All Downloads are FREE. Search and download functionalities are using the official Maven repository.

nextflow.scm.AssetManager.groovy Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 * Copyright 2013-2024, Seqera Labs
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package nextflow.scm

import static nextflow.Const.*

import java.nio.file.Path

import groovy.transform.CompileStatic
import groovy.transform.EqualsAndHashCode
import groovy.transform.Memoized
import groovy.transform.PackageScope
import groovy.transform.ToString
import groovy.transform.TupleConstructor
import groovy.util.logging.Slf4j
import nextflow.cli.HubOptions
import nextflow.config.ConfigParser
import nextflow.config.Manifest
import nextflow.exception.AbortOperationException
import nextflow.exception.AmbiguousPipelineNameException
import nextflow.script.ScriptFile
import nextflow.util.IniFile
import org.eclipse.jgit.api.CreateBranchCommand
import org.eclipse.jgit.api.Git
import org.eclipse.jgit.api.ListBranchCommand
import org.eclipse.jgit.api.MergeResult
import org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.RefNotFoundException
import org.eclipse.jgit.errors.RepositoryNotFoundException
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Constants
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectId
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Ref
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Repository
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.SubmoduleConfig.FetchRecurseSubmodulesMode
import org.eclipse.jgit.merge.MergeStrategy
 * Handles operation on remote and local installed pipelines
 * @author Paolo Di Tommaso 

class AssetManager {
    private static final String REMOTE_REFS_ROOT = "refs/remotes/origin/"
    private static final String REMOTE_DEFAULT_HEAD = REMOTE_REFS_ROOT + "HEAD"

     * The folder all pipelines scripts are installed
    static File root = DEFAULT_ROOT

     * The pipeline name. It must be in the form {@code username/repo} where 'username'
     * is a valid user name or organization account, while 'repo' is the repository name
     * containing the pipeline code
    private String project

     * Directory where the pipeline is cloned (i.e. downloaded)
    private File localPath

    private Git _git

    private String mainScript

    private RepositoryProvider provider

    private String hub

    private List providerConfigs

     * Create a new asset manager object with default parameters
    AssetManager() {
        this.providerConfigs = ProviderConfig.createDefault()

     * Create a new asset manager with the specified pipeline name
     * @param pipeline The pipeline to be managed by this manager e.g. {@code nextflow-io/hello}
    AssetManager( String pipelineName, HubOptions cliOpts = null) {
        assert pipelineName
        // read the default config file (if available)
        def config = ProviderConfig.getDefault()
        // build the object
        build(pipelineName, config, cliOpts)

    AssetManager( String pipelineName, Map config ) {
        assert pipelineName
        // build the object
        build(pipelineName, config)

     * Build the asset manager internal data structure
     * @param pipelineName A project name or a project repository Git URL
     * @param config A {@link Map} holding the configuration properties defined in the {@link ProviderConfig#DEFAULT_SCM_FILE} file
     * @param cliOpts User credentials provided on the command line. See {@link HubOptions} trait
     * @return The {@link AssetManager} object itself
    AssetManager build( String pipelineName, Map config = null, HubOptions cliOpts = null ) {

        this.providerConfigs = ProviderConfig.createFromMap(config)

        this.project = resolveName(pipelineName)
        this.localPath = checkProjectDir(project)
        this.hub = checkHubProvider(cliOpts)
        this.provider = createHubProvider(hub)

        return this

    File getLocalGitConfig() {
        localPath ? new File(localPath,'.git/config') : null

    @PackageScope AssetManager setProject(String name) {
        this.project = name
        return this

    protected RepositoryProvider getProvider() {
        return provider

     * Sets the user credentials on the {@link RepositoryProvider} object
     * @param cliOpts The user credentials specified on the program command line. See {@code HubOptions}
    void setupCredentials( HubOptions cliOpts ) {
        if( cliOpts?.hubUser ) {
            cliOpts.hubProvider = hub
            final user = cliOpts.getHubUser()
            final pwd = cliOpts.getHubPassword()
            provider.setCredentials(user, pwd)

    boolean isValidProjectName( String projectName ) {
        projectName =~~ /.+\/.+/

     * Verify the project name matcher the expected pattern.
     * and return the directory where the project is stored locally
     * @param projectName A project name matching the pattern {@code owner/project}
     * @return The project dir {@link File}
    File checkProjectDir(String projectName) {

        if( !isValidProjectName(projectName)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not a valid project name: $projectName")

        new File(root, project)

     * Verifies that the project hub provider eventually specified by the user using the {@code -hub} command
     * line option or implicitly by entering a repository URL, matches with clone URL of a project already cloned (downloaded).
    void validateProjectDir() {

        if( !localPath.exists() ) {

        // if project dir exists it must contain the Git config file
        final configProvider = guessHubProviderFromGitConfig(true)
        if( !configProvider )
            throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot find a provider config for repository at path: $localPath")

        // checks that the selected hub matches with the one defined in the git config file
        if( hub != configProvider ) {
            throw new AbortOperationException("A project with name: `$localPath` has already been downloaded from a different provider: `$configProvider`")


     * Find out the "hub provider" (i.e. the platform on which the remote repository is stored
     * for example: github, bitbucket, etc) and verifies that it is a known provider.
     * @param cliOpts The user hub info provider as command line options. See {@link HubOptions}
     * @return The name of hub name e.g. {@code github}, {@code bitbucket}, etc.
    String checkHubProvider( HubOptions cliOpts ) {

        def result = hub
        if( !result )
            result = cliOpts?.getHubProvider()
        if( !result )
            result = guessHubProviderFromGitConfig()
        if( !result )
            result = DEFAULT_HUB

        def providerNames = providerConfigs.collect { }
        if( !providerNames.contains(result)) {
            def matches = providerNames.closest(result) ?: providerNames
            def message = "Unknown repository provider: `$result`'. Did you mean?\n" + matches.collect { "  $it"}.join('\n')
            throw new AbortOperationException(message)

        return result

     * Given a project name or a repository URL returns a fully qualified project name.
     * @param name A project name or URL e.g. {@code cbcrg/foo} or {@code}
     * @return The fully qualified project name e.g. {@code cbcrg/foo}
    String resolveName( String name ) {
        assert name

        // check if it's a repository fully qualified URL e.g.
        def project = resolveNameFromGitUrl(name)
        if( project )
            return project

        // otherwise it must be a canonical repository name e.g. user/project
        if( ['./','../', '/' ].any(it->name.startsWith(it)) )
            throw new AbortOperationException("Not a valid project name: $name")

        def parts = name.split('/') as List
        def last = parts[-1]
        if( last.endsWith('.nf') || last.endsWith('.nxf') ) {
            if( parts.size()==1 )
                throw new AbortOperationException("Not a valid project name: $name")

            if( parts.size()==2 ) {
                mainScript = last
                parts = [ parts.first() ]
            else {
                mainScript = parts[2..-1].join('/')
                parts = parts[0..1]

        if( parts.size() == 2 ) {
            return parts.join('/')
        else if( parts.size()>2 ) {
            throw new AbortOperationException("Not a valid project name: $name")
        else {
            name = parts[0]

        def qualifiedName = find(name)
        if( !qualifiedName ) {
            return "$DEFAULT_ORGANIZATION/$name".toString()

        if( qualifiedName instanceof List ) {
            final msg = "Which one do you mean?\n${qualifiedName.join('\n')}"
            throw new AmbiguousPipelineNameException(msg, qualifiedName)

        return qualifiedName

    String getProject() { project }

    String getHub() { hub }

    String resolveNameFromGitUrl( String repository ) {

        final isUrl = repository.startsWith('http://') || repository.startsWith('https://') || repository.startsWith('file:/')
        if( !isUrl )
            return null

        try {
            def url = new GitUrl(repository)

            def result
            if( url.protocol == 'file' ) {
                this.hub = "file:${url.domain}"
                providerConfigs << new ProviderConfig(this.hub, [path:url.domain])
                result = "local/${url.path}"
            else {
                // find the provider config for this server
                final config = RepositoryFactory.getProviderConfig(providerConfigs, url)
                if( config ) {
                    if( !providerConfigs.contains(config) )
                    this.hub =
                    result = config.resolveProjectName(url.path)
                else {
                    result = url.path.stripStart('/')
            log.debug "Repository URL: $repository; Project: $result; Hub provider: $hub"
            return result
        catch( IllegalArgumentException e ) {
            log.debug "Cannot parse Git URL: $repository -- cause: ${e.message}"
        return null

     * Creates the RepositoryProvider instance i.e. the object that manages the interaction with
     * the remote SCM server (e.g. GitHub, GitLab, etc) using the platform provided API
     * @param providerName The name of the provider e.g. {@code github}, {@code gitlab}, etc
     * @return
    RepositoryProvider createHubProvider(String providerName) {

        final config = providerConfigs.find { == providerName }
        if( !config )
            throw new AbortOperationException("Unknown repository configuration provider: $providerName")

        return RepositoryFactory.newRepositoryProvider(config, project)

    AssetManager setLocalPath(File path) {
        this.localPath = path
        return this

    AssetManager checkValidRemoteRepo(String revision=null) {
        // Configure the git provider to use the required revision as source for all needed remote resources:
        // - config if present in repo (nextflow.config by default)
        // - main script ( by default)
        provider.revision = revision
        final scriptName = getMainScriptName()
        return this

    String getGitRepositoryUrl() {

        if( localPath.exists() ) {
            return localPath.toURI().toString()


    File getLocalPath() { localPath }

    ScriptFile getScriptFile(String scriptName=null) {

        def result = new ScriptFile(getMainScriptFile(scriptName))
        result.revisionInfo = getCurrentRevisionAndName()
        result.repository = getRepositoryUrl()
        result.localPath = localPath.toPath()
        result.projectName = project

        return result

    File getMainScriptFile(String scriptName=null) {
        if( !localPath.exists() ) {
            throw new AbortOperationException("Unknown project folder: $localPath")

        def mainScript = scriptName ?: getMainScriptName()
        def result = new File(localPath, mainScript)
        if( !result.exists() )
            throw new AbortOperationException("Missing project main script: $result")

        return result

    String getMainScriptName() {
        return mainScript ?: getManifest().getMainScript()

    String getHomePage() {
        getManifest().getHomePage() ?: provider.getRepositoryUrl()

    String getRepositoryUrl() {

    String getDefaultBranch() {
        // if specified in manifest, that takes priority
        // otherwise look for a symbolic ref (refs/remotes/origin/HEAD)
        return getManifest().getDefaultBranch()
                ?: getRemoteBranch()
                ?: DEFAULT_BRANCH

    protected String getRemoteBranch() {
        Ref remoteHead = git.getRepository().findRef(REMOTE_DEFAULT_HEAD)
        return remoteHead?.getTarget()?.getName()?.substring(REMOTE_REFS_ROOT.length())

    Manifest getManifest() {

    protected Manifest getManifest0() {
        String text = null
        ConfigObject result = null
        try {
            text = localPath.exists() ? new File(localPath, MANIFEST_FILE_NAME).text : provider.readText(MANIFEST_FILE_NAME)
        catch( FileNotFoundException e ) {
            log.debug "Project manifest does not exist: ${e.message}"
        catch( Exception e ) {
            log.warn "Cannot read project manifest -- Cause: ${e.message ?: e}", e

        if( text ) try {
            def config = new ConfigParser().setIgnoreIncludes(true).parse(text)
            result = (ConfigObject)config.manifest
        catch( Exception e ) {
            throw new AbortOperationException("Project config file is malformed -- Cause: ${e.message ?: e}", e)

        // by default return an empty object
        if( result == null )
            result = new ConfigObject()

        return new Manifest(result)

    Path getConfigFile() {
        if( localPath.exists() ) {
            return new File(localPath, MANIFEST_FILE_NAME).toPath()
        else {
            try {
                // try to read the config file
                // no error => exist, return a path for it
                return new ProviderPath(provider, MANIFEST_FILE_NAME)
            catch (Exception e) {
                log.debug "Cannot retrieve remote config file -- likely it does not exist"
                return null

    String getBaseName() {
        def result = project.tokenize('/')
        if( result.size() > 2 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not a valid project name: $project")
        return result.size()==1 ? result[0] : result[1]

    boolean isLocal() {

     * @return {@code true} when the local project path exists and contains at least the default script
     *      file (i.e. or the nextflow manifest file (i.e. nextflow.config)
    boolean isRunnable() {
        localPath.exists() && ( new File(localPath,DEFAULT_MAIN_FILE_NAME).exists() || new File(localPath,MANIFEST_FILE_NAME).exists() )

     * @return true if no differences exist between the working-tree, the index,
     *         and the current HEAD, false if differences do exist
    boolean isClean() {
        try {
        catch( RepositoryNotFoundException e ) {
            return true

     * Close the underlying Git repository
    void close() {
        if( _git ) {
            _git = null

     * @return The list of available pipelines
    static List list() {
        log.debug "Listing projects in folder: $root"

        def result = new LinkedList()
        if( !root.exists() )
            return result

        root.eachDir { File org ->
            org.eachDir { File it ->
                result << "${org.getName()}/${it.getName()}".toString()

        return result

    static protected def find( String name ) {
        def exact = []
        def partial = []

        list().each {
            def items = it.split('/')
            if( items[1] == name )
                exact << it
            else if( items[1].startsWith(name ) )
                partial << it

        def list = exact ?: partial
        return list.size() ==1 ? list[0] : list

    protected Git getGit() {
        if( !_git ) {
            _git =
        return _git

     * Download a pipeline from a remote Github repository
     * @param revision The revision to download
     * @result A message representing the operation result
    String download(String revision=null, Integer deep=null) {
        assert project

         * if the pipeline already exists locally pull it from the remote repo
        if( !localPath.exists() ) {
            // make sure it contains a valid repository

            final cloneURL = getGitRepositoryUrl()
            log.debug "Pulling $project -- Using remote clone url: ${cloneURL}"

            // clone it, but don't specify a revision - jgit will checkout the default branch
            def clone = Git.cloneRepository()
            if( provider.hasCredentials() )
                clone.setCredentialsProvider( provider.getGitCredentials() )

            if( deep )

            // git cli would automatically create a 'refs/remotes/origin/HEAD' symbolic ref pointing at the remote's
            // default branch. jgit doesn't do this, but since it automatically checked out the default branch on clone
            // we can create the symbolic ref ourselves using the current head
            def head = git.getRepository().findRef(Constants.HEAD)
            if( head ) {
                def headName = head.isSymbolic()
                    ? Repository.shortenRefName(head.getTarget().getName())
                    : head.getName()

                    .newUpdate(REMOTE_DEFAULT_HEAD, true)
                    .link(REMOTE_REFS_ROOT + headName)
            } else {
                log.debug "Unable to determine default branch of repo ${cloneURL}, symbolic ref not created"

            // now the default branch is recorded in the repo, explicitly checkout the revision (if specified).
            // this also allows 'revision' to be a SHA commit id, which isn't supported by the clone command
            if( revision ) {
                try { git.checkout() .setName(revision) .call() }
                catch ( RefNotFoundException e ) { checkoutRemoteBranch(revision) }

            // return status message
            return "downloaded from ${cloneURL}"

        log.debug "Pull pipeline $project  -- Using local path: $localPath"

        // verify that is clean
        if( !isClean() )
            throw new AbortOperationException("$project contains uncommitted changes -- cannot pull from repository")

        if( revision && revision != getCurrentRevision() ) {
             * check out a revision before the pull operation
            try {
                git.checkout() .setName(revision) .call()
             * If the specified revision does not exist
             * Try to checkout it from a remote branch and return
            catch ( RefNotFoundException e ) {
                final ref = checkoutRemoteBranch(revision)
                final commitId = ref?.getObjectId()
                return commitId
                    ? "checked out at ${}"
                    : "checked out revision ${revision}"

        def pull = git.pull()
        def revInfo = getCurrentRevisionAndName()

        if ( revInfo.type == RevisionInfo.Type.COMMIT ) {
            log.debug("Repo appears to be checked out to a commit hash, but not a TAG, so we will assume the repo is already up to date and NOT pull it!")
            return MergeResult.MergeStatus.ALREADY_UP_TO_DATE.toString()

        if ( revInfo.type == RevisionInfo.Type.TAG ) {
            pull.setRemoteBranchName( "refs/tags/" + )

        if( provider.hasCredentials() )
            pull.setCredentialsProvider( provider.getGitCredentials() )

        if( manifest.recurseSubmodules ) {
        def result =
            throw new AbortOperationException("Cannot pull project `$project` -- ${result.toString()}")

        return result?.mergeResult?.mergeStatus?.toString()


     * Clone a pipeline from a remote pipeline repository to the specified folder
     * @param directory The folder when the pipeline will be cloned
     * @param revision The revision to be cloned. It can be a branch, tag, or git revision number
    void clone(File directory, String revision = null, Integer deep=null) {

        def clone = Git.cloneRepository()
        def uri = getGitRepositoryUrl()
        log.debug "Clone project `$project` -- Using remote URI: ${uri} into: $directory"

        if( !uri )
            throw new AbortOperationException("Cannot find the specified project: $project")

        if( provider.hasCredentials() )
            clone.setCredentialsProvider( provider.getGitCredentials() )

        if( revision )
        if( deep )

     * @return The symbolic name of the current revision i.e. the current checked out branch or tag
    String getCurrentRevision() {
        Ref head = git.getRepository().findRef(Constants.HEAD);
        if( !head )
            return '(unknown)'

        if( head.isSymbolic() )
            return Repository.shortenRefName(head.getTarget().getName())

        if( !head.getObjectId() )
            return '(unknown)'

        // try to resolve the the current object id to a tag name
        Map names = git.nameRev().addPrefix( "refs/tags/" ).add(head.objectId).call()
        names.get( head.objectId ) ?:

    RevisionInfo getCurrentRevisionAndName() {
        Ref head = git.getRepository().findRef(Constants.HEAD);
        if( !head )
            return null

        if( head.isSymbolic() ) {
            return new RevisionInfo(, Repository.shortenRefName(head.getTarget().getName()), RevisionInfo.Type.BRANCH)

        if( !head.getObjectId() )
            return null

        // try to resolve the the current object id to a tag name
        Map allNames = git.nameRev().addPrefix( "refs/tags/" ).add(head.objectId).call()
        def name = allNames.get( head.objectId )
        if( name ) {
            return new RevisionInfo(, name, RevisionInfo.Type.TAG)
        else {
            return new RevisionInfo(, null, RevisionInfo.Type.COMMIT)

    static boolean isRemoteBranch(Ref ref) {
        return && != REMOTE_DEFAULT_HEAD

     * @return A list of existing branches and tags names. For example
     *     * master (default)
     *       patch-x
     *       v1.0 (t)
     *       v1.1 (t)
* * The star character on the left highlight the current revision, the string {@code (default)} * ticks that it is the default working branch (usually the master branch), while the string {@code (t)} * shows that the revision is a git tag (instead of a branch) */ @Deprecated List getRevisions(int level) { def current = getCurrentRevision() def master = getDefaultBranch() List branches = getBranchList() .findAll {'refs/heads/') || isRemoteBranch(it) } .unique { shortenRefName( } .collect { Ref it -> refToString(it,current,master,false,level) } List tags = getTagList() .findAll {'refs/tags/') } .collect { refToString(it,current,master,true,level) } def result = new ArrayList(branches.size() + tags.size()) result.addAll(branches) result.addAll(tags) return result } List getRemoteRevisions() { final result = new ArrayList(50) for( def branch : provider.getBranches() ) { result.add(new RevisionInfo(branch.commitId,, RevisionInfo.Type.BRANCH)) } for( def tag : provider.getTags() ) { result.add(new RevisionInfo(tag.commitId,, RevisionInfo.Type.TAG)) } return result } Map getBranchesAndTags(boolean checkForUpdates) { final result = [:] final current = getCurrentRevision() final master = getDefaultBranch() final branches = [] final tags = [] Map remote = checkForUpdates ? git.lsRemote().callAsMap() : null getBranchList() .findAll {'refs/heads/') || isRemoteBranch(it) } .unique { shortenRefName( } .each { Ref it -> branches << refToMap(it,remote) } remote = checkForUpdates ? git.lsRemote().setTags(true).callAsMap() : null getTagList() .findAll {'refs/tags/') } .each { Ref it -> tags << refToMap(it,remote) } result.current = current // current branch name result.master = master // master branch name result.branches = branches // collection of branches result.tags = tags // collect of tags return result } protected Map refToMap(Ref ref, Map remote) { final entry = new HashMap(2) final peel = git.getRepository().peel(ref) final objId = peel.getPeeledObjectId() ?: peel.getObjectId() // the branch or tag name = shortenRefName( // the local commit it entry.commitId = // the remote commit Id for this branch or tag if( remote && hasRemoteChange(ref,remote) ) { entry.latestId = remote.get( } return entry } @Memoized protected List getBranchList() { git.branchList().setListMode(ListBranchCommand.ListMode.ALL) .call() } @Memoized protected List getTagList() { git.tagList().call() } protected formatObjectId(ObjectId obj, boolean human) { return human ?,10) : } protected String refToString(Ref ref, String current, String master, boolean tag, int level ) { def result = new StringBuilder() def name = shortenRefName( result << (name == current ? '*' : ' ') if( level ) { def peel = git.getRepository().peel(ref) def obj = peel.getPeeledObjectId() ?: peel.getObjectId() result << ' ' result << formatObjectId(obj, level == 1) } result << ' ' << name if( tag ) result << ' [t]' else if( master == name ) result << ' (default)' return result.toString() } private String shortenRefName( String name ) { if( name.startsWith('refs/remotes/origin/') ) return name.replace('refs/remotes/origin/', '') return Repository.shortenRefName(name) } protected String formatUpdate(Ref remoteRef, int level) { def result = new StringBuilder() result << ' ' result << formatObjectId(remoteRef.objectId, level<2) result << ' ' result << shortenRefName( return result.toString() } protected hasRemoteChange(Ref ref, Map remote) { if( !remote.containsKey( ) return false != remote[] } @Deprecated List getUpdates(int level) { def remote = git.lsRemote().callAsMap() List branches = getBranchList() .findAll {'refs/heads/') || isRemoteBranch(it) } .unique { shortenRefName( } .findAll { Ref ref -> hasRemoteChange(ref,remote) } .collect { Ref ref -> formatUpdate(remote.get(,level) } remote = git.lsRemote().setTags(true).callAsMap() List tags = getTagList() .findAll {'refs/tags/') } .findAll { Ref ref -> hasRemoteChange(ref,remote) } .collect { Ref ref -> formatUpdate(remote.get(,level) } def result = new ArrayList(branches.size() + tags.size()) result.addAll(branches) result.addAll(tags) return result } /** * Checkout a specific revision * @param revision The revision to be checked out */ void checkout( String revision = null ) { assert localPath def current = getCurrentRevision() if( current != defaultBranch ) { if( !revision ) { throw new AbortOperationException("Project `$project` is currently stuck on revision: $current -- you need to explicitly specify a revision with the option `-r` in order to use it") } } if( !revision || revision == current ) { // nothing to do return } // verify that is clean if( !isClean() ) throw new AbortOperationException("Project `$project` contains uncommitted changes -- Cannot switch to revision: $revision") try { git.checkout().setName(revision) .call() } catch( RefNotFoundException e ) { checkoutRemoteBranch(revision) } } protected Ref checkoutRemoteBranch( String revision ) { try { def fetch = git.fetch() if(provider.hasCredentials()) { fetch.setCredentialsProvider( provider.getGitCredentials() ) } if( manifest.recurseSubmodules ) { fetch.setRecurseSubmodules(FetchRecurseSubmodulesMode.YES) } try { return git.checkout() .setCreateBranch(true) .setName(revision) .setUpstreamMode(CreateBranchCommand.SetupUpstreamMode.TRACK) .setStartPoint("origin/" + revision) .call() } catch (RefNotFoundException e) { return git.checkout() .setName(revision) .call() } } catch (RefNotFoundException e) { throw new AbortOperationException("Cannot find revision `$revision` -- Make sure that it exists in the remote repository `$repositoryUrl`", e) } } void updateModules() { if( !localPath ) return // nothing to do final marker = new File(localPath, '.gitmodules') if( !marker.exists() || marker.empty() ) return // the `gitmodules` attribute in the manifest makes it possible to enable/disable modules updating final modules = getManifest().gitmodules if( modules == false ) return List filter = [] if( modules instanceof List ) { filter.addAll(modules) } else if( modules instanceof String ) { filter.addAll( modules.tokenize(', ') ) } final init = git.submoduleInit() final update = git.submoduleUpdate() if( manifest.recurseSubmodules ) { update.setStrategy(MergeStrategy.RECURSIVE) } filter.each { String m -> init.addPath(m); update.addPath(m) } // call submodule init // call submodule update if( provider.hasCredentials() ) update.setCredentialsProvider( provider.getGitCredentials() ) def updatedList = log.debug "Update submodules $updatedList" } protected String getRemoteCommitId(RevisionInfo rev) { final tag = rev.type == RevisionInfo.Type.TAG final cmd = git.lsRemote().setTags(tag) if( provider.hasCredentials() ) cmd.setCredentialsProvider( provider.getGitCredentials() ) final list = final ref = list.find { Repository.shortenRefName( == } if( !ref ) { log.debug "WARN: Cannot find any Git revision matching: ${}; ls-remote: $list" return null } return } protected void checkRemoteStatus0(RevisionInfo rev) { final remoteObjectId = getRemoteCommitId(rev) if( !remoteObjectId || remoteObjectId == rev.commitId ) { // nothing to do return } def local = rev.commitId.substring(0,10) def remote = remoteObjectId.substring(0,10) if( local == remote ) { remote = remoteObjectId } "NOTE: Your local project version looks outdated - a different revision is available in the remote repository [$remote]" } void checkRemoteStatus(RevisionInfo rev) { try { checkRemoteStatus0(rev) } catch( Exception e ) { log.debug "WARN: Failed to check remote Git revision", e } } protected String getGitConfigRemoteUrl() { if( !localPath ) { return null } final gitConfig = localGitConfig if( !gitConfig.exists() ) { return null } final iniFile = new IniFile().load(gitConfig) final branch = manifest.getDefaultBranch() final remote = iniFile.getString("branch \"${branch}\"", "remote", "origin") final url = iniFile.getString("remote \"${remote}\"", "url") log.debug "Git config: $gitConfig; branch: $branch; remote: $remote; url: $url" return url } protected String getGitConfigRemoteDomain() { def str = getGitConfigRemoteUrl() if( !str ) return null try { final url = new GitUrl(str) if( url.protocol == 'file' ) { final hub = "file:${url.domain}" providerConfigs << new ProviderConfig(hub, [path:url.domain]) } return url.domain } catch( IllegalArgumentException e) { log.debug e.message ?: e.toString() return null } } protected String guessHubProviderFromGitConfig(boolean failFast=false) { assert localPath // find the repository remote URL from the git project config file final domain = getGitConfigRemoteDomain() if( !domain && failFast ) { def message = (localGitConfig.exists() ? "Can't find git repository remote host -- Check config file at path: $localGitConfig" : "Can't find git repository config file -- Repository may be corrupted: $localPath" ) throw new AbortOperationException(message) } final result = domain ? providerConfigs.find { it -> it.domain == domain } : (ProviderConfig)null if( !result && failFast ) { def message = "Can't find any configured provider for git server `$domain` -- Make sure to have specified it in your `scm` file. For details check" throw new AbortOperationException(message) } return result ? : null } /** * Models revision information of a project repository. */ @ToString @EqualsAndHashCode @TupleConstructor static class RevisionInfo { static enum Type { TAG, COMMIT, BRANCH } /** * Git commit ID */ String commitId /** * Git tag or branch name */ String name /** * The revision type. */ Type type /** * @return A formatted string containing the commitId and revision properties */ String toString() { if( !commitId ) { return '(unknown)' } if( name ) { return "${commitId.substring(0,10)} [${name}]" } return commitId } } }

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