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Statistical sampling library for use in virtdata libraries, based on apache commons math 4

There is a newer version: 5.17.0
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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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 * limitations under the License.

 * Apache Commons CSV Format Support.

CSV are widely used as interfaces to legacy systems or manual data-imports. * CSV stands for "Comma Separated Values" (or sometimes "Character Separated * Values"). The CSV data format is defined in * RFC 4180 * but many dialects exist.

* *

Common to all file dialects is its basic structure: The CSV data-format * is record oriented, whereas each record starts on a new textual line. A * record is build of a list of values. Keep in mind that not all records * must have an equal number of values:

 *       csv    := records*
 *       record := values*
* *

The following list contains the CSV aspects the Commons CSV parser supports:

Separators (for lines)
The record separators are hardcoded and cannot be changed. The must be '\r', '\n' or '\r\n'.
* *
Delimiter (for values)
The delimiter for values is freely configurable (default ',').
* *
Some CSV-dialects support a simple comment syntax. A comment is a record * which must start with a designated character (the commentStarter). A record * of this kind is treated as comment and gets removed from the input (default none)
* *
Two encapsulator characters (default '"') are used to enclose -> complex values.
* *
Simple values
A simple value consist of all characters (except the delimiter) until * (but not including) the next delimiter or a record-terminator. Optionally * all surrounding whitespaces of a simple value can be ignored (default: true).
* *
Complex values
Complex values are encapsulated within a pair of the defined encapsulator characters. * The encapsulator itself must be escaped or doubled when used inside complex values. * Complex values preserve all kind of formatting (including newlines -> multiline-values)
* *
Empty line skipping
Optionally empty lines in CSV files can be skipped. * Otherwise, empty lines will return a record with a single empty value.
* *

In addition to individually defined dialects, two predefined dialects (strict-csv, and excel-csv) * can be set directly.

* *

Example usage:

 * Reader in = new StringReader("a,b,c");
 * for (CSVRecord record : CSVFormat.DEFAULT.parse(in)) {
 *     for (String field : record) {
 *         System.out.print("\"" + field + "\", ");
 *     }
 *     System.out.println();
 * }
*/ package org.apache.commons.csv;

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