org.apache.maven.project.injection.DefaultProfileInjector Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.apache.maven.project.injection;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import org.apache.maven.model.Build;
import org.apache.maven.model.BuildBase;
import org.apache.maven.model.ConfigurationContainer;
import org.apache.maven.model.Dependency;
import org.apache.maven.model.DependencyManagement;
import org.apache.maven.model.DistributionManagement;
import org.apache.maven.model.Model;
import org.apache.maven.model.Plugin;
import org.apache.maven.model.PluginContainer;
import org.apache.maven.model.PluginExecution;
import org.apache.maven.model.PluginManagement;
import org.apache.maven.model.Profile;
import org.apache.maven.model.ReportPlugin;
import org.apache.maven.model.ReportSet;
import org.apache.maven.model.Reporting;
import org.apache.maven.project.ModelUtils;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.StringUtils;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.xml.Xpp3Dom;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
* Inject profile data into a Model, using the profile as the dominant data source, and
* persisting results of the injection in the Model.
* This will look similar to the ModelUtils/DefaultModelInheritanceAssembler code, but
* they are distinct. In model inheritance, the child provides data dominance AND persists
* the results of the merge...sort of a 'merge-out' system.
* In this system, the profile is dominant, but the model receives the merge result...sort
* of a 'merge-in' system. The two pieces of code look like they could be combined with a
* set of flags to determine which direction to merge 'to', but there are enough differences
* in the code to justify the extra code involved with separating them, in order to simplify
* the logic.
public class DefaultProfileInjector
implements ProfileInjector
public void inject( Profile profile, Model model )
model.setDependencies( injectDependencies( profile.getDependencies(), model.getDependencies() ) );
injectModules( profile, model );
model.setRepositories( ModelUtils.mergeRepositoryLists( profile.getRepositories(), model.getRepositories() ) );
model.setPluginRepositories( ModelUtils.mergeRepositoryLists( profile.getPluginRepositories(), model
.getPluginRepositories() ) );
injectReporting( profile, model );
injectDependencyManagement( profile, model );
injectDistributionManagement( profile, model );
injectBuild( profile, model );
Properties props = new Properties();
props.putAll( model.getProperties() );
props.putAll( profile.getProperties() );
model.setProperties( props );
private void injectBuild( Profile profile, Model model )
BuildBase profileBuild = profile.getBuild();
Build modelBuild = model.getBuild();
// if the parent build is null, obviously we cannot inherit from it...
if ( profileBuild != null )
if ( modelBuild == null )
modelBuild = new Build();
model.setBuild( modelBuild );
if ( profileBuild.getDirectory() != null )
modelBuild.setDirectory( profileBuild.getDirectory() );
if ( profileBuild.getDefaultGoal() != null )
modelBuild.setDefaultGoal( profileBuild.getDefaultGoal() );
if ( profileBuild.getFinalName() != null )
modelBuild.setFinalName( profileBuild.getFinalName() );
ModelUtils.mergeFilterLists( modelBuild.getFilters(), profileBuild.getFilters() );
ModelUtils.mergeResourceLists( modelBuild.getResources(), profileBuild.getResources() );
ModelUtils.mergeResourceLists( modelBuild.getTestResources(), profileBuild.getTestResources() );
injectPlugins( profileBuild, modelBuild );
// Plugin management :: aggregate
PluginManagement profilePM = profileBuild.getPluginManagement();
PluginManagement modelPM = modelBuild.getPluginManagement();
if ( modelPM == null )
modelBuild.setPluginManagement( profilePM );
injectPlugins( profilePM, modelPM );
* This should be the resulting ordering of plugins after injection:
* Given:
* model: X -> A -> B -> D -> E
* profile: Y -> A -> C -> D -> F
* Result:
* X -> Y -> A -> B -> C -> D -> E -> F
protected void injectPlugins( PluginContainer profileContainer, PluginContainer modelContainer )
if ( ( profileContainer == null ) || ( modelContainer == null ) )
// nothing to do...
List modelPlugins = modelContainer.getPlugins();
if ( modelPlugins == null )
modelContainer.setPlugins( profileContainer.getPlugins() );
else if ( profileContainer.getPlugins() != null )
List mergedPlugins = new ArrayList();
Map profilePlugins = profileContainer.getPluginsAsMap();
for ( Iterator it = modelPlugins.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
Plugin modelPlugin = (Plugin);
Plugin profilePlugin = (Plugin) profilePlugins.get( modelPlugin.getKey() );
if ( ( profilePlugin != null ) && !mergedPlugins.contains( profilePlugin ) )
Plugin mergedPlugin = modelPlugin;
injectPluginDefinition( profilePlugin, modelPlugin );
mergedPlugins.add( mergedPlugin );
List results = ModelUtils.orderAfterMerge( mergedPlugins, modelPlugins, profileContainer.getPlugins() );
modelContainer.setPlugins( results );
private void injectPluginDefinition( Plugin profilePlugin, Plugin modelPlugin )
if ( ( profilePlugin == null ) || ( modelPlugin == null ) )
// nothing to do.
if ( profilePlugin.isExtensions() )
modelPlugin.setExtensions( true );
if ( profilePlugin.getVersion() != null )
modelPlugin.setVersion( profilePlugin.getVersion() );
modelPlugin.setDependencies( injectDependencies( profilePlugin.getDependencies(), modelPlugin.getDependencies() ) );
// merge the lists of goals that are not attached to an
injectConfigurationContainer( profilePlugin, modelPlugin );
// from here to the end of the method is dealing with merging of the section.
List modelExecutions = modelPlugin.getExecutions();
if ( ( modelExecutions == null ) || modelExecutions.isEmpty() )
modelPlugin.setExecutions( profilePlugin.getExecutions() );
Map executions = new LinkedHashMap();
Map profileExecutions = profilePlugin.getExecutionsAsMap();
for ( Iterator it = modelExecutions.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
PluginExecution modelExecution = (PluginExecution);
PluginExecution profileExecution = (PluginExecution) profileExecutions.get( modelExecution.getId() );
if ( profileExecution != null )
injectConfigurationContainer( profileExecution, modelExecution );
if ( profileExecution.getPhase() != null )
modelExecution.setPhase( profileExecution.getPhase() );
List profileGoals = profileExecution.getGoals();
List modelGoals = modelExecution.getGoals();
List goals = new ArrayList();
if ( ( modelGoals != null ) && !modelGoals.isEmpty() )
goals.addAll( modelGoals );
if ( profileGoals != null )
for ( Iterator goalIterator = profileGoals.iterator(); goalIterator.hasNext(); )
String goal = (String);
if ( !goals.contains( goal ) )
goals.add( goal );
modelExecution.setGoals( goals );
executions.put( modelExecution.getId(), modelExecution );
for ( Iterator it = profileExecutions.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
String id = (String) entry.getKey();
if ( !executions.containsKey( id ) )
executions.put( id, entry.getValue() );
modelPlugin.setExecutions( new ArrayList( executions.values() ) );
* Merge two DOMs. Copy the dominant DOM so the original one is left unchanged.
* Use this method instead of a direct call to {@link Xpp3Dom#mergeXpp3Dom(Xpp3Dom, Xpp3Dom)}.
* Profiles are dominant, thus they are merge targets, but they may be merged in several times
* (e.g. if they are inherited). So with the second merge, you don't get the profile's original
* DOM, but an already merged one.
* @param dominant Dominant DOM
* @param recessive Recessive DOM
* @return Merged DOM
private Xpp3Dom merge( Xpp3Dom dominant, Xpp3Dom recessive )
Xpp3Dom dominantCopy = ( dominant == null ) ? null : new Xpp3Dom( dominant );
return Xpp3Dom.mergeXpp3Dom( dominantCopy, recessive );
private void injectConfigurationContainer( ConfigurationContainer profileContainer,
ConfigurationContainer modelContainer )
Xpp3Dom configuration = (Xpp3Dom) profileContainer.getConfiguration();
Xpp3Dom parentConfiguration = (Xpp3Dom) modelContainer.getConfiguration();
configuration = merge( configuration, parentConfiguration );
modelContainer.setConfiguration( configuration );
* Append modules specified in the profile to the end of the list supplied by the model, if
* they don't already exist.
private void injectModules( Profile profile, Model model )
List modules = new ArrayList();
List modelModules = model.getModules();
if ( ( modelModules != null ) && !modelModules.isEmpty() )
modules.addAll( modelModules );
List profileModules = profile.getModules();
if ( profileModules != null )
for ( Iterator it = profileModules.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
String module = (String);
if ( !modules.contains( module ) )
modules.add( module );
model.setModules( modules );
private void injectDistributionManagement( Profile profile, Model model )
DistributionManagement pDistMgmt = profile.getDistributionManagement();
DistributionManagement mDistMgmt = model.getDistributionManagement();
if ( mDistMgmt == null )
model.setDistributionManagement( pDistMgmt );
else if ( pDistMgmt != null )
if ( pDistMgmt.getRepository() != null )
mDistMgmt.setRepository( pDistMgmt.getRepository() );
if ( pDistMgmt.getSnapshotRepository() != null )
mDistMgmt.setSnapshotRepository( pDistMgmt.getSnapshotRepository() );
if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( pDistMgmt.getDownloadUrl() ) )
mDistMgmt.setDownloadUrl( pDistMgmt.getDownloadUrl() );
if ( pDistMgmt.getRelocation() != null )
mDistMgmt.setRelocation( pDistMgmt.getRelocation() );
if ( pDistMgmt.getSite() != null )
mDistMgmt.setSite( pDistMgmt.getSite() );
// NOTE: We SHOULD NOT be inheriting status, since this is an assessment of the POM quality.
private void injectDependencyManagement( Profile profile, Model model )
DependencyManagement modelDepMgmt = model.getDependencyManagement();
DependencyManagement profileDepMgmt = profile.getDependencyManagement();
if ( profileDepMgmt != null )
if ( modelDepMgmt == null )
model.setDependencyManagement( profileDepMgmt );
Map depsMap = new LinkedHashMap();
List deps = modelDepMgmt.getDependencies();
if ( deps != null )
for ( Iterator it = deps.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
Dependency dependency = (Dependency);
depsMap.put( dependency.getManagementKey(), dependency );
deps = profileDepMgmt.getDependencies();
if ( deps != null )
for ( Iterator it = deps.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
Dependency dependency = (Dependency);
depsMap.put( dependency.getManagementKey(), dependency );
modelDepMgmt.setDependencies( new ArrayList( depsMap.values() ) );
private void injectReporting( Profile profile, Model model )
// Reports :: aggregate
Reporting profileReporting = profile.getReporting();
Reporting modelReporting = model.getReporting();
if ( profileReporting != null )
if ( modelReporting == null )
model.setReporting( profileReporting );
if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( modelReporting.getOutputDirectory() ) )
modelReporting.setOutputDirectory( profileReporting.getOutputDirectory() );
Map mergedReportPlugins = new LinkedHashMap();
Map profileReportersByKey = profileReporting.getReportPluginsAsMap();
List modelReportPlugins = modelReporting.getPlugins();
if ( modelReportPlugins != null )
for ( Iterator it = modelReportPlugins.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
ReportPlugin modelReportPlugin = (ReportPlugin);
String inherited = modelReportPlugin.getInherited();
if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( inherited ) || Boolean.valueOf( inherited ).booleanValue() )
ReportPlugin profileReportPlugin = (ReportPlugin) profileReportersByKey
.get( modelReportPlugin.getKey() );
ReportPlugin mergedReportPlugin = modelReportPlugin;
if ( profileReportPlugin != null )
mergedReportPlugin = profileReportPlugin;
mergeReportPlugins( profileReportPlugin, modelReportPlugin );
else if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( inherited ) )
mergedReportPlugins.put( mergedReportPlugin.getKey(), mergedReportPlugin );
for ( Iterator it = profileReportersByKey.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
String key = (String) entry.getKey();
if ( !mergedReportPlugins.containsKey( key ) )
mergedReportPlugins.put( key, entry.getValue() );
modelReporting.setPlugins( new ArrayList( mergedReportPlugins.values() ) );
private void mergeReportPlugins( ReportPlugin dominant, ReportPlugin recessive )
if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( recessive.getVersion() ) )
recessive.setVersion( dominant.getVersion() );
Xpp3Dom dominantConfig = (Xpp3Dom) dominant.getConfiguration();
Xpp3Dom recessiveConfig = (Xpp3Dom) recessive.getConfiguration();
recessive.setConfiguration( merge( dominantConfig, recessiveConfig ) );
Map mergedReportSets = new LinkedHashMap();
Map dominantReportSetsById = dominant.getReportSetsAsMap();
for ( Iterator it = recessive.getReportSets().iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
ReportSet recessiveReportSet = (ReportSet);
ReportSet dominantReportSet = (ReportSet) dominantReportSetsById.get( recessiveReportSet.getId() );
ReportSet merged = recessiveReportSet;
if ( dominantReportSet != null )
merged = recessiveReportSet;
Xpp3Dom dominantRSConfig = (Xpp3Dom) dominantReportSet.getConfiguration();
Xpp3Dom mergedRSConfig = (Xpp3Dom) merged.getConfiguration();
merged.setConfiguration( merge( dominantRSConfig, mergedRSConfig ) );
List mergedReports = merged.getReports();
if ( mergedReports == null )
mergedReports = new ArrayList();
merged.setReports( mergedReports );
List dominantRSReports = dominantReportSet.getReports();
if ( dominantRSReports != null )
for ( Iterator reportIterator = dominantRSReports.iterator(); reportIterator.hasNext(); )
String report = (String);
if ( !mergedReports.contains( report ) )
mergedReports.add( report );
mergedReportSets.put( merged.getId(), merged );
for ( Iterator rsIterator = dominantReportSetsById.entrySet().iterator(); rsIterator.hasNext(); )
Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
String key = (String) entry.getKey();
if ( !mergedReportSets.containsKey( key ) )
mergedReportSets.put( key, entry.getValue() );
recessive.setReportSets( new ArrayList( mergedReportSets.values() ) );
private List injectDependencies( List profileDeps, List modelDeps )
Map depsMap = new LinkedHashMap();
if ( modelDeps != null )
for ( Iterator it = modelDeps.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
Dependency dependency = (Dependency);
depsMap.put( dependency.getManagementKey(), dependency );
if ( profileDeps != null )
for ( Iterator it = profileDeps.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
Dependency dependency = (Dependency);
depsMap.put( dependency.getManagementKey(), dependency );
return new ArrayList( depsMap.values() );