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nextflow.extension.FilesEx.groovy Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2013-2015, Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG).
* Copyright (c) 2013-2015, Paolo Di Tommaso and the respective authors.
* This file is part of 'Nextflow'.
* Nextflow is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Nextflow is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Nextflow. If not, see .
package nextflow.extension
import static java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import java.nio.channels.SeekableByteChannel
import java.nio.file.FileAlreadyExistsException
import java.nio.file.FileVisitOption
import java.nio.file.FileVisitResult
import java.nio.file.Files
import java.nio.file.LinkOption
import java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException
import java.nio.file.NotLinkException
import java.nio.file.Path
import java.nio.file.SimpleFileVisitor
import java.nio.file.attribute.BasicFileAttributes
import java.nio.file.attribute.FileAttribute
import java.nio.file.attribute.FileTime
import java.nio.file.attribute.PosixFilePermission
import java.nio.file.attribute.PosixFilePermissions
import groovy.transform.PackageScope
import groovy.util.logging.Slf4j
import nextflow.file.FileHelper
import nextflow.util.CharsetHelper
* Add utility methods to standard classes {@code File} and {@code Path}
* @author Paolo Di Tommaso
class FilesEx {
private static CR = 0x0D
private static LF = 0x0A
* Check if a file - or - a directory is empty
* @param file The file under test
* @return {@code true} if the file does not exist or it is empty
def static boolean empty( File file ) {
* Check if a file - or - a directory is empty
* @param file The file under test
* @return {@code true} if the file does not exist or it is empty
def static boolean empty( Path path ) {
* Deletes the file or directory denoted by this abstract pathname. If
* this pathname denotes a directory, then the directory must be empty in
* order to be deleted.
* @see File#delete()
def static boolean delete( Path path ) {
try {
return true
catch( IOException e ) {
return false
* Deletes a directory with all contained files and subdirectories.
* The method returns
* true, when deletion was successful
* true, when it is called for a non existing directory
* false, when it is called for a file which isn't a directory
* false, when directory couldn't be deleted
* @param path
* @return
def static boolean deleteDir(Path path) {
def attr = readAttributes(path)
if( !attr )
return true
if( !attr.isDirectory() )
return false
try {
Files.walkFileTree(path, new SimpleFileVisitor() {
public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path file, BasicFileAttributes attrs) {
public FileVisitResult postVisitDirectory(Path dir, IOException exc) {
return true
catch( IOException e ) {
return false
* Copy or a file or a directory content.
* It mimics the semantic of Linux {@code cp -r } command.
* @param source The source file or directory
* @param target The target file or directory
* @return The target {@link Path} file
def static File copyTo( File source, File target ) {
copyTo(source.toPath(), target.toPath()).toFile()
* Copy or a file or a directory content.
* It mimics the semantic of Linux {@code cp -r } command.
* @param source The source file or directory
* @param target The target file or directory
* @return The target {@link Path} file
def static Path copyTo( Path source, Path target ) {
assert source
assert target
if( source.isDirectory() ) {
boolean targetExists
boolean targetIsDirectory
try {
targetIsDirectory = Files.readAttributes(target, BasicFileAttributes).isDirectory()
targetExists = true
catch( Exception e ) {
targetExists = false
targetIsDirectory = false
// when the target path is a directory
// copy the source path into the target folder
if( targetIsDirectory )
return copyDirectory(source, target.resolve(source.getFileName()))
// otherwise it is a file => we cannot write a directory with the same name
if( targetExists )
throw new FileAlreadyExistsException("Cannot copy directory -- A file with the same name already exists: $target")
def parent = target.getParent()
if( parent && !parent.exists() ) parent.mkdirs()
return copyDirectory(source,target)
if( target.isDirectory() ) {
target = target.resolve(source.getName())
return Files.copy(source, target, REPLACE_EXISTING)
// create the target parent directories if do not exist
def parent = target.getParent()
if( parent && !parent.exists() ) {
return Files.copy(source, target, REPLACE_EXISTING)
* Copy the a directory path to a new not existing folder
* @param source The origin path to copy from
* @param target The target path to which copy. Note: IT MUST BE EMPTY
* @return The resulting target path
private static Path copyDirectory( Path source, Path target ) {
def visitor = new SimpleFileVisitor() {
public FileVisitResult preVisitDirectory(Path current, BasicFileAttributes attr)
throws IOException
// get the *delta* path against the source path
def delta = source.relativize(current)?.toString()
def newFolder = delta ? target.resolve(delta) : target
FilesEx.log.trace "Copy DIR: $current -> $newFolder"
// this `copy` creates the new folder, but does not copy the contained files
Files.copy(current, newFolder, REPLACE_EXISTING)
return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;
public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path current, BasicFileAttributes attr)
throws IOException
// get the *delta* path against the source path
def delta = source.relativize(current)?.toString()
def newFile = delta ? target.resolve(delta) : target
FilesEx.log.trace "Copy file: $current -> $newFile"
Files.copy(current, newFile, REPLACE_EXISTING)
return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;
Files.walkFileTree(source, EnumSet.of(FileVisitOption.FOLLOW_LINKS), Integer.MAX_VALUE, visitor)
return target
* Copy or a file or a directory content.
* It mimics the semantic of Linux {@code cp -r } command.
* @param source The source file or directory
* @param target The target file or directory
* @return The target {@link Path} file
def static File copyTo( File source, String target ) {
copyTo(source.toPath(), FileHelper.asPath(target)).toFile()
* Copy or a file or a directory content.
* It mimics the semantic of Linux {@code cp -r } command.
* @param source The source file or directory
* @param target The target file or directory
* @return The target {@link Path} file
def static Path copyTo( Path source, String target ) {
copyTo(source, FileHelper.asPath(target))
* Move a file or a directory. Mimics the Linux *mv* command
* @param source
* @param target
* @return
def static File moveTo( File source, File target ) {
moveTo(source.toPath(), target.toPath()).toFile()
* Move a file or a directory. Mimics the Linux *mv* command
* @param source
* @param target
* @return
def static File moveTo( File source, String target ) {
moveTo(source.toPath(), FileHelper.asPath(target)).toFile()
* Move a file or a directory. Mimics the Linux *mv* command
* @param source
* @param target
* @return
def static Path moveTo( Path source, Path target ) {
if( source.isDirectory() ) {
if( target.isDirectory() ) {
// when the target path is a directory
// move the source path into the target folder
return Files.move(source, target.resolve(source.getFileName()), REPLACE_EXISTING)
else {
def parent = target.getParent()
if( parent && !parent.exists()) { parent.mkdirs() }
return Files.move(source, target, REPLACE_EXISTING)
// when the target path is a directory
// move the source file into the target using the same name
if( target.isDirectory() ) {
target = target.resolve(source.getName())
return Files.move(source, target, REPLACE_EXISTING)
// create the parent directories if do not exist
def parent = target.getParent()
if( parent && !parent.exists() ) { parent.mkdirs() }
// move the source file to the target file,
// overwriting the target if exists
return Files.move(source, target, REPLACE_EXISTING)
def static Path moveTo( Path source, String target ) {
moveTo(source, FileHelper.asPath(target) )
* Gets the base name, minus the full path and extension, from a full filename.
* This method will handle a file in either Unix or Windows format.
* The text after the last forward or backslash and before the last dot is returned.
* a/b/c.txt --> c
* a.txt --> a
* a/b/c --> c
* a/b/c/ --> ""
* The output will be the same irrespective of the machine that the code is running on.
* @param file The filename to query, null returns null
* @param times The number of times it checks for the extension to be removed (useful for files with multiple extensions)
* @return The name of the file without the path, or an empty string if none exists
def static String getBaseName( File file, int times=1 ) {
getBaseName(file.toPath(), times)
* Gets the base name, minus the full path and extension, from a full filename.
* This method will handle a file in either Unix or Windows format.
* The text after the last forward or backslash and before the last dot is returned.
* a/b/c.txt --> c
* a.txt --> a
* a/b/c --> c
* a/b/c/ --> ""
* The output will be the same irrespective of the machine that the code is running on.
* @param file The filename to query, null returns null
* @param times The number of times it checks for the extension to be removed (useful for files with multiple extensions)
* @return The name of the file without the path, or an empty string if none exists
def static String getBaseName( Path self, int times=1 ) {
assert self
String name = self.getFileName()
if( !name ) return ''
while( times-- > 0 ) {
int pos = name.lastIndexOf('.')
if( pos == -1 )
name = name.substring(0,pos)
return name.toString()
* Extend {@code Path} adding a getName method semantically equivalent to {@code File#getName}
* @return The name of the path as string
def static String getName( Path self ) {
return self.getFileName()?.toString() ?: ''
* Gets the extension of a filename.
* This method returns the textual part of the filename after the last dot.
* There must be no directory separator after the dot.
* foo.txt --> "txt"
* a/b/c.jpg --> "jpg"
* a/b.txt/c --> ""
* a/b/c --> ""
* The output will be the same irrespective of the machine that the code is running on.
* @param file The file to retrieve the extension of.
* @return the Extension of the file or an empty string if none exists
def static String getExtension( File file ) {
* Retrieve the file name extension
* @param file A {@code Path} referencing a file
* @return The file name extension (not including the dot) or an empty string if the file has not extension
def static String getExtension( Path file ) {
assert file
String name = file.getFileName()
if( !name ) return ''
int pos = name.lastIndexOf('.')
if( pos == -1 ) return ''
return name.substring(pos+1)
def static boolean exists(Path self, LinkOption... options) {
return options ? Files.exists(self,options) : Files.exists(self)
* Creates the directory named by this abstract pathname
* @param self The directory to be created
* @param attr
* an optional list of file attributes to set atomically when
* creating the directory
* @return {@code true} if the directory is created successfully, or {@code false} otherwise
def static boolean mkdir(Path self, FileAttribute>... attr) {
try {
return true
catch(IOException e) {
return false
* Creates the directory named by this abstract pathname, including any necessary but nonexistent parent directories
* @param self The path to be created
* @param attr
* an optional list of file attributes to set atomically when
* creating the directory
* @return {@code true} if the directory is created successfully, or {@code false} otherwise
def static boolean mkdirs(Path self, FileAttribute>... attr) {
try {
return true
catch(IOException e) {
return false
* Tests whether the application can read the file denoted by this
* abstract pathname.
* @param self
* @return true
if and only if the file specified by this
* abstract pathname exists and can be read by the
* application; false
def static boolean canRead(Path self) {
try {
catch( IOException e ) {
log.trace("Cannot get read permission on file: $self -- Cause: ${e.getMessage()}")
return false
* Tests whether the application can modify the file denoted by this
* abstract pathname.
* @param self
* @return true
if and only if the file system actually
* contains a file denoted by this abstract pathname and
* the application is allowed to write to the file;
* false
def static boolean canWrite(Path self) {
try {
catch( IOException e ) {
log.trace("Cannot get write permission on file: $self -- Cause: ${e.getMessage()}")
return false
* Tests whether the application can execute the file denoted by this
* abstract pathname.
* @param self
* @return true
if and only if the abstract pathname exists
* and the application is allowed to execute the file
* @throws SecurityException
* If a security manager exists and its {@link
* java.lang.SecurityManager#checkExec(java.lang.String)}
* method denies execute access to the file
def static boolean canExecute(Path self) {
try {
catch( IOException e ) {
log.trace("Cannot get execute permission on file: $self -- Cause: ${e.getMessage()}")
return false
* Returns the time that the file denoted by this abstract pathname was
* last modified.
* Where it is required to distinguish an I/O exception from the case
* where {@code 0L} is returned, or where several attributes of the
* same file are required at the same time, or where the time of last
* access or the creation time are required, then the {@link
* java.nio.file.Files#readAttributes(Path,Class,LinkOption[])
* Files.readAttributes} method may be used.
* @return A long
value representing the time the file was
* last modified, measured in milliseconds since the epoch
* (00:00:00 GMT, January 1, 1970), or 0L
if the
* file does not exist or if an I/O error occurs
* @param self
* @param options
* @return
def static long lastModified(Path self,LinkOption...options) {
try {
catch( IOException e ) {
log.trace "Cannot get lastModified time on file: $self -- Cause: ${e.getMessage()}"
return 0
def static boolean isHidden(Path self) {
def static boolean isDirectory(Path self,LinkOption... options) {
def static boolean isFile(Path self, LinkOption...options) {
def static boolean isSymlink(Path self) {
def static boolean renameTo(Path self, Path target) {
def static boolean renameTo(Path self, String target) {
renameTo( self, FileHelper.asPath(target) )
* List the content of a given path folder. The method is semantically
* equivalent to {@code File#list()}
* @param self The folder to list
* @return A list of strings or {@code null} if the path is not a folder
def static String[] list(Path self) {
listFiles(self).collect { getName(it) } as String[]
* List the content of a given path folder. The method is semantically
* equivalent to {@code File#listFiles()}
* @param self The folder to list
* @return A list of {@code Path} or {@code null} if the path is not a folder
def static Path[] listFiles(Path self) {
if( !self.isDirectory() )
return null
def result = []
Files.walkFileTree(self, new SimpleFileVisitor() {
public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path file, BasicFileAttributes attrs) {
result.add( file )
public FileVisitResult preVisitDirectory(Path dir, BasicFileAttributes attrs) {
if( self == dir )
else {
} )
return result as Path[]
* Close a file in safe manner i.e. without throwing eventual exception raised by the *close* operation
* @param self A {@code Closable} object
static void closeQuietly( Closeable self ) {
try {
if(self) self.close()
catch (IOException ioe) {
log.debug "Exception closing $self -- Cause: ${ioe.getMessage() ?: ioe.toString()}"
static private DEFAULT_TAIL_BLOCK_SIZE = 5 * 1024
* Read the last 'n' lines from a {@code SeekableByteChannel} without reading the previous content.
* The method does not close the channel object, thus the caller has to close it.
* @param channel The channel from where read the ending lines
* @param n The number of lines to be read
* @param charset The charset to use, it can be specified by using a string e.g. 'UTF-8' or a {@code Charset} object.
* When {@code null} is specified the current default charset is used.
* @param blockSize The size of the block read when reading the channel tail
* @return The 'n' lines as {@code CharSequence} object
static CharSequence tail( SeekableByteChannel channel, int n, def charset = null, int blockSize = DEFAULT_TAIL_BLOCK_SIZE ) {
assert channel != null
assert n > 0
final len = channel.size()
final buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(blockSize)
final result = new StringBuilder()
long count = 0
final charsetObj = CharsetHelper.getCharset(charset)
long pos = len
while( pos>0 ) {
pos = Math.max( 0, pos-blockSize )
int l =
boolean isHeadLF = buffer.get(0) == LF
boolean isTailLF = buffer.get(l-1) == LF
def stream = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(new ByteBufferBackedInputStream(buffer), charsetObj) )
def lines = stream.readLines()
int i = lines.size()-1
while( i >= 0 ) {
final ln = lines[i]
if( isTailLF && lines.size()-1 == i && result.size() ) {
result.insert(0, System.lineSeparator())
isTailLF = false
// prepend a new line into the result buffer
// if there are more lines (since 'i' is greater than zero) add a new line separator
// and increment the 'count' of total added lines
if( i ) {
// when the requested number of lines have been read, return
if( count < n )
result.insert(0, System.lineSeparator() )
return result
// decrement the lines pointer
// reset the buffer to read the new block
return result
* Read the last 'n' lines from a {@code Path} without reading all the file content
* @param channel The channel from where read the ending lines
* @param n The number of lines to be read
* @param charset The charset to use, it can be specified by using a string e.g. 'UTF-8' or a {@code Charset} object.
* When {@code null} is specified the current default charset is used.
* @param blockSize The size of the block read when reading the channel tail
* @return The 'n' lines as {@code CharSequence} object
static CharSequence tail( Path path, int n, charset = null, int blockSize = DEFAULT_TAIL_BLOCK_SIZE) {
def channel = null
try {
try {
channel = Files.newByteChannel(path)
return tail( channel, n, charset, blockSize )
catch( UnsupportedOperationException e ) {
log.trace "Unable to open as a byte-channel file: $path -- trying as inputstream"
channel = Files.newInputStream(path)
return tail( new InputStreamReader(channel), n )
finally {
* Read the last 'n' lines from a {@code Path} without reading all the file content
* @param channel The channel from where read the ending lines
* @param n The number of lines to be read
* @return The 'n' lines as {@code CharSequence} object
static CharSequence tail( Reader reader, int n ) {
String line
String[] buffer = new String[n]
int index = 0
while( (line = reader.readLine()) != null ) {
buffer[ (index++) % n ] = line
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder()
int count = Math.min(n, index)
while( true ) {
result.insert( 0, buffer[ (--index) % n ] )
if( --count )
result.insert( 0, System.lineSeparator())
static CharSequence tail( InputStream stream, int n, charset ) {
final charsetObj = CharsetHelper.getCharset(charset)
tail( new InputStreamReader(stream,charsetObj), n )
* Read the last 'n' lines from a {@code File} without reading all the file content
* @param channel The channel from where read the ending lines
* @param n The number of lines to be read
* @param charset The charset to use, it can be specified by using a string e.g. 'UTF-8' or a {@code Charset} object.
* When {@code null} is specified the current default charset is used.
* @param blockSize The size of the block read when reading the channel tail
* @return The 'n' lines as {@code CharSequence} object
static CharSequence tail( File file, int n, charset = null, int blockSize = DEFAULT_TAIL_BLOCK_SIZE ) {
tail(file.toPath(), n, charset, blockSize)
* Read 'n' lines from the beginning of a {@code Reader} object.
* The method does not close the reader object, thus the caller has to call the close method on it.
* @param reader The source object from where read the first 'n' lines
* @param n The number of lines to read
* @return The read lines as a {@code CharSequence} object
static CharSequence head( Reader reader, int n ) {
assert n
final result = new StringBuilder()
final reader0 = reader instanceof BufferedReader ? reader : new BufferedReader(reader)
def line
int count = 0
while( (line=reader0.readLine()) != null && count
* The method does not close the stream object, thus the caller has to call the close method on it.
* @param reader The source object from where read the first 'n' lines
* @param n The number of lines to read
* @param charset The charset to use, it can be specified by using a string e.g. 'UTF-8' or a {@code Charset} object.
* When {@code null} is specified the current default charset is used.
* @return The read lines as a {@code CharSequence} object
static CharSequence head( InputStream stream, int n, charset ) {
def charsetObj = CharsetHelper.getCharset(charset)
head( new InputStreamReader(stream, charsetObj), n)
* Read the top from the beginning of a {@code File} object, stopping as soon as
* 'n' lines has been read.
* @param file The source file from where read the first 'n' lines
* @param n The number of lines to read
* @param charset The charset to use, it can be specified by using a string e.g. 'UTF-8' or a {@code Charset} object.
* When {@code null} is specified the current default charset is used.
* @return The read lines as a {@code CharSequence} object
static CharSequence head( File file, int n, charset = null ) {
head(file.toPath(), n, charset)
* Read the top from the beginning of a {@code Path} object, stopping as soon as
* 'n' lines has been read.
* @param path The source file from where read the first 'n' lines
* @param n The number of lines to read
* @param charset The charset to use, it can be specified by using a string e.g. 'UTF-8' or a {@code Charset} object.
* When {@code null} is specified the current default charset is used.
* @return The read lines as a {@code CharSequence} object
static CharSequence head( Path path, int n, charset = null ) {
assert path != null
assert n
def charsetObj = CharsetHelper.getCharset(charset)
def reader = Files.newBufferedReader(path,charsetObj)
try {
finally {
* Sets the last-modified time of the file or directory named by this
* {@code Path}.
* @param self The {@code Path} to which set the last modified time
* @param time The new last-modified time, measured in milliseconds since
* the epoch (00:00:00 GMT, January 1, 1970)
* @return true
if and only if the operation succeeded;
* false
static boolean setLastModified(Path self, long time) {
try {
Files.setLastModifiedTime(self, FileTime.fromMillis(time))
return true
catch( IOException e ) {
log.debug "Unable to set last-modified-time: $time to path: $self"
return false
* Sets the owner's or everybody's execute permission for the specified file.
* @param self The {@code Path} for which set the permissions
* @param executable
* If true
, sets the access permission to allow execute
* operations; if false
to disallow execute operations
* @param ownerOnly
* If true
, the execute permission applies only to the
* owner's execute permission; otherwise, it applies to everybody.
* If the underlying file system can not distinguish the owner's
* execute permission from that of others, then the permission will
* apply to everybody, regardless of this value.
* @return true
if and only if the operation succeeded. The
* operation will fail if the user does not have permission to
* change the access permissions of this file.
static boolean setExecutable(Path self, boolean executable, boolean ownerOnly = true) {
def perms = null
try {
perms = Files.getPosixFilePermissions(self)
if( executable ) {
if( !ownerOnly ) {
else {
if( !ownerOnly ) {
Files.setPosixFilePermissions(self, perms)
return true
catch( IOException e ) {
log.debug "Unable to set executable permissions: $perms to path: $self"
return false
* A convenience method to set the owner's read permission for the specified file
* @param self The {@code Path} for which set the readable permissions
* @param readable
* If true
, sets the access permission to allow read
* operations; if false
to disallow read operations
* @param ownerOnly
* If true
, sets the access permission to allow read
* operations; if false
to disallow read operations
* @return
* true
if and only if the operation succeeded. The
* operation will fail if the user does not have permission to
* change the access permissions of this file.
static boolean setReadable(Path self, boolean readable, boolean ownerOnly = true) {
def perms = null
try {
perms = Files.getPosixFilePermissions(self)
if( readable ) {
if( !ownerOnly ) {
else {
if( !ownerOnly ) {
Files.setPosixFilePermissions(self, perms)
return true
catch( IOException e ) {
log.debug "Unable to set readable permissions: $perms to path: $self"
return false
* * Marks the file or directory named by this abstract pathname so that
* only read operations are allowed.
* @param self
* @return
static boolean setReadOnly( Path self ) {
Set perms = PosixFilePermissions.fromString("r--r--r--");
try {
Files.setPosixFilePermissions(self, perms)
return true
catch( IOException e ) {
log.debug "Unable to set read-only permissions: $perms to path: $self"
return false
* Sets the owner's or everybody's write permission for the specified file.
* @param self The {@code Path} for which set the permissions
* @param writable
* If true
, sets the access permission to allow write
* operations; if false
to disallow write operations
* @param ownerOnly
* If true
, the write permission applies only to the
* owner's write permission; otherwise, it applies to everybody. If
* the underlying file system can not distinguish the owner's write
* permission from that of others, then the permission will apply to
* everybody, regardless of this value.
* @return true
if and only if the operation succeeded.
static boolean setWritable(Path self, boolean writable, boolean ownerOnly = true ) {
def perms = null
try {
perms = Files.getPosixFilePermissions(self)
if( writable ) {
if( !ownerOnly ) {
else {
if( !ownerOnly ) {
Files.setPosixFilePermissions(self, perms)
return true
catch( IOException e ) {
log.debug "Unable to set permissions: $perms to path: $self"
return false
* Get the file Unix permission as a string e.g. {@code rw-r--r--}
* @param self The {@code Path} for which the permissions string
* @return Unix permission as a string e.g. {@code rw-r--r--}
static String getPermissions(Path self) {
def perms = Files.getPosixFilePermissions(self)
* Set the file Unix permissions using a string like {@code rw-r--r--}
* @param self The {@code Path} file for which set the permissions.
* @param permissions The permissions string e.g. {@code rw-r--r--}. It must contain 9 letters.
static boolean setPermissions( Path self, String permissions ) {
Set perms = PosixFilePermissions.fromString(permissions);
try {
Files.setPosixFilePermissions(self, perms)
return true
catch( IOException e ) {
log.debug "Unable to set permissions: $permissions to path: $self"
return false
* Set the file Unix permissions using a string like {@code rw-r--r--}
* @param self The {@code File} object for which set the permissions.
* @param permissions The permissions string e.g. {@code rw-r--r--}. It must contain 9 letters.
static boolean setPermissions( File self, String permissions ) {
static digitToPerm( int value, StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder() ) {
assert value >= 0 && value < 8
def x = (value & 1) == 1
def w = (value & 2) == 2
def r = (value & 4) == 4
if (r) {
} else {
if (w) {
} else {
if (x) {
} else {
* Set the file Unix permission using the digit representing the respectively
* the permissions for the owner, the group and others.
* @link
* @param self The {@code Path} file for which set the permissions
* @param owner The owner permissions using a octal numeric representation.
* @param group The group permissions using a octal numeric representation.
* @param other The others permissions using a octal numeric representation.
static boolean setPermissions( Path self, int owner, int group, int other ) {
def str = new StringBuilder()
digitToPerm(owner, str)
digitToPerm(group, str)
digitToPerm(other, str)
Set perms = PosixFilePermissions.fromString(str.toString());
try {
Files.setPosixFilePermissions(self, perms)
return true
catch( IOException e ) {
log.debug "Unable to set permissions: $perms to path: $self"
return false
* Set the file Unix permission using the digit representing the respectively
* the permissions for the owner, the group and others.
* @link
* @param self The {@code File} object for which set the permissions
* @param owner The owner permissions using a octal numeric representation.
* @param group The group permissions using a octal numeric representation.
* @param other The others permissions using a octal numeric representation.
static boolean setPermissions( File self, int owner, int group, int other ) {
setPermissions(self.toPath(), owner, group, other)
static void deleteOnExit(Path self) {
Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook { self.delete() }
* Resolve a symbolic link to the actual target file, in a similar manner to the
* Linux {@code readlink -f} command.
* It canonicalize by following every symlink in every component of the given name recursively;
* all but the last component must exist.
* @param self
* @return The resolved target path of the source path itself it is not a file or the file does not exist
static Path resolveSymLink(Path self) {
try {
def path = Files.readSymbolicLink(self)
return resolveSymLink(path)
catch( NotLinkException | NoSuchFileException e ) {
return self
static File resolveSymLink(File self) {
* Create a folder if not already exists
* @param target The folder to be created
static public void createDirIfNotExists( Path target ) {
assert target
try {
if( !Files.readAttributes(target, BasicFileAttributes).isDirectory() )
throw new IOException("Cannot create folder: $target -- A file with the same name already exists")
catch (IOException e) {
if( !Files.createDirectories(target) )
throw new IOException("Cannot create folder: $target -- Check file systeme access permission")
static public void createDirIfNotExists( File target ) {
static Path plus( Path path, String other ) {
if( !other )
return path
def parent = path.getParent()
if( parent ) {
parent.resolve( path.getName() + other )
else {
path.getFileSystem().getPath( path.toString() + other )
static Path plus( Path path, Path other ) {
plus(path, other?.toString())
static Path div( Path path, String other ) {
if( !other )
return path
static Path div( Path path, Path other ) {
if( !other )
return path
static Path minus(Path path, int i) {
def result = path
while( i-- > 0 && result != null )
result = result.getParent()
return result ?: path.getRoot()
// static Path minus( Path self, Path other ) {
// self.relativize(other)
// }
// static Path minus( Path self, String other ) {
// def x = self.getFileSystem().getPath(other)
// println x.class
// println self.class
// self.relativize(x)
// }
static Path or( Path path, String other ) {
static Path or( Path path, Path other ) {
* Roll a file moving to a new path whose name ends with .1
* @param self The file itself
* @param maxRolls Max number of time to apply the file rolling (i.e. rename to a new name)
static void rollFile( Path self, int maxRolls=9 ) {
if( FilesEx.exists(self) ) {
def newName = self.getFileName().toString() +'.1'
rollFile0(self, self.resolveSibling(newName), maxRolls)
static void rollFile0( Path self, Path newFile, int max, int depth=0 ) {
assert self
assert newFile
if( newFile.exists() ) {
def extension = newFile.getExtension()
if( !extension?.isInteger() ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected rolling file extension: $extension")
if( ++depth < max ) {
def nextName = "${newFile.getBaseName()}.${ extension.toInteger() +1 }"
rollFile0(newFile, newFile.resolveSibling(nextName), max, depth)
FilesEx.renameTo(self, newFile)
static void symlinkTo( Path self, Path existing ) {
Files.createSymbolicLink(self, existing)
static void symlinkTo( Path self, File existing ) {
Files.createSymbolicLink(self, existing.toPath())
static void symlinkTo( Path self, String existing ) {
Files.createSymbolicLink(self, self.getFileSystem().getPath(existing))
static void linkTo( Path self, Path existing ) {
Files.createLink(self, existing)
static void linkTo( Path self, File existing ) {
Files.createLink(self, existing.toPath())
static void linkTo( Path self, String existing ) {
Files.createLink(self, self.getFileSystem().getPath(existing))
* A shortcut for {@link Path#toAbsolutePath()} and {@link Path#normalize()}
* @param self
* @return An absolute and normalized path
static Path complete( Path self ) {
static BasicFileAttributes readAttributes(Path path) {
try {
catch( IOException e ) {
log.trace "Unable to read attributes for file: $path"
return null
static boolean matches( Path self, String pattern ) {
FileHelper.getPathMatcherFor("glob:$pattern", self.fileSystem).matches(self)
static boolean matches( File self, String pattern ) {
matches(self.toPath(), pattern)