org.graalvm.polyglot.Context Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright (c) 2017, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* The Universal Permissive License (UPL), Version 1.0
* Subject to the condition set forth below, permission is hereby granted to any
* person obtaining a copy of this software, associated documentation and/or
* data (collectively the "Software"), free of charge and under any and all
* copyright rights in the Software, and any and all patent rights owned or
* freely licensable by each licensor hereunder covering either (i) the
* unmodified Software as contributed to or provided by such licensor, or (ii)
* the Larger Works (as defined below), to deal in both
* (a) the Software, and
* (b) any piece of software and/or hardware listed in the lrgrwrks.txt file if
* one is included with the Software each a "Larger Work" to which the Software
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* without restriction, including without limitation the rights to copy, create
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* This license is subject to the following condition:
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* portions of the Software.
package org.graalvm.polyglot;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.time.ZoneId;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import java.util.logging.Handler;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import org.graalvm.polyglot.impl.AbstractPolyglotImpl.AbstractContextImpl;
import org.graalvm.polyglot.proxy.Proxy;
* A polyglot context for Graal guest languages that allows to {@link #eval(Source) evaluate} code.
* A polyglot context represents the global runtime state of all {@link Engine#getLanguages()
* installed} and {@link #newBuilder(String...) permitted} languages. Permitted languages are
* {@link #initialize(String) initialized} lazily, when they are used for the first time. For many
* context operations, a language identifier needs to be specified. A language identifier is
* unique for each language.
* Evaluation
* A context allows to evaluate a guest language source code using {@link #eval(Source)}. This is
* possible by evaluating {@link Source} objects or a given language identifier and code
* {@link String}. The {@link #eval(Source) evaluation} returns either the result value or throws a
* {@link PolyglotException} if a guest language error occurs.
* Example for evaluation of a fragment of JavaScript code with a new context:
* Context context = Context.create();
* Value result = context.eval("js", "42");
* assert result.asInt() == 42;
* context.close();
* In this example:
* - First we create a new context with all permitted languages.
- Next, we evaluate the expression "42" with language "js", which is the language identifier
* for JavaScript. Since this is the first time we access JavaScript, it automatically gets
* {@link #initialize(String) initialized}.
- Then, we assert the result value by converting the result value as primitive
* .
* - Finally, if the context is no longer needed, it is necessary to close it to ensure that all
* resources are freed. Contexts are also {@link AutoCloseable} for use with the Java
* {@code try-with-resources} statement.
* Configuration
* Contexts may be created either with default configuration using the {@link #create(String...)
* create method} or with custom configuration using the {@link #newBuilder(String...) builder}.
* Both methods allow to specify a subset of the installed languages as permitted languages. If no
* language is specified then all installed languages are permitted. Using the builder method
* {@link Builder#in(InputStream) input}, {@link Builder#err(OutputStream) error} and
* {@link Builder#out(OutputStream) output} streams, {@link Builder#option(String, String) options},
* and {@link Builder#arguments(String, String[]) application arguments} may be configured.
* Options may be specified for {@link Engine#getLanguages() languages},
* {@link Engine#getInstruments() instruments}, the {@link Engine#getOptions() engine} and the
* {@link Engine#getOptions() compiler}. For {@link Language#getOptions() language options}, the
* option key consists of the {@link Language#getId() language id} plus a dot followed by the option
* name (e.g. "js.Strict"). For most languages the option names start with an upper-case letter by
* convention. A list of available options may be received using {@link Language#getOptions()}.
* {@link Instrument#getOptions() Instrument options} are structured in the same way as language
* options but start with the {@link Instrument#getId() instrument id} instead.
* If system properties are {@link Engine.Builder#useSystemProperties(boolean) enabled}, which they
* are by default, then all polyglot options maybe specified with the prefix "polyglot." (e.g.
* "-Dpolyglot.js.Strict=true"). The system properties are read only once when the context or engine
* instance is created. After that, changes to the system properties have no affect.
* Each Graal language performs an initialization step before it can be used to execute code, after
* which it remains initialized for the lifetime of the context. Initialization is by default lazy
* and automatic, but initialization can be forced {@link Context#initialize(String) manually} if
* needed.
* Example for custom configuration using the context builder:
* OutputStream myOut = new BufferedOutputStream()
* Context context = Context.newBuilder("js", "R")
* .out(myOut)
* .option("js.Strict", "true")
* .allowAllAccess(true)
* .build();
* context.eval("js", "42");
* context.eval("R", "42");
* context.close();
* In this example:
* - At first, we create a new context and specify permitted languages as parameters.
- Secondly, we set the standard output stream to be used for the context.
- Then, we specify an option for JavaScript language only, by structuring the option key with
* the language id followed by the option name;
- With {@link Builder#allowAllAccess(boolean)} we grant a new context instance with the same
* access privileges as the host virtual machine.
- Next, we evaluate the expression "42" with language "js", which is the language identifier
* for JavaScript. Since this is the first time we access JavaScript, it first gets
* {@link #initialize(String) initialized} as well.
- Similarly to the previous line, the R language expression gets evaluated.
- Finally, we close the context, since it is no longer needed, to free all allocated resources.
* Contexts are also {@link AutoCloseable} for use with the Java {@code try-with-resources}
* statement.
* Bindings
* The symbols of the top-most scope of a language can be accessed using the
* {@link #getBindings(String) language bindings}. Each language provides its own bindings object
* for a context. The bindings object may be used to read, modify, insert and delete members in the
* top-most scope of the language. Certain languages may not allow write access to the bindings
* object. See {@link #getBindings(String)} for details.
* A context instance also provides access to the {@link #getPolyglotBindings() polyglot} bindings.
* The polyglot bindings are shared between languages and may be used to exchange values. See
* {@link #getPolyglotBindings()} for details.
* Examples using language bindings from JavaScript:
* Context context = Context.create("js");
* Value jsBindings = context.getBindings("js")
* jsBindings.putMember("foo", 42);
* assert context.eval("js", "foo").asInt() == 42;
* context.eval("js", "var bar = 42");
* assert jsBindings.getMember("bar").asInt() == 42;
* assert jsBindings.getMember("Math")
* .getMember("abs")
* .execute(-42)
* .asInt() == 42;
* context.close();
* In this example:
* - We create a new context with JavaScript as the only permitted language.
- Next, we load the JavaScript bindings object and assign it to a local variable
* - Then, we insert a new member
into to the bindings object and verify that the
* object is accessible within the language by reading from a global symbol with the same name.
* - After that, we declare a new global variable in JavaScript and verify that it is accessible
* as member of the language bindings object.
- Next, we access we access a JavaScript builtin named
symbol and execute
* it with -42. This result is asserted to be 42.
* - Finally, we close the context to free all allocated resources.
* Host Interoperability
* It is often necessary to interact with values of the host runtime and Graal guest languages. Such
* objects are referred to as host objects. Every Java value that is passed to a Graal
* language is interpreted according to the specification described in {@link #asValue(Object)}.
* Also see {@link Value#as(Class)} for further details.
* By default only public classes, methods, and fields that are annotated with
* {@link HostAccess.Export @HostAccess.Export} are accessible to the guest language. This policy
* can be customized using {@link Builder#allowHostAccess(HostAccess)} when constructing the
* context.
* Example using a Java object from JavaScript:
* public class JavaRecord {
* @HostAccess.Export public int x;
* @HostAccess.Export
* public String name() {
* return "foo";
* }
* }
* Context context = Context.create();
* JavaRecord record = new JavaRecord();
* context.getBindings("js").putMember("javaRecord", record);
* context.eval("js", "javaRecord.x = 42");
* assert record.x == 42;
* context.eval("js", "").asString().equals("foo");
* Error Handling
* Program execution may fail when executing a guest language code or when accessing guest language
* object. Almost all methods in the {@link Context} and {@link Value} API throw a
* {@link PolyglotException} in case an error occurs. See {@link PolyglotException} for further
* details on error handling.
* Isolation
* Each context is by default isolated from all other instances with respect to both language
* evaluation semantics and resource consumption. By default, a new context instance has no access
* to host resources, like threads, files or loading new host classes. To allow access to such
* resources either the individual access right must be granted or
* {@link Builder#allowAllAccess(boolean) all access} must be set to true
* Contexts can be {@linkplain Builder#engine(Engine) configured} to share certain system resources
* like ASTs or optimized code by specifying a single underlying engine. See {@link Engine} for more
* details about code sharing.
* The {@link Proxy proxy interfaces} allow to mimic guest language objects, arrays, executables,
* primitives and native objects in Graal languages. Every Graal language will treat proxy instances
* like objects of that particular language. Multiple proxy interfaces can be implemented at the
* same time. For example, it is useful to provide proxy values that are objects with members and
* arrays at the same time.
* Thread-Safety
* It is safe to use a context instance from a single thread. It is also safe to use it with
* multiple threads if they do not access the context at the same time. Whether a single context
* instance may be used from multiple threads at the same time depends on if all initialized
* languages support it. If initialized languages support multi-threading, then the context instance
* may be used from multiple threads at the same time. If a context is used from multiple threads
* and the language does not fit, then an {@link IllegalStateException} is thrown by the accessing
* method.
* Meta-data from the context's underlying {@link #getEngine() engine} can be retrieved safely by
* any thread at any time.
* A context may be {@linkplain #close() closed} from any thread, but only if the context is not
* currently executing code. If the context is currently executing some code, a different thread may
* kill the running execution and close the context using {@link #close(boolean)}.
* The context pre-initialization can be used to perform expensive builtin creation in the time of
* native compilation.
* The context pre-initialization is enabled by setting the system property
* {@code polyglot.image-build-time.PreinitializeContexts} to a comma separated list of language ids
* which should be pre-initialized, for example:
* {@code -Dpolyglot.image-build-time.PreinitializeContexts=js,python}
* See
* {@code,}
* for details about pre-initialization for language implementers.
* @since 19.0
public final class Context implements AutoCloseable {
final AbstractContextImpl impl;
Context(AbstractContextImpl impl) {
this.impl = impl;
* Provides access to meta-data about the underlying Graal {@linkplain Engine engine}.
* @return Graal {@link Engine} being used by this context
* @since 19.0
public Engine getEngine() {
return impl.getEngineImpl(this);
* Evaluates a source object by using the {@linkplain Source#getLanguage() language} specified
* in the source. The result is accessible as {@link Value value} and never returns
* null
. The first time a source is evaluated, it will be parsed. Consecutive
* invocations of eval with the same source will only execute the already parsed code.
* Basic Example:
* try (Context context = Context.create()) {
* Source source = Source.newBuilder("js", "42", "mysource.js").build();
* Value result = context.eval(source);
* assert result.asInt() == 42;
* }
* @param source a source object to evaluate
* @throws PolyglotException in case the guest language code parsing or evaluation failed.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the context is already closed and the current thread is not
* allowed to access it.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the language of the given source is not installed or the
* {@link Source#getMimeType() MIME type} is not supported with the language.
* @return the evaluation result. The returned instance is never null
, but the
* result might represent a {@link Value#isNull() null} value.
* @since 19.0
public Value eval(Source source) {
return impl.eval(source.getLanguage(), source.impl);
* Evaluates a guest language code literal, using a provided {@link Language#getId() language
* id}. The result is accessible as {@link Value value} and never returns null
. The
* provided {@link CharSequence} must represent an immutable String.
* Basic Example:
* try (Context context = Context.create()) {
* Value result = context.eval("js", "42");
* assert result.asInt() == 42;
* }
* @throws PolyglotException in case the guest language code parsing or evaluation failed.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the language does not exist or is not accessible.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the context is already closed and the current thread is not
* allowed to access it, or if the given language is not installed.
* @return the evaluation result. The returned instance is never null
, but the
* result might represent a {@link Value#isNull() null} value.
* @since 19.0
public Value eval(String languageId, CharSequence source) {
return eval(Source.create(languageId, source));
* Parses but does not evaluate a given source by using the {@linkplain Source#getLanguage()
* language} specified in the source and returns a {@link Value value} that can be
* {@link Value#execute(Object...) executed}. If a parsing fails, e.g. due to a syntax error in
* the source, then a {@link PolyglotException} will be thrown. In case of a syntax error the
* {@link PolyglotException#isSyntaxError()} will return true
. There is no
* guarantee that only syntax errors will be thrown by this method. Any other guest language
* exception might be thrown. If the validation succeeds then the method completes without
* throwing an exception.
* The result value only supports an empty set of arguments to {@link Value#execute(Object...)
* execute}. If executed repeatedly then the source is evaluated multiple times.
* {@link Source.Builder#interactive(boolean) Interactive} sources will print their result for
* each execution of the parsing result to the {@link Builder#out(OutputStream) output} stream.
* If the parsing succeeds and the source is {@link Source.Builder#cached(boolean) cached} then
* the result will automatically be reused for consecutive calls to {@link #parse(Source)} or
* {@link #eval(Source)}. If the validation should be performed for each invocation or the
* result should not be remembered then {@link Source.Builder#cached(boolean) cached} can be set
* to false
. By default sources are cached.
* Basic Example:
* try (Context context = Context.create()) {
* Source source = Source.create("js", "42");
* Value value;
* try {
* value = context.parse(source);
* // parsing succeeded
* } catch (PolyglotException e) {
* if (e.isSyntaxError()) {
* SourceSection location = e.getSourceLocation();
* // syntax error detected at location
* } else {
* // other guest error detected
* }
* throw e;
* }
* // evaluate the parsed script
* value.execute();
* }
* @param source a source object to parse
* @throws PolyglotException in case the guest language code parsing or validation failed.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the language does not exist or is not accessible.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the context is already closed and the current thread is not
* allowed to access it, or if the given language is not installed.
* @since 20.2
public Value parse(Source source) throws PolyglotException {
return impl.parse(source.getLanguage(), source.impl);
* Parses but does not evaluate a guest language code literal using a provided
* {@link Language#getId() language id} and character sequence and returns a {@link Value value}
* that can be {@link Value#execute(Object...) executed}. The provided {@link CharSequence} must
* represent an immutable String. This method represents a short-hand for {@link #parse(Source)}
* .
* The result value only supports an empty set of arguments to {@link Value#execute(Object...)
* execute}. If executed repeatedly then the source is evaluated multiple times.
* {@link Source.Builder#interactive(boolean) Interactive} sources will print their result for
* each execution of the parsing result to the {@link Builder#out(OutputStream) output} stream.
* try (Context context = Context.create()) {
* Value value;
* try {
* value = context.parse("js", "42");
* // parsing succeeded
* } catch (PolyglotException e) {
* if (e.isSyntaxError()) {
* SourceSection location = e.getSourceLocation();
* // syntax error detected at location
* } else {
* // other guest error detected
* }
* throw e;
* }
* // evaluate the parsed script
* value.execute();
* }
* @throws PolyglotException in case the guest language code parsing or evaluation failed.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the language does not exist or is not accessible.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the context is already closed and the current thread is not
* allowed to access it, or if the given language is not installed.
* @since 20.2
public Value parse(String languageId, CharSequence source) {
return parse(Source.create(languageId, source));
* Returns polyglot bindings that may be used to exchange symbols between the host and guest
* languages. All languages have unrestricted access to the polyglot bindings. The returned
* bindings object always has {@link Value#hasMembers() members} and its members are
* {@link Value#getMember(String) readable}, {@link Value#putMember(String, Object) writable}
* and {@link Value#removeMember(String) removable}.
* Guest languages may put and get members through language specific APIs. For example, in
* JavaScript, symbols of the polyglot bindings can be accessed using
* Polyglot.import("name")
and set using
* Polyglot.export("name", value)
. Please see the individual language reference on
* how to access these symbols.
* @throws IllegalStateException if context is already closed.
* @since 19.0
public Value getPolyglotBindings() {
return impl.getPolyglotBindings();
* Returns a value that represents the top-most bindings of a language. The top most bindings of
* the language returns a {@link Value#getMember(String) member} for a symbol in the scope.
* Languages may allow modifications of members of the returned bindings object at the
* language's discretion. If the language has not been {@link #initialize(String) initialized}
* yet, it will be initialized when the bindings are requested.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the language does not exist or is not accessible.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the context is already closed.
* @throws PolyglotException in case the lazy initialization failed due to a guest language
* error.
* @since 19.0
public Value getBindings(String languageId) {
return impl.getBindings(languageId);
* Forces the initialization of a language. It is not necessary to explicitly initialize a
* language, it will be initialized the first time it is used.
* @param languageId the identifier of the language to initialize.
* @return true
if the language was initialized. Returns false
if it
* was already initialized.
* @throws PolyglotException in case the initialization failed due to a guest language error.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the language does not exist or is not accessible.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the context is already closed.
* @since 19.0
public boolean initialize(String languageId) {
return impl.initializeLanguage(languageId);
* Resets all accumulators of resource limits for the associated context to zero.
* @since 19.3
public void resetLimits() {
* Converts a host value to a polyglot {@link Value value} representation. This conversion is
* applied implicitly whenever {@link Value#execute(Object...) execution} or
* {@link Value#newInstance(Object...) instantiation} arguments are provided,
* {@link Value#putMember(String, Object) members} and
* {@link Value#setArrayElement(long, Object) array elements} are set or when a value is
* returned by a {@link Proxy polyglot proxy}. It is not required nor efficient to explicitly
* convert to polyglot values before performing these operations. This method is useful to
* convert a {@link Value#as(Class) mapped} host value back to a polyglot value while preserving
* the identity.
* When a host value is converted to a polyglot value the following rules apply:
* - If the
is null
, then it will be interpreted as
* polyglot {@link Value#isNull() null}.
* - If the
is already a {@link Value polyglot value}, then it will be
* cast to {@link Value}.
* - If the
is an instance of {@link Byte}, {@link Short},
* {@link Integer}, {@link Long}, {@link Float} or {@link Double}, then it will be interpreted
* as polyglot {@link Value#isNumber() number}. Other subclasses of {@link Number} will be
* interpreted as {@link Value#isHostObject() host object} (see later).
* - If the
is an instance of {@link Character} or {@link String}, then
* it will be interpreted as polyglot {@link Value#isString() string}.
* - If the
is an instance of {@link Boolean}, then it will be
* interpreted as polyglot {@link Value#isBoolean() boolean}.
* - If the
is a {@link Proxy polyglot proxy}, then it will be
* interpreted according to the behavior specified by the proxy. See the javadoc of the proxy
* subclass for further details.
* - If the
is a non-primitive {@link Value#as(Class) mapped Java
* value}, then the original value will be restored. For example, if a guest language object was
* mapped to {@link Map}, then the original object identity will be preserved when converting
* back to a polyglot value.
* - Any other
will be interpreted as {@link Value#isHostObject() host
* object}. Host objects expose all their public java fields and methods as
* {@link Value#getMember(String) members}. In addition, Java arrays and subtypes of
* {@link List} will be interpreted as a value with {@link Value#hasArrayElements() array
* elements} and single method interfaces annotated with {@link FunctionalInterface} are
* {@link Value#execute(Object...) executable} directly. Java {@link Class} instances are
* interpreted as {@link Value#canInstantiate() instantiable}, but they do not expose Class
* methods as members.
* Basic Examples:
* The following assertion statements always hold:
* Context context = Context.create();
* assert context.asValue(null).isNull();
* assert context.asValue(42).isNumber();
* assert context.asValue("42").isString();
* assert context.asValue('c').isString();
* assert context.asValue(new String[0]).hasArrayElements();
* assert context.asValue(new ArrayList<>()).isHostObject();
* assert context.asValue(new ArrayList<>()).hasArrayElements();
* assert context.asValue((Supplier) () -> 42).execute().asInt() == 42;
* Mapping to Java methods and fields
* When Java host objects are passed to guest languages, their public methods and fields are
* provided as {@link Value#getMember(String) members}. Methods and fields are grouped by name,
* so only one member is exposed for each name.
* {@link Class} objects have a member named {@code static} referring to the class's companion
* object containing the static methods of the class. Likewise, the companion object has a
* member named {@code class} that points back to the class object.
* When an argument value needs to be mapped to match a required Java method parameter type,
* then the semantics of {@link Value#as(Class) host value mapping} is used. The result of the
* mapping is equivalent of calling {@link Value#as(Class)} with the parameter type. Therefore,
* a {@link ClassCastException} or {@link NullPointerException} is thrown if a parameter value
* cannot be cast to the required parameter type.
* Overloaded java methods are selected based on the provided arguments. In case multiple mapped
* Java methods with the same name are applicable for {@link Value#execute(Object...)
* executions} or {@link Value#newInstance(Object...) instantiations}, then the method with the
* most concrete method with applicable arguments will be called.
* The following parameter type hierarchy is used for a method resolution. Left-most parameter
* types are prioritized over types to their right.
* - {@link Value#isBoolean() Boolean} values: boolean, Boolean, Object
- String values: char, Character, String, CharSequence, Object
- Number values: byte, Byte, short, Short, int, Integer, long, Long, float, Float, double,
* Double, Number, Object
- Other values are resolved based on their Java type hierarchy.
* If there are multiple concrete methods or too many arguments provided, then an illegal
* argument type error will be raised.
* Advanced Example:
* This example first creates a new instance of the Java class Record
and inspects
* it using the polyglot value API. Later, a host value is converted to a polyglot value using
* JavaScript guest language.
* In the following examples all assertions hold.
* class JavaRecord {
* public int x = 42;
* public double y = 42.0;
* public String name() {
* return "foo";
* }
* }
* Context context = Context.create();
* Value record = context.asValue(new JavaRecord());
* assert record.getMember("x").asInt() == 42;
* assert record.getMember("y").asDouble() == 42.0d;
* assert record.getMember("name").execute().asString().equals("foo");
* assert context.eval("js", "(function(record) record.x)")
* .execute(record).asInt() == 42;
* assert context.eval("js", "(function(record) record.y)")
* .execute(record).asDouble() == 42.0d;
* assert context.eval("js", "(function(record)")
* .execute(record).asString().equals("foo");
* @see Value#as(Class)
* @throws IllegalStateException if the context is already closed
* @param hostValue the host value to convert to a polyglot value.
* @return the polyglot value.
* @since 19.0
public Value asValue(Object hostValue) {
return impl.asValue(hostValue);
* Explicitly enters the context on the current thread. A context needs to be entered and left
* for any operation to be performed. For example, before and after invoking the
* {@link Value#execute(Object...) execute} method. This can be inefficient if a very high
* number of simple operations needs to be performed. By {@link #enter() entering} and
* {@link #leave() leaving} once explicitly, the overhead for entering/leaving the context for
* each operation can be eliminated. Contexts can be entered multiple times on the same thread.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the context is already {@link #close() closed}.
* @throws PolyglotException if a language has denied execution on the current thread.
* @see #leave() leave a context.
* @since 19.0
public void enter() {
* {@inheritDoc}
* @since 19.0
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (obj instanceof Context) {
Context other = ((Context) obj);
return impl.equals(other.impl);
return false;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @since 19.0
public int hashCode() {
return impl.hashCode();
* Explicitly leaves the context on the current thread. The context must be {@link #enter()
* entered} before calling this method.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the context is already closed or if the context was not
* {@link #enter() entered} on the current thread.
* @see #enter() enter a context.
* @since 19.0
public void leave() {
* Closes the context and frees up potentially allocated native resources. A context cannot free
* all native resources allocated automatically. For this reason it is necessary to close
* contexts after use. If a context is cancelled, then the executing thread will throw a
* {@link PolyglotException}. The exception indicates that it was
* {@link PolyglotException#isCancelled() cancelled}. Please note, canceling a single context
* can negatively affect the performance of other executing contexts constructed with the same
* engine.
* If internal errors occur during context closing, then they are printed to the configured
* {@link Builder#err(OutputStream) error output stream}. If a context was closed, then its
* methods will throw an {@link IllegalStateException} when invoked. If an attempt to close a
* context was successful, then consecutive calls to close have no effect.
* @param cancelIfExecuting if true
then currently executing contexts will be
* {@link PolyglotException#isCancelled() cancelled}, else an
* {@link IllegalStateException} is thrown.
* @see Engine#close() close an engine.
* @throws PolyglotException in case the close failed due to a guest language error.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the context is still running and cancelIfExecuting is
* false
* @since 19.0
public void close(boolean cancelIfExecuting) {
impl.close(this, cancelIfExecuting);
* Closes this context and frees up potentially allocated native resources. A context may not
* free all native resources allocated automatically. For this reason it is recommended to close
* contexts after use. If the context is currently being executed on another thread, then an
* {@link IllegalStateException} is thrown. To close concurrently executing contexts see
* {@link #close(boolean)}.
* If internal errors occur during the context closure, then they are printed to the configured
* {@link Builder#err(OutputStream) error output stream}. If a context was closed, then its
* methods will throw an {@link IllegalStateException}, when invoked. If an attempt to close a
* context was successful, then consecutive calls to close have no effect.
* @throws PolyglotException in case the close failed due to a guest language error.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the context is currently executing on another thread.
* @see Engine#close() close an engine.
* @since 19.0
public void close() {
* Use this method to interrupt this context. The interruption is non-destructive meaning the
* context is still usable after this method finishes. Please note that guest finally blocks are
* executed during interrupt. A context thread may not be interruptiple if it uses
* non-interruptible waiting or executes non-interruptible host code.
* This method may be used as a "soft exit", meaning that it can be used before
* {@link #close(boolean) close(true)} is executed.
* @param timeout specifies the duration the interrupt method will wait for the active threads
* of the context to be finished. Setting the duration to {@link Duration#ZERO 0}
* means wait indefinitely.
* @throws IllegalStateException in case the context is entered in the current thread.
* @throws TimeoutException in case the interrupt was not successful, i.e., not all threads were
* finished within the specified time limit.
* @since 20.3
public void interrupt(Duration timeout) throws TimeoutException {
if (!impl.interrupt(this, timeout)) {
throw new TimeoutException("Interrupt timed out.");
* Returns the currently entered polyglot context. A context will be entered if the current
* executing Java method is called by a Graal guest language or if a context is entered
* explicitly using {@link Context#enter()} on the current thread. The returned context may be
* used to:
* - Evaluate guest language code from {@link #eval(String, CharSequence) string literals} or
* {@link #eval(Source) file} sources.
- {@link #asValue(Object) Convert} Java values to {@link Value polyglot values}.
- Access top-level {@link #getBindings(String) bindings} of other languages.
- Access {@link #getPolyglotBindings() polyglot bindings}.
- Access meta-data like available {@link Engine#getLanguages() languages} or
* {@link Engine#getOptions() options} of the {@link #getEngine() engine}.
* The returned context can not be used to {@link #enter() enter} , {@link #leave()
* leave} or {@link #close() close} the context or {@link #getEngine() engine}. Invoking such
* methods will cause an {@link IllegalStateException} to be thrown. This ensures that only the
* {@link #create(String...) creator} of a context is allowed to enter, leave or close a
* context.
* The current entered context may change. It is therefore required to call {@link #getCurrent()
* getCurrent} every time a context is needed. The current entered context should not be cached
* in static fields.
* @throws IllegalStateException if no context is currently entered.
* @since 19.0
public static Context getCurrent() {
return Engine.getImpl().getCurrentContext();
* Creates a context with default configuration.
* @param permittedLanguages names of languages permitted in this context. If no languages are
* provided, then all installed languages will be permitted.
* @return a new context
* @since 19.0
public static Context create(String... permittedLanguages) {
return newBuilder(permittedLanguages).build();
* Creates a builder for constructing a context with custom configuration.
* @param permittedLanguages names of languages permitted in the context. If no languages are
* provided, then all installed languages will be permitted.
* @return a builder that can create a context
* @since 19.0
public static Builder newBuilder(String... permittedLanguages) {
return Builder(permittedLanguages);
private static final Context EMPTY = new Context(null);
static final Predicate UNSET_HOST_LOOKUP = new Predicate() {
public boolean test(String t) {
return false;
static final Predicate NO_HOST_CLASSES = new Predicate() {
public boolean test(String t) {
return false;
static final Predicate ALL_HOST_CLASSES = new Predicate() {
public boolean test(String t) {
return true;
* Builder class to construct {@link Context} instances. A builder instance is not thread-safe
* and must not be used from multiple threads at the same time.
* @see Context
* @since 19.0
public final class Builder {
private Engine sharedEngine;
private String[] onlyLanguages;
private OutputStream out;
private OutputStream err;
private InputStream in;
private Map options;
private Map arguments;
private Predicate hostClassFilter = UNSET_HOST_LOOKUP;
private Boolean allowNativeAccess;
private Boolean allowCreateThread;
private boolean allowAllAccess;
private Boolean allowIO;
private Boolean allowHostClassLoading;
private Boolean allowExperimentalOptions;
private Boolean allowHostAccess;
private PolyglotAccess polyglotAccess;
private HostAccess hostAccess;
private FileSystem customFileSystem;
private MessageTransport messageTransport;
private Object customLogHandler;
private Boolean allowCreateProcess;
private ProcessHandler processHandler;
private EnvironmentAccess environmentAccess;
private ResourceLimits resourceLimits;
private Map environment;
private ZoneId zone;
private Path currentWorkingDirectory;
private ClassLoader hostClassLoader;
Builder(String... onlyLanguages) {
for (String onlyLanguage : onlyLanguages) {
this.onlyLanguages = onlyLanguages;
* Explicitly sets the underlying engine to use. By default, every context has its own
* isolated engine. If multiple contexts are created from one engine, then they may
* share/cache certain system resources like ASTs or optimized code by specifying a single
* underlying engine. See {@link Engine} for more details about system resource sharing.
* @since 19.0
public Builder engine(Engine engine) {
this.sharedEngine = engine;
return this;
* Sets the standard output stream to be used for the context. If not set, then the standard
* output stream configured for the {@link #engine(Engine) engine} or standard error stream
* is used.
* @since 19.0
public Builder out(OutputStream out) {
this.out = out;
return this;
* Sets the error output stream to be used for the context. If not set, then either the
* error stream configured for the {@link #engine(Engine) engine} or standard error stream
* is used.
* @since 19.0
public Builder err(OutputStream err) {
this.err = err;
return this;
* Sets the input stream to be used for the context. If not set, then either the input
* stream configured for the {@link #engine(Engine) engine} or standard in stream is used.
* @since 19.0
public Builder in(InputStream in) {
Objects.requireNonNull(in); = in;
return this;
* Allows guest languages to access the host language by loading new classes. Default is
* false
. If {@link #allowAllAccess(boolean) all access} is set to
* true
, then host access is enabled if not disallowed explicitly.
* @since 19.0
* @deprecated use {@link #allowHostAccess(HostAccess)} or
* {@link #allowHostClassLookup(Predicate)} instead.
public Builder allowHostAccess(boolean enabled) {
this.allowHostAccess = enabled;
return this;
* Configures which public constructors, methods or fields of public classes are accessible
* by guest applications. By default if {@link #allowAllAccess(boolean)} is
* false
the {@link HostAccess#EXPLICIT} policy will be used, otherwise
* {@link HostAccess#ALL}.
* @see HostAccess#EXPLICIT EXPLICIT - to allow explicitly annotated constructors, methods
* or fields.
* @see HostAccess#ALL ALL - to allow unrestricted access (use only for trusted guest
* applications)
* @see HostAccess#NONE NONE - to not allow any access
* @see HostAccess#newBuilder() newBuilder() - to create a custom configuration.
* @since 19.0
public Builder allowHostAccess(HostAccess config) {
this.hostAccess = config;
return this;
* Allows guest languages to access the native interface.
* @since 19.0
public Builder allowNativeAccess(boolean enabled) {
this.allowNativeAccess = enabled;
return this;
* If true
, allows guest languages to create new threads. Default is
* false
. If {@link #allowAllAccess(boolean) all access} is set to
* true
, then the creation of threads is enabled if not allowed explicitly.
* Threads created by guest languages are closed, when the context is {@link Context#close()
* closed}.
* @since 19.0
public Builder allowCreateThread(boolean enabled) {
this.allowCreateThread = enabled;
return this;
* Sets the default value for all privileges. If not explicitly specified, then all access
* is false
. If all access is enabled then certain privileges may still be
* disabled by configuring it explicitly using the builder (either before or after the call
* to {@link #allowAllAccess(boolean) allowAllAccess()}). Allowing all access should only be
* set if the guest application is fully trusted.
* If true
, grants the context the same access privileges as the host virtual
* machine. If the host VM runs without a {@link SecurityManager security manager} enabled,
* then enabling all access gives the guest languages full control over the host process.
* Otherwise, Java {@link SecurityManager security manager} is in control of restricting the
* privileges of the polyglot context. If new privilege restrictions are added to the
* polyglot API, then they will default to full access.
* Grants full access to the following privileges by default:
* - The {@link #allowCreateThread(boolean) creation} and use of new threads.
- The access to public {@link #allowHostAccess(HostAccess) host classes}.
- The loading of new {@link #allowHostClassLoading(boolean) host classes} by adding
* entries to the class path.
- Exporting new members into the polyglot {@link Context#getPolyglotBindings()
* bindings}.
- Unrestricted {@link #allowIO(boolean) IO operations} on host system.
- Passing {@link #allowExperimentalOptions(boolean) experimental options}.
- The {@link #allowCreateProcess(boolean) creation} and use of new sub-processes.
- The {@link #allowEnvironmentAccess(org.graalvm.polyglot.EnvironmentAccess) access} to
* process environment variables.
* @param enabled true
for all access by default.
* @since 19.0
public Builder allowAllAccess(boolean enabled) {
this.allowAllAccess = enabled;
return this;
* If host class loading is enabled, then the guest language is allowed to load new host
* classes via jar or class files. If {@link #allowAllAccess(boolean) all access} is set to
* true
, then the host class loading is enabled if it is not disallowed
* explicitly. For host class loading to be useful, {@link #allowIO(boolean) IO} operations
* {@link #allowHostClassLookup(Predicate) host class lookup}, and the
* {@link #allowHostAccess(org.graalvm.polyglot.HostAccess) host access policy} needs to be
* configured as well.
* @see #allowHostAccess(HostAccess)
* @see #allowHostClassLookup(Predicate)
* @since 19.0
public Builder allowHostClassLoading(boolean enabled) {
this.allowHostClassLoading = enabled;
return this;
* Sets a filter that specifies the Java host classes that can be looked up by the guest
* application. If set to null
then no class lookup is allowed and relevant
* language builtins are not available (e.g. Java.type
in JavaScript). If the
* classFilter
parameter is set to a filter predicate, then language builtins
* are available and classes can be looked up if the filter predicate returns
* true
for the fully qualified class name. If the filter returns
* false
, then the class cannot be looked up and as a result throws a guest
* language error when accessed. By default and if {@link #allowAllAccess(boolean) all
* access} is false
, host class lookup is disabled. By default and if
* {@link #allowAllAccess(boolean) all access} is true
, then all classes may be
* looked up by the guest application.
* In order to access class members looked up by the guest application a
* {@link #allowHostAccess(org.graalvm.polyglot.HostAccess) host access policy} needs to be
* set or {@link #allowAllAccess(boolean) all access} needs to be set to true
* To load new classes the context uses the
* {@link Context.Builder#hostClassLoader(java.lang.ClassLoader) hostClassLoader} if
* specified or the {@link Thread#getContextClassLoader() context class loader} that will be
* captured when the context is {@link #build() built}. If an explicit
* {@link #engine(Engine) engine} was specified, then the context class loader at engine
* {@link Engine.Builder#build() build-time} will be used instead. When the Java module
* system is available (>= JDK 9) then only classes are accessible that are exported to the
* unnamed module of the captured class loader.
Example usage with JavaScript:
* public class MyClass {
* @HostAccess.Export
* public int accessibleMethod() {
* return 42;
* }
* public static void main(String[] args) {
* try (Context context = Context.newBuilder() //
* .allowHostClassLookup(c -> c.equals("myPackage.MyClass")) //
* .build()) {
* int result = context.eval("js", "" +
* "var MyClass = Java.type('myPackage.MyClass');" +
* "new MyClass().accessibleMethod()").asInt();
* assert result == 42;
* }
* }
* }
* In this example:
* - We create a new context with the {@link Builder#allowHostClassLookup(Predicate)
* permission} to look up the class
in the guest language
* application.
* - We evaluate a JavaScript code snippet that accesses the Java class
using the Java.type
builtin provided by the
* JavaScript language implementation. Other classes can only be looked up if the provided
* class filter returns true
for their name.
* - We create a new instance of the Java class
by using the
* JavaScript new
* - We call the method
which returns 42
. The
* method is accessible to the guest language because because the enclosing class and the
* declared method are public, as well as annotated with the
* {@link HostAccess.Export @HostAccess.Export} annotation. Which Java members of classes
* are accessible can be configured using the {@link #allowHostAccess(HostAccess) host
* access policy}.
* @param classFilter a predicate that returns true
or false
for a
* qualified Java class name or null
to disable host class lookup.
* @see #allowHostClassLoading(boolean) allowHostClassLoading - to allow loading of classes.
* @see #allowHostAccess(HostAccess) allowHostAccess - to configure the access policy of
* host values for guest languages.
* @since 19.0
public Builder allowHostClassLookup(Predicate classFilter) {
this.hostClassFilter = classFilter;
return this;
* Allow experimental options to be used for language options. Do not use experimental
* options in production environments. If set to {@code false} (the default), then passing
* an experimental option results in an {@link IllegalArgumentException} when the context is
* built.
* Alternatively {@link Engine.Builder#allowExperimentalOptions(boolean)} may be used when
* constructing the context using an {@link #engine(Engine) explicit engine}.
* @since 19.0
public Builder allowExperimentalOptions(boolean enabled) {
this.allowExperimentalOptions = enabled;
return this;
* Allow polyglot access using the provided policy. If {@link #allowAllAccess(boolean) all
* access} is true
then the default polyglot access policy is
* {@link PolyglotAccess#ALL}, otherwise {@link PolyglotAccess#NONE}. The provided access
* policy must not be null
* @since 19.0
public Builder allowPolyglotAccess(PolyglotAccess accessPolicy) {
this.polyglotAccess = accessPolicy;
return this;
* Sets a class filter that allows to limit the classes that are allowed to be loaded by
* guest languages. If the filter returns true
, then the class is accessible,
* otherwise it is not accessible and throws a guest language error when accessed. In order
* to have an effect, {@link #allowHostAccess(org.graalvm.polyglot.HostAccess)} or
* {@link #allowAllAccess(boolean)} needs to be set to true
* @param classFilter a predicate that returns true
or false
for a
* java qualified class name.
* @since 19.0
* @deprecated use {@link #allowHostClassLookup(Predicate)} instead.
public Builder hostClassFilter(Predicate classFilter) {
this.hostClassFilter = classFilter;
return this;
* Sets an option for this {@link Context context}. By default, any options for the
* {@link Engine#getOptions() engine}, {@link Language#getOptions() language} or
* {@link Instrument#getOptions() instrument} can be set for a context. If an
* {@link #engine(Engine) explicit engine} is set for the context, then only language
* options can be set. Instrument and engine options can be set exclusively on the explicit
* engine instance. If a language option is set for the context and the engine, then the
* option of the context is going to take precedence.
* If one of the set option keys or values is invalid, then an
* {@link IllegalArgumentException} is thrown when the context is {@link #build() built}.
* The given key and value must not be null
* @see Engine.Builder#option(String, String) To specify an option for the engine.
* @since 19.0
public Builder option(String key, String value) {
if (this.options == null) {
this.options = new HashMap<>();
this.options.put(key, value);
return this;
* Shortcut for setting multiple {@link #option(String, String) options} using a map. All
* values of the provided map must be non-null.
* @param options a map options.
* @see #option(String, String) To set a single option.
* @since 19.0
public Builder options(Map options) {
for (String key : options.keySet()) {
option(key, options.get(key));
return this;
* Sets the guest language application arguments for a language {@link Context context}.
* Application arguments are typically made available to guest language implementations. It
* depends on the language if and how they are accessible within the
* {@link Context#eval(Source) evaluated} guest language scripts. Passing no arguments to a
* language is equivalent to providing an empty arguments array.
* @param language the language id of the primary language.
* @param args an array of arguments passed to the guest language program.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if an invalid language id was specified.
* @since 19.0
public Builder arguments(String language, String[] args) {
String[] newArgs = args;
if (args.length > 0) {
newArgs = new String[args.length];
for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { // defensive copy
newArgs[i] = Objects.requireNonNull(args[i]);
if (arguments == null) {
arguments = new HashMap<>();
arguments.put(language, newArgs);
return this;
* If true
, allows guest language to perform unrestricted IO operations on host
* system. Default is false
. If {@link #allowAllAccess(boolean) all access} is
* set to true
, then IO is enabled if not allowed explicitly.
* @param enabled {@code true} to enable Input/Output
* @return the {@link Builder}
* @since 19.0
public Builder allowIO(final boolean enabled) {
allowIO = enabled;
return this;
* Installs a new {@link FileSystem}.
* @param fileSystem the file system to be installed
* @return the {@link Builder}
* @since 19.0
public Builder fileSystem(final FileSystem fileSystem) {
Objects.requireNonNull(fileSystem, "FileSystem must be non null.");
this.customFileSystem = fileSystem;
return this;
* Take over the transport of messages communication with a server peer. Provide an
* implementation of {@link MessageTransport} to virtualize a transport of messages to a
* server endpoint.
* {@link MessageTransport#open(,}
* corresponds to accept of a server socket.
* @param serverTransport an implementation of message transport interceptor
* @see MessageTransport
* @since 19.0
public Builder serverTransport(final MessageTransport serverTransport) {
Objects.requireNonNull(serverTransport, "MessageTransport must be non null.");
this.messageTransport = serverTransport;
return this;
* Installs a new logging {@link Handler}. The logger's {@link Level} configuration is done
* using the {@link #options(java.util.Map) Context's options}. The level option key has the
* following format: {@code log.languageId.loggerName.level} or
* {@code log.instrumentId.loggerName.level}. The value is either the name of a pre-defined
* {@link Level} constant or a numeric {@link Level} value. If not explicitly set in
* options, the level is inherited from the parent logger.
* Examples of setting log level options:
* {@code builder.option("log.level","FINE");} sets the {@link Level#FINE FINE level} to all
* {@code TruffleLogger}s.
* {@code builder.option("log.js.level","FINE");} sets the {@link Level#FINE FINE level} to
* JavaScript {@code TruffleLogger}s.
* {@code builder.option("","FINE");}
* sets the {@link Level#FINE FINE level} to {@code TruffleLogger} for the
* {@code JavaScriptLanguage} class.
* If the {@code logHandler} is not set on {@link Engine} nor on {@link Context}, the log
* messages are printed to {@link #err( Context's error output stream}.
* @param logHandler the {@link Handler} to use for logging in built {@link Context}. The
* passed {@code logHandler} is closed when the context is {@link Context#close()
* closed}.
* @return the {@link Builder}
* @since 19.0
public Builder logHandler(final Handler logHandler) {
Objects.requireNonNull(logHandler, "Handler must be non null.");
this.customLogHandler = logHandler;
return this;
* Sets the default time zone to be used for this context. If not set, or explicitly set to
* null
then the {@link ZoneId#systemDefault() system default} zone will be
* used.
* @return the {@link Builder}
* @see ZoneId#systemDefault()
* @since 19.2.0
public Builder timeZone(final ZoneId zone) { = zone;
return this;
* Installs a new logging {@link Handler} using given {@link OutputStream}. The logger's
* {@link Level} configuration is done using the {@link #options(java.util.Map) Context's
* options}. The level option key has the following format:
* {@code log.languageId.loggerName.level} or {@code log.instrumentId.loggerName.level}. The
* value is either the name of pre-defined {@link Level} constant or a numeric {@link Level}
* value. If not explicitly set in options the level is inherited from the parent logger.
* Examples of setting log level options:
* {@code builder.option("log.level","FINE");} sets the {@link Level#FINE FINE level} to all
* {@code TruffleLogger}s.
* {@code builder.option("log.js.level","FINE");} sets the {@link Level#FINE FINE level} to
* JavaScript {@code TruffleLogger}s.
* {@code builder.option("","FINE");}
* sets the {@link Level#FINE FINE level} to {@code TruffleLogger} for the
* {@code JavaScriptLanguage} class.
* If the {@code logHandler} is not set on {@link Engine} nor on {@link Context} the log
* messages are printed to {@link #out( Context's standard output
* stream}.
* @param logOut the {@link OutputStream} to use for logging in built {@link Context}. The
* passed {@code logOut} stream is closed when the context is
* {@link Context#close() closed}.
* @return the {@link Builder}
* @since 19.0
public Builder logHandler(final OutputStream logOut) {
Objects.requireNonNull(logOut, "LogOut must be non null.");
this.customLogHandler = logOut;
return this;
* If true
, allows guest language to execute external processes. Default is
* false
. If {@link #allowAllAccess(boolean) all access} is set to
* true
, then process creation is enabled if not denied explicitly.
* @param enabled {@code true} to enable external process creation
* @since 19.1.0
public Builder allowCreateProcess(boolean enabled) {
this.allowCreateProcess = enabled;
return this;
* Installs a {@link ProcessHandler} responsible for external process creation.
* @param handler the handler to be installed
* @since 19.1.0
public Builder processHandler(ProcessHandler handler) {
Objects.requireNonNull(handler, "Handler must be non null.");
this.processHandler = handler;
return this;
* Assigns resource limit configuration to a context. By default no resource limits are
* assigned. The limits will be enabled for all contexts created using this builder.
* Assigning a limit may have performance impact of all contexts that run with the same
* engine.
* @see ResourceLimits for usage examples
* @since 19.3.0
public Builder resourceLimits(ResourceLimits limits) {
this.resourceLimits = limits;
return this;
* Allow environment access using the provided policy. If {@link #allowAllAccess(boolean)
* all access} is {@code true} then the default environment access policy is
* {@link EnvironmentAccess#INHERIT}, otherwise {@link EnvironmentAccess#NONE}. The provided
* access policy must not be {@code null}.
* @param accessPolicy the {@link EnvironmentAccess environment access policy}
* @since 19.1.0
public Builder allowEnvironmentAccess(EnvironmentAccess accessPolicy) {
Objects.requireNonNull(accessPolicy, "AccessPolicy must be non null.");
this.environmentAccess = accessPolicy;
return this;
* Sets an environment variable.
* @param name the environment variable name
* @param value the environment variable value
* @since 19.1.0
public Builder environment(String name, String value) {
Objects.requireNonNull(name, "Name must be non null.");
Objects.requireNonNull(value, "Value must be non null.");
if (this.environment == null) {
this.environment = new HashMap<>();
this.environment.put(name, value);
return this;
* Shortcut for setting multiple {@link #environment(String, String) environment variables}
* using a map. All values of the provided map must be non-null.
* @param env environment variables
* @see #environment(String, String) To set a single environment variable.
* @since 19.1.0
public Builder environment(Map env) {
Objects.requireNonNull(env, "Env must be non null.");
for (Map.Entry e : env.entrySet()) {
environment(e.getKey(), e.getValue());
return this;
* Sets the current working directory used by the guest application to resolve relative
* paths. When the Context is built, the given directory is set as the current working
* directory on the Context's file system using the
* {@link FileSystem#setCurrentWorkingDirectory(java.nio.file.Path)
* FileSystem.setCurrentWorkingDirectory} method.
* @param workingDirectory the new current working directory
* @throws NullPointerException when {@code workingDirectory} is {@code null}
* @throws IllegalArgumentException when {@code workingDirectory} is a relative path
* @since 20.0.0
public Builder currentWorkingDirectory(Path workingDirectory) {
Objects.requireNonNull(workingDirectory, "WorkingDirectory must be non null.");
if (!workingDirectory.isAbsolute()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("WorkingDirectory must be an absolute path.");
this.currentWorkingDirectory = workingDirectory;
return this;
* Sets a host class loader. If set the given {@code classLoader} is used to load host
* classes and it's also set as a {@link Thread#setContextClassLoader(java.lang.ClassLoader)
* context ClassLoader} during code execution. Otherwise the ClassLoader that was captured
* when the context was {@link #build() built} is used to to load host classes and the
* {@link Thread#setContextClassLoader(java.lang.ClassLoader) context ClassLoader} is not
* set during code execution. Setting the hostClassLoader has a negative effect on enter and
* leave performance.
* @param classLoader the host class loader
* @since 20.1.0
public Builder hostClassLoader(ClassLoader classLoader) {
Objects.requireNonNull(classLoader, "ClassLoader must be non null.");
this.hostClassLoader = classLoader;
return this;
* Creates a new context instance from the configuration provided in the builder. The same
* context builder can be used to create multiple context instances.
* @since 19.0
public Context build() {
boolean nativeAccess = orAllAccess(allowNativeAccess);
boolean createThread = orAllAccess(allowCreateThread);
boolean io = orAllAccess(allowIO);
boolean hostClassLoading = orAllAccess(allowHostClassLoading);
boolean experimentalOptions = orAllAccess(allowExperimentalOptions);
if (this.allowHostAccess != null && this.hostAccess != null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The method allowHostAccess with boolean and with HostAccess are mutually exclusive.");
Predicate localHostLookupFilter = this.hostClassFilter;
HostAccess hostAccess = this.hostAccess;
if (this.allowHostAccess != null && this.allowHostAccess) {
if (localHostLookupFilter == UNSET_HOST_LOOKUP) {
// legacy behavior support
localHostLookupFilter = ALL_HOST_CLASSES;
// legacy behavior support
hostAccess = HostAccess.ALL;
if (hostAccess == null) {
hostAccess = this.allowAllAccess ? HostAccess.ALL : HostAccess.EXPLICIT;
PolyglotAccess polyglotAccess = this.polyglotAccess;
if (polyglotAccess == null) {
polyglotAccess = this.allowAllAccess ? PolyglotAccess.ALL : PolyglotAccess.NONE;
if (localHostLookupFilter == UNSET_HOST_LOOKUP) {
if (allowAllAccess) {
localHostLookupFilter = ALL_HOST_CLASSES;
} else {
localHostLookupFilter = null;
boolean hostClassLookupEnabled = localHostLookupFilter != null;
if (localHostLookupFilter == null) {
localHostLookupFilter = NO_HOST_CLASSES;
boolean createProcess = orAllAccess(allowCreateProcess);
if (environmentAccess == null) {
environmentAccess = this.allowAllAccess ? EnvironmentAccess.INHERIT : EnvironmentAccess.NONE;
Object limits;
if (resourceLimits != null) {
limits = resourceLimits.impl;
} else {
limits = null;
if (!io && customFileSystem != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot install custom FileSystem when IO is disabled.");
String localCurrentWorkingDirectory = currentWorkingDirectory == null ? null : currentWorkingDirectory.toString();
Engine engine = this.sharedEngine;
if (engine == null) {
org.graalvm.polyglot.Engine.Builder engineBuilder = Engine.newBuilder().options(options == null ? Collections.emptyMap() : options);
if (out != null) {
if (err != null) {
if (in != null) {;
if (messageTransport != null) {
if (customLogHandler instanceof Handler) {
engineBuilder.logHandler((Handler) customLogHandler);
} else if (customLogHandler instanceof OutputStream) {
engineBuilder.logHandler((OutputStream) customLogHandler);
engine =;
Context ctx = engine.impl.createContext(null, null, null, hostClassLookupEnabled, hostAccess, polyglotAccess, nativeAccess, createThread,
io, hostClassLoading, experimentalOptions,
localHostLookupFilter, Collections.emptyMap(), arguments == null ? Collections.emptyMap() : arguments,
onlyLanguages, customFileSystem, customLogHandler, createProcess, processHandler, environmentAccess, environment, zone, limits,
localCurrentWorkingDirectory, hostClassLoader);
return ctx;
} else {
if (messageTransport != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot use MessageTransport in a context that shares an Engine.");
return engine.impl.createContext(out, err, in, hostClassLookupEnabled, hostAccess, polyglotAccess, nativeAccess, createThread,
io, hostClassLoading, experimentalOptions,
localHostLookupFilter, options == null ? Collections.emptyMap() : options, arguments == null ? Collections.emptyMap() : arguments,
onlyLanguages, customFileSystem, customLogHandler, createProcess, processHandler, environmentAccess, environment, zone, limits,
localCurrentWorkingDirectory, hostClassLoader);
private boolean orAllAccess(Boolean optionalBoolean) {
return optionalBoolean != null ? optionalBoolean : allowAllAccess;