nextflow.file.FileHelper.groovy Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2013-2017, Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG).
* Copyright (c) 2013-2017, Paolo Di Tommaso and the respective authors.
* This file is part of 'Nextflow'.
* Nextflow is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Nextflow is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Nextflow. If not, see .
package nextflow.file
import java.lang.reflect.Field
import java.nio.file.CopyOption
import java.nio.file.FileSystem
import java.nio.file.FileSystemNotFoundException
import java.nio.file.FileSystems
import java.nio.file.FileVisitOption
import java.nio.file.FileVisitResult
import java.nio.file.Files
import java.nio.file.LinkOption
import java.nio.file.Path
import java.nio.file.PathMatcher
import java.nio.file.Paths
import java.nio.file.SimpleFileVisitor
import java.nio.file.attribute.BasicFileAttributes
import java.nio.file.spi.FileSystemProvider
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock
import java.util.regex.Pattern
import groovy.transform.CompileStatic
import groovy.transform.Memoized
import groovy.transform.PackageScope
import groovy.util.logging.Slf4j
import nextflow.Global
import nextflow.extension.Bolts
import nextflow.extension.FilesEx
import nextflow.util.CacheHelper
* Provides some helper method handling files
* @author Paolo Di Tommaso
class FileHelper {
static final private Path localTempBasePath
static private Random rndGen = new Random()
static final public char[] ALPHA = ('a'..'z') as char[]
static {
def temp = System.getenv('NXF_TEMP')
if( temp ) {
localTempBasePath = Paths.get(temp)
log.debug "Using NXF_TEMP=${localTempBasePath}"
else {
temp = System.getProperty('')
if( !temp ) throw new IllegalStateException("Missing system temporary directory -- You can specify it using the NXF_TEMP environment variable")
localTempBasePath = Paths.get(temp)
// make sure the path exists
if( !Files.exists(localTempBasePath) )
static String normalizePath( String path ) {
if( path == '~' ) {
path =['user.home']
else if ( path.startsWith('~/') ) {
path =['user.home'].toString() + path[1..-1]
return path
* Creates a random string with the number of character specified
* e.g. {@code s8hm2nxt3}
* @param len The len of the final random string
* @param alphabet The set of characters allowed in the random string
* @return The generated random string
static String randomString( int len, char[] alphabet ) {
assert alphabet.size() > 0
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder()
final max = alphabet.size()
len.times {
def index = rndGen.nextInt(max)
result.append( alphabet[index] )
return result.toString()
static String randomString( int len ) {
randomString(len, ALPHA)
def static List nameParts( String name ) {
assert name
if( name.isLong() ) {
return ['', name.toLong()]
def matcher = name =~ /^(\S*)?(\D)(\d+)$/
if( matcher.matches() ) {
def entries = (String[])matcher[0]
return [ entries[1] + entries[2], entries[3].toString().toInteger() ]
else {
return [name,0]
* Check whenever a file or a directory is empty
* @param file The file path to
def static boolean empty( File file ) {
assert file
def static boolean empty( Path path ) {
def attrs
try {
attrs = Files.readAttributes(path, BasicFileAttributes.class)
catch (IOException e) {
return true;
if ( attrs.isDirectory() ) {
def stream = Files.newDirectoryStream(path)
try {
Iterator itr = stream.iterator()
return !itr.hasNext()
finally {
else {
return attrs.size() == 0
* Defines a cacheable path for the specified {@code HashCode} instance.
* @param hash
* @return
final static Path getWorkFolder(Path bashPath, HashCode hash) {
assert bashPath
assert hash
def str = hash.toString()
def bucket = str.substring(0,2)
def folder = bashPath.resolve("${bucket}/${str.substring(2)}")
return folder.toAbsolutePath()
final static Path createTempFolder(Path basePath) {
assert basePath
int count = 0
while( true ) {
def hash = CacheHelper.hasher(rndGen.nextLong()).hash().toString()
def bucket = hash.substring(0,2)
def result = basePath.resolve( "tmp/$bucket/${hash.substring(2)}" )
if( FilesEx.exists(result) ) {
if( ++count > 100 ) { throw new IOException("Unable to create a unique temporary path: $result") }
if( !FilesEx.mkdirs(result) ) {
throw new IOException("Unable to create temporary parth: $result -- Verify file system access permission")
return result.toAbsolutePath()
final static Path createLocalDir(String prefix = 'nxf-') {
Files.createTempDirectory(localTempBasePath, prefix)
final static Path getLocalTempPath() {
return localTempBasePath
* Given an hierarchical file URI path returns a {@link Path} object
* eventually creating the associated file system if required.
* An hierarchical URI is either an absolute URI whose scheme-specific part begins with a slash character (e.g. {@code file:/some/file.txt}),
* or a relative URI, that is, a URI that does not specify a scheme (e.g. {@code some/file.txt}).
* See
* @param str A path string eventually qualified with the scheme prefix
* @return A {@link Path} object
static Path asPath( String str ) {
if( !str )
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Path string cannot be empty")
if( !str.contains(':/') ) {
return Paths.get(str)
* Given a {@link URI} return a {@link Path} object
* eventually creating the associated file system if required
* @param uri A URI for identifying the requested path
* @return A {@link Path} object
static Path asPath( URI uri ) {
if( !uri.scheme || uri.scheme == 'file' ) {
return FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(uri.path)
else if( uri.scheme == 'http' || uri.scheme == 'https' || uri.scheme == 'ftp' ) {
else {
private static checkFileURI(URI uri) {
if( uri.scheme ) {
if( uri.authority )
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Malformed file URI: $uri -- It must start either with a `file:/` or `file:///` prefix")
if( !uri.path )
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Malformed file URI: $uri -- Make sure it starts with an absolue path prefix i.e. `file:/`")
else if( !uri.path ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("URI path cannot be empty")
* Helper method that converts a file path to an hierarchical URI {@link URI} object.
* An hierarchical URI is either an absolute URI whose scheme-specific part begins with a slash character (e.g. {@code file:/some/file.txt}),
* or a relative URI, that is, a URI that does not specify a scheme (e.g. {@code some/file.txt}).
* The main difference between this method and Java API {@link URI#create(java.lang.String)} is that the former
* handle the query and fragments special characters (respectively `?` and `#`) as valid path chars. This because
* question mark is required to be used as glob wildcard in path handling.
* As side effect this method always returns a null {@link URI#query} and {@link URI#fragment} components.
* @param str A string representing a URI file path
* @return A {@link URI} for the given string
static URI toPathURI( String str ) {
// normalise 's3' path
if( str.startsWith('s3://') && str[5]!='/' ) {
str = "s3:///${str.substring(5)}"
// normalise 'igfs' path
else if( str.startsWith('igfs://') && str[7]!='/' ) {
str = "igfs:///${str.substring(7)}"
// note: this URI constructor parse the path parameter and extract the `scheme` and `authority` components
new URI(null,null,str,null,null)
* @return The file system defined by the {@code Session#workDir} attribute
static FileSystem getWorkDirFileSystem() {
def result = Global.session?.workDir?.getFileSystem()
if( !result ) {
log.warn "Session working file system not defined -- fallback on JVM default file system"
result = FileSystems.getDefault()
* Check if the specified path is a NFS mount
* @param path The path to verify
* @return The {@code true} when the path is a NFS mount {@code false} otherwise
static boolean isPathNFS(Path path) {
assert path
if( path.getFileSystem() != FileSystems.getDefault() )
return false
final type = getPathFsType(path)
def result = type == 'nfs'
log.debug "NFS path ($result): $path"
return result
static String getPathFsType(Path path) {
final os = System.getProperty('')
if( os != 'Linux' )
return os
final process = Runtime.runtime.exec("stat -f -c %T ${path}")
final status = process.waitFor()
final text = process.text?.trim()
if( status ) {
log.debug "Can't check if specified path is NFS ($status): $path\n${Bolts.indent(text,' ')}"
return null
return text
* @return
* {@code true} when the current session working directory is a NFS mounted path
* {@code false otherwise}
static boolean getWorkDirIsNFS() {
* Experimental. Check if a file exists making a second try on NFS mount
* to avoid false negative.
* @param self
* @param timeout
* @return
static boolean safeExists(Path self, long timeout = 120_000) {
if( Files.exists(self) )
return true
if( !workDirIsNFS )
return false
* When the file in a NFS folder in order to avoid false negative
* list the content of the parent path to force refresh of NFS metadata
final begin = System.currentTimeMillis()
final path = (self.parent ?: '/').toString()
while( true ) {
final process = Runtime.runtime.exec("ls -la ${path}")
final status = process.waitFor()
log.trace "Safe exists listing: ${status} -- path: ${path}\n${Bolts.indent(process.text,' ')}"
if( status == 0 )
def delta = System.currentTimeMillis() -begin
if( delta > timeout )
sleep 2_000
try {
return true
catch( IOException e ) {
log.trace "Cant read file attributes: $self -- Cause: [${e.class.simpleName}] ${e.message}"
return false
* Lazy create and memoize this object since it will never change
* @return A map holding the current session
static protected Map envFor(String scheme) {
envFor0(scheme, System.getenv())
static Map envFor0(String scheme, Map env) {
def result = [:]
if( scheme?.toLowerCase() == 's3' ) {
List credentials = Global.getAwsCredentials(env)
if( credentials ) {
// S3FS expect the access - secret keys pair in lower notation
result.access_key = credentials[0]
result.secret_key = credentials[1]
// AWS region
final region = Global.getAwsRegion()
if( region ) result.region = region
// -- remaining client config options
def config = Global.getAwsClientConfig()
if( config ) {
log.debug "AWS S3 config details: ${dumpAwsConfig(result)}"
else {
assert Global.session, "Session is not available -- make sure to call this after Session object has been created"
result.session = Global.session
return result
static private String dumpAwsConfig( Map config ) {
def result = new HashMap(config)
if( config.access_key && config.access_key.size()>6 )
result.access_key = "${config.access_key.substring(0,6)}.."
if( config.secret_key && config.secret_key.size()>6 )
result.secret_key = "${config.secret_key.substring(0,6)}.."
return result.toString()
* Caches File system providers
static final Map providersMap = [:]
* Returns a {@link FileSystemProvider} for a file scheme
* @param scheme A file system scheme e.g. {@code file}, {@code s3}, {@code dxfs}, etc.
* @return A {@link FileSystemProvider} instance for the specified scheme
static FileSystemProvider getProviderFor( String scheme ) {
if( providersMap.containsKey(scheme) )
return providersMap[scheme]
synchronized (providersMap) {
if( providersMap.containsKey(scheme) )
return providersMap[scheme]
for (FileSystemProvider provider : FileSystemProvider.installedProviders()) {
if ( scheme == provider.getScheme() ) {
return providersMap[scheme] = provider;
return null;
* Get the instance of the specified {@code FileSystemProvider} class. If the provider is not
* in the list of installed provided, it creates a new instance and add it to the list
* This method has been deprecated use {@link #getOrCreateFileSystemFor(java.lang.String)} instead
* @see {@code FileSystemProvider#installedProviders}
* @param clazz A class extending {@code FileSystemProvider}
* @return An instance of the specified class
synchronized static T getOrInstallProvider( Class clazz ) {
FileSystemProvider result = FileSystemProvider.installedProviders().find { it.class == clazz }
if( result )
return (T)result
// try to load DnaNexus file system provider dynamically
result = (T)clazz.newInstance()
// add it manually
Field field = FileSystemProvider.class.getDeclaredField('installedProviders')
List installedProviders = new ArrayList((List)field.get(null))
installedProviders.add( result )
field.set(this, Collections.unmodifiableList(installedProviders))
log.debug "> Added '${clazz.simpleName}' to list of installed providers [${result.scheme}]"
return (T)result
private static Lock _fs_lock = new ReentrantLock()
* Acquire or create the file system for the given {@link URI}
* @param uri A {@link URI} locating a file into a file system
* @param env An option environment specification that may be used to instantiate the underlying file system.
* As defined by {@link FileSystemProvider#newFileSystem(, java.util.Map)}
* @return The corresponding {@link FileSystem} object
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if does not exist a valid provider for the given URI scheme
static FileSystem getOrCreateFileSystemFor( URI uri, Map env = null ) {
assert uri
* get the provider for the specified URI
def provider = getProviderFor(uri.scheme)
if( !provider )
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot a find a file system provider for scheme: ${uri.scheme}")
* check if already exists a file system for it
FileSystem fs
try { fs = provider.getFileSystem(uri) }
catch( FileSystemNotFoundException e ) { fs=null }
if( fs )
return fs
* since the file system does not exist, create it a protected block
Bolts.withLock(_fs_lock) {
try { fs = provider.getFileSystem(uri) }
catch( FileSystemNotFoundException e ) { fs=null }
if( !fs ) {
log.debug "Creating a file system instance for provider: ${provider.class.simpleName}"
fs = provider.newFileSystem(uri, env ?: envFor(uri.scheme))
return fs
static FileSystem getOrCreateFileSystemFor( String scheme, Map env = null ) {
getOrCreateFileSystemFor(URI.create("$scheme:///"), env)
* Given a path look for an existing file with that name in the {@code cacheDir} folder.
* If exists will return the path to it, otherwise make a copy of it in the cache folder
* and returns to the path to it.
* @param sourcePath A {@link Path} object to an existing file or directory
* @param cacheDir A {@link Path} to the folder containing the cached objects
* @param sessionId An option {@link UUID} used to create the object invalidation key
* @return A {@link Path} to the cached version of the specified object
static Path getLocalCachePath( Path sourcePath, Path cacheDir, UUID sessionId = null ) {
assert sourcePath
assert cacheDir
final key = sessionId ? [sessionId, sourcePath] : sourcePath
final hash = CacheHelper.hasher(key).hash()
final cached = getWorkFolder(cacheDir, hash).resolve(sourcePath.getFileName().toString())
if( Files.exists(cached) )
return cached
synchronized (cacheDir) {
if( Files.exists(cached) )
return cached
return FilesEx.copyTo(sourcePath, cached)
* Returns a {@code PathMatcher} that performs match operations on the
* {@code String} representation of {@link Path} objects by interpreting a
* given pattern.
* @see FileSystem#getPathMatcher(java.lang.String)
* @param syntaxAndInput
* @return
static PathMatcher getDefaultPathMatcher(String syntaxAndInput) {
int pos = syntaxAndInput.indexOf(':');
if (pos <= 0 || pos == syntaxAndInput.length())
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
String syntax = syntaxAndInput.substring(0, pos);
String input = syntaxAndInput.substring(pos+1);
String expr;
if (syntax == 'glob') {
expr = Globs.toUnixRegexPattern(input);
else if (syntax == 'regex' ) {
expr = input;
else {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Syntax '$syntax' not recognized");
// return matcher
final Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(expr);
return new PathMatcher() {
public boolean matches(Path path) {
return pattern.matcher(path.toString()).matches();
* Get a path matcher for the specified file system and file pattern.
* It tries to get the matcher returned by {@link FileSystem#getPathMatcher} and
* falling back to {@link #getDefaultPathMatcher(java.lang.String)} when it return a null or an {@link UnsupportedOperationException}
* @param fileSystem
* @param syntaxAndPattern
* @return A {@link PathMatcher} instance for the specified file pattern
static PathMatcher getPathMatcherFor( String syntaxAndPattern, FileSystem fileSystem ) {
assert fileSystem
assert syntaxAndPattern
PathMatcher matcher
try {
matcher = fileSystem.getPathMatcher(syntaxAndPattern)
catch( UnsupportedOperationException e ) {
matcher = null
if( !matcher ) {
log.debug "Path matcher not defined by '${fileSystem.class.simpleName}' file system -- using default default strategy"
matcher = getDefaultPathMatcher(syntaxAndPattern)
return matcher
* Applies the specified action on one or more files and directories matching the specified glob pattern
* @param folder
* @param filePattern
* @param action
* @throws java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException if the specified {@code folder} does not exist
static void visitFiles( Map options = null, Path folder, String filePattern, Closure action ) {
assert folder
assert filePattern
assert action
final type = options?.type ?: 'any'
final walkOptions = options?.followLinks == false ? EnumSet.noneOf(FileVisitOption.class) : EnumSet.of(FileVisitOption.FOLLOW_LINKS)
final int maxDepth = getMaxDepth(options?.maxDepth, filePattern)
final includeHidden = options?.hidden as Boolean ?: filePattern.startsWith('.')
final includeDir = type in ['dir','any']
final includeFile = type in ['file','any']
final syntax = options?.syntax ?: 'glob'
final relative = options?.relative == true
final matcher = getPathMatcherFor("$syntax:${filePattern}", folder.fileSystem)
final singleParam = action.getMaximumNumberOfParameters() == 1
Files.walkFileTree(folder, walkOptions, Integer.MAX_VALUE, new SimpleFileVisitor() {
public FileVisitResult preVisitDirectory(Path fullPath, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException {
final int depth = fullPath.nameCount - folder.nameCount
final path = folder.relativize(fullPath)
log.trace "visitFiles > dir=$path; depth=$depth; includeDir=$includeDir; matches=${matcher.matches(path)}; isDir=${attrs.isDirectory()}"
if (depth>0 && includeDir && matcher.matches(path) && attrs.isDirectory() && (includeHidden || !isHidden(fullPath))) {
def result = relative ? path : fullPath
singleParam ? :,attrs)
return depth > maxDepth ? FileVisitResult.SKIP_SUBTREE : FileVisitResult.CONTINUE
public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path fullPath, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException {
final path = folder.relativize(fullPath)
log.trace "visitFiles > file=$path; includeFile=$includeFile; matches=${matcher.matches(path)}; isRegularFile=${attrs.isRegularFile()}"
if (includeFile && matcher.matches(path) && attrs.isRegularFile() && (includeHidden || !isHidden(fullPath))) {
def result = relative ? path : fullPath
singleParam ? :,attrs)
return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;
private static boolean isHidden(Path path) {
// note: fileName can be null for root path
def fileName = path.getFileName()
return fileName ? fileName.toString()?.startsWith('.') : null
static int getMaxDepth( value, String filePattern ) {
if( value != null )
return value as int
if( filePattern?.contains('**') )
return Integer.MAX_VALUE
if( filePattern?.contains('/') )
return filePattern.split('/').findAll { it }.size()-1
return 0
static FileSystem fileSystemForScheme(String scheme) {
( !scheme
? FileSystems.getDefault()
: getOrCreateFileSystemFor(scheme) )
* Move a path to a target destination. It handles file or directory both to a local
* or to a foreign file system
* @param source The source path
* @param target The target path
* @param options The copy options
* @return The resulting target path
* @throws IOException
static Path movePath(Path source, Path target, CopyOption... options)
throws IOException
FileSystemProvider provider = source.fileSystem.provider()
if (target.fileSystem.provider().is(provider)) {
// same provider
provider.move(source, target, options);
else {
// different providers
CopyMoveHelper.moveToForeignTarget(source, target, options);
return target;
* Move a path to a target destination. It handles file or directory both to a local
* or to a foreign file system.
* @param source
* @param target
* @param options
* @return
* @throws IOException
static Path copyPath(Path source, Path target, CopyOption... options)
throws IOException
FileSystemProvider provider = source.fileSystem.provider()
if (target.fileSystem.provider().is(provider)) {
// same provider
if( Files.isDirectory(source) ) {
CopyMoveHelper.copyDirectory(source, target, options)
else {
provider.copy(source, target, options);
else {
// different providers
CopyMoveHelper.copyToForeignTarget(source, target, options);
return target;
* Delete a path or a directory. If the directory is not empty
* delete all the content of the directory.
* Note when the path is a symlink, it only remove the link without
* following affecting the target path
* @param path
static void deletePath( Path path ) {
def attr = readAttributes(path, LinkOption.NOFOLLOW_LINKS)
if( !attr )
// if it's not a dir just delete the file
if( !attr.isDirectory() ) {
Files.walkFileTree(path, new SimpleFileVisitor() {
public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path file, BasicFileAttributes attrs) {
public FileVisitResult postVisitDirectory(Path dir, IOException exc) {
* List the content of a file system path
* @param path
* The system system directory to list
* @return
* The stdout produced the execute `ls -la` command.
* NOTE: this output is not supposed to be exhaustive, only the first
* 50 lines will be returned.
static String listDirectory(Path path) {
String result = null
Process process = null
try {
process = Runtime.runtime.exec(['sh', '-c', 'ls -la | head -n 50'] as String[])
def listStatus = process.exitValue()
if( listStatus>0 ) {
log.debug "Can't list folder: ${path} -- Exit status: $listStatus"
else {
result = process.text
catch( IOException e ) {
log.debug "Can't list folder: $path -- Cause: ${e.message ?: e.toString()}"
finally {
return result
static BasicFileAttributes readAttributes(Path path, LinkOption... options) {
try {
catch( IOException e ) {
log.trace "Unable to read attributes for file: $path"
return null