Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2014 The Netty Project
* The Netty Project licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
* version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import io.netty.util.IntSupplier;
import io.netty.util.collection.IntObjectHashMap;
import io.netty.util.collection.IntObjectMap;
import io.netty.util.concurrent.Future;
import io.netty.util.concurrent.Promise;
import io.netty.util.internal.ObjectUtil;
import io.netty.util.internal.StringUtil;
import io.netty.util.internal.SystemPropertyUtil;
import io.netty.util.internal.UnstableApi;
import io.netty.util.internal.logging.InternalLogger;
import io.netty.util.internal.logging.InternalLoggerFactory;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import static java.lang.Math.min;
import static java.lang.System.nanoTime;
* {@link IoHandler} which uses epoll under the covers. Only works on Linux!
public class EpollIoHandler implements IoHandler {
private static final InternalLogger logger = InternalLoggerFactory.getInstance(EpollIoHandler.class);
private static final long EPOLL_WAIT_MILLIS_THRESHOLD =
SystemPropertyUtil.getLong("", 10);
static {
// Ensure JNI is initialized by the time this class is loaded by this time!
// We use unix-common methods in this class which are backed by JNI methods.
// Pick a number that no task could have previously used.
private long prevDeadlineNanos = nanoTime() - 1;
private FileDescriptor epollFd;
private FileDescriptor eventFd;
private FileDescriptor timerFd;
private final IntObjectMap registrations = new IntObjectHashMap<>(4096);
private final boolean allowGrowing;
private final EpollEventArray events;
// These are initialized on first use
private IovArray iovArray;
private NativeDatagramPacketArray datagramPacketArray;
private final SelectStrategy selectStrategy;
private final IntSupplier selectNowSupplier = new IntSupplier() {
public int get() throws Exception {
return epollWaitNow();
private static final long AWAKE = -1L;
private static final long NONE = Long.MAX_VALUE;
// nextWakeupNanos is:
// AWAKE when EL is awake
// NONE when EL is waiting with no wakeup scheduled
// other value T when EL is waiting with wakeup scheduled at time T
private final AtomicLong nextWakeupNanos = new AtomicLong(AWAKE);
private boolean pendingWakeup;
private int numChannels;
// See
private static final long MAX_SCHEDULED_TIMERFD_NS = 999999999;
* Returns a new {@link IoHandlerFactory} that creates {@link EpollIoHandler} instances.
public static IoHandlerFactory newFactory() {
return newFactory(0, DefaultSelectStrategyFactory.INSTANCE);
* Returns a new {@link IoHandlerFactory} that creates {@link EpollIoHandler} instances.
public static IoHandlerFactory newFactory(final int maxEvents,
final SelectStrategyFactory selectStrategyFactory) {
ObjectUtil.checkPositiveOrZero(maxEvents, "maxEvents");
ObjectUtil.checkNotNull(selectStrategyFactory, "selectStrategyFactory");
return new IoHandlerFactory() {
public IoHandler newHandler() {
return new EpollIoHandler(maxEvents, selectStrategyFactory.newSelectStrategy());
// Package-private for testing
EpollIoHandler(int maxEvents, SelectStrategy strategy) {
selectStrategy = ObjectUtil.checkNotNull(strategy, "strategy");
if (maxEvents == 0) {
allowGrowing = true;
events = new EpollEventArray(4096);
} else {
allowGrowing = false;
events = new EpollEventArray(maxEvents);
private static EpollIoHandle cast(IoHandle handle) {
if (handle instanceof EpollIoHandle) {
return (EpollIoHandle) handle;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("IoHandle of type " + StringUtil.simpleClassName(handle) + " not supported");
private static EpollIoOps cast(IoOps ops) {
if (ops instanceof EpollIoOps) {
return (EpollIoOps) ops;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("IoOps of type " + StringUtil.simpleClassName(ops) + " not supported");
* This method is intended for use by a process checkpoint/restore
* integration, such as OpenJDK CRaC.
public void openFileDescriptors() {
boolean success = false;
FileDescriptor epollFd = null;
FileDescriptor eventFd = null;
FileDescriptor timerFd = null;
try {
this.epollFd = epollFd = Native.newEpollCreate();
this.eventFd = eventFd = Native.newEventFd();
try {
// It is important to use EPOLLET here as we only want to get the notification once per
// wakeup and don't call eventfd_read(...).
Native.epollCtlAdd(epollFd.intValue(), eventFd.intValue(), Native.EPOLLIN | Native.EPOLLET);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to add eventFd filedescriptor to epoll", e);
this.timerFd = timerFd = Native.newTimerFd();
try {
// It is important to use EPOLLET here as we only want to get the notification once per
// wakeup and don't call read(...).
Native.epollCtlAdd(epollFd.intValue(), timerFd.intValue(), Native.EPOLLIN | Native.EPOLLET);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to add timerFd filedescriptor to epoll", e);
success = true;
} finally {
if (!success) {
private static void closeFileDescriptor(FileDescriptor fd) {
if (fd != null) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
// ignore
* Return a cleared {@link IovArray} that can be used for writes in this {@link EventLoop}.
IovArray cleanIovArray() {
if (iovArray == null) {
iovArray = new IovArray();
} else {
return iovArray;
* Return a cleared {@link NativeDatagramPacketArray} that can be used for writes in this {@link EventLoop}.
NativeDatagramPacketArray cleanDatagramPacketArray() {
if (datagramPacketArray == null) {
datagramPacketArray = new NativeDatagramPacketArray();
} else {
return datagramPacketArray;
public void wakeup(IoEventLoop eventLoop) {
if (!eventLoop.inEventLoop() && nextWakeupNanos.getAndSet(AWAKE) != AWAKE) {
// write to the evfd which will then wake-up epoll_wait(...)
Native.eventFdWrite(eventFd.intValue(), 1L);
public void prepareToDestroy() {
// Using the intermediate collection to prevent ConcurrentModificationException.
// In the `close()` method, the channel is deleted from `channels` map.
DefaultEpollIoRegistration[] copy = registrations.values().toArray(new DefaultEpollIoRegistration[0]);
for (DefaultEpollIoRegistration reg: copy) {
public void destroy() {
try {
} finally {
// release native memory
if (iovArray != null) {
iovArray = null;
if (datagramPacketArray != null) {
datagramPacketArray = null;
private final class DefaultEpollIoRegistration implements EpollIoRegistration {
private final Promise> cancellationPromise;
private final IoEventLoop eventLoop;
final EpollIoHandle handle;
DefaultEpollIoRegistration(IoEventLoop eventLoop, EpollIoHandle handle) {
this.eventLoop = eventLoop;
this.handle = handle;
this.cancellationPromise = eventLoop.newPromise();
public long submit(IoOps ops) throws Exception {
EpollIoOps epollIoOps = cast(ops);
try {
if (!isValid()) {
return -1;
Native.epollCtlMod(epollFd.intValue(), handle.fd().intValue(), epollIoOps.value);
return epollIoOps.value;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IOException(e);
public EpollIoHandler ioHandler() {
return EpollIoHandler.this;
public void cancel() throws IOException {
if (!cancellationPromise.trySuccess(null)) {
if (handle.fd().isOpen()) {
// Remove the fd registration from epoll. This is only needed if it's still open as otherwise it will
// be automatically removed once the file-descriptor is closed.
Native.epollCtlDel(epollFd.intValue(), handle.fd().intValue());
if (eventLoop.inEventLoop()) {
} else {
private void cancel0() {
int fd = handle.fd().intValue();
DefaultEpollIoRegistration old = registrations.remove(fd);
if (old != null) {
if (old != this) {
// The Channel mapping was already replaced due FD reuse, put back the stored Channel.
registrations.put(fd, old);
} else if (old.handle instanceof AbstractEpollChannel.AbstractEpollUnsafe) {
void close() {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.debug("Exception during canceling " + this, e);
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.debug("Exception during closing " + handle, e);
public Future> cancelFuture() {
return cancellationPromise;
void handle(long ev) {
handle.handle(this, EpollIoOps.eventOf((int) ev));
public EpollIoRegistration register(IoEventLoop eventLoop, IoHandle handle)
throws Exception {
final EpollIoHandle epollHandle = cast(handle);
DefaultEpollIoRegistration registration = new DefaultEpollIoRegistration(eventLoop, epollHandle);
int fd = epollHandle.fd().intValue();
Native.epollCtlAdd(epollFd.intValue(), fd, EpollIoOps.EPOLLERR.value);
DefaultEpollIoRegistration old = registrations.put(fd, registration);
// We either expect to have no registration in the map with the same FD or that the FD of the old registration
// is already closed.
assert old == null || !old.isValid();
if (epollHandle instanceof AbstractEpollChannel.AbstractEpollUnsafe) {
return registration;
public boolean isCompatible(Class extends IoHandle> handleType) {
return EpollIoHandle.class.isAssignableFrom(handleType);
int numRegisteredChannels() {
return numChannels;
List registeredChannelsList() {
IntObjectMap ch = registrations;
if (ch.isEmpty()) {
return Collections.emptyList();
List channels = new ArrayList<>(ch.size());
for (DefaultEpollIoRegistration registration : ch.values()) {
if (registration.handle instanceof AbstractEpollChannel.AbstractEpollUnsafe) {
channels.add(((AbstractEpollChannel.AbstractEpollUnsafe) registration.handle).channel());
return Collections.unmodifiableList(channels);
private long epollWait(IoExecutionContext context, long deadlineNanos) throws IOException {
if (deadlineNanos == NONE) {
return Native.epollWait(epollFd, events, timerFd,
Integer.MAX_VALUE, 0, EPOLL_WAIT_MILLIS_THRESHOLD); // disarm timer
long totalDelay = context.delayNanos(System.nanoTime());
int delaySeconds = (int) min(totalDelay / 1000000000L, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
int delayNanos = (int) min(totalDelay - delaySeconds * 1000000000L, MAX_SCHEDULED_TIMERFD_NS);
return Native.epollWait(epollFd, events, timerFd, delaySeconds, delayNanos, EPOLL_WAIT_MILLIS_THRESHOLD);
private int epollWaitNoTimerChange() throws IOException {
return Native.epollWait(epollFd, events, false);
private int epollWaitNow() throws IOException {
return Native.epollWait(epollFd, events, true);
private int epollBusyWait() throws IOException {
return Native.epollBusyWait(epollFd, events);
private int epollWaitTimeboxed() throws IOException {
// Wait with 1 second "safeguard" timeout
return Native.epollWait(epollFd, events, 1000);
public int run(IoExecutionContext context) {
int handled = 0;
try {
int strategy = selectStrategy.calculateStrategy(selectNowSupplier, !context.canBlock());
switch (strategy) {
case SelectStrategy.CONTINUE:
return 0;
case SelectStrategy.BUSY_WAIT:
strategy = epollBusyWait();
case SelectStrategy.SELECT:
if (pendingWakeup) {
// We are going to be immediately woken so no need to reset wakenUp
// or check for timerfd adjustment.
strategy = epollWaitTimeboxed();
if (strategy != 0) {
// We timed out so assume that we missed the write event due to an
// abnormally failed syscall (the write itself or a prior epoll_wait)
logger.warn("Missed eventfd write (not seen after > 1 second)");
pendingWakeup = false;
if (!context.canBlock()) {
// fall-through
long curDeadlineNanos = context.deadlineNanos();
if (curDeadlineNanos == -1L) {
curDeadlineNanos = NONE; // nothing on the calendar
try {
if (context.canBlock()) {
if (curDeadlineNanos == prevDeadlineNanos) {
// No timer activity needed
strategy = epollWaitNoTimerChange();
} else {
// Timerfd needs to be re-armed or disarmed
long result = epollWait(context, curDeadlineNanos);
// The result contains the actual return value and if a timer was used or not.
// We need to "unpack" using the helper methods exposed in Native.
strategy = Native.epollReady(result);
prevDeadlineNanos = Native.epollTimerWasUsed(result) ? curDeadlineNanos : NONE;
} finally {
// Try get() first to avoid much more expensive CAS in the case we
// were woken via the wakeup() method (submitted task)
if (nextWakeupNanos.get() == AWAKE || nextWakeupNanos.getAndSet(AWAKE) == AWAKE) {
pendingWakeup = true;
// fallthrough
if (strategy > 0) {
handled = strategy;
if (processReady(events, strategy)) {
prevDeadlineNanos = NONE;
if (allowGrowing && strategy == events.length()) {
//increase the size of the array as we needed the whole space for the events
} catch (Error e) {
throw e;
} catch (Throwable t) {
return handled;
* Visible only for testing!
void handleLoopException(Throwable t) {
logger.warn("Unexpected exception in the selector loop.", t);
// Prevent possible consecutive immediate failures that lead to
// excessive CPU consumption.
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// Ignore.
// Returns true if a timerFd event was encountered
private boolean processReady(EpollEventArray events, int ready) {
boolean timerFired = false;
for (int i = 0; i < ready; i ++) {
final int fd = events.fd(i);
if (fd == eventFd.intValue()) {
pendingWakeup = false;
} else if (fd == timerFd.intValue()) {
timerFired = true;
} else {
final long ev =;
DefaultEpollIoRegistration registration = registrations.get(fd);
if (registration != null) {
} else {
// We received an event for an fd which we not use anymore. Remove it from the epoll_event set.
try {
Native.epollCtlDel(epollFd.intValue(), fd);
} catch (IOException ignore) {
// This can happen but is nothing we need to worry about as we only try to delete
// the fd from the epoll set as we not found it in our mappings. So this call to
// epollCtlDel(...) is just to ensure we cleanup stuff and so may fail if it was
// deleted before or the file descriptor was closed before.
return timerFired;
* This method is intended for use by process checkpoint/restore
* integration, such as OpenJDK CRaC.
* It's up to the caller to ensure that there is no concurrent use
* of the FDs while these are closed, e.g. by blocking the executor.
public void closeFileDescriptors() {
// Ensure any in-flight wakeup writes have been performed prior to closing eventFd.
while (pendingWakeup) {
try {
int count = epollWaitTimeboxed();
if (count == 0) {
// We timed-out so assume that the write we're expecting isn't coming
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
if (events.fd(i) == eventFd.intValue()) {
pendingWakeup = false;
} catch (IOException ignore) {
// ignore
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
logger.warn("Failed to close the event fd.", e);
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
logger.warn("Failed to close the timer fd.", e);
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
logger.warn("Failed to close the epoll fd.", e);
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