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// Copyright 2020 The NATS Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at:
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package io.nats.client.api;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.util.*;
import static*;
import static*;
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import static;
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import static;
import static*;
import static*;
* The StreamConfiguration class specifies the configuration for creating a JetStream stream on the server.
* Options are created using a {@link StreamConfiguration.Builder Builder}.
public class StreamConfiguration implements JsonSerializable {
// see builder for defaults
private final String name;
private final String description;
private final List subjects;
private final RetentionPolicy retentionPolicy;
private final CompressionOption compressionOption;
private final long maxConsumers;
private final long maxMsgs;
private final long maxMsgsPerSubject;
private final long maxBytes;
private final Duration maxAge;
private final int maxMsgSize;
private final StorageType storageType;
private final int replicas;
private final boolean noAck;
private final String templateOwner;
private final DiscardPolicy discardPolicy;
private final Duration duplicateWindow;
private final Placement placement;
private final Republish republish;
private final SubjectTransform subjectTransform;
private final ConsumerLimits consumerLimits;
private final Mirror mirror;
private final List sources;
private final boolean sealed;
private final boolean allowRollup;
private final boolean allowDirect;
private final boolean mirrorDirect;
private final boolean denyDelete;
private final boolean denyPurge;
private final boolean discardNewPerSubject;
private final Map metadata;
private final long firstSequence;
static StreamConfiguration instance(JsonValue v) {
Builder builder = new Builder();
builder.retentionPolicy(RetentionPolicy.get(readString(v, RETENTION)));
builder.compressionOption(CompressionOption.get(readString(v, COMPRESSION)));
builder.storageType(StorageType.get(readString(v, STORAGE)));
builder.discardPolicy(DiscardPolicy.get(readString(v, DISCARD)));, NAME));
builder.description(readString(v, DESCRIPTION));
builder.maxConsumers(readLong(v, MAX_CONSUMERS, -1));
builder.maxMessages(readLong(v, MAX_MSGS, -1));
builder.maxMessagesPerSubject(readLong(v, MAX_MSGS_PER_SUB, -1));
builder.maxBytes(readLong(v, MAX_BYTES, -1));
builder.maxAge(readNanos(v, MAX_AGE));
builder.maximumMessageSize(readInteger(v, MAX_MSG_SIZE, -1));
builder.replicas(readInteger(v, NUM_REPLICAS, 1));
builder.noAck(readBoolean(v, NO_ACK));
builder.templateOwner(readString(v, TEMPLATE_OWNER));
builder.duplicateWindow(readNanos(v, DUPLICATE_WINDOW));
builder.subjects(readStringList(v, SUBJECTS));
builder.placement(Placement.optionalInstance(readValue(v, PLACEMENT)));
builder.republish(Republish.optionalInstance(readValue(v, REPUBLISH)));
builder.subjectTransform(SubjectTransform.optionalInstance(readValue(v, SUBJECT_TRANSFORM)));
builder.consumerLimits(ConsumerLimits.optionalInstance(readValue(v, CONSUMER_LIMITS)));
builder.mirror(Mirror.optionalInstance(readValue(v, MIRROR)));
builder.sources(Source.optionalListOf(readValue(v, SOURCES)));
builder.sealed(readBoolean(v, SEALED));
builder.allowRollup(readBoolean(v, ALLOW_ROLLUP_HDRS));
builder.allowDirect(readBoolean(v, ALLOW_DIRECT));
builder.mirrorDirect(readBoolean(v, MIRROR_DIRECT));
builder.denyDelete(readBoolean(v, DENY_DELETE));
builder.denyPurge(readBoolean(v, DENY_PURGE));
builder.discardNewPerSubject(readBoolean(v, DISCARD_NEW_PER_SUBJECT));
builder.metadata(readStringStringMap(v, METADATA));
builder.firstSequence(readLong(v, FIRST_SEQ, 1));
// For the builder, assumes all validations are already done in builder
StreamConfiguration(Builder b) { =;
this.description = b.description;
this.subjects = b.subjects;
this.retentionPolicy = b.retentionPolicy;
this.compressionOption = b.compressionOption;
this.maxConsumers = b.maxConsumers;
this.maxMsgs = b.maxMsgs;
this.maxMsgsPerSubject = b.maxMsgsPerSubject;
this.maxBytes = b.maxBytes;
this.maxAge = b.maxAge;
this.maxMsgSize = b.maxMsgSize;
this.storageType = b.storageType;
this.replicas = b.replicas;
this.noAck = b.noAck;
this.templateOwner = b.templateOwner;
this.discardPolicy = b.discardPolicy;
this.duplicateWindow = b.duplicateWindow;
this.placement = b.placement;
this.republish = b.republish;
this.subjectTransform = b.subjectTransform;
this.consumerLimits = b.consumerLimits;
this.mirror = b.mirror;
this.sources = b.sources;
this.sealed = b.sealed;
this.allowRollup = b.allowRollup;
this.allowDirect = b.allowDirect;
this.mirrorDirect = b.mirrorDirect;
this.denyDelete = b.denyDelete;
this.denyPurge = b.denyPurge;
this.discardNewPerSubject = b.discardNewPerSubject;
this.metadata = b.metadata;
this.firstSequence = b.firstSequence;
* Returns a StreamConfiguration deserialized from its JSON form.
* @see #toJson()
* @param json the json representing the Stream Configuration
* @return StreamConfiguration for the given json
* @throws JsonParseException thrown if the parsing fails for invalid json
public static StreamConfiguration instance(String json) throws JsonParseException {
return instance(JsonParser.parse(json));
* Returns a JSON representation of this consumer configuration.
* @return json consumer configuration to send to the server.
public String toJson() {
StringBuilder sb = beginJson();
addField(sb, NAME, name);
JsonUtils.addField(sb, DESCRIPTION, description);
addStrings(sb, SUBJECTS, subjects);
addField(sb, RETENTION, retentionPolicy.toString());
addEnumWhenNot(sb, COMPRESSION, compressionOption, CompressionOption.None);
addField(sb, MAX_CONSUMERS, maxConsumers);
addField(sb, MAX_MSGS, maxMsgs);
addField(sb, MAX_MSGS_PER_SUB, maxMsgsPerSubject);
addField(sb, MAX_BYTES, maxBytes);
addFieldAsNanos(sb, MAX_AGE, maxAge);
addField(sb, MAX_MSG_SIZE, maxMsgSize);
addField(sb, STORAGE, storageType.toString());
addField(sb, NUM_REPLICAS, replicas);
addFldWhenTrue(sb, NO_ACK, noAck);
addField(sb, TEMPLATE_OWNER, templateOwner);
addField(sb, DISCARD, discardPolicy.toString());
addFieldAsNanos(sb, DUPLICATE_WINDOW, duplicateWindow);
if (placement != null && placement.hasData()) {
addField(sb, PLACEMENT, placement);
addField(sb, REPUBLISH, republish);
addField(sb, SUBJECT_TRANSFORM, subjectTransform);
addField(sb, CONSUMER_LIMITS, consumerLimits);
addField(sb, MIRROR, mirror);
addJsons(sb, SOURCES, sources);
addFldWhenTrue(sb, SEALED, sealed);
addFldWhenTrue(sb, ALLOW_ROLLUP_HDRS, allowRollup);
addFldWhenTrue(sb, ALLOW_DIRECT, allowDirect);
addFldWhenTrue(sb, MIRROR_DIRECT, mirrorDirect);
addFldWhenTrue(sb, DENY_DELETE, denyDelete);
addFldWhenTrue(sb, DENY_PURGE, denyPurge);
addFldWhenTrue(sb, DISCARD_NEW_PER_SUBJECT, discardNewPerSubject);
addField(sb, METADATA, metadata);
addFieldWhenGreaterThan(sb, FIRST_SEQ, firstSequence, 1);
return endJson(sb).toString();
* Gets the name of this stream configuration.
* @return the name of the stream.
public String getName() {
return name;
* Gets the description of this stream configuration.
* @return the description of the stream.
public String getDescription() {
return description;
* Gets the subjects for this stream configuration.
* @return the subject of the stream.
public List getSubjects() {
return subjects;
* Gets the discard policy for this stream configuration.
* @return the discard policy of the stream.
public DiscardPolicy getDiscardPolicy() {
return discardPolicy;
* Gets the retention policy for this stream configuration.
* @return the retention policy for this stream.
public RetentionPolicy getRetentionPolicy() {
return retentionPolicy;
* Gets the compression option for this stream configuration.
* @return the compression option for this stream.
public CompressionOption getCompressionOption() {
return compressionOption;
* Gets the maximum number of consumers for this stream configuration.
* @return the maximum number of consumers for this stream.
public long getMaxConsumers() {
return maxConsumers;
* Gets the maximum messages for this stream configuration.
* @return the maximum number of messages for this stream.
public long getMaxMsgs() {
return maxMsgs;
* Gets the maximum messages for this stream configuration.
* @return the maximum number of messages for this stream.
public long getMaxMsgsPerSubject() {
return maxMsgsPerSubject;
* Gets the maximum number of bytes for this stream configuration.
* @return the maximum number of bytes for this stream.
public long getMaxBytes() {
return maxBytes;
* Gets the maximum message age for this stream configuration.
* @return the maximum message age for this stream.
public Duration getMaxAge() {
return maxAge;
* Gets the maximum message size for this stream configuration.
* @deprecated the server value is a 32-bit signed value. Use {@link #getMaximumMessageSize()} instead.
* @return the maximum message size for this stream.
public long getMaxMsgSize() {
return maxMsgSize;
* Gets the maximum message size for this stream configuration.
* @return the maximum message size for this stream.
public int getMaximumMessageSize() {
return maxMsgSize;
* Gets the storage type for this stream configuration.
* @return the storage type for this stream.
public StorageType getStorageType() {
return storageType;
* Gets the number of replicas for this stream configuration.
* @return the number of replicas
public int getReplicas() {
return replicas;
* Gets whether acknowledgements are required in this stream configuration.
* @return true if acknowedgments are not required.
public boolean getNoAck() {
return noAck;
* Gets the template json for this stream configuration.
* @return the template for this stream.
public String getTemplateOwner() {
return templateOwner;
* Gets the duplicate checking window stream configuration. Duration.ZERO
* means duplicate checking is not enabled.
* @return the duration of the window.
public Duration getDuplicateWindow() {
return duplicateWindow;
* Get the placement directives to consider when placing replicas of this stream,
* random placement when unset. May be null.
* @return the placement object
public Placement getPlacement() {
return placement;
* Get the republish configuration. May be null.
* @return the republish object
public Republish getRepublish() {
return republish;
* Get the subjectTransform configuration. May be null.
* @return the subjectTransform object
public SubjectTransform getSubjectTransform() {
return subjectTransform;
* Get the consumerLimits configuration. May be null.
* @return the consumerLimits object
public ConsumerLimits getConsumerLimits() {
return consumerLimits;
* The mirror definition for this stream
* @return the mirror
public Mirror getMirror() {
return mirror;
* The sources for this stream
* @return the sources
public List getSources() {
return sources;
* Get the flag indicating if the stream is sealed.
* @return the sealed flag
public boolean getSealed() {
return sealed;
* Get the flag indicating if the stream allows rollup.
* @return the allows rollup flag
public boolean getAllowRollup() {
return allowRollup;
* Get the flag indicating if the stream allows direct message access.
* @return the allows direct flag
public boolean getAllowDirect() {
return allowDirect;
* Get the flag indicating if the stream allows
* higher performance and unified direct access for mirrors as well.
* @return the allows direct flag
public boolean getMirrorDirect() {
return mirrorDirect;
* Get the flag indicating if deny delete is set for the stream
* @return the deny delete flag
public boolean getDenyDelete() {
return denyDelete;
* Get the flag indicating if deny purge is set for the stream
* @return the deny purge flag
public boolean getDenyPurge() {
return denyPurge;
* Whether discard policy with max message per subject is applied per subject.
* @return the discard new per subject flag
public boolean isDiscardNewPerSubject() {
return discardNewPerSubject;
* Metadata for the stream
* @return the metadata map. Might be null.
public Map getMetadata() {
return metadata;
* The first sequence used in the stream.
* @return the first sequence
public long getFirstSequence() {
return firstSequence;
public String toString() {
return toJson();
* Creates a builder for the stream configuration.
* @return a stream configuration builder
public static Builder builder() {
return new Builder();
* Creates a builder to copy the stream configuration.
* @param sc an existing StreamConfiguration
* @return a stream configuration builder
public static Builder builder(StreamConfiguration sc) {
return new Builder(sc);
* StreamConfiguration is created using a Builder. The builder supports chaining and will
* create a default set of options if no methods are calls.
{@code new StreamConfiguration.Builder().build()} will create a new StreamConfiguration.
public static class Builder {
private String name = null;
private String description = null;
private final List subjects = new ArrayList<>();
private RetentionPolicy retentionPolicy = RetentionPolicy.Limits;
private CompressionOption compressionOption = CompressionOption.None;
private long maxConsumers = -1;
private long maxMsgs = -1;
private long maxMsgsPerSubject = -1;
private long maxBytes = -1;
private Duration maxAge = Duration.ZERO;
private int maxMsgSize = -1;
private StorageType storageType = StorageType.File;
private int replicas = 1;
private boolean noAck = false;
private String templateOwner = null;
private DiscardPolicy discardPolicy = DiscardPolicy.Old;
private Duration duplicateWindow = Duration.ZERO;
private Placement placement = null;
private Republish republish = null;
private SubjectTransform subjectTransform = null;
private ConsumerLimits consumerLimits = null;
private Mirror mirror = null;
private final List sources = new ArrayList<>();
private boolean sealed = false;
private boolean allowRollup = false;
private boolean allowDirect = false;
private boolean mirrorDirect = false;
private boolean denyDelete = false;
private boolean denyPurge = false;
private boolean discardNewPerSubject = false;
private Map metadata;
private long firstSequence = 1;
* Default Builder
public Builder() {}
* Update Builder, useful if you need to update a configuration
* @param sc the configuration to copy
public Builder(StreamConfiguration sc) {
if (sc != null) { =;
this.description = sc.description;
this.retentionPolicy = sc.retentionPolicy;
this.compressionOption = sc.compressionOption;
this.maxConsumers = sc.maxConsumers;
this.maxMsgs = sc.maxMsgs;
this.maxMsgsPerSubject = sc.maxMsgsPerSubject;
this.maxBytes = sc.maxBytes;
this.maxAge = sc.maxAge;
this.maxMsgSize = sc.maxMsgSize;
this.storageType = sc.storageType;
this.replicas = sc.replicas;
this.noAck = sc.noAck;
this.templateOwner = sc.templateOwner;
this.discardPolicy = sc.discardPolicy;
this.duplicateWindow = sc.duplicateWindow;
this.placement = sc.placement;
this.republish = sc.republish;
this.subjectTransform = sc.subjectTransform;
this.consumerLimits = sc.consumerLimits;
this.mirror = sc.mirror;
this.sealed = sc.sealed;
this.allowRollup = sc.allowRollup;
this.allowDirect = sc.allowDirect;
this.mirrorDirect = sc.mirrorDirect;
this.denyDelete = sc.denyDelete;
this.denyPurge = sc.denyPurge;
this.discardNewPerSubject = sc.discardNewPerSubject;
if (sc.metadata != null) {
this.metadata = new HashMap<>(sc.metadata);
this.firstSequence = sc.firstSequence;
* Sets the name of the stream.
* @param name name of the stream.
* @return the builder
public Builder name(String name) { = validateStreamName(name, false);
return this;
* Sets the description
* @param description the description
* @return the builder
public Builder description(String description) {
this.description = description;
return this;
* Sets the subjects in the StreamConfiguration.
* @param subjects the stream's subjects
* @return Builder
public Builder subjects(String... subjects) {
return addSubjects(subjects);
* Sets the subjects in the StreamConfiguration.
* @param subjects the stream's subjects
* @return Builder
public Builder subjects(Collection subjects) {
return addSubjects(subjects);
* Adds unique subjects into the StreamConfiguration.
* @param subjects the stream's subjects to add
* @return Builder
public Builder addSubjects(String... subjects) {
if (subjects != null) {
return addSubjects(Arrays.asList(subjects));
return this;
* Adds unique subjects into the StreamConfiguration.
* @param subjects the stream's subjects to add
* @return Builder
public Builder addSubjects(Collection subjects) {
if (subjects != null) {
for (String sub : subjects) {
if (sub != null && !this.subjects.contains(sub)) {
return this;
* Sets the retention policy in the StreamConfiguration.
* @param policy the retention policy of the StreamConfiguration
* @return Builder
public Builder retentionPolicy(RetentionPolicy policy) {
this.retentionPolicy = policy == null ? RetentionPolicy.Limits : policy;
return this;
* Sets the compression option in the StreamConfiguration.
* @param compressionOption the compression option of the StreamConfiguration
* @return Builder
public Builder compressionOption(CompressionOption compressionOption) {
this.compressionOption = compressionOption == null ? CompressionOption.None : compressionOption;
return this;
* Sets the maximum number of consumers in the StreamConfiguration.
* @param maxConsumers the maximum number of consumers
* @return Builder
public Builder maxConsumers(long maxConsumers) {
this.maxConsumers = validateMaxConsumers(maxConsumers);
return this;
* Sets the maximum number of messages in the StreamConfiguration.
* @param maxMsgs the maximum number of messages
* @return Builder
public Builder maxMessages(long maxMsgs) {
this.maxMsgs = validateMaxMessages(maxMsgs);
return this;
* Sets the maximum number of message per subject in the StreamConfiguration.
* @param maxMsgsPerSubject the maximum number of messages
* @return Builder
public Builder maxMessagesPerSubject(long maxMsgsPerSubject) {
this.maxMsgsPerSubject = validateMaxMessagesPerSubject(maxMsgsPerSubject);
return this;
* Sets the maximum number of bytes in the StreamConfiguration.
* @param maxBytes the maximum number of bytes
* @return Builder
public Builder maxBytes(long maxBytes) {
this.maxBytes = validateMaxBytes(maxBytes);
return this;
* Sets the maximum age in the StreamConfiguration.
* @param maxAge the maximum message age
* @return Builder
public Builder maxAge(Duration maxAge) {
this.maxAge = validateDurationNotRequiredGtOrEqZero(maxAge, Duration.ZERO);
return this;
* Sets the maximum age in the StreamConfiguration.
* @param maxAgeMillis the maximum message age
* @return Builder
public Builder maxAge(long maxAgeMillis) {
this.maxAge = validateDurationNotRequiredGtOrEqZero(maxAgeMillis);
return this;
* Sets the maximum message size in the StreamConfiguration.
* @deprecated the server value is a 32-bit signed value. Use {@link #maximumMessageSize(int)} instead.
* @param maxMsgSize the maximum message size
* @return Builder
public Builder maxMsgSize(long maxMsgSize) {
this.maxMsgSize = (int)validateMaxMessageSize(maxMsgSize);
return this;
* Sets the maximum message size in the StreamConfiguration.
* @param maxMsgSize the maximum message size
* @return Builder
public Builder maximumMessageSize(int maxMsgSize) {
this.maxMsgSize = (int)validateMaxMessageSize(maxMsgSize);
return this;
* Sets the storage type in the StreamConfiguration.
* @param storageType the storage type
* @return Builder
public Builder storageType(StorageType storageType) {
this.storageType = storageType == null ? StorageType.File : storageType;
return this;
* Sets the number of replicas a message must be stored on in the StreamConfiguration.
* Must be 1 to 5 inclusive
* @param replicas the number of replicas to store this message on
* @return Builder
public Builder replicas(int replicas) {
this.replicas = validateNumberOfReplicas(replicas);
return this;
* Sets the acknowledgement mode of the StreamConfiguration. if no acknowledgements are
* set, then acknowledgements are not sent back to the client. The default is false.
* @param noAck true to disable acknowledgements.
* @return Builder
public Builder noAck(boolean noAck) {
this.noAck = noAck;
return this;
* Sets the template a stream in the form of raw JSON.
* @param templateOwner the stream template of the stream.
* @return the builder
public Builder templateOwner(String templateOwner) {
this.templateOwner = emptyAsNull(templateOwner);
return this;
* Sets the discard policy in the StreamConfiguration.
* @param policy the discard policy of the StreamConfiguration
* @return Builder
public Builder discardPolicy(DiscardPolicy policy) {
this.discardPolicy = policy == null ? DiscardPolicy.Old : policy;
return this;
* Sets the duplicate checking window in the StreamConfiguration. A Duration.Zero
* disables duplicate checking. Duplicate checking is disabled by default.
* @param window duration to hold message ids for duplicate checking.
* @return Builder
public Builder duplicateWindow(Duration window) {
this.duplicateWindow = validateDurationNotRequiredGtOrEqZero(window, Duration.ZERO);
return this;
* Sets the duplicate checking window in the StreamConfiguration. A Duration.Zero
* disables duplicate checking. Duplicate checking is disabled by default.
* @param windowMillis duration to hold message ids for duplicate checking.
* @return Builder
public Builder duplicateWindow(long windowMillis) {
this.duplicateWindow = validateDurationNotRequiredGtOrEqZero(windowMillis);
return this;
* Sets the placement directive object
* @param placement the placement directive object
* @return Builder
public Builder placement(Placement placement) {
this.placement = placement;
return this;
* Sets the republish config object
* @param republish the republish config object
* @return Builder
public Builder republish(Republish republish) {
this.republish = republish;
return this;
* Sets the subjectTransform config object
* @param subjectTransform the subjectTransform config object
* @return Builder
public Builder subjectTransform(SubjectTransform subjectTransform) {
this.subjectTransform = subjectTransform;
return this;
* Sets the consumerLimits config object
* @param consumerLimits the consumerLimits config object
* @return Builder
public Builder consumerLimits(ConsumerLimits consumerLimits) {
this.consumerLimits = consumerLimits;
return this;
* Sets the mirror object
* @param mirror the mirror object
* @return Builder
public Builder mirror(Mirror mirror) {
this.mirror = mirror;
return this;
* Sets the sources in the StreamConfiguration.
* @param sources the stream's sources
* @return Builder
public Builder sources(Source... sources) {
return addSources(sources);
* Add the sources into the StreamConfiguration.
* @param sources the stream's sources
* @return Builder
public Builder sources(Collection sources) {
return addSources(sources);
* Add the sources into the StreamConfiguration.
* @param sources the stream's sources
* @return Builder
public Builder addSources(Source... sources) {
return addSources(Arrays.asList(sources));
* Sets the sources in the StreamConfiguration.
* @param sources the stream's sources
* @return Builder
public Builder addSources(Collection sources) {
if (sources != null) {
for (Source source : sources) {
if (source != null && !this.sources.contains(source)) {
return this;
* Add a source into the StreamConfiguration.
* @param source a stream source
* @return Builder
public Builder addSource(Source source) {
if (source != null && !this.sources.contains(source)) {
return this;
* Set whether to seal the stream.
* INTERNAL USE ONLY. Scoped protected for test purposes.
* @param sealed the sealed setting
* @return Builder
protected Builder sealed(boolean sealed) {
this.sealed = sealed;
return this;
* Set whether to allow the rollup feature for a stream
* @param allowRollup the allow rollup setting
* @return Builder
public Builder allowRollup(boolean allowRollup) {
this.allowRollup = allowRollup;
return this;
* Set whether to allow direct message access for a stream
* @param allowDirect the allow direct setting
* @return Builder
public Builder allowDirect(boolean allowDirect) {
this.allowDirect = allowDirect;
return this;
* Set whether to allow unified direct access for mirrors
* @param mirrorDirect the allow direct setting
* @return Builder
public Builder mirrorDirect(boolean mirrorDirect) {
this.mirrorDirect = mirrorDirect;
return this;
* Set whether to deny deleting messages from the stream
* @param denyDelete the deny delete setting
* @return Builder
public Builder denyDelete(boolean denyDelete) {
this.denyDelete = denyDelete;
return this;
* Set whether to deny purging messages from the stream
* @param denyPurge the deny purge setting
* @return Builder
public Builder denyPurge(boolean denyPurge) {
this.denyPurge = denyPurge;
return this;
* Set whether discard policy new with max message per subject applies to existing subjects, not just new subjects.
* @param discardNewPerSubject the setting
* @return Builder
public Builder discardNewPerSubject(boolean discardNewPerSubject) {
this.discardNewPerSubject = discardNewPerSubject;
return this;
* Set this stream to be sealed. This is irreversible.
* @return Builder
public Builder seal() {
this.sealed = true;
return this;
* Sets the metadata for the configuration
* @param metadata the metadata map
* @return Builder
public Builder metadata(Map metadata) {
this.metadata = metadata;
return this;
* Sets the first sequence to be used. 1 is the default. All values less than 2 are treated as 1.
* @param firstSeq specify the first_seq in the stream config when creating the stream.
* @return Builder
public Builder firstSequence(long firstSeq) {
this.firstSequence = firstSeq > 1 ? firstSeq : 1;
return this;
* Builds the StreamConfiguration
* @return a stream configuration.
public StreamConfiguration build() {
return new StreamConfiguration(this);