Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// Copyright 2023 Nacho Lopez
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package io.nlopez.compose.rules
import io.nlopez.compose.core.ComposeKtConfig
import io.nlopez.compose.core.ComposeKtVisitor
import io.nlopez.compose.core.Emitter
import io.nlopez.compose.core.util.argumentsUsingModifiers
import io.nlopez.compose.core.util.findChildrenByClass
import io.nlopez.compose.core.util.modifierParameters
import io.nlopez.compose.core.util.obtainAllModifierNames
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.KtCallExpression
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.KtDotQualifiedExpression
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.KtExpression
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.KtFunction
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.KtIfExpression
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.KtReferenceExpression
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.KtValueArgument
class ModifierClickableOrder : ComposeKtVisitor {
override fun visitComposable(
function: KtFunction,
autoCorrect: Boolean,
emitter: Emitter,
config: ComposeKtConfig,
) {
val code = function.bodyBlockExpression ?: return
val initialModifierNames = with(config) { function.modifierParameters.mapNotNull { } }
val modifiers = initialModifierNames.flatMap { code.obtainAllModifierNames(it) }.toSet()
val suspiciousOrderModifiers = code.findChildrenByClass()
.filter { it.calleeExpression?.text?.first()?.isUpperCase() == true }
.flatMap { callExpression ->
callExpression.argumentsUsingModifiers(modifiers + "Modifier")
// We only want chains of more than 1 modifier
.mapNotNull { argument -> argument.getArgumentExpression() }
.mapNotNull { chain -> chain.findCallExpressionSuspiciousOrder() }
for (methodInvocation in suspiciousOrderModifiers) {, ModifierChainWithSuspiciousOrder)
private fun KtDotQualifiedExpression.findCallExpressionSuspiciousOrder(): KtCallExpression? {
// KtDotQualifiedExpression are resolved from end to beginning, so:
// Modifier.a().b().c() -> (2) + CallExpression c ==> 3
// Modifier.a().b() -> (1) + CallExpression b ==> 2
// Modifier.a() -> (root expression) + CallExpression a ==> 1
var currentReceiver: KtExpression = receiverExpression
var currentSelector: KtExpression? = selectorExpression
var shapeAlteringCandidate = false
while (currentSelector != null) {
if (currentSelector is KtCallExpression) {
when {
shapeAlteringCandidate && currentSelector.isClickableInteraction -> return currentSelector
currentSelector.isClipWithShape -> shapeAlteringCandidate = true
currentSelector.isBorderWithShape -> shapeAlteringCandidate = true
currentSelector.isBackgroundWithShape -> shapeAlteringCandidate = true
currentSelector.isThen -> {
val param = currentSelector.valueArguments.firstOrNull()
if (param != null) {
val argumentExpression = param.getArgumentExpression()
if (argumentExpression is KtIfExpression) {
// If any of the two branches from the `if` passes the same checks for sus methods,
// we flag them as well.
val suspicious = sequenceOf(argumentExpression.then, argumentExpression.`else`)
.any { it.isClipWithShape || it.isBackgroundWithShape || it.isBorderWithShape }
if (suspicious) {
shapeAlteringCandidate = true
else -> {
// no-op
if (currentReceiver is KtDotQualifiedExpression) {
currentSelector = currentReceiver.selectorExpression
currentReceiver = currentReceiver.receiverExpression
} else {
// If currentReceiver isn't a dot qualified expression anymore it means that we reached the top of the
// chain, and we are not interesting on it anymore.
currentSelector = null
return null
private val KtCallExpression.isClickableInteraction: Boolean
get() = calleeExpression?.text in interactionModifiers
private val KtCallExpression.isThen: Boolean
get() = calleeExpression?.text == "then"
private val KtCallExpression.isClipWithShape: Boolean
get() = calleeExpression?.text == "clip" // any clip will reference a shape
private val KtCallExpression.isBackgroundWithShape: Boolean
get() = calleeExpression?.text == "background" && valueArguments.any { it.isNamedShape || it.referencesShape }
private val KtCallExpression.isBorderWithShape: Boolean
get() = calleeExpression?.text == "border" && valueArguments.any { it.isNamedShape || it.referencesShape }
private val KtValueArgument.isNamedShape: Boolean
get() = isNamed() && name == "shape"
private val KtValueArgument.referencesShape: Boolean
get() = when (val expression = getArgumentExpression()) {
// MyShape()
is KtCallExpression -> expression.calleeExpression?.text?.endsWith("Shape") == true
// MyShape
is KtReferenceExpression -> expression.text.endsWith("Shape")
// if (x) MyShape else MyOtherShape
is KtIfExpression -> expression.then?.text?.endsWith("Shape") == true ||
expression.`else`?.text?.endsWith("Shape") == true
// MaterialTheme.shapes.x or LocalShapes.current.x or AppShapes.x or MyThemeShapes.x
is KtDotQualifiedExpression -> expression.text.startsWith("MaterialTheme.shapes") ||
else -> false
companion object {
private val interactionModifiers = setOf(
val ModifierChainWithSuspiciousOrder = """
This order of modifiers is likely to cause visual issues. You should have your clickable modifiers after modifiers that use shapes, so that the clickable selected area takes into account the change in shape as well.
See for more information.
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