io.nosqlbench.virtdata.library.basics.shared.distributions.WeightedStringsFromCSV Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package io.nosqlbench.virtdata.library.basics.shared.distributions;
import io.nosqlbench.nb.api.content.NBIO;
import io.nosqlbench.virtdata.api.annotations.Categories;
import io.nosqlbench.virtdata.api.annotations.Category;
import io.nosqlbench.virtdata.api.annotations.ThreadSafeMapper;
import io.nosqlbench.virtdata.library.basics.core.stathelpers.AliasSamplerDoubleInt;
import io.nosqlbench.virtdata.library.basics.shared.from_long.to_long.Hash;
import io.nosqlbench.virtdata.library.basics.core.stathelpers.EvProbD;
import org.apache.commons.csv.CSVParser;
import org.apache.commons.csv.CSVRecord;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.function.LongFunction;
* Provides sampling of a given field in a CSV file according
* to discrete probabilities. The CSV file must have headers which can
* be used to find the named columns for value and weight. The value column
* contains the string result to be returned by the function. The weight
* column contains the floating-point weight or mass associated with the
* value on the same line. All the weights are normalized automatically.
* If there are multiple file names containing the same format, then they
* will all be read in the same way.
* If the first word in the filenames list is 'map', then the values will not
* be pseudo-randomly selected. Instead, they will be mapped over in some
* other unsorted and stable order as input values vary from 0L to Long.MAX_VALUE.
* Generally, you want to leave out the 'map' directive to get "random sampling"
* of these values.
* This function works the same as the three-parametered form of WeightedStrings,
* which is deprecated in lieu of this one. Use this one instead.
public class WeightedStringsFromCSV implements LongFunction {
private final String[] filenames;
private final String valueColumn;
private final String weightColumn;
private final String[] lines;
private final AliasSamplerDoubleInt sampler;
private Hash hash;
* Create a sampler of strings from the given CSV file. The CSV file must have plain CSV headers
* as its first line.
* @param valueColumn The name of the value column to be sampled
* @param weightColumn The name of the weight column, which must be parsable as a double
* @param filenames One or more file names which will be read in to the sampler buffer
public WeightedStringsFromCSV(String valueColumn, String weightColumn, String... filenames) {
this.filenames = filenames;
this.valueColumn = valueColumn;
this.weightColumn = weightColumn;
List events = new ArrayList<>();
List values = new ArrayList<>();
if (filenames[0].equals("map")) {
filenames = Arrays.copyOfRange(filenames,1,filenames.length);
} else {
if (filenames[0].equals("hash")) {
filenames = Arrays.copyOfRange(filenames,1,filenames.length);
this.hash=new Hash();
for (String filename: filenames) {
if (!filename.endsWith(".csv")) {
filename = filename+".csv";
CSVParser csvdata = NBIO.readFileCSV(filename);
for (CSVRecord csvdatum : csvdata) {
if (csvdatum.get(valueColumn) != null && csvdatum.get(weightColumn) != null) {
String value = csvdatum.get(valueColumn);
String weight = csvdatum.get(weightColumn);
if(!weight.isEmpty()) {
events.add(new EvProbD(values.size() - 1, Double.valueOf(weight)));
sampler = new AliasSamplerDoubleInt(events);
lines = values.toArray(new String[0]);
public String apply(long value) {
if (hash!=null) {
value = hash.applyAsLong(value);
double unitValue = (double) value / (double) Long.MAX_VALUE;
int idx = sampler.applyAsInt(unitValue);
return lines[idx];