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io.nflow.engine.internal.dao.ExecutorDao Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package io.nflow.engine.internal.dao;
import static io.nflow.engine.internal.dao.DaoUtil.firstColumnLengthExtractor;
import static;
import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.left;
import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.trimToNull;
import static;
import static org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger;
import static;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.List;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import javax.inject.Singleton;
import org.joda.time.DateTime;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.springframework.core.env.Environment;
import org.springframework.dao.DataAccessException;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.PreparedStatementCreator;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.PreparedStatementSetter;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.RowMapper;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional;
import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressFBWarnings;
import io.nflow.engine.config.NFlow;
import io.nflow.engine.workflow.executor.WorkflowExecutor;
* Use setter injection because constructor injection may not work when nFlow is used in some legacy systems.
@SuppressFBWarnings(value = "SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC_ANON", justification = "common jdbctemplate practice")
public class ExecutorDao {
private static final Logger logger = getLogger(ExecutorDao.class);
private final JdbcTemplate jdbc;
final SQLVariants sqlVariants;
private final int keepaliveIntervalSeconds;
private DateTime nextUpdate = now();
final String executorGroup;
private final String executorGroupCondition;
final int timeoutSeconds;
private int executorId = -1;
private final int hostMaxLength;
public ExecutorDao(SQLVariants sqlVariants, @NFlow JdbcTemplate nflowJdbcTemplate, Environment env) {
this.sqlVariants = sqlVariants;
this.jdbc = nflowJdbcTemplate;
this.executorGroup = trimToNull(env.getRequiredProperty(""));
this.executorGroupCondition = createWhereCondition(executorGroup);
this.timeoutSeconds = env.getRequiredProperty("nflow.executor.timeout.seconds", Integer.class);
this.keepaliveIntervalSeconds = env.getRequiredProperty("nflow.executor.keepalive.seconds", Integer.class);
// In one deployment, FirstColumnLengthExtractor returned 0 column length (H2), so allow explicit length setting.
this.hostMaxLength = env.getProperty("", Integer.class, -1);
private static String createWhereCondition(String group) {
return "executor_group = '" + group + "'";
public boolean tick() {
if (nextUpdate.isAfterNow()) {
return false;
nextUpdate = now().plusSeconds(keepaliveIntervalSeconds);
return true;
public String getExecutorGroup() {
return executorGroup;
public String getExecutorGroupCondition() {
return executorGroupCondition;
public synchronized int getExecutorId() {
if (executorId == -1) {
int hostNameMaxLength = hostMaxLength == -1
? jdbc.query("select host from nflow_executor where 1 = 0", firstColumnLengthExtractor)
: hostMaxLength;
executorId = allocateExecutorId(hostNameMaxLength);
return executorId;
public DateTime getMaxWaitUntil() {
return nextUpdate;
public boolean isTransactionSupportEnabled() {
return isActualTransactionActive();
public boolean isAutoCommitEnabled() {
return jdbc.execute(Connection::getAutoCommit);
justification = "localhost is used for getting host name only, exception message is fine")
private int allocateExecutorId(int hostNameMaxLength) {
final String host;
final int pid;
try {
host = left(getLocalHost().getCanonicalHostName(), hostNameMaxLength);
pid = Integer.parseInt(ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean().getName().split("@")[0]);
} catch (UnknownHostException | NumberFormatException ex) {
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to obtain host name and pid of running jvm", ex);
}"Joining executor group {}", executorGroup);
KeyHolder keyHolder = new GeneratedKeyHolder();
jdbc.update(new PreparedStatementCreator() {
"SQL_PREPARED_STATEMENT_GENERATED_FROM_NONCONSTANT_STRING" }, justification = "findbugs does not trust jdbctemplate, sql is constant in practice")
public PreparedStatement createPreparedStatement(Connection con) throws SQLException {
String sql = "insert into nflow_executor(host, pid, executor_group, active, expires) values (?, ?, ?, current_timestamp, "
+ sqlVariants.currentTimePlusSeconds(timeoutSeconds) + ")";
PreparedStatement p = con.prepareStatement(sql, new String[] { "id" });
p.setString(1, host);
p.setInt(2, pid);
p.setString(3, executorGroup);
return p;
}, keyHolder);
int allocatedExecutorId = keyHolder.getKey().intValue();"Joined executor group {} as executor {} running on host {} with process id {}.", executorGroup,
allocatedExecutorId, host, pid);
return allocatedExecutorId;
public void updateActiveTimestamp() {
updateWithPreparedStatement("update nflow_executor set active=current_timestamp, expires="
+ sqlVariants.currentTimePlusSeconds(timeoutSeconds) + " where id = " + getExecutorId());
private void updateWithPreparedStatement(String sql) {
// jdbc.update(sql) won't use prepared statements, this uses.
jdbc.update(sql, (PreparedStatementSetter) null);
public List getExecutors() {
return jdbc.query("select * from nflow_executor where executor_group = ? order by id asc", new RowMapper() {
public WorkflowExecutor mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException {
int id = rs.getInt("id");
String host = rs.getString("host");
int pid = rs.getInt("pid");
DateTime started = sqlVariants.getDateTime(rs, "started");
DateTime active = sqlVariants.getDateTime(rs, "active");
DateTime expires = sqlVariants.getDateTime(rs, "expires");
DateTime stopped = sqlVariants.getDateTime(rs, "stopped");
return new WorkflowExecutor(id, host, pid, executorGroup, started, active, expires, stopped);
}, executorGroup);
public void markShutdown() {
try {
jdbc.update("update nflow_executor " + "set expires=current_timestamp, stopped=current_timestamp "
+ "where executor_group = ? and id = ?", executorGroup, getExecutorId());
} catch (DataAccessException e) {
logger.warn("Failed to mark executor as expired", e);