io.nats.client.Options Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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// Copyright 2015-2018 The NATS Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at:
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package io.nats.client;
import io.nats.client.impl.*;
import io.nats.client.support.HttpRequest;
import io.nats.client.support.NatsConstants;
import io.nats.client.support.NatsUri;
import io.nats.client.support.SSLUtils;
import javax.net.ssl.SSLContext;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.net.Proxy;
import java.net.URI;
import java.net.URISyntaxException;
import java.nio.CharBuffer;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.security.GeneralSecurityException;
import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
import java.time.format.DateTimeParseException;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.*;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import static io.nats.client.support.Encoding.*;
import static io.nats.client.support.NatsConstants.*;
import static io.nats.client.support.SSLUtils.DEFAULT_TLS_ALGORITHM;
import static io.nats.client.support.Validator.*;
* The Options class specifies the connection options for a new NATs connection, including the default options.
* Options are created using a {@link Options.Builder Builder}.
* This class and the builder associated with it, is basically a long list of parameters. The documentation attempts
* to clarify the value of each parameter in place on the builder and here, but it may be easier to read the documentation
* starting with the {@link Options.Builder Builder}, since it has a simple list of methods that configure the connection.
public class Options {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// NOTE TO DEVS!!! To add an option, you have to address:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CONSTANTS * optionally add a default value constant
// ENVIRONMENT PROPERTIES * most of the time add an environment property, should always be in the form PFX +
// PROTOCOL CONNECT OPTION CONSTANTS * not related to options, but here because Options code uses them
// CLASS VARIABLES * add a variable to the class
// BUILDER VARIABLES * add a variable in builder
// BUILD CONSTRUCTOR PROPS * update build props constructor to read new props
// BUILDER METHODS * add a chainable method in builder for new variable
// BUILD IMPL * update build() implementation if needed
// BUILDER COPY CONSTRUCTOR * update builder constructor to ensure new variables are set
// CONSTRUCTOR * update constructor to ensure new variables are set from builder
// GETTERS * update getter to be able to retrieve class variable value
// HELPER FUNCTIONS * just helpers
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// README - if you add a property or change it's comment, add it to or update the readme
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Default server URL. This property is defined as {@value}
public static final String DEFAULT_URL = "nats://localhost:4222";
* Default server port. This property is defined as {@value}
public static final int DEFAULT_PORT = NatsConstants.DEFAULT_PORT;
* Default maximum number of reconnect attempts, see {@link #getMaxReconnect() getMaxReconnect()}.
* This property is defined as {@value}
public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_RECONNECT = 60;
* Default wait time before attempting reconnection to the same server, see {@link #getReconnectWait() getReconnectWait()}.
* This property is defined as 2000 milliseconds (2 seconds).
public static final Duration DEFAULT_RECONNECT_WAIT = Duration.ofMillis(2000);
* Default wait time before attempting reconnection to the same server, see {@link #getReconnectJitter() getReconnectJitter()}.
* This property is defined as 100 milliseconds.
public static final Duration DEFAULT_RECONNECT_JITTER = Duration.ofMillis(100);
* Default wait time before attempting reconnection to the same server, see {@link #getReconnectJitterTls() getReconnectJitterTls()}.
* This property is defined as 1000 milliseconds (1 second).
public static final Duration DEFAULT_RECONNECT_JITTER_TLS = Duration.ofMillis(1000);
* Default connection timeout, see {@link #getConnectionTimeout() getConnectionTimeout()}.
* This property is defined as 2 seconds.
public static final Duration DEFAULT_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT = Duration.ofSeconds(2);
* Default socket write timeout, see {@link #getSocketWriteTimeout() getSocketWriteTimeout()}.
* This property is defined as 1 minute
public static final Duration DEFAULT_SOCKET_WRITE_TIMEOUT = Duration.ofMinutes(1);
* Constant used for calculating if a socket write timeout is large enough.
* Constant used for calculating if a socket read timeout is large enough.
* Default server ping interval. The client will send a ping to the server on this interval to insure liveness.
* The server may send pings to the client as well, these are handled automatically by the library,
* see {@link #getPingInterval() getPingInterval()}.
* A value of {@code <=0} means disabled.
* This property is defined as 2 minutes.
public static final Duration DEFAULT_PING_INTERVAL = Duration.ofMinutes(2);
* Default interval to clean up cancelled/timed out requests.
* A timer is used to clean up futures that were handed out but never completed
* via a message, {@link #getRequestCleanupInterval() getRequestCleanupInterval()}.
* This property is defined as 5 seconds.
public static final Duration DEFAULT_REQUEST_CLEANUP_INTERVAL = Duration.ofSeconds(5);
* Default maximum number of pings have not received a response allowed by the
* client, {@link #getMaxPingsOut() getMaxPingsOut()}.
* This property is defined as {@value}
public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_PINGS_OUT = 2;
* Default SSL protocol used to create an SSLContext if the {@link #PROP_SECURE
* secure property} is used.
* This property is defined as {@value}
public static final String DEFAULT_SSL_PROTOCOL = "TLSv1.2";
* Default of pending message buffer that is used for buffering messages that
* are published during a disconnect/reconnect, {@link #getReconnectBufferSize() getReconnectBufferSize()}.
* This property is defined as {@value} bytes, 8 * 1024 * 1024.
public static final int DEFAULT_RECONNECT_BUF_SIZE = 8_388_608;
* The default length, {@value} bytes, the client will allow in an
* outgoing protocol control line, {@link #getMaxControlLine() getMaxControlLine()}.
* This value is configurable on the server, and should be set here to match.
public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_CONTROL_LINE = 4096;
* Default dataport class, which will use a TCP socket, {@link #getDataPortType() getDataPortType()}.
* This option is currently provided only for testing, and experimentation, the default
* should be used in almost all cases.
public static final String DEFAULT_DATA_PORT_TYPE = SocketDataPort.class.getCanonicalName();
* Default size for buffers in the connection, not as available as other settings,
* this is primarily changed for testing, {@link #getBufferSize() getBufferSize()}.
public static final int DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE = 64 * 1024;
* Default thread name prefix. Used by the default executor when creating threads.
* This property is defined as {@value}
public static final String DEFAULT_THREAD_NAME_PREFIX = "nats";
* Default prefix used for inboxes, you can change this to manage authorization of subjects.
* See {@link #getInboxPrefix() getInboxPrefix()}, the . is required but will be added if missing.
public static final String DEFAULT_INBOX_PREFIX = "_INBOX.";
* This value is used internally to limit the number of messages sent in a single network I/O.
* The value returned by {@link #getBufferSize() getBufferSize()} is used first, but if the buffer
* size is large and the message sizes are small, this limit comes into play.
* The choice of 1000 is arbitrary and based on testing across several operating systems. Use buffer
* size for tuning.
public static final int MAX_MESSAGES_IN_NETWORK_BUFFER = 1000;
* This value is used internally to limit the number of messages allowed in the outgoing queue. When
* this limit is reached, publish requests will be blocked until the queue can clear.
* Because this value is in messages, the memory size associated with this value depends on the actual
* size of messages. If 0 byte messages are used, then DEFAULT_MAX_MESSAGES_IN_OUTGOING_QUEUE will take up the minimal
* space. If 1024 byte messages are used then approximately 5Mb is used for the queue (plus overhead for subjects, etc..)
* We are using messages, not bytes, to allow a simplification in the underlying library, and use LinkedBlockingQueue as
* the core element in the queue.
public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_MESSAGES_IN_OUTGOING_QUEUE = 5000;
* This value is used internally to discard messages when the outgoing queue is full.
public static final boolean DEFAULT_DISCARD_MESSAGES_WHEN_OUTGOING_QUEUE_FULL = false;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
static final String PFX = "io.nats.client.";
static final int PFX_LEN = PFX.length();
* Property used to configure a builder from a Properties object. {@value}, see
* {@link Builder#connectionListener(ConnectionListener) connectionListener}.
public static final String PROP_CONNECTION_CB = PFX + "callback.connection";
* Property used to configure a builder from a Properties object. {@value}, see
* {@link Builder#dataPortType(String) dataPortType}.
public static final String PROP_DATA_PORT_TYPE = PFX + "dataport.type";
* Property used to configure a builder from a Properties object. {@value}, see
* {@link Builder#errorListener(ErrorListener) errorListener}.
public static final String PROP_ERROR_LISTENER = PFX + "callback.error";
* Property used to configure a builder from a Properties object. {@value}, see
* {@link Builder#timeTraceLogger(TimeTraceLogger) timeTraceLogger}.
public static final String PROP_TIME_TRACE_LOGGER = PFX + "time.trace";
* Property used to configure a builder from a Properties object. {@value}, see
* {@link Builder#statisticsCollector(StatisticsCollector) statisticsCollector}.
public static final String PROP_STATISTICS_COLLECTOR = PFX + "statisticscollector";
* Property used to configure a builder from a Properties object. {@value}, see {@link Builder#maxPingsOut(int) maxPingsOut}.
public static final String PROP_MAX_PINGS = PFX + "maxpings";
* Property used to configure a builder from a Properties object. {@value}, see {@link Builder#pingInterval(Duration)
* pingInterval}.
public static final String PROP_PING_INTERVAL = PFX + "pinginterval";
* Property used to configure a builder from a Properties object. {@value}, see {@link Builder#requestCleanupInterval(Duration)
* requestCleanupInterval}.
public static final String PROP_CLEANUP_INTERVAL = PFX + "cleanupinterval";
* Property used to configure a builder from a Properties object. {@value}, see
* {@link Builder#connectionTimeout(Duration) connectionTimeout}.
public static final String PROP_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT = PFX + "timeout";
* Property used to configure a builder from a Properties object. {@value}, see
* {@link Builder#socketReadTimeoutMillis(int) socketReadTimeoutMillis}.
public static final String PROP_SOCKET_READ_TIMEOUT_MS = PFX + "socket.read.timeout.ms";
* Property used to configure a builder from a Properties object. {@value}, see
* {@link Builder#socketWriteTimeout(long) socketWriteTimeout}.
public static final String PROP_SOCKET_WRITE_TIMEOUT = PFX + "socket.write.timeout";
* Property used to configure a builder from a Properties object. {@value}, see
* {@link Builder#socketSoLinger(int) socketSoLinger}.
public static final String PROP_SOCKET_SO_LINGER = PFX + "socket.so.linger";
* Property used to configure a builder from a Properties object. {@value}, see
* {@link Builder#reconnectBufferSize(long) reconnectBufferSize}.
public static final String PROP_RECONNECT_BUF_SIZE = PFX + "reconnect.buffer.size";
* Property used to configure a builder from a Properties object. {@value}, see {@link Builder#reconnectWait(Duration)
* reconnectWait}.
public static final String PROP_RECONNECT_WAIT = PFX + "reconnect.wait";
* Property used to configure a builder from a Properties object. {@value}, see {@link Builder#maxReconnects(int)
* maxReconnects}.
public static final String PROP_MAX_RECONNECT = PFX + "reconnect.max";
* Property used to configure a builder from a Properties object. {@value}, see {@link Builder#reconnectJitter(Duration)
* reconnectJitter}.
public static final String PROP_RECONNECT_JITTER = PFX + "reconnect.jitter";
* Property used to configure a builder from a Properties object. {@value}, see {@link Builder#reconnectJitterTls(Duration)
* reconnectJitterTls}.
public static final String PROP_RECONNECT_JITTER_TLS = PFX + "reconnect.jitter.tls";
* Property used to configure a builder from a Properties object. {@value}, see {@link Builder#pedantic() pedantic}.
public static final String PROP_PEDANTIC = PFX + "pedantic";
* Property used to configure a builder from a Properties object. {@value}, see {@link Builder#verbose() verbose}.
public static final String PROP_VERBOSE = PFX + "verbose";
* Property used to configure a builder from a Properties object. {@value}, see {@link Builder#noEcho() noEcho}.
public static final String PROP_NO_ECHO = PFX + "noecho";
* Property used to configure a builder from a Properties object. {@value}, see {@link Builder#noHeaders() noHeaders}.
public static final String PROP_NO_HEADERS = PFX + "noheaders";
* Property used to configure a builder from a Properties object. {@value}, see {@link Builder#connectionName(String)
* connectionName}.
public static final String PROP_CONNECTION_NAME = PFX + "name";
* Property used to configure a builder from a Properties object. {@value}, see {@link Builder#noNoResponders() noNoResponders}.
public static final String PROP_NO_NORESPONDERS = PFX + "nonoresponders";
* Property used to configure a builder from a Properties object. {@value}, see {@link Builder#noRandomize() noRandomize}.
public static final String PROP_NORANDOMIZE = PFX + "norandomize";
* Property used to configure a builder from a Properties object. {@value}, see {@link Builder#noResolveHostnames() noResolveHostnames}.
public static final String PROP_NO_RESOLVE_HOSTNAMES = PFX + "noResolveHostnames";
* Property used to configure a builder from a Properties object. {@value}, see {@link Builder#reportNoResponders() reportNoResponders}.
public static final String PROP_REPORT_NO_RESPONDERS = PFX + "reportNoResponders";
* Property used to configure a builder from a Properties object. {@value}, see {@link Builder#clientSideLimitChecks() clientSideLimitChecks}.
public static final String PROP_CLIENT_SIDE_LIMIT_CHECKS = PFX + "clientsidelimitchecks";
* Property used to configure a builder from a Properties object. {@value},
* see {@link Builder#servers(String[]) servers}. The value can be a comma-separated list of server URLs.
public static final String PROP_SERVERS = PFX + "servers";
* Property used to configure a builder from a Properties object. {@value}, see {@link Builder#userInfo(String, String)
* userInfo}.
public static final String PROP_PASSWORD = PFX + "password";
* Property used to configure a builder from a Properties object. {@value}, see {@link Builder#userInfo(String, String)
* userInfo}.
public static final String PROP_USERNAME = PFX + "username";
* Property used to configure a builder from a Properties object. {@value}, see {@link Builder#token(String) token}.
public static final String PROP_TOKEN = PFX + "token";
* Property used to configure a builder from a Properties object. {@value}, see {@link Builder#server(String) server}.
public static final String PROP_URL = PFX + "url";
* Property used to configure a builder from a Properties object. {@value},
* see {@link Builder#sslContext(SSLContext) sslContext}.
* This property is a boolean flag, but it tells the options parser to use the
* default SSL context. Set the default context before creating the options.
public static final String PROP_SECURE = PFX + "secure";
* Property used to configure a builder from a Properties object.
* {@value}, see {@link Builder#sslContext(SSLContext) sslContext}.
* This property is a boolean flag, but it tells the options parser to use
* an SSL context that takes any server TLS certificate and does not provide
* its own. The server must have tls_verify turned OFF for this option to work.
public static final String PROP_OPENTLS = PFX + "opentls";
* Property used to configure a builder from a Properties object.
* {@value}, see {@link Builder#maxMessagesInOutgoingQueue(int) maxMessagesInOutgoingQueue}.
public static final String PROP_MAX_MESSAGES_IN_OUTGOING_QUEUE = PFX + "outgoingqueue.maxmessages";
* Property used to configure a builder from a Properties object.
* {@value}, see {@link Builder#discardMessagesWhenOutgoingQueueFull()
* discardMessagesWhenOutgoingQueueFull}.
public static final String PROP_DISCARD_MESSAGES_WHEN_OUTGOING_QUEUE_FULL = PFX + "outgoingqueue.discardwhenfull";
* Property used to configure a builder from a Properties object. {@value}, see {@link Builder#oldRequestStyle()
* oldRequestStyle}.
public static final String PROP_USE_OLD_REQUEST_STYLE = "use.old.request.style";
* Property used to configure a builder from a Properties object. {@value}, see {@link Builder#maxControlLine(int)
* maxControlLine}.
public static final String PROP_MAX_CONTROL_LINE = "max.control.line";
* Property used to set the inbox prefix
public static final String PROP_INBOX_PREFIX = "inbox.prefix";
* Property used to set whether to ignore discovered servers when connecting
public static final String PROP_IGNORE_DISCOVERED_SERVERS = "ignore_discovered_servers";
* Preferred property used to set whether to ignore discovered servers when connecting
public static final String PROP_IGNORE_DISCOVERED_SERVERS_PREFERRED = "ignore.discovered.servers";
* Property used to set class name for ServerPool implementation
* {@link Builder#serverPool(ServerPool) serverPool}.
public static final String PROP_SERVERS_POOL_IMPLEMENTATION_CLASS = "servers_pool_implementation_class";
* Preferred property used to set class name for ServerPool implementation
* {@link Builder#serverPool(ServerPool) serverPool}.
public static final String PROP_SERVERS_POOL_IMPLEMENTATION_CLASS_PREFERRED = "servers.pool.implementation.class";
* Property used to set class name for the Dispatcher Factory
* {@link Builder#dispatcherFactory(DispatcherFactory) dispatcherFactory}.
public static final String PROP_DISPATCHER_FACTORY_CLASS = "dispatcher.factory.class";
* Property used to set class name for the SSLContextFactory
* {@link Builder#sslContextFactory(SSLContextFactory) sslContextFactory}.
public static final String PROP_SSL_CONTEXT_FACTORY_CLASS = "ssl.context.factory.class";
* Property for the keystore path used to create an SSLContext
public static final String PROP_KEYSTORE = PFX + "keyStore";
* Property for the keystore password used to create an SSLContext
public static final String PROP_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD = PFX + "keyStorePassword";
* Property for the truststore path used to create an SSLContext
public static final String PROP_TRUSTSTORE = PFX + "trustStore";
* Property for the truststore password used to create an SSLContext
public static final String PROP_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD = PFX + "trustStorePassword";
* Property for the algorithm used to create an SSLContext
public static final String PROP_TLS_ALGORITHM = PFX + "tls.algorithm";
* Property used to set the path to a credentials file to be used in a FileAuthHandler
public static final String PROP_CREDENTIAL_PATH = PFX + "credential.path";
* Property used to configure tls first behavior
* This property is a boolean flag, telling connections whether
* to do TLS upgrade first, before INFO
public static final String PROP_TLS_FIRST = PFX + "tls.first";
* This property is used to enable support for UTF8 subjects. See {@link Builder#supportUTF8Subjects() supportUTF8Subjects()}
public static final String PROP_UTF8_SUBJECTS = "allow.utf8.subjects";
* Property used to throw {@link java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException} on timeout instead of {@link java.util.concurrent.CancellationException}.
* {@link Builder#useTimeoutException()}.
public static final String PROP_USE_TIMEOUT_EXCEPTION = PFX + "use.timeout.exception";
* Property used to a dispatcher that dispatches messages via the executor service instead of with a blocking call.
* {@link Builder#useDispatcherWithExecutor()}.
public static final String PROP_USE_DISPATCHER_WITH_EXECUTOR = PFX + "use.dispatcher.with.executor";
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Protocol key {@value}, see {@link Builder#verbose() verbose}.
static final String OPTION_VERBOSE = "verbose";
* Protocol key {@value}, see {@link Builder#pedantic()
* pedantic}.
static final String OPTION_PEDANTIC = "pedantic";
* Protocol key {@value}, see
* {@link Builder#sslContext(SSLContext) sslContext}.
static final String OPTION_TLS_REQUIRED = "tls_required";
* Protocol key {@value}, see {@link Builder#token(String)
* token}.
static final String OPTION_AUTH_TOKEN = "auth_token";
* Protocol key {@value}, see
* {@link Builder#userInfo(String, String) userInfo}.
static final String OPTION_USER = "user";
* Protocol key {@value}, see
* {@link Builder#userInfo(String, String) userInfo}.
static final String OPTION_PASSWORD = "pass";
* Protocol key {@value}, see {@link Builder#connectionName(String)
* connectionName}.
static final String OPTION_NAME = "name";
* Protocol key {@value}, will be set to "Java".
static final String OPTION_LANG = "lang";
* Protocol key {@value}, will be set to
static final String OPTION_VERSION = "version";
* Protocol key {@value}, will be set to 1.
static final String OPTION_PROTOCOL = "protocol";
* Echo key {@value}, determines if the server should echo to the client.
static final String OPTION_ECHO = "echo";
* NKey key {@value}, the public key being used for sign-in.
static final String OPTION_NKEY = "nkey";
* SIG key {@value}, the signature of the nonce sent by the server.
static final String OPTION_SIG = "sig";
* JWT key {@value}, the user JWT to send to the server.
static final String OPTION_JWT = "jwt";
* Headers key if headers are supported
static final String OPTION_HEADERS = "headers";
* No Responders key if noresponders are supported
static final String OPTION_NORESPONDERS = "no_responders";
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
private final List natsServerUris;
private final List unprocessedServers;
private final boolean noRandomize;
private final boolean noResolveHostnames;
private final boolean reportNoResponders;
private final String connectionName;
private final boolean verbose;
private final boolean pedantic;
private final SSLContext sslContext;
private final int maxReconnect;
private final int maxControlLine;
private final Duration reconnectWait;
private final Duration reconnectJitter;
private final Duration reconnectJitterTls;
private final Duration connectionTimeout;
private final int socketReadTimeoutMillis;
private final Duration socketWriteTimeout;
private final int socketSoLinger;
private final Duration pingInterval;
private final Duration requestCleanupInterval;
private final int maxPingsOut;
private final long reconnectBufferSize;
private final char[] username;
private final char[] password;
private final char[] token;
private final String inboxPrefix;
private boolean useOldRequestStyle;
private final int bufferSize;
private final boolean noEcho;
private final boolean noHeaders;
private final boolean noNoResponders;
private final boolean clientSideLimitChecks;
private final boolean supportUTF8Subjects;
private final int maxMessagesInOutgoingQueue;
private final boolean discardMessagesWhenOutgoingQueueFull;
private final boolean ignoreDiscoveredServers;
private final boolean tlsFirst;
private final boolean useTimeoutException;
private final boolean useDispatcherWithExecutor;
private final AuthHandler authHandler;
private final ReconnectDelayHandler reconnectDelayHandler;
private final ErrorListener errorListener;
private final TimeTraceLogger timeTraceLogger;
private final ConnectionListener connectionListener;
private final StatisticsCollector statisticsCollector;
private final String dataPortType;
private final boolean trackAdvancedStats;
private final boolean traceConnection;
private final ExecutorService executor;
private final ServerPool serverPool;
private final DispatcherFactory dispatcherFactory;
private final List> httpRequestInterceptors;
private final Proxy proxy;
static class DefaultThreadFactory implements ThreadFactory {
String name;
AtomicInteger threadNo = new AtomicInteger(0);
public DefaultThreadFactory (String name){
this.name = name;
public Thread newThread(Runnable r) {
String threadName = name+":"+threadNo.incrementAndGet();
Thread t = new Thread(r,threadName);
if (t.isDaemon()) {
if (t.getPriority() != Thread.NORM_PRIORITY) {
return t;
* Set old request style.
* @param value true to use the old request style
* @deprecated Use Builder
public void setOldRequestStyle(boolean value) {
useOldRequestStyle = value;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Creates a builder for the options in a fluent style
* @return the builder.
public static Builder builder() {
return new Builder();
* Options are created using a Builder. The builder supports chaining and will
* create a default set of options if no methods are calls. The builder can also
* be created from a properties object using the property names defined with the
* prefix PROP_ in this class.
* A common usage for testing might be {@code new Options.Builder().server(myserverurl).noReconnect.build()}
public static class Builder {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
private final List natsServerUris = new ArrayList<>();
private final List unprocessedServers = new ArrayList<>();
private boolean noRandomize = false;
private boolean noResolveHostnames = false;
private boolean reportNoResponders = false;
private String connectionName = null; // Useful for debugging -> "test: " + NatsTestServer.currentPort();
private boolean verbose = false;
private boolean pedantic = false;
private SSLContext sslContext = null;
private SSLContextFactory sslContextFactory = null;
private int maxControlLine = DEFAULT_MAX_CONTROL_LINE;
private int maxReconnect = DEFAULT_MAX_RECONNECT;
private Duration reconnectWait = DEFAULT_RECONNECT_WAIT;
private Duration reconnectJitter = DEFAULT_RECONNECT_JITTER;
private Duration reconnectJitterTls = DEFAULT_RECONNECT_JITTER_TLS;
private Duration connectionTimeout = DEFAULT_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT;
private int socketReadTimeoutMillis = 0;
private Duration socketWriteTimeout = DEFAULT_SOCKET_WRITE_TIMEOUT;
private int socketSoLinger = -1;
private Duration pingInterval = DEFAULT_PING_INTERVAL;
private Duration requestCleanupInterval = DEFAULT_REQUEST_CLEANUP_INTERVAL;
private int maxPingsOut = DEFAULT_MAX_PINGS_OUT;
private long reconnectBufferSize = DEFAULT_RECONNECT_BUF_SIZE;
private char[] username = null;
private char[] password = null;
private char[] token = null;
private boolean useOldRequestStyle = false;
private int bufferSize = DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE;
private boolean trackAdvancedStats = false;
private boolean traceConnection = false;
private boolean noEcho = false;
private boolean noHeaders = false;
private boolean noNoResponders = false;
private boolean clientSideLimitChecks = true;
private boolean supportUTF8Subjects = false;
private String inboxPrefix = DEFAULT_INBOX_PREFIX;
private int maxMessagesInOutgoingQueue = DEFAULT_MAX_MESSAGES_IN_OUTGOING_QUEUE;
private boolean discardMessagesWhenOutgoingQueueFull = DEFAULT_DISCARD_MESSAGES_WHEN_OUTGOING_QUEUE_FULL;
private boolean ignoreDiscoveredServers = false;
private boolean tlsFirst = false;
private boolean useTimeoutException = false;
private boolean useDispatcherWithExecutor = false;
private ServerPool serverPool = null;
private DispatcherFactory dispatcherFactory = null;
private AuthHandler authHandler;
private ReconnectDelayHandler reconnectDelayHandler;
private ErrorListener errorListener = null;
private TimeTraceLogger timeTraceLogger = null;
private ConnectionListener connectionListener = null;
private StatisticsCollector statisticsCollector = null;
private String dataPortType = DEFAULT_DATA_PORT_TYPE;
private ExecutorService executor;
private List> httpRequestInterceptors;
private Proxy proxy;
private boolean useDefaultTls;
private boolean useTrustAllTls;
private String keystore;
private char[] keystorePassword;
private String truststore;
private char[] truststorePassword;
private String tlsAlgorithm = DEFAULT_TLS_ALGORITHM;
private String credentialPath;
* Constructs a new Builder with the default values.
* When {@link #build() build()} is called on a default builder it will add the {@link Options#DEFAULT_URL
* default url} to its list of servers if there were no servers defined.
public Builder() {}
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Constructs a new {@code Builder} from a {@link Properties} object.
* Methods called on the builder after construction can override the properties.
* @param props the {@link Properties} object
public Builder(Properties props) throws IllegalArgumentException {
* Constructs a new {@code Builder} from a file that contains properties.
* @param propertiesFilePath a resolvable path to a file from the location the application is running, either relative or absolute
* @throws IOException if the properties file cannot be found, opened or read
public Builder(String propertiesFilePath) throws IOException {
Properties props = new Properties();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Add settings defined in the properties object
* @param props the properties object
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the properties object is null
* @return the Builder for chaining
public Builder properties(Properties props) {
if (props == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Properties cannot be null");
stringProperty(props, PROP_URL, this::server);
stringProperty(props, PROP_SERVERS, str -> {
String[] servers = str.trim().split(",\\s*");
charArrayProperty(props, PROP_USERNAME, ca -> this.username = ca);
charArrayProperty(props, PROP_PASSWORD, ca -> this.password = ca);
charArrayProperty(props, PROP_TOKEN, ca -> this.token = ca);
booleanProperty(props, PROP_SECURE, b -> this.useDefaultTls = b);
booleanProperty(props, PROP_OPENTLS, b -> this.useTrustAllTls = b);
classnameProperty(props, PROP_SSL_CONTEXT_FACTORY_CLASS, o -> this.sslContextFactory = (SSLContextFactory) o);
stringProperty(props, PROP_KEYSTORE, s -> this.keystore = s);
charArrayProperty(props, PROP_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD, ca -> this.keystorePassword = ca);
stringProperty(props, PROP_TRUSTSTORE, s -> this.truststore = s);
charArrayProperty(props, PROP_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD, ca -> this.truststorePassword = ca);
stringProperty(props, PROP_TLS_ALGORITHM, s -> this.tlsAlgorithm = s);
stringProperty(props, PROP_CREDENTIAL_PATH, s -> this.credentialPath = s);
stringProperty(props, PROP_CONNECTION_NAME, s -> this.connectionName = s);
booleanProperty(props, PROP_NORANDOMIZE, b -> this.noRandomize = b);
booleanProperty(props, PROP_NO_RESOLVE_HOSTNAMES, b -> this.noResolveHostnames = b);
booleanProperty(props, PROP_REPORT_NO_RESPONDERS, b -> this.reportNoResponders = b);
stringProperty(props, PROP_CONNECTION_NAME, s -> this.connectionName = s);
booleanProperty(props, PROP_VERBOSE, b -> this.verbose = b);
booleanProperty(props, PROP_NO_ECHO, b -> this.noEcho = b);
booleanProperty(props, PROP_NO_HEADERS, b -> this.noHeaders = b);
booleanProperty(props, PROP_NO_NORESPONDERS, b -> this.noNoResponders = b);
booleanProperty(props, PROP_CLIENT_SIDE_LIMIT_CHECKS, b -> this.clientSideLimitChecks = b);
booleanProperty(props, PROP_UTF8_SUBJECTS, b -> this.supportUTF8Subjects = b);
booleanProperty(props, PROP_PEDANTIC, b -> this.pedantic = b);
intProperty(props, PROP_MAX_RECONNECT, DEFAULT_MAX_RECONNECT, i -> this.maxReconnect = i);
durationProperty(props, PROP_RECONNECT_WAIT, DEFAULT_RECONNECT_WAIT, d -> this.reconnectWait = d);
durationProperty(props, PROP_RECONNECT_JITTER, DEFAULT_RECONNECT_JITTER, d -> this.reconnectJitter = d);
durationProperty(props, PROP_RECONNECT_JITTER_TLS, DEFAULT_RECONNECT_JITTER_TLS, d -> this.reconnectJitterTls = d);
longProperty(props, PROP_RECONNECT_BUF_SIZE, DEFAULT_RECONNECT_BUF_SIZE, l -> this.reconnectBufferSize = l);
durationProperty(props, PROP_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, DEFAULT_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, d -> this.connectionTimeout = d);
intProperty(props, PROP_SOCKET_READ_TIMEOUT_MS, -1, i -> this.socketReadTimeoutMillis = i);
durationProperty(props, PROP_SOCKET_WRITE_TIMEOUT, DEFAULT_SOCKET_WRITE_TIMEOUT, d -> this.socketWriteTimeout = d);
intProperty(props, PROP_SOCKET_SO_LINGER, -1, i -> socketSoLinger = i);
intGtEqZeroProperty(props, PROP_MAX_CONTROL_LINE, DEFAULT_MAX_CONTROL_LINE, i -> this.maxControlLine = i);
durationProperty(props, PROP_PING_INTERVAL, DEFAULT_PING_INTERVAL, d -> this.pingInterval = d);
durationProperty(props, PROP_CLEANUP_INTERVAL, DEFAULT_REQUEST_CLEANUP_INTERVAL, d -> this.requestCleanupInterval = d);
intProperty(props, PROP_MAX_PINGS, DEFAULT_MAX_PINGS_OUT, i -> this.maxPingsOut = i);
booleanProperty(props, PROP_USE_OLD_REQUEST_STYLE, b -> this.useOldRequestStyle = b);
classnameProperty(props, PROP_ERROR_LISTENER, o -> this.errorListener = (ErrorListener) o);
classnameProperty(props, PROP_TIME_TRACE_LOGGER, o -> this.timeTraceLogger = (TimeTraceLogger) o);
classnameProperty(props, PROP_CONNECTION_CB, o -> this.connectionListener = (ConnectionListener) o);
classnameProperty(props, PROP_STATISTICS_COLLECTOR, o -> this.statisticsCollector = (StatisticsCollector) o);
stringProperty(props, PROP_DATA_PORT_TYPE, s -> this.dataPortType = s);
stringProperty(props, PROP_INBOX_PREFIX, this::inboxPrefix);
intGtEqZeroProperty(props, PROP_MAX_MESSAGES_IN_OUTGOING_QUEUE, DEFAULT_MAX_MESSAGES_IN_OUTGOING_QUEUE, i -> this.maxMessagesInOutgoingQueue = i);
booleanProperty(props, PROP_DISCARD_MESSAGES_WHEN_OUTGOING_QUEUE_FULL, b -> this.discardMessagesWhenOutgoingQueueFull = b);
booleanProperty(props, PROP_IGNORE_DISCOVERED_SERVERS, b -> this.ignoreDiscoveredServers = b);
booleanProperty(props, PROP_TLS_FIRST, b -> this.tlsFirst = b);
booleanProperty(props, PROP_USE_TIMEOUT_EXCEPTION, b -> this.useTimeoutException = b);
booleanProperty(props, PROP_USE_DISPATCHER_WITH_EXECUTOR, b -> this.useDispatcherWithExecutor = b);
classnameProperty(props, PROP_SERVERS_POOL_IMPLEMENTATION_CLASS, o -> this.serverPool = (ServerPool) o);
classnameProperty(props, PROP_DISPATCHER_FACTORY_CLASS, o -> this.dispatcherFactory = (DispatcherFactory) o);
return this;
* Add a server to the list of known servers.
* @param serverURL the URL for the server to add
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the url is not formatted correctly.
* @return the Builder for chaining
public Builder server(String serverURL) {
return servers(serverURL.trim().split(","));
* Add an array of servers to the list of known servers.
* @param servers A list of server URIs
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if any url is not formatted correctly.
* @return the Builder for chaining
public Builder servers(String[] servers) {
for (String s : servers) {
if (s != null && !s.isEmpty()) {
try {
String unprocessed = s.trim();
NatsUri nuri = new NatsUri(unprocessed);
if (!natsServerUris.contains(nuri)) {
catch (URISyntaxException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(e);
return this;
* Turn on the old request style that uses a new inbox and subscriber for each
* request.
* @return the Builder for chaining
public Builder oldRequestStyle() {
this.useOldRequestStyle = true;
return this;
* For the default server list provider, turn off server pool randomization.
* The default provider will pick servers from its list randomly on a reconnect.
* When noRandomize is set to true the default provider supplies a list that
* first contains servers as configured and then contains the servers as sent
* from the connected server.
* @return the Builder for chaining
public Builder noRandomize() {
this.noRandomize = true;
return this;
* For the default server list provider, whether to resolve hostnames when building server list.
* @return the Builder for chaining
public Builder noResolveHostnames() {
this.noResolveHostnames = true;
return this;
public Builder reportNoResponders() {
this.reportNoResponders = true;
return this;
* Turn off echo. If supported by the nats-server version you are connecting to this
* flag will prevent the server from echoing messages back to the connection if it
* has subscriptions on the subject being published to.
* @return the Builder for chaining
public Builder noEcho() {
this.noEcho = true;
return this;
* Turn off header support. Some versions of the server don't support it.
* It's also not required if you don't use headers
* @return the Builder for chaining
public Builder noHeaders() {
this.noHeaders = true;
return this;
* Turn off noresponder support. Some versions of the server don't support it.
* @return the Builder for chaining
public Builder noNoResponders() {
this.noNoResponders = true;
return this;
* Set client side limit checks. Default is true
* @param checks the checks flag
* @return the Builder for chaining
public Builder clientSideLimitChecks(boolean checks) {
this.clientSideLimitChecks = checks;
return this;
* The client protocol is not clear about the encoding for subject names. For
* performance reasons, the Java client defaults to ASCII. You can enable UTF8
* with this method. The server, written in go, treats byte to string as UTF8 by default
* and should allow UTF8 subjects, but make sure to test any clients when using them.
* @return the Builder for chaining
public Builder supportUTF8Subjects() {
this.supportUTF8Subjects = true;
return this;
* Set the connection's optional Name.
* @param name the connections new name.
* @return the Builder for chaining
public Builder connectionName(String name) {
this.connectionName = name;
return this;
* Set the connection's inbox prefix. All inboxes will start with this string.
* @param prefix prefix to use.
* @return the Builder for chaining
public Builder inboxPrefix(String prefix) {
this.inboxPrefix = prefix;
if (!this.inboxPrefix.endsWith(".")) {
this.inboxPrefix = this.inboxPrefix + ".";
return this;
* Turn on verbose mode with the server.
* @return the Builder for chaining
public Builder verbose() {
this.verbose = true;
return this;
* Turn on pedantic mode for the server, in relation to this connection.
* @return the Builder for chaining
public Builder pedantic() {
this.pedantic = true;
return this;
* Turn on advanced stats, primarily for test/benchmarks. These are visible if you
* call toString on the {@link Statistics Statistics} object.
* @return the Builder for chaining
public Builder turnOnAdvancedStats() {
this.trackAdvancedStats = true;
return this;
* Enable connection trace messages. Messages are printed to standard out. This option is for very
* fine-grained debugging of connection issues.
* @return the Builder for chaining
public Builder traceConnection() {
this.traceConnection = true;
return this;
* Sets the options to use the default SSL Context, if it exists.
* @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException Not thrown, deferred to build() method, left in for backward compatibility
* @return the Builder for chaining
public Builder secure() throws NoSuchAlgorithmException {
useDefaultTls = true;
return this;
* Set the options to use an SSL context that accepts any server certificate and has no client certificates.
* @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException Not thrown, deferred to build() method, left in for backward compatibility
* @return the Builder for chaining
public Builder opentls() throws NoSuchAlgorithmException {
useTrustAllTls = true;
return this;
* Set the SSL context, requires that the server supports TLS connections and
* the URI specifies TLS.
* If provided, the context takes precedence over any other TLS/SSL properties
* set in the builder, including the sslContextFactory
* @param ctx the SSL Context to use for TLS connections
* @return the Builder for chaining
public Builder sslContext(SSLContext ctx) {
this.sslContext = ctx;
return this;
* Set the factory that provides the ssl context. The factory is superseded
* by an instance of SSLContext
* @param sslContextFactory the SSL Context for use to create a ssl context
* @return the Builder for chaining
public Builder sslContextFactory(SSLContextFactory sslContextFactory) {
this.sslContextFactory = sslContextFactory;
return this;
* @param keystore the path to the keystore file
* @return the Builder for chaining
public Builder keystorePath(String keystore) {
this.keystore = emptyAsNull(keystore);
return this;
* @param keystorePassword the password for the keystore
* @return the Builder for chaining
public Builder keystorePassword(char[] keystorePassword) {
this.keystorePassword = keystorePassword == null || keystorePassword.length == 0 ? null : keystorePassword;
return this;
* @param truststore the path to the trust store file
* @return the Builder for chaining
public Builder truststorePath(String truststore) {
this.truststore = emptyAsNull(truststore);
return this;
* @param truststorePassword the password for the trust store
* @return the Builder for chaining
public Builder truststorePassword(char[] truststorePassword) {
this.truststorePassword = truststorePassword == null || truststorePassword.length == 0 ? null : truststorePassword;
return this;
* @param tlsAlgorithm the tls algorithm. Default is {@value SSLUtils#DEFAULT_TLS_ALGORITHM}
* @return the Builder for chaining
public Builder tlsAlgorithm(String tlsAlgorithm) {
this.tlsAlgorithm = emptyOrNullAs(tlsAlgorithm, DEFAULT_TLS_ALGORITHM);
return this;
* @param credentialPath the path to the credentials file for creating an {@link AuthHandler AuthHandler}
* @return the Builder for chaining
public Builder credentialPath(String credentialPath) {
this.credentialPath = emptyAsNull(credentialPath);
return this;
* Equivalent to calling maxReconnects with 0, {@link #maxReconnects(int) maxReconnects}.
* @return the Builder for chaining
public Builder noReconnect() {
this.maxReconnect = 0;
return this;
* Set the maximum number of reconnect attempts. Use 0 to turn off
* auto-reconnect. Use -1 to turn on infinite reconnects.
* The reconnect count is incremented on a per-server basis, so if the server list contains 5 servers
* but max reconnects is set to 3, only 3 of those servers will be tried.
* This library has a slight difference from some NATS clients, if you set the maxReconnects to zero
* there will not be any reconnect attempts, regardless of the number of known servers.
* The reconnect state is entered when the connection is connected and loses
* that connection. During the initial connection attempt, the client will cycle over
* its server list one time, regardless of what maxReconnects is set to. The only exception
* to this is the experimental async connect method {@link Nats#connectAsynchronously(Options, boolean) connectAsynchronously}.
* @param max the maximum reconnect attempts
* @return the Builder for chaining
public Builder maxReconnects(int max) {
this.maxReconnect = max;
return this;
* Set the time to wait between reconnect attempts to the same server. This setting is only used
* by the client when the same server appears twice in the reconnect attempts, either because it is the
* only known server or by random chance. Note, the randomization of the server list doesn't occur per
* attempt, it is performed once at the start, so if there are 2 servers in the list you will never encounter
* the reconnect wait.
* @param time the time to wait
* @return the Builder for chaining
public Builder reconnectWait(Duration time) {
this.reconnectWait = time;
return this;
* Set the jitter time to wait between reconnect attempts to the same server. This setting is used to vary
* the reconnect wait to avoid multiple clients trying to reconnect to servers at the same time.
* @param time the time to wait
* @return the Builder for chaining
public Builder reconnectJitter(Duration time) {
this.reconnectJitter = time;
return this;
* Set the jitter time for a tls/secure connection to wait between reconnect attempts to the same server.
* This setting is used to vary the reconnect wait to avoid multiple clients trying to reconnect to
* servers at the same time.
* @param time the time to wait
* @return the Builder for chaining
public Builder reconnectJitterTls(Duration time) {
this.reconnectJitterTls = time;
return this;
* Set the maximum length of a control line sent by this connection. This value is also configured
* in the server but the protocol doesn't currently forward that setting. Configure it here so that
* the client can ensure that messages are valid before sending to the server.
* @param bytes the max byte count
* @return the Builder for chaining
public Builder maxControlLine(int bytes) {
this.maxControlLine = bytes < 0 ? DEFAULT_MAX_CONTROL_LINE : bytes;
return this;
* Set the timeout for connection attempts. Each server in the options is allowed this timeout
* so if 3 servers are tried with a timeout of 5s the total time could be 15s.
* @param connectionTimeout the time to wait
* @return the Builder for chaining
public Builder connectionTimeout(Duration connectionTimeout) {
this.connectionTimeout = connectionTimeout;
return this;
* Set the timeout for connection attempts. Each server in the options is allowed this timeout
* so if 3 servers are tried with a timeout of 5s the total time could be 15s.
* @param connectionTimeoutMillis the time to wait in milliseconds
* @return the Builder for chaining
public Builder connectionTimeout(long connectionTimeoutMillis) {
this.connectionTimeout = Duration.ofMillis(connectionTimeoutMillis);
return this;
* Set the timeout to use around socket reads
* @param socketReadTimeoutMillis the timeout milliseconds
* @return the Builder for chaining
public Builder socketReadTimeoutMillis(int socketReadTimeoutMillis) {
this.socketReadTimeoutMillis = socketReadTimeoutMillis;
return this;
* Set the timeout to use around socket writes
* @param socketWriteTimeoutMillis the timeout milliseconds
* @return the Builder for chaining
public Builder socketWriteTimeout(long socketWriteTimeoutMillis) {
socketWriteTimeout = Duration.ofMillis(socketWriteTimeoutMillis);
return this;
* Set the timeout to use around socket writes
* @param socketWriteTimeout the timeout duration
* @return the Builder for chaining
public Builder socketWriteTimeout(Duration socketWriteTimeout) {
this.socketWriteTimeout = socketWriteTimeout;
return this;
* Set the value of the socket SO LINGER property in seconds.
* This feature is used by library data port implementations.
* Setting this is a last resort if socket closes are a problem
* in your environment, otherwise it's generally not necessary
* to set this. The value must be greater than or equal to 0
* to have the code call socket.setSoLinger with true and the timeout value
* @param socketSoLinger the number of seconds to linger
* @return the Builder for chaining
public Builder socketSoLinger(int socketSoLinger) {
this.socketSoLinger = socketSoLinger;
return this;
* Set the interval between attempts to pings the server. These pings are automated,
* and capped by {@link #maxPingsOut(int) maxPingsOut()}. As of 2.4.4 the library
* may wait up to 2 * time to send a ping. Incoming traffic from the server can postpone
* the next ping to avoid pings taking up bandwidth during busy messaging.
* Keep in mind that a ping requires a round trip to the server. Setting this value to a small
* number can result in quick failures due to maxPingsOut being reached, these failures will
* force a disconnect/reconnect which can result in messages being held back or failed. In general,
* the ping interval should be set in seconds but this value is not enforced as it would result in
* an API change from the 2.0 release.
* @param time the time between client to server pings
* @return the Builder for chaining
public Builder pingInterval(Duration time) {
this.pingInterval = time == null ? DEFAULT_PING_INTERVAL : time;
return this;
* Set the interval between cleaning passes on outstanding request futures that are cancelled or timeout
* in the application code.
* The default value is probably reasonable, but this interval is useful in a very noisy network
* situation where lots of requests are used.
* @param time the cleaning interval
* @return the Builder for chaining
public Builder requestCleanupInterval(Duration time) {
this.requestCleanupInterval = time;
return this;
* Set the maximum number of pings the client can have in flight.
* @param max the max pings
* @return the Builder for chaining
public Builder maxPingsOut(int max) {
this.maxPingsOut = max;
return this;
* Sets the initial size for buffers in the connection, primarily for testing.
* @param size the size in bytes to make buffers for connections created with this options
* @return the Builder for chaining
public Builder bufferSize(int size) {
this.bufferSize = size;
return this;
* Set the maximum number of bytes to buffer in the client when trying to
* reconnect. When this value is exceeded the client will start to drop messages.
* The count of dropped messages can be read from the {@link Statistics#getDroppedCount() Statistics}.
* A value of zero will disable the reconnect buffer, a value less than zero means unlimited. Caution
* should be used for negative numbers as they can result in an unreliable network connection plus a
* high message rate leading to an out of memory error.
* @param size the size in bytes
* @return the Builder for chaining
public Builder reconnectBufferSize(long size) {
this.reconnectBufferSize = size;
return this;
* Set the username and password for basic authentication.
* If the user and password are set in the server URL, they will override these values. However, in a clustering situation,
* these values can be used as a fallback.
* use the char[] version instead for better security
* @param userName a non-empty userName
* @param password the password, in plain text
* @return the Builder for chaining
public Builder userInfo(String userName, String password) {
this.username = userName.toCharArray();
this.password = password.toCharArray();
return this;
* Set the username and password for basic authentication.
* If the user and password are set in the server URL, they will override these values. However, in a clustering situation,
* these values can be used as a fallback.
* @param userName a non-empty userName
* @param password the password, in plain text
* @return the Builder for chaining
public Builder userInfo(char[] userName, char[] password) {
this.username = userName;
this.password = password;
return this;
* Set the token for token-based authentication.
* If a token is provided in a server URI it overrides this value.
* @param token The token
* @return the Builder for chaining
* @deprecated use the char[] version instead for better security
public Builder token(String token) {
this.token = token.toCharArray();
return this;
* Set the token for token-based authentication.
* If a token is provided in a server URI it overrides this value.
* @param token The token
* @return the Builder for chaining
public Builder token(char[] token) {
this.token = token;
return this;
* Set the {@link AuthHandler AuthHandler} to sign the server nonce for authentication in
* nonce-mode.
* @param handler The new AuthHandler for this connection.
* @return the Builder for chaining
public Builder authHandler(AuthHandler handler) {
this.authHandler = handler;
return this;
* Set the {@link ReconnectDelayHandler ReconnectDelayHandler} for custom reconnect duration
* @param handler The new ReconnectDelayHandler for this connection.
* @return the Builder for chaining
public Builder reconnectDelayHandler(ReconnectDelayHandler handler) {
this.reconnectDelayHandler = handler;
return this;
* Set the {@link ErrorListener ErrorListener} to receive asynchronous error events related to this
* connection.
* @param listener The new ErrorListener for this connection.
* @return the Builder for chaining
public Builder errorListener(ErrorListener listener) {
this.errorListener = listener;
return this;
* Set the {@link TimeTraceLogger TimeTraceLogger} to receive trace events related to this connection.
* @param logger The new TimeTraceLogger for this connection.
* @return the Builder for chaining
public Builder timeTraceLogger(TimeTraceLogger logger) {
this.timeTraceLogger = logger;
return this;
* Set the {@link ConnectionListener ConnectionListener} to receive asynchronous notifications of disconnect
* events.
* @param listener The new ConnectionListener for this type of event.
* @return the Builder for chaining
public Builder connectionListener(ConnectionListener listener) {
this.connectionListener = listener;
return this;
* Set the {@link StatisticsCollector StatisticsCollector} to collect connection metrics.
* If not set, then a default implementation will be used.
* @param collector the new StatisticsCollector for this connection.
* @return the Builder for chaining
public Builder statisticsCollector(StatisticsCollector collector) {
this.statisticsCollector = collector;
return this;
* Set the {@link ExecutorService ExecutorService} used to run threaded tasks. The default is a
* cached thread pool that names threads after the connection name (or a default). This executor
* is used for reading and writing the underlying sockets as well as for each Dispatcher.
* The default executor uses a short keepalive time, 500ms, to insure quick shutdowns. This is reasonable
* since most threads from the executor are long-lived. If you customize, be sure to keep the shutdown
* effect in mind, executors can block for their keepalive time. The default executor also marks threads
* with priority normal and as non-daemon.
* @param executor The ExecutorService to use for connections built with these options.
* @return the Builder for chaining
public Builder executor(ExecutorService executor) {
this.executor = executor;
return this;
* Add an HttpRequest interceptor which can be used to modify the HTTP request when using websockets
* @param interceptor The interceptor
* @return the Builder for chaining
public Builder httpRequestInterceptor(java.util.function.Consumer interceptor) {
if (null == this.httpRequestInterceptors) {
this.httpRequestInterceptors = new ArrayList<>();
return this;
* Overwrite the list of HttpRequest interceptors which can be used to modify the HTTP request when using websockets
* @param interceptors The list of interceptors
* @return the Builder for chaining
public Builder httpRequestInterceptors(Collection extends java.util.function.Consumer> interceptors) {
this.httpRequestInterceptors = new ArrayList<>(interceptors);
return this;
* Define a proxy to use when connecting.
* @param proxy is the HTTP or socks proxy to use.
* @return the Builder for chaining
public Builder proxy(Proxy proxy) {
this.proxy = proxy;
return this;
* The class to use for this connections data port. This is an advanced setting
* and primarily useful for testing.
* @param dataPortClassName a valid and accessible class name
* @return the Builder for chaining
public Builder dataPortType(String dataPortClassName) {
this.dataPortType = dataPortClassName == null ? DEFAULT_DATA_PORT_TYPE : dataPortClassName;
return this;
* Set the maximum number of messages in the outgoing queue.
* @param maxMessagesInOutgoingQueue the maximum number of messages in the outgoing queue
* @return the Builder for chaining
public Builder maxMessagesInOutgoingQueue(int maxMessagesInOutgoingQueue) {
this.maxMessagesInOutgoingQueue = maxMessagesInOutgoingQueue < 0
: maxMessagesInOutgoingQueue;
return this;
* Enable discard messages when the outgoing queue full. See {@link Builder#maxMessagesInOutgoingQueue(int) maxMessagesInOutgoingQueue}
* @return the Builder for chaining
public Builder discardMessagesWhenOutgoingQueueFull() {
this.discardMessagesWhenOutgoingQueueFull = true;
return this;
* Turn off use of discovered servers when connecting / reconnecting. Used in the default server list provider.
* @return the Builder for chaining
public Builder ignoreDiscoveredServers() {
this.ignoreDiscoveredServers = true;
return this;
* Set TLS Handshake First behavior on. Default is off.
* TLS Handshake First is used to instruct the library perform
* the TLS handshake right after the connect and before receiving
* the INFO protocol from the server. If this option is enabled
* but the server is not configured to perform the TLS handshake
* first, the connection will fail.
* @return the Builder for chaining
public Builder tlsFirst() {
this.tlsFirst = true;
return this;
* Throw {@link java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException} on timeout instead of {@link java.util.concurrent.CancellationException}?
* @return the Builder for chaining
public Builder useTimeoutException() {
this.useTimeoutException = true;
return this;
* Instruct dispatchers to dispatch all messages as a task, instead of directly from dispatcher thread
* @return the Builder for chaining
public Builder useDispatcherWithExecutor() {
this.useDispatcherWithExecutor = true;
return this;
* Set the ServerPool implementation for connections to use instead of the default implementation
* @param serverPool the implementation
* @return the Builder for chaining
public Builder serverPool(ServerPool serverPool) {
this.serverPool = serverPool;
return this;
* Set the DispatcherFactory implementation for connections to use instead of the default implementation
* @param dispatcherFactory the implementation
* @return the Builder for chaining
public Builder dispatcherFactory(DispatcherFactory dispatcherFactory) {
this.dispatcherFactory = dispatcherFactory;
return this;
* Build an Options object from this Builder.
* If the Options builder was not provided with a server, a default one will be included
* {@link Options#DEFAULT_URL}. If only a single server URI is included, the builder
* will try a few things to make connecting easier:
* - If there is no user/password is set but the URI has them, {@code nats://user:password@server:port}, they will be used.
- If there is no token is set but the URI has one, {@code nats://token@server:port}, it will be used.
- If the URI is of the form tls:// and no SSL context was assigned, one is created, see {@link Options.Builder#secure() secure()}.
- If the URI is of the form opentls:// and no SSL context was assigned one will be created
* that does not check the servers certificate for validity. This is not secure and only provided
* for tests and development.
* @return the new options object
* @throws IllegalStateException if there is a conflict in the options, like a token and a user/pass
public Options build() throws IllegalStateException {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (this.username != null && this.token != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Options can't have token and username");
if (inboxPrefix == null) {
boolean checkUrisForSecure = true;
if (natsServerUris.isEmpty()) {
checkUrisForSecure = false;
// ssl context can be directly provided, but if it's not
// there might be a factory, or just see if we should make it ourselves
if (sslContext == null) {
if (sslContextFactory != null) {
sslContext = sslContextFactory.createSSLContext(new SSLContextFactoryProperties.Builder()
else {
if (keystore != null || truststore != null) {
// the user provided keystore/truststore properties, the want us to make the sslContext that way
try {
sslContext = SSLUtils.createSSLContext(keystore, keystorePassword, truststore, truststorePassword, tlsAlgorithm);
catch (Exception e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to create SSL context", e);
else {
// the sslContext has not been requested via factory or keystore/truststore properties
// If we haven't been told to use the default or the trust all context
// and the server isn't the default url, check to see if the server uris
// suggest we need the ssl context.
if (!useDefaultTls && !useTrustAllTls && checkUrisForSecure) {
for (int i = 0; sslContext == null && i < natsServerUris.size(); i++) {
NatsUri natsUri = natsServerUris.get(i);
switch (natsUri.getScheme()) {
useDefaultTls = true;
useTrustAllTls = true;
// check trust all (open) first, in case they provided both
// PROP_SECURE (secure) and PROP_OPENTLS (opentls)
if (useTrustAllTls) {
try {
this.sslContext = SSLUtils.createTrustAllTlsContext();
catch (GeneralSecurityException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to create SSL context", e);
else if (useDefaultTls) {
try {
this.sslContext = SSLContext.getDefault();
catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to create default SSL context", e);
if (tlsFirst && sslContext == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("SSL context required for tls handshake first");
if (credentialPath != null) {
File file = new File(credentialPath).getAbsoluteFile();
authHandler = Nats.credentials(file.toString());
if (this.executor == null) {
String threadPrefix = nullOrEmpty(this.connectionName) ? DEFAULT_THREAD_NAME_PREFIX : this.connectionName;
this.executor = new ThreadPoolExecutor(0, Integer.MAX_VALUE,
new SynchronousQueue<>(),
new DefaultThreadFactory(threadPrefix));
if (socketReadTimeoutMillis > 0) {
if (socketReadTimeoutMillis < srtMin) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Socket Read Timeout must be at least "
+ " milliseconds greater than the Ping Interval");
if (socketWriteTimeout == null || socketWriteTimeout.toMillis() < 1) {
socketWriteTimeout = null;
else {
long swtMin = connectionTimeout.toMillis() + MINIMUM_SOCKET_WRITE_TIMEOUT_GT_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT;
if (socketWriteTimeout.toMillis() < swtMin) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Socket Write Timeout must be at least "
+ " milliseconds greater than the Connection Timeout");
if (socketSoLinger < 0) {
socketSoLinger = -1;
if (errorListener == null) {
errorListener = new ErrorListenerLoggerImpl();
if (timeTraceLogger == null) {
if (traceConnection) {
timeTraceLogger = (format, args) -> {
String timeStr = DateTimeFormatter.ISO_TIME.format(LocalDateTime.now());
System.out.println("[" + timeStr + "] connect trace: " + String.format(format, args));
else {
timeTraceLogger = (f, a) -> {};
else {
// if the dev provided an impl, we assume they meant to time trace the connection
traceConnection = true;
return new Options(this);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
public Builder(Options o) {
if (o == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Options cannot be null");
this.noRandomize = o.noRandomize;
this.noResolveHostnames = o.noResolveHostnames;
this.reportNoResponders = o.reportNoResponders;
this.connectionName = o.connectionName;
this.verbose = o.verbose;
this.pedantic = o.pedantic;
this.sslContext = o.sslContext;
this.maxReconnect = o.maxReconnect;
this.reconnectWait = o.reconnectWait;
this.reconnectJitter = o.reconnectJitter;
this.reconnectJitterTls = o.reconnectJitterTls;
this.connectionTimeout = o.connectionTimeout;
this.socketReadTimeoutMillis = o.socketReadTimeoutMillis;
this.socketWriteTimeout = o.socketWriteTimeout;
this.socketSoLinger = o.socketSoLinger;
this.pingInterval = o.pingInterval;
this.requestCleanupInterval = o.requestCleanupInterval;
this.maxPingsOut = o.maxPingsOut;
this.reconnectBufferSize = o.reconnectBufferSize;
this.username = o.username;
this.password = o.password;
this.token = o.token;
this.useOldRequestStyle = o.useOldRequestStyle;
this.maxControlLine = o.maxControlLine;
this.bufferSize = o.bufferSize;
this.noEcho = o.noEcho;
this.noHeaders = o.noHeaders;
this.noNoResponders = o.noNoResponders;
this.clientSideLimitChecks = o.clientSideLimitChecks;
this.supportUTF8Subjects = o.supportUTF8Subjects;
this.inboxPrefix = o.inboxPrefix;
this.traceConnection = o.traceConnection;
this.maxMessagesInOutgoingQueue = o.maxMessagesInOutgoingQueue;
this.discardMessagesWhenOutgoingQueueFull = o.discardMessagesWhenOutgoingQueueFull;
this.authHandler = o.authHandler;
this.reconnectDelayHandler = o.reconnectDelayHandler;
this.errorListener = o.errorListener;
this.timeTraceLogger = o.timeTraceLogger;
this.connectionListener = o.connectionListener;
this.statisticsCollector = o.statisticsCollector;
this.dataPortType = o.dataPortType;
this.trackAdvancedStats = o.trackAdvancedStats;
this.executor = o.executor;
this.httpRequestInterceptors = o.httpRequestInterceptors;
this.proxy = o.proxy;
this.ignoreDiscoveredServers = o.ignoreDiscoveredServers;
this.tlsFirst = o.tlsFirst;
this.useTimeoutException = o.useTimeoutException;
this.useDispatcherWithExecutor = o.useDispatcherWithExecutor;
this.serverPool = o.serverPool;
this.dispatcherFactory = o.dispatcherFactory;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
private Options(Builder b) {
this.natsServerUris = Collections.unmodifiableList(b.natsServerUris);
this.unprocessedServers = Collections.unmodifiableList(b.unprocessedServers); // exactly how the user gave them
this.noRandomize = b.noRandomize;
this.noResolveHostnames = b.noResolveHostnames;
this.reportNoResponders = b.reportNoResponders;
this.connectionName = b.connectionName;
this.verbose = b.verbose;
this.pedantic = b.pedantic;
this.sslContext = b.sslContext;
this.maxReconnect = b.maxReconnect;
this.reconnectWait = b.reconnectWait;
this.reconnectJitter = b.reconnectJitter;
this.reconnectJitterTls = b.reconnectJitterTls;
this.connectionTimeout = b.connectionTimeout;
this.socketReadTimeoutMillis = b.socketReadTimeoutMillis;
this.socketWriteTimeout = b.socketWriteTimeout;
this.socketSoLinger = b.socketSoLinger;
this.pingInterval = b.pingInterval;
this.requestCleanupInterval = b.requestCleanupInterval;
this.maxPingsOut = b.maxPingsOut;
this.reconnectBufferSize = b.reconnectBufferSize;
this.username = b.username;
this.password = b.password;
this.token = b.token;
this.useOldRequestStyle = b.useOldRequestStyle;
this.maxControlLine = b.maxControlLine;
this.bufferSize = b.bufferSize;
this.noEcho = b.noEcho;
this.noHeaders = b.noHeaders;
this.noNoResponders = b.noNoResponders;
this.clientSideLimitChecks = b.clientSideLimitChecks;
this.supportUTF8Subjects = b.supportUTF8Subjects;
this.inboxPrefix = b.inboxPrefix;
this.traceConnection = b.traceConnection;
this.maxMessagesInOutgoingQueue = b.maxMessagesInOutgoingQueue;
this.discardMessagesWhenOutgoingQueueFull = b.discardMessagesWhenOutgoingQueueFull;
this.authHandler = b.authHandler;
this.reconnectDelayHandler = b.reconnectDelayHandler;
this.errorListener = b.errorListener;
this.timeTraceLogger = b.timeTraceLogger;
this.connectionListener = b.connectionListener;
this.statisticsCollector = b.statisticsCollector;
this.dataPortType = b.dataPortType;
this.trackAdvancedStats = b.trackAdvancedStats;
this.executor = b.executor;
this.httpRequestInterceptors = b.httpRequestInterceptors;
this.proxy = b.proxy;
this.ignoreDiscoveredServers = b.ignoreDiscoveredServers;
this.tlsFirst = b.tlsFirst;
this.useTimeoutException = b.useTimeoutException;
this.useDispatcherWithExecutor = b.useDispatcherWithExecutor;
this.serverPool = b.serverPool;
this.dispatcherFactory = b.dispatcherFactory;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* @return the executor, see {@link Builder#executor(ExecutorService) executor()} in the builder doc
public ExecutorService getExecutor() {
return this.executor;
* @return the list of HttpRequest interceptors.
public List> getHttpRequestInterceptors() {
return null == this.httpRequestInterceptors
? Collections.emptyList()
: Collections.unmodifiableList(this.httpRequestInterceptors);
* @return the proxy to used for all sockets.
public Proxy getProxy() {
return this.proxy;
* @return the error listener. Will be an instance of ErrorListenerLoggerImpl if not user supplied. See {@link Builder#errorListener(ErrorListener) errorListener()} in the builder doc
public ErrorListener getErrorListener() {
return this.errorListener;
* If the user provided a TimeTraceLogger, it's returned here.
* If the user set traceConnection but did not supply their own, the original time trace logging will occur
* If the user did not provide a TimeTraceLogger and did not set traceConnection, this will be a no-op implementation.
* @return the time trace logger
public TimeTraceLogger getTimeTraceLogger() {
return this.timeTraceLogger;
* @return the connection listener, or null, see {@link Builder#connectionListener(ConnectionListener) connectionListener()} in the builder doc
public ConnectionListener getConnectionListener() {
return this.connectionListener;
* @return the statistics collector, or null, see {@link Builder#statisticsCollector(StatisticsCollector) statisticsCollector()} in the builder doc
public StatisticsCollector getStatisticsCollector() {
return this.statisticsCollector;
* @return the auth handler, or null, see {@link Builder#authHandler(AuthHandler) authHandler()} in the builder doc
public AuthHandler getAuthHandler() {
return this.authHandler;
* @return the reconnection delay handler, or null, see {@link Builder#reconnectDelayHandler(ReconnectDelayHandler) reconnectDelayHandler()} in the builder doc
public ReconnectDelayHandler getReconnectDelayHandler() {
return this.reconnectDelayHandler;
* @return the dataport type for connections created by this options object, see {@link Builder#dataPortType(String) dataPortType()} in the builder doc
public String getDataPortType() {
return this.dataPortType;
* @return the data port described by these options
public DataPort buildDataPort() {
DataPort dp;
if (dataPortType.equals(DEFAULT_DATA_PORT_TYPE)) {
if (socketWriteTimeout == null) {
dp = new SocketDataPort();
else {
dp = new SocketDataPortWithWriteTimeout();
else {
dp = (DataPort) Options.createInstanceOf(dataPortType);
return dp;
* @return the servers configured in options, see {@link Builder#servers(String[]) servers()} in the builder doc
public List getServers() {
List list = new ArrayList<>();
for (NatsUri nuri : natsServerUris) {
return list;
* @return the servers configured in options, see {@link Builder#servers(String[]) servers()} in the builder doc
public List getNatsServerUris() {
return natsServerUris;
* @return the servers as given to the options, since the servers are normalized
public List getUnprocessedServers() {
return unprocessedServers;
* @return should we turn off randomization for server connection attempts, see {@link Builder#noRandomize() noRandomize()} in the builder doc
public boolean isNoRandomize() {
return noRandomize;
* @return should we resolve hostnames for server connection attempts, see {@link Builder#noResolveHostnames() noResolveHostnames()} in the builder doc
public boolean isNoResolveHostnames() {
return noResolveHostnames;
* @return should complete with exception futures for requests that get no responders instead of cancelling the future, see {@link Builder#reportNoResponders() reportNoResponders()} in the builder doc
public boolean isReportNoResponders() {
return reportNoResponders;
* @return the connectionName, see {@link Builder#connectionName(String) connectionName()} in the builder doc
public String getConnectionName() {
return connectionName;
* @return are we in verbose mode, see {@link Builder#verbose() verbose()} in the builder doc
public boolean isVerbose() {
return verbose;
* @return is echo-ing disabled, see {@link Builder#noEcho() noEcho()} in the builder doc
public boolean isNoEcho() {
return noEcho;
* @return are headers disabled, see {@link Builder#noHeaders() noHeaders()} in the builder doc
public boolean isNoHeaders() {
return noHeaders;
* @return is NoResponders ignored disabled, see {@link Builder#noNoResponders() noNoResponders()} in the builder doc
public boolean isNoNoResponders() {
return noNoResponders;
* @return clientSideLimitChecks flag
public boolean clientSideLimitChecks() {
return clientSideLimitChecks;
* @return whether utf8 subjects are supported, see {@link Builder#supportUTF8Subjects() supportUTF8Subjects()} in the builder doc.
public boolean supportUTF8Subjects() {
return supportUTF8Subjects;
* @return are we using pedantic protocol, see {@link Builder#pedantic() pedantic()} in the builder doc
public boolean isPedantic() {
return pedantic;
* @return should we track advanced stats, see {@link Builder#turnOnAdvancedStats() turnOnAdvancedStats()} in the builder doc
public boolean isTrackAdvancedStats() {
return trackAdvancedStats;
* If isTraceConnection is true, the user provided a TimeTraceLogger or manually called traceConnection in the builder
* @return should we trace the connection?
public boolean isTraceConnection() {
return traceConnection;
* @return the maximum length of a control line, see {@link Builder#maxControlLine(int) maxControlLine()} in the builder doc
public int getMaxControlLine() {
return maxControlLine;
* @return true if there is an sslContext for these Options, otherwise false, see {@link Builder#secure() secure()} in the builder doc
public boolean isTLSRequired() {
return sslContext != null;
* @return the sslContext, see {@link Builder#secure() secure()} in the builder doc
public SSLContext getSslContext() {
return sslContext;
* @return the maxReconnect attempts to make before failing, see {@link Builder#maxReconnects(int) maxReconnects()} in the builder doc
public int getMaxReconnect() {
return maxReconnect;
* @return the reconnectWait, used between reconnect attempts, see {@link Builder#reconnectWait(Duration) reconnectWait()} in the builder doc
public Duration getReconnectWait() {
return reconnectWait;
* @return the reconnectJitter, used between reconnect attempts to vary the reconnect wait, see {@link Builder#reconnectJitter(Duration) reconnectJitter()} in the builder doc
public Duration getReconnectJitter() {
return reconnectJitter;
* @return the reconnectJitterTls, used between reconnect attempts to vary the reconnect wait whe using tls/secure, see {@link Builder#reconnectJitterTls(Duration) reconnectJitterTls()} in the builder doc
public Duration getReconnectJitterTls() {
return reconnectJitterTls;
* @return the connectionTimeout, see {@link Builder#connectionTimeout(Duration) connectionTimeout()} in the builder doc
public Duration getConnectionTimeout() {
return connectionTimeout;
* @return the socketReadTimeoutMillis, see {@link Builder#socketReadTimeoutMillis(int) socketReadTimeoutMillis} in the builder doc
public int getSocketReadTimeoutMillis() {
return socketReadTimeoutMillis;
* @return the socketWriteTimeout, see {@link Builder#socketWriteTimeout(long) socketWriteTimeout} in the builder doc
public Duration getSocketWriteTimeout() {
return socketWriteTimeout;
* @return the socket so linger number of seconds, see {@link Builder#socketSoLinger(int) socketSoLinger()} in the builder doc
public int getSocketSoLinger() {
return socketSoLinger;
* @return the pingInterval, see {@link Builder#pingInterval(Duration) pingInterval()} in the builder doc
public Duration getPingInterval() {
return pingInterval;
* @return the request cleanup interval, see {@link Builder#requestCleanupInterval(Duration) requestCleanupInterval()} in the builder doc
public Duration getRequestCleanupInterval() {
return requestCleanupInterval;
* @return the maxPingsOut to limit the number of pings on the wire, see {@link Builder#maxPingsOut(int) maxPingsOut()} in the builder doc
public int getMaxPingsOut() {
return maxPingsOut;
* @return the reconnectBufferSize, to limit the amount of data held during
* reconnection attempts, see {@link Builder#reconnectBufferSize(long) reconnectBufferSize()} in the builder doc
public long getReconnectBufferSize() {
return reconnectBufferSize;
* @return the default size for buffers in the connection code, see {@link Builder#bufferSize(int) bufferSize()} in the builder doc
public int getBufferSize() {
return bufferSize;
* @deprecated converts the char array to a string, use getUserNameChars instead for more security
* @return the username to use for basic authentication, see {@link Builder#userInfo(String, String) userInfo()} in the builder doc
public String getUsername() {
return username == null ? null : new String(username);
* @return the username to use for basic authentication, see {@link Builder#userInfo(String, String) userInfo()} in the builder doc
public char[] getUsernameChars() {
return username;
* @deprecated converts the char array to a string, use getPasswordChars instead for more security
* @return the password to use for basic authentication, see {@link Builder#userInfo(String, String) userInfo()} in the builder doc
public String getPassword() {
return password == null ? null : new String(password);
* @return the password to use for basic authentication, see {@link Builder#userInfo(String, String) userInfo()} in the builder doc
public char[] getPasswordChars() {
return password;
* @deprecated converts the char array to a string, use getTokenChars instead for more security
* @return the token to be used for token-based authentication, see {@link Builder#token(String) token()} in the builder doc
public String getToken() {
return token == null ? null : new String(token);
* @return the token to be used for token-based authentication, see {@link Builder#token(String) token()} in the builder doc
public char[] getTokenChars() {
return token;
* @return the flag to turn on old style requests, see {@link Builder#oldRequestStyle() oldStyleRequest()} in the builder doc
public boolean isOldRequestStyle() {
return useOldRequestStyle;
* @return the inbox prefix to use for requests, see {@link Builder#inboxPrefix(String) inboxPrefix()} in the builder doc
public String getInboxPrefix() {
return inboxPrefix;
* @return the maximum number of messages in the outgoing queue, see {@link Builder#maxMessagesInOutgoingQueue(int)
* maxMessagesInOutgoingQueue(int)} in the builder doc
public int getMaxMessagesInOutgoingQueue() {
return maxMessagesInOutgoingQueue;
* @return should we discard messages when the outgoing queue is full, see {@link Builder#discardMessagesWhenOutgoingQueueFull()
* discardMessagesWhenOutgoingQueueFull()} in the builder doc
public boolean isDiscardMessagesWhenOutgoingQueueFull() {
return discardMessagesWhenOutgoingQueueFull;
* Get whether to ignore discovered servers
* @return the flag
public boolean isIgnoreDiscoveredServers() {
return ignoreDiscoveredServers;
* Get whether to do tls first
* @return the flag
public boolean isTlsFirst() {
return tlsFirst;
* Get whether to throw {@link java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException} on timeout instead of {@link java.util.concurrent.CancellationException}.
* @return the flag
public boolean useTimeoutException() {
return useTimeoutException;
public boolean useDispatcherWithExecutor() { return useDispatcherWithExecutor; }
* Get the ServerPool implementation. If null, a default implementation is used.
* @return the ServerPool implementation
public ServerPool getServerPool() {
return serverPool;
* Get the DispatcherFactory implementation. If null, a default implementation is used.
* @return the DispatcherFactory implementation
public DispatcherFactory getDispatcherFactory() {
return dispatcherFactory;
public URI createURIForServer(String serverURI) throws URISyntaxException {
return new NatsUri(serverURI).getUri();
* Create the options string sent with the connect message.
* If includeAuth is true the auth information is included:
* If the server URIs have auth info it is used. Otherwise, the userInfo is used.
* @param serverURI the current server uri
* @param includeAuth tells the options to build a connection string that includes auth information
* @param nonce if the client is supposed to sign the nonce for authentication
* @return the options String, basically JSON
public CharBuffer buildProtocolConnectOptionsString(String serverURI, boolean includeAuth, byte[] nonce) {
CharBuffer connectString = CharBuffer.allocate(this.maxControlLine);
appendOption(connectString, Options.OPTION_LANG, Nats.CLIENT_LANGUAGE, true, false);
appendOption(connectString, Options.OPTION_VERSION, Nats.CLIENT_VERSION, true, true);
if (this.connectionName != null) {
appendOption(connectString, Options.OPTION_NAME, this.connectionName, true, true);
appendOption(connectString, Options.OPTION_PROTOCOL, "1", false, true);
appendOption(connectString, Options.OPTION_VERBOSE, String.valueOf(this.isVerbose()), false, true);
appendOption(connectString, Options.OPTION_PEDANTIC, String.valueOf(this.isPedantic()), false, true);
appendOption(connectString, Options.OPTION_TLS_REQUIRED, String.valueOf(this.isTLSRequired()), false, true);
appendOption(connectString, Options.OPTION_ECHO, String.valueOf(!this.isNoEcho()), false, true);
appendOption(connectString, Options.OPTION_HEADERS, String.valueOf(!this.isNoHeaders()), false, true);
appendOption(connectString, Options.OPTION_NORESPONDERS, String.valueOf(!this.isNoNoResponders()), false, true);
if (includeAuth) {
if (nonce != null && this.getAuthHandler() != null) {
char[] nkey = this.getAuthHandler().getID();
byte[] sig = this.getAuthHandler().sign(nonce);
char[] jwt = this.getAuthHandler().getJWT();
if (sig == null) {
sig = new byte[0];
if (jwt == null) {
jwt = new char[0];
if (nkey == null) {
nkey = new char[0];
String encodedSig = base64UrlEncodeToString(sig);
appendOption(connectString, Options.OPTION_NKEY, nkey, true);
appendOption(connectString, Options.OPTION_SIG, encodedSig, true, true);
appendOption(connectString, Options.OPTION_JWT, jwt, true);
String uriUser = null;
String uriPass = null;
String uriToken = null;
// Values from URI override options
try {
URI uri = this.createURIForServer(serverURI);
String userInfo = uri.getRawUserInfo();
if (userInfo != null) {
int at = userInfo.indexOf(":");
if (at == -1) {
uriToken = uriDecode(userInfo);
else {
uriUser = uriDecode(userInfo.substring(0, at));
uriPass = uriDecode(userInfo.substring(at + 1));
catch (URISyntaxException e) {
// the createURIForServer call is the one that potentially throws this
// uriUser, uriPass and uriToken will already be null
if (uriUser != null) {
appendOption(connectString, Options.OPTION_USER, jsonEncode(uriUser), true, true);
else if (this.username != null) {
appendOption(connectString, Options.OPTION_USER, jsonEncode(this.username), true, true);
if (uriPass != null) {
appendOption(connectString, Options.OPTION_PASSWORD, jsonEncode(uriPass), true, true);
else if (this.password != null) {
appendOption(connectString, Options.OPTION_PASSWORD, jsonEncode(this.password), true, true);
if (uriToken != null) {
appendOption(connectString, Options.OPTION_AUTH_TOKEN, uriToken, true, true);
else if (this.token != null) {
appendOption(connectString, Options.OPTION_AUTH_TOKEN, this.token, true);
return connectString;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
private static void appendOption(CharBuffer builder, String key, String value, boolean quotes, boolean comma) {
_appendStart(builder, key, quotes, comma);
_appendOptionEnd(builder, quotes);
private static void appendOption(CharBuffer builder, String key, char[] value, boolean comma) {
_appendStart(builder, key, true, comma);
_appendOptionEnd(builder, true);
private static void _appendStart(CharBuffer builder, String key, boolean quotes, boolean comma) {
if (comma) {
_appendOptionEnd(builder, quotes);
private static void _appendOptionEnd(CharBuffer builder, boolean quotes) {
if (quotes) {
private static String getPropertyValue(Properties props, String key) {
String value = emptyAsNull(props.getProperty(key));
if (value != null) {
return value;
if (key.startsWith(PFX)) { // if the key starts with the PFX, check the non PFX
return emptyAsNull(props.getProperty(key.substring(PFX_LEN)));
// otherwise check with the PFX
value = emptyAsNull(props.getProperty(PFX + key));
if (value == null && key.contains("_")) {
// addressing where underscore was used in a key value instead of dot
return getPropertyValue(props, key.replace("_", "."));
return value;
private static void stringProperty(Properties props, String key, java.util.function.Consumer consumer) {
String value = getPropertyValue(props, key);
if (value != null) {
private static void charArrayProperty(Properties props, String key, java.util.function.Consumer consumer) {
String value = getPropertyValue(props, key);
if (value != null) {
private static void booleanProperty(Properties props, String key, java.util.function.Consumer consumer) {
String value = getPropertyValue(props, key);
if (value != null) {
private static void intProperty(Properties props, String key, int defaultValue, java.util.function.Consumer consumer) {
String value = getPropertyValue(props, key);
if (value == null) {
else {
private static void intGtEqZeroProperty(Properties props, String key, int defaultValue, java.util.function.Consumer consumer) {
String value = getPropertyValue(props, key);
if (value == null) {
else {
int i = Integer.parseInt(value);
if (i < 0) {
else {
private static void longProperty(Properties props, String key, long defaultValue, java.util.function.Consumer consumer) {
String value = getPropertyValue(props, key);
if (value == null) {
else {
private static void durationProperty(Properties props, String key, Duration defaultValue, java.util.function.Consumer consumer) {
String value = getPropertyValue(props, key);
if (value == null) {
else {
try {
Duration d = Duration.parse(value);
if (d.toNanos() < 0) {
else {
catch (DateTimeParseException pe) {
int ms = Integer.parseInt(value);
if (ms < 0) {
else {
private static void classnameProperty(Properties props, String key, java.util.function.Consumer