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* Copyright (c) 2022 nosqlbench
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package io.nosqlbench.engine.api.templating;
import io.nosqlbench.api.config.standard.NBConfigError;
import io.nosqlbench.engine.api.activityconfig.yaml.OpTemplate;
import io.nosqlbench.engine.api.templating.binders.ArrayBinder;
import io.nosqlbench.engine.api.templating.binders.ListBinder;
import io.nosqlbench.engine.api.templating.binders.OrderedMapBinder;
import io.nosqlbench.api.config.fieldreaders.DynamicFieldReader;
import io.nosqlbench.api.config.fieldreaders.StaticFieldReader;
import io.nosqlbench.api.config.standard.NBConfiguration;
import io.nosqlbench.api.errors.OpConfigError;
import io.nosqlbench.virtdata.core.templates.BindPoint;
import io.nosqlbench.virtdata.core.templates.CapturePoint;
import io.nosqlbench.virtdata.core.templates.ParsedStringTemplate;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.LongFunction;
ParsedOp API
This is the primary developer-focused API for driver developers to use when up-converting op templates
* to operations. This {@link ParsedOp} is a wrapper around the op template structure. It provides many
* ways of constructing higher-order objects from a variety of sources.
Supporting Variety
* For some drivers or protocols, the primary user interface is a statement format or grammar. For CQL or SQL,
* the most natural way of describing templates for operations is in that native format. For others, an operation
* template may look like a block of JSON or a HTTP request. All these forms are supported. In order to deal with
* the variety, there is a set of detailed rules for how the workload definitions are transformed into driver
* operations for a native driver. The high-level flow is:
Op Template Form
Normalized Data Structure
ParsedOp Form
* The specifications govern how the raw op template form is transformed into the normalized data structure.
* This documentation focuses on the API provided by the last form, this class, although peripheral awareness
* of the first two forms will certainly help for any advanced scenarios. You can find detailed examples and
* specification tests under the workload_definition folder of the adapters-api module.
Op Template Parsing
Rule #1: All op templates are parsed into an internal normalized structure which contains:
A map of op fields, which can consist of:
static field values
dynamic field values, the actual value of which can only be known for a given cycle
Access to auxiliary configuration values like activity parameters. These can back-fill
* when values aren't present in the direct static or dynamic op fields.
Rule #2: When asking for a dynamic parameter, static parameters may be automatically promoted to functional form as a back-fill.
Rule #3: When asking for static parameters, config parameters may automatically be promoted as a back-fill.
* The net effect of these rules is that the NoSQLBench driver developer may safely use functional forms to access data
* in the op template, or may decide that certain op fields must only be provided in a static way per operation.
Distinguishing Op Payload from Op Config
When a user specifies an op template, they may choose to provide only a single set of op fields without
* distinguishing between config or payload, or they may choose to directly configure each.
* ops:
* # both op and params explicitly named
* op1:
* op:
* opfield1: value1
* params:
* param2: value2
* # neither op field nor params named, so all assumed to be op fields
* op2:
* opfield1: value1
* param2: value2
* # in this case, if param2 is meant to be config level,
* # it is a likely config error that should be thrown to the user
* # only op field explicitly named, so remainder automatically pushed into params
* op3:
* op:
* opfield1: value1
* param2: value2
* # only params explicitly named, so remainder pushed into op payload
* op4:
* params:
* param2: value2
* opfield1: value1
* }
* All of these are considered valid constructions, and all of them may actually achieve the same result.
* This looks like an undesirable problem, but it serves to simplify things for users in one specific way: It allows
* them to be a vague, within guidelines, and still have a valid workload definition.
* The NoSQLBench runtime does a non-trivial amount of processing on the op template to
* ensure that it can conform to an unambiguous normalized internal structure on your behalf.
* This is needed because of how awful YAML is as a user configuration language in spite of its
* ubiquity in practice. The basic design guideline for these forms is that the op template must
* mean what a reasonable user would assume without looking at any documentation.
Design Invariants
The above rules imply invariants, which are made explicit here. {@link ParsedOp}.
You may not use an op field name or parameter name for more than one purpose.
Treat all parameters supported by a driver adapter and it's op fields as a globally shared namespace, even if it is not.
* This avoids creating any confusion about what a parameter can be used for and how to use it for the right thing in the right place.
* For example, you may not use the parameter name `socket` in an op template to mean one thing and then use it
* at the driver adapter level to mean something different. However, if the meaning is congruent, a driver developer
* may choose to support some cross-cutting parameters at the activity level. These allowances are explicit,
* however, as each driver dictates what it will allow as activity parameters.
Users may specify op payload fields within op params or activity params as fallback config sources in that order.
IF a name is valid as an op field, it must also be valid as such when specified in op params.
If a name is valid as an op field, it must also be valid as such when specified in activity params, within the scope of {@link ParsedOp}
When an op field is found via op params or activity params, it may NOT be dynamic. If dynamic values are intended to be provided
* at a common layer in the workload, then bindings support this already.
You must access non-payload params via Config-oriented methods.
Op Templates contain op payload data and op configs (params, activity params).
You must use only {@link ParsedOp} getters with "...Config..." names, such as {@link #getConfigOr(String, Object, long)}
* when accessing non-payload fields.
When a dynamic value is found via one of these calls, an error should be thrown,
* as configuration level data is not expected to be variant per-operation or cycle.
The user must be warned when a required or optional config value is missing from op params (or activity params), but a value
* of the same name is found in op payload fields.
If rule #1 is followed, and names are unambiguous across the driver, then it is almost certainly a configuration error.
When both an op payload field and a param field of the same name are defined through cascading configuration of param fields,
* the local op payload field takes precedence.
This is an extension of the param override rules which say that the closest (most local) value to an operation is the one that takes precedence.
In practice, there will be no conflicts between direct static and dynamic fields, but there will be possibly between
* static or dynamic fields and parameters and activity params. If a user wants to promote an activity param as an override to existing op fields,
* template variables allow for this to happen gracefully. Otherwise, the order of precedence is 1) op fields 2) op params 3) activity params.
Op Payload Forms
* Field values can come from multiple sources. These forms and any of their combinations are supported.
* As shown, any literal value of any valid YAML type, including structured values like lists or maps are accepted as
* static op template values. A static value is any value which contains zero bind points at any level.
In this form, {@code {binding1}} is known as a binding reference, since the binding function is defined
* elsewhere under the given name. The first field "field1" is specified with no leading nor trailing literals, and
* is thus taken as a raw binding reference, meaning that it will not be converted to a String. The second,
* named "field2", is what is known as a string template, and is syntactical sugar for a more complex binding
* which concatenates static and dynamic parts together. In this form, object types produced by binding functions are
* converted to string form before concatenation.
Note that a raw {@code {binding1}} value (without quotes) would be NOT be a binding reference, since YAML
* is a superset of JSON. this means that {@code {binding1}} would be converted to a map or JSON object type
* with invalid contents. This is warned about when detected as a null valued map key, although it also makes
* null values invalid for ANY op template value.
This example combines the previous ones with structure and dynamic values. Both field1 and field2 are dynamic,
* since each contains some dynamic value or template within. When field1 is accessed within a cycle, that cycle's value
* will be used as the seed to generate equivalent structures with all the literal and dynamic elements inserted as
* the template implies. As before, direct binding references like {@code {binding4}} will be inserted into the
* structure with whatever type the binding definition produces, so if you want strings in them, ensure that you
* configure your binding definitions thusly.
* The params section are the first layer of external configuration values that an op template can use to distinguish
* op configuration parameters from op payload content.
* Op Template Params are referenced when any of the {@link #getConfigOr(String, Object, long)} or other ...Config...
* getters are used (bypassing non-param fields). They are also accessed as a fallback when no static nor dynamic value is found
* for a reference op template field. Unlike op fields, op params cascade from within the workload YAML from the document level,
* down to each block and then down to each statement.
Activity Params
* ./nb run driver=... workload=... cl=LOCAL_QUORUM
* }
When explicitly allowed by a driver adapter's configuration model, values like {@code cl} above can be seen as
* another fallback source for configuration parameters. The {@link ParsedOp} implementation will automatically look
* in the activity parameters if needed to find a missing configuration parameter, but this will only work if
* the specific named parameter is allowed at the activity level.