Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package io.nacular.doodle.layout
import io.nacular.doodle.core.Layout
import io.nacular.doodle.core.PositionableContainer
import io.nacular.doodle.geometry.Rectangle
import io.nacular.doodle.geometry.Size
import io.nacular.doodle.geometry.times
* Created by Nicholas Eddy on 3/29/19.
//class LocalPositionableWrapper(private val delegate: PositionableContainer, private val starts: List, private val progress: Float): PositionableContainer by delegate {
// override val children: List get() = delegate.children.mapIndexed { index, it ->
// object: Positionable by it {
// override var bounds get() = it.bounds; set(end) {
// val start = starts[index]
// it.bounds = Rectangle(start.position + progress * (end.position - start.position),
// Size(start.width + progress * (end.width - start.width), start.height + progress * (end.height - start.height)))
// }
// override var position get() = it.position; set(value) {
// bounds = Rectangle(value, size)
// }
// override var size get() = it.size; set(value) {
// bounds = Rectangle(position, value)
// }
// }
// }
public class InteractiveLayout(private val start: Layout, private val end: Layout): Layout {
public var progress: Float = 0f
override fun layout(container: PositionableContainer) {
if (progress < 1f) {
if (progress == 0f) {
return // done since items are laid out according to start
// end.layout(
// when {
// progress < 1f -> LocalPositionableWrapper(container, { it.bounds }, progress)
// else -> container
// }
// )
val startBounds = if (progress < 1f) { it.bounds } else emptyList()
if (progress == 1f) {
return // done since items are laid out according to end
val endBounds = { it.bounds }
container.children.forEachIndexed { index, view ->
val start = startBounds[index]
val end = endBounds [index]
view.bounds = Rectangle(start.position + progress * (end.position - start.position),
Size(start.width + progress * (end.width - start.width), start.height + progress * (end.height - start.height)))
public val inverse: InteractiveLayout get() = InteractiveLayout(end, start)