular.doodle.utils.autoCanceling
import io.nacular.doodle.utils.observable
import io.nacular.doodle.utils.zeroMillis
import io.nacular.measured.units.InverseUnits
import io.nacular.measured.units.Measure
import io.nacular.measured.units.Square
import io.nacular.measured.units.Time
import io.nacular.measured.units.Time.Companion.milliseconds
import io.nacular.measured.units.Time.Companion.seconds
import io.nacular.measured.units.div
import io.nacular.measured.units.times
import kotlin.math.E
import kotlin.math.abs
import kotlin.math.pow
* Carousel [Transitioner] that provides smooth, physics-based deceleration at the end of a Carousel's
* manual movement.
* @param timer used to track current time
* @param scheduler used to manage animation
* @param decelerationTime indicating how quickly stops should decelerate to 0 velocity
* @param dampLevel indicating how much critical damping should be applied during stopping
* @see Carousel.completeManualMove
public open class DampedTransitioner(
private val timer : Timer,
private val scheduler : AnimationScheduler,
private val decelerationTime: Measure = 1 * seconds,
private val dampLevel : Measure> = 10 / seconds
): Transitioner {
private inner class AnimationTask(var task: Task): CompletableImpl() {
public override fun completed() = super.completed()
override fun cancel() {
private class Velocity2D(
val x: Measure> = 0 / milliseconds,
val y: Measure> = 0 / milliseconds
) {
operator fun div (time : Measure) = Acceleration2D( x / time, y / time )
operator fun plus (other: Velocity2D ) = Velocity2D ( x + other.x, y + other.y)
operator fun times (time : Measure) = Vector2D ( x * time, y * time )
operator fun unaryMinus( ) = Velocity2D (-x, -y )
private class Acceleration2D(
val x: Measure>> = 0 / (milliseconds * milliseconds),
val y: Measure>> = 0 / (milliseconds * milliseconds)
) {
operator fun times(time : Measure ) = Velocity2D(x * time, y * time)
operator fun times(timeSquared: Measure>) = Vector2D(x * timeSquared, y * timeSquared)
private lateinit var endTime : Measure
private var lastTime = zeroMillis
private var velocity = Velocity2D()
private var endChosen = false
private var animation : AnimationTask? by autoCanceling()
private var lastPosition = Vector2D()
private lateinit var acceleration : Acceleration2D
private var predictedEndPosition = Vector2D()
private val stopThreshold = 0.01
private val constantAccelerationMotion = { initialPosition: Vector2D, time: Measure ->
initialPosition + velocity * time + 0.5 * (acceleration * time * time)
private val criticallyDampedMotion = { initialPosition: Vector2D, totalElapsedTime: Measure ->
// x(t) = ((v0 + x0 w) t + x_0) e^(-wt)
val eW = E.pow(-dampLevel * totalElapsedTime)
(initialPosition + velocity * totalElapsedTime + initialPosition * (dampLevel * totalElapsedTime)) * eW
private val endAfterTime = { _: Vector2D, elapsedTime: Measure -> elapsedTime > endTime }
private var endAnimation = endAfterTime
private var motionFunction = constantAccelerationMotion
private var markers: ItemMarkers? by observable(null) { _, new ->
new?.let { checkForEnd(it) }
override fun moveStarted(carousel: Carousel, position: Vector2D) {
lastTime =
velocity = Velocity2D()
endChosen = false
lastPosition = position
override fun moveUpdated(carousel: Carousel, position: Vector2D) {
val currentTime =
val deltaTime = currentTime - lastTime
if (deltaTime > zeroMillis) {
velocity = (position - lastPosition).run { Velocity2D(x / deltaTime, y / deltaTime) }
lastTime = currentTime
lastPosition = position
override fun moveEnded(
carousel : Carousel,
position : Vector2D,
markers : ItemMarkers,
decelerateWhile: (position: Vector2D) -> ItemMarkers
): Completable {
endTime = decelerationTime
acceleration = -velocity / endTime
lastPosition = position
this.markers = markers
return animateStop(position, decelerateWhile)
private fun checkForEnd(markers: ItemMarkers) {
if (endChosen) return
val endTime2 = endTime * endTime
predictedEndPosition = lastPosition + velocity * endTime + 0.5 * (acceleration * endTime2)
val distanceBetweenPrevNext = ( - markers.previous).magnitude()
val distanceAlongDirection = abs((predictedEndPosition - markers.previous) * ( - markers.previous).normalize())
var positionAtDamp = predictedEndPosition
var timeAtDamp = zeroMillis
val updateDampedStartState = {
timeAtDamp = - lastTime
positionAtDamp = lastPosition + velocity * timeAtDamp + 0.5 * (acceleration * (timeAtDamp * timeAtDamp))
velocity += acceleration * timeAtDamp
if (distanceAlongDirection < distanceBetweenPrevNext / 2) {
motionFunction = { _, time ->
criticallyDampedMotion(positionAtDamp - markers.previous, time - timeAtDamp).run {
Vector2D(markers.previous.x + x, markers.previous.y + y)
endAnimation = { newPos, _ ->
abs((newPos - markers.previous) * ( - markers.previous).normalize()) < stopThreshold
endChosen = true
} else if (distanceAlongDirection < distanceBetweenPrevNext) {
velocity = -velocity
motionFunction = { _, time ->
criticallyDampedMotion( - positionAtDamp, time - timeAtDamp).run {
Vector2D( - x, - y)
endAnimation = { newPos, _ ->
abs(( - newPos) * ( - markers.previous).normalize()) < stopThreshold
endChosen = true
} else {
motionFunction = constantAccelerationMotion
endAnimation = endAfterTime
private fun animateStop(
position : Vector2D,
decelerateWhile: (position: Vector2D) -> ItemMarkers
): Completable = scheduler.onNextFrame {
val now =
val elapsedTime = now - lastTime
val newPos = motionFunction(position, elapsedTime)
markers = decelerateWhile(newPos)
when {
endAnimation(newPos, elapsedTime) -> {
endChosen = false
markers = null
else -> animateStop(position, decelerateWhile)
}.let { task ->
when (val a = animation) {
null -> AnimationTask(task).also {
animation = it
it.canceled += { animation = null }
it.completed += { animation = null }
else -> a.also { it.task = task }
* Creates a [DampedTransitioner] that calls [transition] when it needs to skip between
* frames.
public fun dampedTransitioner(
timer : Timer,
scheduler : AnimationScheduler,
decelerationTime: Measure = 1 * seconds,
dampLevel : Measure> = 10 / seconds,
transition : (
carousel : Carousel,
startItem: Int,
endItem : Int,
update : (progress: Float) -> Unit
) -> Pausable
): DampedTransitioner = object: DampedTransitioner(timer, scheduler, decelerationTime, dampLevel) {
override fun transition(
carousel : Carousel,
startItem: Int,
endItem : Int,
update : (progress: Float) -> Unit
): Pausable = transition(carousel, startItem, endItem, update)