Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// Copyright 2023 Nacho Lopez
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package io.nlopez.compose.rules
import io.nlopez.compose.core.ComposeKtConfig
import io.nlopez.compose.core.ComposeKtVisitor
import io.nlopez.compose.core.Emitter
import io.nlopez.compose.core.util.definedInInterface
import io.nlopez.compose.core.util.findChildrenByClass
import io.nlopez.compose.core.util.findDirectChildrenByClass
import io.nlopez.compose.core.util.findDirectFirstChildByClass
import io.nlopez.compose.core.util.firstChildLeafOrSelf
import io.nlopez.compose.core.util.isOverride
import io.nlopez.compose.core.util.lastChildLeafOrSelf
import io.nlopez.compose.core.util.nextCodeSibling
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.KtCallExpression
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.KtFunction
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.KtFunctionType
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.KtProperty
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.KtPsiFactory
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.psiUtil.parents
class ViewModelInjection : ComposeKtVisitor {
override fun visitComposable(
function: KtFunction,
autoCorrect: Boolean,
emitter: Emitter,
config: ComposeKtConfig,
) {
if (function.isOverride || function.definedInInterface) return
val bodyBlock = function.bodyBlockExpression ?: return
val knownViewModelFactories = DefaultKnownViewModelFactories +
config.getSet("viewModelFactories", emptySet())
.flatMap { property ->
.filter { it.calleeExpression?.text in knownViewModelFactories }
.filterNot { it.isNavigation(bodyBlock) }
.map { property to it.calleeExpression!!.text }
.forEach { (property, viewModelFactoryName) ->, errorMessage(viewModelFactoryName), true)
if (autoCorrect) {
fix(function, property, viewModelFactoryName)
private fun fix(composable: KtFunction, property: KtProperty, viewModelFactoryName: String) {
// First of all, we want to extract the property name and all the arguments
val variableName =
val callExpression = property.findDirectFirstChildByClass() ?: return
val argumentList = callExpression.valueArgumentList ?: return
// With factories with params, we can't know for sure if they'll continue working (they might have not be accessible
// from the composable params). Let's filter them out.
if (callExpression.valueArguments.isNotEmpty()) return
// We also want the ViewModel type, with two possibilities to support:
// val viewModel : VM = viewModel(...)
// val viewModel = viewModel(...)
val viewModelTypeReference = property.typeReference
?: property.findDirectFirstChildByClass()?.typeArguments?.singleOrNull()
?: return
// Then we need to check the parameters on the FunctionNode. We want to be the last element added
// EXCEPT in the case in which there is a function as the last parameter, in which case we want to be
// second to last
val rawViewModelType = viewModelTypeReference.text
val rawArgumentList = argumentList.text
val lastParameters = composable.valueParameters.takeLast(2)
val parameterList = composable.valueParameterList ?: return
// Generate the VALUE_PARAMETER for variableName: VMType = viewModel(...)
val newCode = "$variableName: $rawViewModelType = $viewModelFactoryName$rawArgumentList"
val factory = KtPsiFactory.contextual(parameterList)
val newParam = factory.createParameter(newCode)
when {
// If there are no parameters, we will insert the code directly
lastParameters.isEmpty() -> {
// Ideally this should be:
// parameterList.addParameter(newParam)
// but since Kotlin 1.9 we can't use these methods without crashing.
(parameterList.node.lastChildLeafOrSelf() as LeafPsiElement)
// If the last element is a function, we need to preserve the trailing lambda, so we will insert
// the code before that last param
lastParameters.last().typeReference?.typeElement is KtFunctionType -> {
// If there's only 1 param, we insert the code with the initial parenthesis
if (lastParameters.size == 1) {
val firstToken = parameterList.node.firstChildLeafOrSelf() as LeafPsiElement
firstToken.rawReplaceWithText("($newCode, ")
} else {
// If there were 2+ params, we insert the code between the two parameters
val lastToken = lastParameters.first()
.lastChildLeafOrSelf() as LeafPsiElement
// Last token here would be the previous comma, if there were spaces between the comma
// and the functional type (the next sibling), we would insert ourselves at the left of it.
lastToken.rawReplaceWithText("${lastToken.text} $newCode,")
// Add as the last parameter
else -> {
// Ideally this should just be:
// parameterList.addParameter(newParam)
// but since Kotlin 1.9 we can't use these methods without crashing.
val hasTrailingComma = composable.valueParameters.last().node.nextCodeSibling()?.text == ","
// If it has a trailing comma, no need to add a new one
val preCommaIfNeeded = if (hasTrailingComma) "" else ","
// And if it has a trailing comma, we'll need to preserve that in the style
val trailingCommaIfNeeded = if (hasTrailingComma) "," else ""
(parameterList.node.lastChildLeafOrSelf() as LeafPsiElement)
// And finally, we can delete the original property from the code
// 1. If there's whitespace before (code indent spaces) we remove them
property.node.treePrev?.takeIf { it.elementType == ElementType.WHITE_SPACE }?.psi?.delete()
// 2. Remove the actual code
private fun KtCallExpression.isNavigation(stopAt: PsiElement): Boolean = parents
.takeWhile { it != stopAt }
.any { it.calleeExpression?.text in KnownNavigationCallExpressions }
companion object {
private val KnownNavigationCallExpressions by lazy {
// androidx navigation
private val DefaultKnownViewModelFactories by lazy {
// Weaver (Twitter in-house)
// Hilt
// Whetstone
// Mavericks
// Tangle (Anvil extensions)
fun errorMessage(factoryName: String) = """
Implicit dependencies of composables should be made explicit.
Usages of $factoryName to acquire a ViewModel should be done in composable default parameters, so that it is more testable and flexible.
See for more information.
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