, Serializable {
* With this resolveStrategy set the closure will attempt to resolve property references and methods to the
* owner first, then the delegate (this is the default strategy ).
* For example the following code:
* class Test {
* def x = 30
* def y = 40
* def run() {
* def data = [ x: 10, y: 20 ]
* def cl = { y = x + y }
* cl.delegate = data
* cl()
* assert x == 30
* assert y == 70
* assert data == [x:10, y:20]
* }
* }
* new Test().run()
* Will succeed, because the x and y fields declared in the Test class shadow the variables in the delegate.
* Note that local variables are always looked up first, independently of the resolution strategy.
public static final int OWNER_FIRST = 0;
* With this resolveStrategy set the closure will attempt to resolve property references and methods to the
* delegate first then the owner.
* For example the following code:
* class Test {
* def x = 30
* def y = 40
* def run() {
* def data = [ x: 10, y: 20 ]
* def cl = { y = x + y }
* cl.delegate = data
* cl.resolveStrategy = Closure.DELEGATE_FIRST
* cl()
* assert x == 30
* assert y == 40
* assert data == [x:10, y:30]
* }
* }
* new Test().run()
* This will succeed, because the x and y variables declared in the delegate shadow the fields in the owner class.
* Note that local variables are always looked up first, independently of the resolution strategy.
public static final int DELEGATE_FIRST = 1;
* With this resolveStrategy set the closure will resolve property references and methods to the owner only
* and not call the delegate at all. For example the following code :
* class Test {
* def x = 30
* def y = 40
* def run() {
* def data = [ x: 10, y: 20, z: 30 ]
* def cl = { y = x + y + z }
* cl.delegate = data
* cl.resolveStrategy = Closure.OWNER_ONLY
* cl()
* println x
* println y
* println data
* }
* }
* new Test().run()
* will throw "No such property: z" error because even if the z variable is declared in the delegate, no
* lookup is made.
* Note that local variables are always looked up first, independently of the resolution strategy.
public static final int OWNER_ONLY = 2;
* With this resolveStrategy set the closure will resolve property references and methods to the delegate
* only and entirely bypass the owner. For example the following code :
* class Test {
* def x = 30
* def y = 40
* def z = 50
* def run() {
* def data = [ x: 10, y: 20 ]
* def cl = { y = x + y + z }
* cl.delegate = data
* cl.resolveStrategy = Closure.DELEGATE_ONLY
* cl()
* println x
* println y
* println data
* }
* }
* new Test().run()
* will throw an error because even if the owner declares a "z" field, the resolution strategy will bypass
* lookup in the owner.
* Note that local variables are always looked up first, independently of the resolution strategy.
public static final int DELEGATE_ONLY = 3;
* With this resolveStrategy set the closure will resolve property references to itself and go
* through the usual MetaClass look-up process. This means that properties and methods are neither resolved
* from the owner nor the delegate, but only on the closure object itself. This allows the developer to
* override getProperty using ExpandoMetaClass of the closure itself.
* Note that local variables are always looked up first, independently of the resolution strategy.
public static final int TO_SELF = 4;
public static final int DONE = 1, SKIP = 2;
private static final Object[] EMPTY_OBJECT_ARRAY = {};
public static final Closure IDENTITY = new Closure(null) {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 730973623329943963L;
public Object doCall(Object args) {
return args;
private Object delegate;
private Object owner;
private Object thisObject;
private int resolveStrategy = OWNER_FIRST;
private int directive;
protected Class[] parameterTypes;
protected int maximumNumberOfParameters;
private static final long serialVersionUID = 4368710879820278874L;
private BooleanClosureWrapper bcw;
public Closure(Object owner, Object thisObject) {
this.owner = owner;
this.delegate = owner;
this.thisObject = thisObject;
final CachedClosureClass cachedClass = (CachedClosureClass) ReflectionCache.getCachedClass(getClass());
parameterTypes = cachedClass.getParameterTypes();
maximumNumberOfParameters = cachedClass.getMaximumNumberOfParameters();
* Constructor used when the "this" object for the Closure is null.
* This is rarely the case in normal Groovy usage.
* @param owner the Closure owner
public Closure(Object owner) {
this(owner, null);
* Sets the strategy which the closure uses to resolve property references and methods.
* The default is Closure.OWNER_FIRST
* @param resolveStrategy The resolve strategy to set
* @see groovy.lang.Closure#DELEGATE_FIRST
* @see groovy.lang.Closure#DELEGATE_ONLY
* @see groovy.lang.Closure#OWNER_FIRST
* @see groovy.lang.Closure#OWNER_ONLY
* @see groovy.lang.Closure#TO_SELF
public void setResolveStrategy(int resolveStrategy) {
this.resolveStrategy = resolveStrategy;
* Gets the strategy which the closure uses to resolve methods and properties
* @return The resolve strategy
* @see groovy.lang.Closure#DELEGATE_FIRST
* @see groovy.lang.Closure#DELEGATE_ONLY
* @see groovy.lang.Closure#OWNER_FIRST
* @see groovy.lang.Closure#OWNER_ONLY
* @see groovy.lang.Closure#TO_SELF
public int getResolveStrategy() {
return resolveStrategy;
public Object getThisObject(){
return thisObject;
public Object getProperty(final String property) {
if ("delegate".equals(property)) {
return getDelegate();
} else if ("owner".equals(property)) {
return getOwner();
} else if ("maximumNumberOfParameters".equals(property)) {
return getMaximumNumberOfParameters();
} else if ("parameterTypes".equals(property)) {
return getParameterTypes();
} else if ("metaClass".equals(property)) {
return getMetaClass();
} else if ("class".equals(property)) {
return getClass();
} else if ("directive".equals(property)) {
return getDirective();
} else if ("resolveStrategy".equals(property)) {
return getResolveStrategy();
} else if ("thisObject".equals(property)) {
return getThisObject();
} else {
switch(resolveStrategy) {
return getPropertyDelegateFirst(property);
return InvokerHelper.getProperty(this.delegate, property);
return InvokerHelper.getProperty(this.owner, property);
case TO_SELF:
return super.getProperty(property);
return getPropertyOwnerFirst(property);
private Object getPropertyDelegateFirst(String property) {
if (delegate == null) return getPropertyOwnerFirst(property);
return getPropertyTryThese(property, this.delegate, this.owner);
private Object getPropertyOwnerFirst(String property) {
return getPropertyTryThese(property, this.owner, this.delegate);
private Object getPropertyTryThese(String property, Object firstTry, Object secondTry) {
try {
// let's try getting the property on the first object
return InvokerHelper.getProperty(firstTry, property);
} catch (MissingPropertyException | MissingFieldException e1) {
if (secondTry != null && firstTry != this && firstTry != secondTry) {
try {
// let's try getting the property on the second object
return InvokerHelper.getProperty(secondTry, property);
} catch (GroovyRuntimeException e2) {
// ignore, we'll throw e1
throw e1;
public void setProperty(String property, Object newValue) {
if ("delegate".equals(property)) {
} else if ("metaClass".equals(property)) {
setMetaClass((MetaClass) newValue);
} else if ("resolveStrategy".equals(property)) {
setResolveStrategy(((Number) newValue).intValue());
} else if ("directive".equals(property)) {
setDirective(((Number) newValue).intValue());
} else {
switch(resolveStrategy) {
setPropertyDelegateFirst(property, newValue);
InvokerHelper.setProperty(this.delegate, property, newValue);
InvokerHelper.setProperty(this.owner, property, newValue);
case TO_SELF:
super.setProperty(property, newValue);
setPropertyOwnerFirst(property, newValue);
private void setPropertyDelegateFirst(String property, Object newValue) {
if (delegate == null) setPropertyOwnerFirst(property, newValue);
else setPropertyTryThese(property, newValue, this.delegate, this.owner);
private void setPropertyOwnerFirst(String property, Object newValue) {
setPropertyTryThese(property, newValue, this.owner, this.delegate);
private void setPropertyTryThese(String property, Object newValue, Object firstTry, Object secondTry) {
try {
// let's try setting the property on the first object
InvokerHelper.setProperty(firstTry, property, newValue);
} catch (GroovyRuntimeException e1) {
if (firstTry != null && firstTry != this && firstTry != secondTry) {
try {
// let's try setting the property on the second object
InvokerHelper.setProperty(secondTry, property, newValue);
} catch (GroovyRuntimeException e2) {
// ignore, we'll throw e1
throw e1;
public boolean isCase(Object candidate){
if (bcw==null) {
bcw = new BooleanClosureWrapper(this);
return bcw.call(candidate);
* Invokes the closure without any parameters, returning any value if applicable.
* @return the value if applicable or null if there is no return statement in the closure
public V call() {
return call(NOARGS);
public V call(Object... args) {
try {
return (V) getMetaClass().invokeMethod(this,"doCall",args);
} catch (InvokerInvocationException e) {
return null; // unreachable statement
} catch (Exception e) {
return (V) throwRuntimeException(e);
* Invokes the closure, returning any value if applicable.
* @param arguments could be a single value or a List of values
* @return the value if applicable or null if there is no return statement in the closure
public V call(final Object arguments) {
return call(new Object[]{arguments});
protected static Object throwRuntimeException(Throwable throwable) {
if (throwable instanceof RuntimeException) {
throw (RuntimeException) throwable;
} else {
throw new GroovyRuntimeException(throwable.getMessage(), throwable);
* @return the owner Object to which method calls will go which is
* typically the outer class when the closure is constructed
public Object getOwner() {
return this.owner;
* @return the delegate Object to which method calls will go which is
* typically the outer class when the closure is constructed
public Object getDelegate() {
return this.delegate;
* Allows the delegate to be changed such as when performing markup building
* @param delegate the new delegate
public void setDelegate(Object delegate) {
this.delegate = delegate;
* @return the parameter types of the longest doCall method
* of this closure
public Class[] getParameterTypes() {
return parameterTypes;
* @return the maximum number of parameters a doCall method
* of this closure can take
public int getMaximumNumberOfParameters() {
return maximumNumberOfParameters;
* @return a version of this closure which implements Writable. Note that
* the returned Writable also overrides {@link #toString()} in order
* to allow rendering the result directly to a String.
public Closure asWritable() {
return new WritableClosure();
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.lang.Runnable#run()
public void run() {
* Support for Closure currying.
* Typical usage:
* def multiply = { a, b -> a * b }
* def doubler = multiply.curry(2)
* assert doubler(4) == 8
* Note: special treatment is given to Closure vararg-style capability.
* If you curry a vararg parameter, you don't consume the entire vararg array
* but instead the first parameter of the vararg array as the following example shows:
* def a = { one, two, Object[] others -> one + two + others.sum() }
* assert a.parameterTypes.name == ['java.lang.Object', 'java.lang.Object', '[Ljava.lang.Object;']
* assert a(1,2,3,4) == 10
* def b = a.curry(1)
* assert b.parameterTypes.name == ['java.lang.Object', '[Ljava.lang.Object;']
* assert b(2,3,4) == 10
* def c = b.curry(2)
* assert c.parameterTypes.name == ['[Ljava.lang.Object;']
* assert c(3,4) == 10
* def d = c.curry(3)
* assert d.parameterTypes.name == ['[Ljava.lang.Object;']
* assert d(4) == 10
* def e = d.curry(4)
* assert e.parameterTypes.name == ['[Ljava.lang.Object;']
* assert e() == 10
* assert e(5) == 15
* @param arguments the arguments to bind
* @return the new closure with its arguments bound
public Closure curry(final Object... arguments) {
return new CurriedClosure(this, arguments);
* Support for Closure currying.
* @param argument the argument to bind
* @return the new closure with the argument bound
* @see #curry(Object...)
public Closure curry(final Object argument) {
return curry(new Object[]{argument});
* Support for Closure "right" currying.
* Parameters are supplied on the right rather than left as per the normal curry() method.
* Typical usage:
* def divide = { a, b -> a / b }
* def halver = divide.rcurry(2)
* assert halver(8) == 4
* The position of the curried parameters will be calculated lazily, for example,
* if two overloaded doCall methods are available, the supplied arguments plus the
* curried arguments will be concatenated and the result used for method selection.
* @param arguments the arguments to bind
* @return the new closure with its arguments bound
* @see #curry(Object...)
public Closure rcurry(final Object... arguments) {
return new CurriedClosure(-arguments.length, this, arguments);
* Support for Closure "right" currying.
* @param argument the argument to bind
* @return the new closure with the argument bound
* @see #rcurry(Object...)
public Closure rcurry(final Object argument) {
return rcurry(new Object[]{argument});
* Support for Closure currying at a given index.
* Parameters are supplied from index position "n".
* Typical usage:
* def caseInsensitive = { a, b -> a.toLowerCase() <=> b.toLowerCase() } as Comparator
* def caseSensitive = { a, b -> a <=> b } as Comparator
* def animals1 = ['ant', 'dog', 'BEE']
* def animals2 = animals1 + ['Cat']
* // curry middle param of this utility method:
* // Collections#binarySearch(List list, Object key, Comparator c)
* def catSearcher = Collections.&binarySearch.ncurry(1, "cat")
* [[animals1, animals2], [caseInsensitive, caseSensitive]].combinations().each{ a, c ->
* def idx = catSearcher(a.sort(c), c)
* print a.sort(c).toString().padRight(22)
* if (idx < 0) println "Not found but would belong in position ${-idx - 1}"
* else println "Found at index $idx"
* }
* // =>
* // [ant, BEE, dog] Not found but would belong in position 2
* // [ant, BEE, Cat, dog] Found at index 2
* // [BEE, ant, dog] Not found but would belong in position 2
* // [BEE, Cat, ant, dog] Not found but would belong in position 3
* The position of the curried parameters will be calculated eagerly
* and implies all arguments prior to the specified n index are supplied.
* Default parameter values prior to the n index will not be available.
* @param n the index from which to bind parameters (may be -ve in which case it will be normalized)
* @param arguments the arguments to bind
* @return the new closure with its arguments bound
* @see #curry(Object...)
public Closure ncurry(int n, final Object... arguments) {
return new CurriedClosure(n, this, arguments);
* Support for Closure currying at a given index.
* @param argument the argument to bind
* @return the new closure with the argument bound
* @see #ncurry(int, Object...)
public Closure ncurry(int n, final Object argument) {
return ncurry(n, new Object[]{argument});
* Support for Closure forward composition.
* Typical usage:
* def times2 = { a -> a * 2 }
* def add3 = { a -> a + 3 }
* def timesThenAdd = times2 >> add3
* // equivalent: timesThenAdd = { a -> add3(times2(a)) }
* assert timesThenAdd(3) == 9
* @param other the Closure to compose with the current Closure
* @return the new composed Closure
public Closure rightShift(final Closure other) {
return new ComposedClosure(this, other);
* Support for Closure reverse composition.
* Typical usage:
* def times2 = { a -> a * 2 }
* def add3 = { a -> a + 3 }
* def addThenTimes = times2 << add3
* // equivalent: addThenTimes = { a -> times2(add3(a)) }
* assert addThenTimes(3) == 12
* @param other the Closure to compose with the current Closure
* @return the new composed Closure
public Closure leftShift(final Closure other) {
return new ComposedClosure(other, this);
/* *
* Alias for calling a Closure for non-closure arguments.
* Typical usage:
* def times2 = { a -> a * 2 }
* def add3 = { a -> a * 3 }
* assert add3 << times2 << 3 == 9
* @param arg the argument to call the closure with
* @return the result of calling the Closure
public V leftShift(final Object arg) {
return call(arg);
* Creates a caching variant of the closure.
* Whenever the closure is called, the mapping between the parameters and the return value is preserved in cache
* making subsequent calls with the same arguments fast.
* This variant will keep all cached values forever, i.e. till the closure gets garbage-collected.
* The returned function can be safely used concurrently from multiple threads, however, the implementation
* values high average-scenario performance and so concurrent calls on the memoized function with identical argument values
* may not necessarily be able to benefit from each other's cached return value. With this having been mentioned,
* the performance trade-off still makes concurrent use of memoized functions safe and highly recommended.
* The cache gets garbage-collected together with the memoized closure.
* @return A new closure forwarding to the original one while caching the results
public Closure memoize() {
return Memoize.buildMemoizeFunction(new ConcurrentCommonCache(), this);
* Creates a caching variant of the closure with upper limit on the cache size.
* Whenever the closure is called, the mapping between the parameters and the return value is preserved in cache
* making subsequent calls with the same arguments fast.
* This variant will keep all values until the upper size limit is reached. Then the values in the cache start rotating
* using the LRU (Last Recently Used) strategy.
* The returned function can be safely used concurrently from multiple threads, however, the implementation
* values high average-scenario performance and so concurrent calls on the memoized function with identical argument values
* may not necessarily be able to benefit from each other's cached return value. With this having been mentioned,
* the performance trade-off still makes concurrent use of memoized functions safe and highly recommended.
* The cache gets garbage-collected together with the memoized closure.
* @param maxCacheSize The maximum size the cache can grow to
* @return A new function forwarding to the original one while caching the results
public Closure memoizeAtMost(final int maxCacheSize) {
if (maxCacheSize < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("A non-negative number is required as the maxCacheSize parameter for memoizeAtMost.");
return Memoize.buildMemoizeFunction(new LRUCache(maxCacheSize), this);
* Creates a caching variant of the closure with automatic cache size adjustment and lower limit
* on the cache size.
* Whenever the closure is called, the mapping between the parameters and the return value is preserved in cache
* making subsequent calls with the same arguments fast.
* This variant allows the garbage collector to release entries from the cache and at the same time allows
* the user to specify how many entries should be protected from the eventual gc-initiated eviction.
* Cached entries exceeding the specified preservation threshold are made available for eviction based on
* the LRU (Last Recently Used) strategy.
* Given the non-deterministic nature of garbage collector, the actual cache size may grow well beyond the limits
* set by the user if memory is plentiful.
* The returned function can be safely used concurrently from multiple threads, however, the implementation
* values high average-scenario performance and so concurrent calls on the memoized function with identical argument values
* may not necessarily be able to benefit from each other's cached return value. Also the protectedCacheSize parameter
* might not be respected accurately in such scenarios for some periods of time. With this having been mentioned,
* the performance trade-off still makes concurrent use of memoized functions safe and highly recommended.
* The cache gets garbage-collected together with the memoized closure.
* @param protectedCacheSize Number of cached return values to protect from garbage collection
* @return A new function forwarding to the original one while caching the results
public Closure memoizeAtLeast(final int protectedCacheSize) {
if (protectedCacheSize < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("A non-negative number is required as the protectedCacheSize parameter for memoizeAtLeast.");
return Memoize.buildSoftReferenceMemoizeFunction(protectedCacheSize, new ConcurrentSoftCache(), this);
* Creates a caching variant of the closure with automatic cache size adjustment and lower and upper limits
* on the cache size.
* Whenever the closure is called, the mapping between the parameters and the return value is preserved in cache
* making subsequent calls with the same arguments fast.
* This variant allows the garbage collector to release entries from the cache and at the same time allows
* the user to specify how many entries should be protected from the eventual gc-initiated eviction.
* Cached entries exceeding the specified preservation threshold are made available for eviction based on
* the LRU (Last Recently Used) strategy.
* Given the non-deterministic nature of garbage collector, the actual cache size may grow well beyond the protected
* size limits set by the user, if memory is plentiful.
* Also, this variant will never exceed in size the upper size limit. Once the upper size limit has been reached,
* the values in the cache start rotating using the LRU (Last Recently Used) strategy.
* The returned function can be safely used concurrently from multiple threads, however, the implementation
* values high average-scenario performance and so concurrent calls on the memoized function with identical argument values
* may not necessarily be able to benefit from each other's cached return value. Also the protectedCacheSize parameter
* might not be respected accurately in such scenarios for some periods of time. With this having been mentioned,
* the performance trade-off still makes concurrent use of memoized functions safe and highly recommended.
* The cache gets garbage-collected together with the memoized closure.
* @param protectedCacheSize Number of cached return values to protect from garbage collection
* @param maxCacheSize The maximum size the cache can grow to
* @return A new function forwarding to the original one while caching the results
public Closure memoizeBetween(final int protectedCacheSize, final int maxCacheSize) {
if (protectedCacheSize < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("A non-negative number is required as the protectedCacheSize parameter for memoizeBetween.");
if (maxCacheSize < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("A non-negative number is required as the maxCacheSize parameter for memoizeBetween.");
if (protectedCacheSize > maxCacheSize) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The maxCacheSize parameter to memoizeBetween is required to be greater or equal to the protectedCacheSize parameter.");
return Memoize.buildSoftReferenceMemoizeFunction(protectedCacheSize, new ConcurrentSoftCache(maxCacheSize), this);
* Builds a trampolined variant of the current closure.
* To prevent stack overflow due to deep recursion, functions can instead leverage the trampoline mechanism
* and avoid recursive calls altogether. Under trampoline, the function is supposed to perform one step of
* the calculation and, instead of a recursive call to itself or another function, it return back a new closure,
* which will be executed by the trampoline as the next step.
* Once a non-closure value is returned, the trampoline stops and returns the value as the final result.
* Here is an example:
* def fact
* fact = { n, total ->
* n == 0 ? total : fact.trampoline(n - 1, n * total)
* }.trampoline()
* def factorial = { n -> fact(n, 1G)}
* println factorial(20) // => 2432902008176640000
* @param args Parameters to the closure, so as the trampoline mechanism can call it
* @return A closure, which will execute the original closure on a trampoline.
public Closure trampoline(final Object... args) {
return new TrampolineClosure(this.curry(args));
* Builds a trampolined variant of the current closure.
* To prevent stack overflow due to deep recursion, functions can instead leverage the trampoline mechanism
* and avoid recursive calls altogether. Under trampoline, the function is supposed to perform one step of
* the calculation and, instead of a recursive call to itself or another function, it return back a new closure,
* which will be executed by the trampoline as the next step.
* Once a non-closure value is returned, the trampoline stops and returns the value as the final result.
* @return A closure, which will execute the original closure on a trampoline.
* @see #trampoline(Object...)
public Closure trampoline() {
return new TrampolineClosure(this);
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.lang.Object#clone()
public Object clone() {
try {
return super.clone();
} catch (final CloneNotSupportedException e) {
return null;
* Implementation note:
* This has to be an inner class!
* Reason:
* Closure.this.call will call the outer call method, but
* with the inner class as executing object. This means any
* invokeMethod or getProperty call will be called on this
* inner class instead of the outer!
private class WritableClosure extends Closure implements Writable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -5749205698681690370L;
public WritableClosure() {
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see groovy.lang.Writable#writeTo(java.io.Writer)
public Writer writeTo(Writer out) throws IOException {
Closure.this.call(new Object[]{out});
return out;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see groovy.lang.GroovyObject#invokeMethod(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object)
public Object invokeMethod(String method, Object arguments) {
if ("clone".equals(method)) {
return clone();
} else if ("curry".equals(method)) {
return curry((Object[]) arguments);
} else if ("asWritable".equals(method)) {
return asWritable();
} else {
return Closure.this.invokeMethod(method, arguments);
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see groovy.lang.GroovyObject#getProperty(java.lang.String)
public Object getProperty(String property) {
return Closure.this.getProperty(property);
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see groovy.lang.GroovyObject#setProperty(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object)
public void setProperty(String property, Object newValue) {
Closure.this.setProperty(property, newValue);
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see groovy.lang.Closure#call()
public Object call() {
return ((Closure) getOwner()).call();
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see groovy.lang.Closure#call(java.lang.Object)
public Object call(Object arguments) {
return ((Closure) getOwner()).call(arguments);
public Object call(Object... args) {
return ((Closure) getOwner()).call(args);
public Object doCall(Object... args) {
return call(args);
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see groovy.lang.Closure#getDelegate()
public Object getDelegate() {
return Closure.this.getDelegate();
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see groovy.lang.Closure#setDelegate(java.lang.Object)
public void setDelegate(Object delegate) {
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see groovy.lang.Closure#getParameterTypes()
public Class[] getParameterTypes() {
return Closure.this.getParameterTypes();
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see groovy.lang.Closure#getParameterTypes()
public int getMaximumNumberOfParameters() {
return Closure.this.getMaximumNumberOfParameters();
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see groovy.lang.Closure#asWritable()
public Closure asWritable() {
return this;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.lang.Runnable#run()
public void run() {
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.lang.Object#clone()
public Object clone() {
return ((Closure) Closure.this.clone()).asWritable();
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.lang.Object#hashCode()
public int hashCode() {
return Closure.this.hashCode();
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object)
public boolean equals(Object arg0) {
return Closure.this.equals(arg0);
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.lang.Object#toString()
public String toString() {
final Writer writer = new StringBuilderWriter();
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
return writer.toString();
public Closure curry(final Object... arguments) {
return (new CurriedClosure(this, arguments)).asWritable();
public void setResolveStrategy(int resolveStrategy) {
public int getResolveStrategy() {
return Closure.this.getResolveStrategy();
* @return Returns the directive.
public int getDirective() {
return directive;
* @param directive The directive to set.
public void setDirective(int directive) {
this.directive = directive;
* Returns a copy of this closure where the "owner", "delegate" and "thisObject"
* fields are null, allowing proper serialization when one of them is not serializable.
* @return a serializable closure.
* @since 1.8.5
public Closure dehydrate() {
Closure result = (Closure) this.clone();
result.delegate = null;
result.owner = null;
result.thisObject = null;
return result;
* Returns a copy of this closure for which the delegate, owner and thisObject are
* replaced with the supplied parameters. Use this when you want to rehydrate a
* closure which has been made serializable thanks to the {@link #dehydrate()}
* method.
* @param delegate the closure delegate
* @param owner the closure owner
* @param thisObject the closure "this" object
* @return a copy of this closure where owner, delegate and thisObject are replaced
* @since 1.8.5
public Closure rehydrate(Object delegate, Object owner, Object thisObject) {
Closure result = (Closure) this.clone();
result.delegate = delegate;
result.owner = owner;
result.thisObject = thisObject;
return result;