io.neow3j.test.ContractTestExtension Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package io.neow3j.test;
import io.neow3j.compiler.CompilationUnit;
import io.neow3j.compiler.Compiler;
import io.neow3j.contract.ContractManagement;
import io.neow3j.contract.SmartContract;
import io.neow3j.crypto.ECKeyPair;
import io.neow3j.protocol.Neow3j;
import io.neow3j.protocol.core.response.NeoApplicationLog;
import io.neow3j.protocol.http.HttpService;
import io.neow3j.script.VerificationScript;
import io.neow3j.transaction.AccountSigner;
import io.neow3j.transaction.Transaction;
import io.neow3j.transaction.TransactionBuilder;
import io.neow3j.types.Hash160;
import io.neow3j.types.Hash256;
import io.neow3j.types.NeoVMStateType;
import io.neow3j.utils.Await;
import io.neow3j.wallet.Account;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.AfterAllCallback;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.BeforeAllCallback;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.ExtensionConfigurationException;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.ExtensionContext;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import static io.neow3j.utils.Numeric.hexStringToByteArray;
import static java.lang.String.format;
public class ContractTestExtension implements BeforeAllCallback, AfterAllCallback {
// Extension Context Store
final static String CHAIN_STORE_KEY = "testChain";
final static String NEOW3J_STORE_KEY = "neow3j";
final static String DEPLOY_CTX_STORE_KEY = "contracts";
private Neow3j neow3j;
private final DeployContext deployCtx = new DeployContext();
private final TestBlockchain chain;
public ContractTestExtension() {
chain = new NeoExpressTestContainer();
public ContractTestExtension(TestBlockchain chain) {
this.chain = chain;
public void beforeAll(ExtensionContext context) throws Exception {
ContractTest annotation = context.getTestClass().get().getAnnotation(ContractTest.class);
if (annotation == null) {
throw new ExtensionConfigurationException(format("Using the %s without the @%s annotation.",
this.getClass().getSimpleName(), ContractTest.class.getSimpleName()));
if (annotation.blockTime() != 0) {
if (!annotation.configFile().isEmpty()) {
if (!annotation.batchFile().isEmpty()) {
if (!annotation.checkpoint().isEmpty()) {
neow3j = HttpService(chain.getNodeUrl()));
for (Class> c : annotation.contracts()) {
Method m = findCorrespondingDeployConfigMethod(c, context);
DeployConfiguration config = new DeployConfiguration();
if (m != null) {
if (m.getParameterCount() == 0) {
config = (DeployConfiguration) m.invoke(null);
} else if (m.getParameterCount() == 1) {
config = (DeployConfiguration) m.invoke(null, deployCtx);
try {
Await.waitUntilTransactionIsExecuted(compileAndDeploy(c, config, neow3j), neow3j);
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw new Exception(t);
ExtensionContext.Store store = context.getStore(ExtensionContext.Namespace.GLOBAL);
store.put(CHAIN_STORE_KEY, chain);
store.put(NEOW3J_STORE_KEY, neow3j);
store.put(DEPLOY_CTX_STORE_KEY, deployCtx);
private Method findCorrespondingDeployConfigMethod(Class> contract, ExtensionContext ctx) {
List methods =
.filter(m -> Modifier.isStatic(m.getModifiers()) &&
m.isAnnotationPresent(DeployConfig.class) &&
if (methods.isEmpty()) {
return null;
if (methods.size() > 1) {
throw new ExtensionConfigurationException("Specified more than one deployment configuration method for " +
"contract class " + contract.getCanonicalName());
Method method = methods.get(0);
if (!method.getReturnType().equals(DeployConfiguration.class)) {
throw new ExtensionConfigurationException(format("Methods annotated with '%s' must return " +
"'DeployConfiguration'.", DeployConfig.class.getSimpleName()));
if (method.getParameterCount() != 0 && !method.getParameterTypes()[0].equals(DeployContext.class)) {
throw new ExtensionConfigurationException(
format("Methods annotated with '%s' must have either no parameter of an optional '%s' parameter.",
DeployConfig.class.getSimpleName(), DeployContext.class.getSimpleName()));
return method;
private Hash256 compileAndDeploy(Class> contractClass, DeployConfiguration conf, Neow3j neow3j) throws Throwable {
CompilationUnit res;
if (conf.getSubstitutions().isEmpty()) {
res = new Compiler().compile(contractClass.getCanonicalName());
} else {
res = new Compiler().compile(contractClass.getCanonicalName(), conf.getSubstitutions());
AccountSigner signer = conf.getSigner();
Account[] multiSigSigners = conf.getSigningAccounts();
if (signer == null) {
// If the user hasn't set a specific deploying account use the genesis account.
TestBlockchain.GenesisAccount genAcc = chain.getGenesisAccount();
signer = AccountSigner.none(Account.fromVerificationScript(new VerificationScript(
multiSigSigners =
.map(k -> new Account(ECKeyPair.create(hexStringToByteArray(k))))
TransactionBuilder builder = new ContractManagement(neow3j)
.deploy(res.getNefFile(), res.getManifest(), conf.getDeployParam())
Transaction tx;
if (signer.getAccount().isMultiSig()) {
tx = builder.getUnsignedTransaction().addMultiSigWitness(
signer.getAccount().getVerificationScript(), multiSigSigners);
} else {
tx = builder.sign();
Hash256 txHash = tx.send().getSendRawTransaction().getHash();
Await.waitUntilTransactionIsExecuted(txHash, neow3j);
NeoApplicationLog log = neow3j.getApplicationLog(txHash).send().getApplicationLog();
if (log.getExecutions().get(0).getState().equals(NeoVMStateType.FAULT)) {
throw new ExtensionConfigurationException("Failed to deploy smart contract. NeoVM error message: " +
Hash160 contractHash = SmartContract.calcContractHash(signer.getScriptHash(),
res.getNefFile().getCheckSumAsInteger(), res.getManifest().getName());
deployCtx.addDeployTxHash(contractClass, txHash);
deployCtx.addDeployedContract(contractClass, new SmartContract(contractHash, neow3j));
return txHash;
public void afterAll(ExtensionContext context) {
* Gets an instance of {@code SmartContract} for the given contract under test. It can be used as a handle to
* interact with the contract.
* @param contractClass the contract to get the {@code SmartContract} instance for.
* @return the {@code SmartContract} instance.
public SmartContract getDeployedContract(Class> contractClass) {
return deployCtx.getDeployedContract(contractClass);
* Gets the hash of the transaction in which the given contract was deployed.
* @param contractClass the class of the deployed contract.
* @return the transaction hash.
public Hash256 getDeployTxHash(Class> contractClass) {
return deployCtx.getDeployTxHash(contractClass);
* Gets the Neow3j instance that allows for calls to the underlying blockchain instance.
* @return the Neow3j instance.
public Neow3j getNeow3j() {
return neow3j;
* Resumes the blockchain if it was stopped before.
* @throws Exception if resuming the blockchain failed.
public void resume() throws Exception {
* Halts the blockchain, i.e., stops block production.
* @throws Exception if halting the blockchain failed.
public void halt() throws Exception {
* Creates a new account and returns it.
* @return the account.
* @throws Exception if creating the account failed.
public Account createAccount() throws Exception {
return new Account(ECKeyPair.create(hexStringToByteArray(chain.getAccount(chain.createAccount()))));
* Fast-forwards the blockchain state by {@code n} blocks. I.e., mints {@code n} empty blocks.
* Can be used on a running or stopped node.
* @param n the number of blocks to mint.
* @throws Exception if minting new blocks failed.
public void fastForward(int n) throws Exception {
* Fast-forwards the blockchain state by the given number of seconds, minutes, hours, and days adding {@code
* blocks} number of blocks. The underlying blockchain mints the given number of blocks of which the last block's
* timestamp lies in the future by the specified time.
* @param seconds the number of seconds to fast-forward.
* @param minutes the number of minutes to fast-forward.
* @param hours the number of hours to fast-forward.
* @param days the number of days to fast-forward.
* @param blocks the number of blocks to mint.
* @return the message emitted on minting the blocks or null if no message is emitted.
* @throws Exception if an error occurred when trying to fast-forward the blockchain.
public String fastForward(int seconds, int minutes, int hours, int days, int blocks) throws Exception {
int timeDelta = seconds + ((((days * 24) + hours) * 60) + minutes) * 60;
return chain.fastForward(timeDelta, blocks);
* Fast-forwards the blockchain state by the given number of seconds, minutes, hours, and days. I.e., adds one new
* block that lies in the future by the given time.
* @param seconds the number of seconds to fast-forward.
* @param minutes the number of minutes to fast-forward.
* @param hours the number of hours to fast-forward.
* @param days the number of days to fast-forward.
* @return the message emitted on minting the blocks or null if no message is emitted.
* @throws Exception if an error occurred when trying to fast-forward the blockchain.
public String fastForwardOneBlock(int seconds, int minutes, int hours, int days) throws Exception {
return fastForward(seconds, minutes, hours, days, 1);
* Fast-forwards the blockchain state by the given number of seconds adding {@code blocks} number of blocks. The
* underlying blockchain mints the given number of blocks of which the last block's timestamp lies in the future
* by the specified time.
* @param seconds the number of seconds to fast-forward.
* @param blocks the number of blocks to mint.
* @return the message emitted on minting the blocks or null if no message is emitted.
* @throws Exception if an error occurred when trying to fast-forward the blockchain.
public String fastForward(int seconds, int blocks) throws Exception {
return chain.fastForward(seconds, blocks);
* Fast-forwards the blockchain state by the given number of seconds. I.e., adds one new block that lies in the
* future by the given number of seconds.
* @param seconds the number of seconds to fast-forward.
* @return the message emitted on minting the blocks or null if no message is emitted.
* @throws Exception if an error occurred when trying to fast-forward the blockchain.
public String fastForwardOneBlock(int seconds) throws Exception {
return fastForward(seconds, 1);
* Gets the account for the given address if it exists on the blockchain.
* @param address the account's address.
* @return the account.
* @throws Exception if an error occurs when tyring to fetch the account from the underlying blockchain/node.
public Account getAccount(String address) throws Exception {
return new Account(ECKeyPair.create(hexStringToByteArray(chain.getAccount(address))));
* If the underlying test blockchain implementation has control over the genesis account, it will be returned
* with all signer accounts.
* @return the genesis account's verification script and private keys.
public GenesisAccount getGenesisAccount() {
try {
TestBlockchain.GenesisAccount genAcc = chain.getGenesisAccount();
Account multiSigAccount = Account.fromVerificationScript(
new VerificationScript(hexStringToByteArray(genAcc.getVerificationScript())));
Account[] signerAccounts =
.map(k -> new Account(ECKeyPair.create(hexStringToByteArray(k))))
return new GenesisAccount(multiSigAccount, signerAccounts);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
* Contains all necessary information to make transactions with the genesis account of a blockchain. The genesis
* account is the account that holds all native assets at the beginning of a new chain.
public static class GenesisAccount {
private final Account multiSigAccount;
private final Account[] signerAccounts;
public GenesisAccount(Account multiSigAccount, Account[] signerAccounts) {
this.multiSigAccount = multiSigAccount;
this.signerAccounts = signerAccounts;
* Gets the genesis account, i.e., the multi-sig account that is the genesis account.
* @return the genesis account.
public Account getMultiSigAccount() {
return multiSigAccount;
* Gets the accounts, including their private keys, that are part of the genesis multi-sig account.
* @return the participating accounts.
public Account[] getSignerAccounts() {
return signerAccounts;