Maven / Gradle / Ivy
@file:Suppress("NestedLambdaShadowedImplicitParameter", "ReplaceSingleLineLet")
package io.nacular.doodle.utils
* An NxM [Matrix](
public interface Matrix {
/** The number of rows in the matrix. */
public val numRows: Int
/** The number of columns in the matrix. */
public val numColumns: Int
/** A value within the Matrix at [row, col]. */
public operator fun get(row: Int, col: Int): T
* A square (NxN) [Matrix].
* @constructor creates a new matrix from numbers
* @param values must be a square 2d list of list of values
public open class SquareMatrix internal constructor(values: List>): MatrixImpl(values) {
* `true` if this matrix is equal to the [Identity Matrix](
* ```
* |1 0 ... 0|
* |1 0| |0 1 ... 0|
* I1 = |1|, I2 = |0 1|, ..., In = |: : ... :|
* |0 0 ... 1|
* ```
public var isIdentity: Boolean = true
private set
init {
require(numRows == numColumns) { "row and column count must be equal" }
for (row in values.indices) {
if (isIdentity) {
run loop@{
values[row].forEachIndexed { index, value ->
isIdentity = when {
value.toDouble() != 1.0 && index == row -> false
value.toDouble() != 0.0 && index != row -> false
else -> true
if (!isIdentity) { return@loop }
* The inverse of this matrix if it is [invertible](
public val inverse: SquareMatrix? by lazy {
when {
isIdentity -> { it.toDouble() } // TODO: This shouldn't require any copy
determinant == 0.0 -> null
else -> {
val cofactors = values.mapIndexed { r, values ->
values.mapIndexed { c, _ ->
determinant(r, c) * when {
(r + c).isOdd -> -1
else -> 1
}.let { squareMatrixOf(numRows) { col, row -> it[row][col] } }
val transposed = cofactors.transpose()
(transposed * (1.0 / determinant))
private val determinant: Double by lazy {
when (numRows) {
1 -> this[0,0].toDouble()
2 -> this[0,0].toDouble() * this[1,1].toDouble() - this[0,1].toDouble() * this[1,0].toDouble()
else -> {
var sign = 1
var result = 0.0
for (col in 0 until numColumns) {
result += sign * this[0, col].toDouble() * determinant(0, col)
sign *= -1
private fun determinant(row: Int, col: Int): Double {
val subData = values.filterIndexed { r, _ -> r != row }.map { it.filterIndexed { c, _ -> c != col } }
return SquareMatrix(subData).determinant
* A matrix used to represent a 2D Affine Transformation. It is of the form
* ```
* |scaleX shearX translateX|
* |shearY scaleY translateY|
* |0 0 1 |
* ```
* @constructor creates a new instance
* @param scaleX component of the matrix
* @param shearX component of the matrix
* @param translateX component of the matrix
* @param shearY component of the matrix
* @param scaleY component of the matrix
* @param translateY component of the matrix
public class AffineMatrix3D(
scaleX : Double,
shearX : Double,
translateX: Double,
shearY : Double,
scaleY : Double,
translateY: Double): SquareMatrix(listOf(
listOf(scaleX, shearX, translateX),
listOf(shearY, scaleY, translateY),
listOf( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)))
* Creates an NxN [SquareMatrix], where N == [size].
* @param size of N
* @param init operation to get each value at [row, col]
public fun squareMatrixOf(size: Int, init: (row: Int, col: Int) -> T): SquareMatrix = SquareMatrix(List(size) { row -> List(size) { col -> init(col, row) } })
* Creates an NxM [Matrix], where N == [rows] and M == [cols].
* @param rows of the matrix
* @param cols of the matrix
* @param init operation to get each value at [row, col]
public fun matrixOf(rows: Int, cols: Int, init: (Int, Int) -> T): Matrix = when {
rows != cols -> MatrixImpl(List(rows) { row -> List(cols) { col -> init(col, row) } })
else -> squareMatrixOf(rows, init)
* Gives the [transposition]( of a [SquareMatrix].
public fun SquareMatrix.transpose(): SquareMatrix {
val values = MutableList(numRows){ MutableList(numColumns) { null } }
for (row in 0 until numRows) {
for (col in 0 until numColumns) {
values[row][col] = this[col, row]
return SquareMatrix( { it.mapNotNull { it } })
* [Matrix multiplication]( of two [Matrix]es.
public operator fun Matrix.times(other: Matrix): Matrix {
require (other.numRows == numColumns) { "matrix column and row counts do not match" }
val values = MutableList(numRows) { MutableList(other.numColumns) { 0.0 } }
for (r1 in 0 until numRows) {
for (c2 in 0 until other.numColumns) {
values[r1][c2] = (0 until other.numRows).sumByDouble { this[r1, it] * other[it, c2] }
return MatrixImpl(values)
* @see times
public operator fun Matrix.times(other: SquareMatrix): Matrix {
if (other.isIdentity) {
return this
return this * (other as Matrix)
* Left [Scalar multiplication]( of a [SquareMatrix].
* ```
* |A11 A12 ... A1n| |λA11 λA12 ... λA1n|
* λ * |A21 A12 ... A21| = |λA21 λA12 ... λA21|
* | : : ... : | | : : ... : |
* |An1 An2 ... Ann| |λAn1 λAn2 ... λAnn|
* ```
public operator fun SquareMatrix.times(value: Number): SquareMatrix = map { it.toDouble() * value.toDouble() }
* Right [Scalar multiplication]( of a [SquareMatrix].
* ```
* |A11 A12 ... A1n| |A11λ A12λ ... A1nλ|
* |A21 A12 ... A21| * λ = |A21λ A12λ ... A21λ|
* | : : ... : | | : : ... : |
* |An1 An2 ... Ann| |An1λ An2λ ... Annλ|
* ```
public operator fun T.times(value: SquareMatrix): SquareMatrix = { toDouble() * it.toDouble() }
* [Matrix multiplication]( of two [SquareMatrix]es.
public operator fun SquareMatrix.times(other: SquareMatrix): SquareMatrix {
if (other.isIdentity) {
return this
if (this.isIdentity) {
return other
val values = MutableList(numRows) { MutableList(other.numColumns) { 0.0 } }
for (c2 in 0 until other.numColumns) {
for (r1 in 0 until numRows) {
val sum = (0 until other.numRows).sumByDouble { this[r1, it] * other[it, c2] }
values[r1][c2] = sum
return SquareMatrix(values)
* @see times
public operator fun AffineMatrix3D.times(value: Number): AffineMatrix3D = value.toDouble().let {
this[0, 0] * it, this[0, 1] * it, this[0, 2] * it,
this[1, 0] * it, this[1, 1] * it, this[1, 2] * it)
* @see times
public operator fun AffineMatrix3D.times(other: AffineMatrix3D): AffineMatrix3D {
if (other.isIdentity) {
return this
if (this.isIdentity) {
return other
val values = mutableListOf()//MutableList(numRows - 1) { MutableList(other.numColumns) { 0.0 } }
for (r1 in 0 until numRows - 1) {
for (c2 in 0 until other.numColumns) {
values += (0 until other.numRows).sumByDouble { this[r1, it] * other[it, c2] }
return AffineMatrix3D(values[0], values[1], values[2],
values[3], values[4], values[5])
* Creates a new [SquareMatrix] whose members are the [transform] of those in this one.
* @param transform operation to map elements
public fun (T) -> R): SquareMatrix = SquareMatrix( { { transform(it) } })
* Like [map], but with [col, row] given for each item during tranformation.
public fun SquareMatrix.mapIndexed(transform: (col: Int, row: Int, T) -> R): SquareMatrix = SquareMatrix(values.mapIndexed { row, rows -> rows.mapIndexed { col, value -> transform(col, row, value) } })
* An (NxM) [Matrix].
* @constructor creates a new matrix from numbers
* @param values must be a square 2d list of list of values
public open class MatrixImpl internal constructor(internal val values: List>): Matrix {
final override val numRows : Int = values.size
final override val numColumns: Int = if (numRows > 0) values[0].size else 0
init {
require(numColumns > 0) { "empty Matrices are invalid" }
for (row in values.indices) {
require(values[row].size == numColumns) { "all rows must have the same length" }
override operator fun get(row: Int, col: Int): T = values[row][col]
override fun toString(): String {
val result = StringBuilder()
for (r in 0 until numRows) {
result.append((if (r > 0) "\n" else "") + "|")
for (c in 0 until numColumns) {
result.append((if (c > 0) " " else "") + values[r][c])
return result.toString()
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
if (this === other) return true
if (other !is Matrix<*>) return false
if (numRows != other.numRows ) return false
if (numColumns != other.numColumns) return false
for (row in 0 until numRows) {
for (col in 0 until numColumns) {
if (this[row, col].toDouble() != other[row, col].toDouble()) {
return false
return true
override fun hashCode(): Int = values.hashCode()
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