Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* (C) Copyright IBM Corporation 2021, 2024.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import static*;
import org.gradle.api.GradleException
import org.gradle.api.tasks.TaskAction
import org.gradle.api.tasks.options.Option
import org.gradle.api.logging.LogLevel
import org.xml.sax.SAXException
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException
class GenerateFeaturesTask extends AbstractFeatureTask {
public static final String FEATURES_FILE_MESSAGE = "The Liberty Gradle Plugin has generated Liberty features necessary for your application in " + GENERATED_FEATURES_FILE_PATH;
public static final String HEADER = "This file was generated by the Liberty Gradle Plugin and will be overwritten on subsequent runs of the generateFeatures task." + "\n It is recommended that you do not edit this file and that you commit this file to your version control.";
public static final String GENERATED_FEATURES_COMMENT = "The following features were generated based on API usage detected in your application";
public static final String NO_NEW_FEATURES_COMMENT = "No additional features generated";
public static final String NO_CLASS_FILES_WARNING = "Could not find class files to generate features against. Liberty features will not be generated. Ensure your project has first been compiled.";
private static final boolean DEFAULT_OPTIMIZE = true;
private File binaryScanner;
GenerateFeaturesTask() {
description 'Generate the features used by an application and add to the configuration of a Liberty server'
group 'Liberty'
private List classFiles;
@Option(option = 'classFile', description = 'If set and optimize is false, will generate features for the list of classes passed.')
void setClassFiles(List classFiles) {
this.classFiles = classFiles;
private Boolean optimize = null;
// Need to use a string value to allow the ability to specify a value for the parameter (ie. --optimize=false)
@Option(option = 'optimize', description = 'Optimize generating features by passing in all classes and only user specified features.')
void setOptimize(String optimize) {
this.optimize = Boolean.parseBoolean(optimize);
void generateFeatures() {
binaryScanner = getBinaryScannerJarFromRepository();
BinaryScannerHandler binaryScannerHandler = new BinaryScannerHandler(binaryScanner);
if (optimize == null) {
logger.debug("--- Generate Features values ---");
logger.debug("optimize generate features: " + optimize);
if (classFiles != null && !classFiles.isEmpty()) {
logger.debug("Generate features for the following class files: " + classFiles);
// TODO add support for env variables
// commented out for now as the current logic depends on the server dir existing and specifying features with env variables is an edge case
/* def serverDirectory = getServerDir(project);
def libertyDirPropertyFiles;
try {
libertyDirPropertyFiles = getLibertyDirectoryPropertyFiles(getInstallDir(project), getUserDir(project), serverDirectory);
} catch (IOException x) {
logger.debug("Exception reading the server property files", e);
logger.error("Error attempting to generate server feature list. Ensure your user account has read permission to the property files in the server installation directory.");
} */
// get existing server features from source directory
ServerFeatureUtil servUtil = getServerFeatureUtil(true, null);
Set generatedFiles = new HashSet();
Set existingFeatures = getServerFeatures(servUtil, generatedFiles, optimize);
logger.debug("Existing features:" + existingFeatures);
Set nonCustomFeatures = new HashSet(); // binary scanner only handles actual Liberty features
for (String feature : existingFeatures) { // custom features are "usr:feature-1.0" or "myExt:feature-2.0"
if (!feature.contains(":")) nonCustomFeatures.add(feature);
logger.debug("Non-custom features:" + nonCustomFeatures);
Set scannedFeatureList;
String eeVersion = null;
String mpVersion = null;
try {
Set directories = getClassesDirectories();
if (directories.isEmpty() && (classFiles == null || classFiles.isEmpty())) {
// log as warning and continue to call binary scanner to detect conflicts in user specified features
eeVersion = getEEVersion(project);
mpVersion = getMPVersion(project);
String logLocation = project.getBuildDir().getCanonicalPath();
String eeVersionArg = composeEEVersion(eeVersion);
String mpVersionArg = composeMPVersion(mpVersion);
scannedFeatureList = binaryScannerHandler.runBinaryScanner(nonCustomFeatures, classFiles, directories, logLocation, eeVersionArg, mpVersionArg, optimize);
} catch (BinaryScannerUtil.NoRecommendationException noRecommendation) {
throw new GradleException(String.format(BinaryScannerUtil.BINARY_SCANNER_CONFLICT_MESSAGE3, noRecommendation.getConflicts()));
} catch (BinaryScannerUtil.FeatureModifiedException featuresModified) {
Set userFeatures = (optimize) ? existingFeatures :
getServerFeatures(servUtil, generatedFiles, true); // user features excludes generatedFiles
Set modifiedSet = featuresModified.getFeatures(); // a set that works after being modified by the scanner
if (modifiedSet.containsAll(userFeatures)) {
// none of the user features were modified, only features which were generated earlier.
logger.debug("FeatureModifiedException, modifiedSet containsAll userFeatures, pass modifiedSet on to generateFeatures");
// features were modified to get a working set with the application's API usage, display warning to users and use modified set
scannedFeatureList = modifiedSet;
} else {
Set allAppFeatures = featuresModified.getSuggestions(); // suggestions are scanned from binaries
allAppFeatures.addAll(userFeatures); // scanned plus configured features were detected to be in conflict
logger.debug("FeatureModifiedException, combine suggestions from scanner with user features in error msg");
throw new GradleException(String.format(BinaryScannerUtil.BINARY_SCANNER_CONFLICT_MESSAGE1, allAppFeatures, modifiedSet));
} catch (BinaryScannerUtil.RecommendationSetException showRecommendation) {
if (showRecommendation.isExistingFeaturesConflict()) {
throw new GradleException(String.format(BinaryScannerUtil.BINARY_SCANNER_CONFLICT_MESSAGE2, showRecommendation.getConflicts(), showRecommendation.getSuggestions()));
throw new GradleException(String.format(BinaryScannerUtil.BINARY_SCANNER_CONFLICT_MESSAGE1, showRecommendation.getConflicts(), showRecommendation.getSuggestions()));
} catch (BinaryScannerUtil.FeatureUnavailableException featureUnavailable) {
throw new GradleException(String.format(BinaryScannerUtil.BINARY_SCANNER_CONFLICT_MESSAGE5, featureUnavailable.getConflicts(), featureUnavailable.getMPLevel(),
featureUnavailable.getEELevel(), featureUnavailable.getUnavailableFeatures()));
} catch (BinaryScannerUtil.IllegalTargetComboException illegalCombo) {
throw new GradleException(String.format(BinaryScannerUtil.BINARY_SCANNER_INVALID_COMBO_MESSAGE, eeVersion, mpVersion));
} catch (BinaryScannerUtil.IllegalTargetException illegalTargets) {
String messages = buildInvalidArgExceptionMessage(illegalTargets.getEELevel(), illegalTargets.getMPLevel(), eeVersion, mpVersion);
throw new GradleException(messages);
} catch (PluginExecutionException x) {
// throw an error when there is a problem not caught in runBinaryScanner()
Object o = x.getCause();
if (o != null) {
logger.debug("Caused by exception:" + x.getCause().getClass().getName());
logger.debug("Caused by exception message:" + x.getCause().getMessage());
throw new GradleException("Failed to generate a working set of features. " + x.getMessage(), x);
def missingLibertyFeatures = new HashSet();
if (scannedFeatureList != null) {
// get set of user defined features so they can be omitted from the generated file that will be written
Set userDefinedFeatures = optimize ? existingFeatures : new HashSet();
if (!optimize) {
FeaturesPlatforms fp = servUtil.getServerFeatures(server.configDirectory, server.serverXmlFile, new HashMap(), generatedFiles);
if (fp != null) {
userDefinedFeatures = fp.getFeatures();
logger.debug("User defined features:" + userDefinedFeatures);
if (!userDefinedFeatures.isEmpty()) {
logger.debug("Features detected by binary scanner which are not in server.xml : " + missingLibertyFeatures);
def newServerXmlSrc = new File(server.configDirectory, GENERATED_FEATURES_FILE_PATH);
try {
if (missingLibertyFeatures.size() > 0) {
Set existingGeneratedFeatures = getGeneratedFeatures(servUtil, newServerXmlSrc);
if (!missingLibertyFeatures.equals(existingGeneratedFeatures)) {
// Create specialized server.xml
ServerConfigXmlDocument configDocument = ServerConfigXmlDocument.newInstance();
Element featureManagerElem = configDocument.createFeatureManager();
configDocument.createComment(featureManagerElem, GENERATED_FEATURES_COMMENT);
for (String missing : missingLibertyFeatures) {
logger.debug(String.format("Adding missing feature %s to %s.", missing, GENERATED_FEATURES_FILE_PATH));
// Generate log message before writing file as the file change event kicks off other dev mode actions
logger.lifecycle("Generated the following features: " + missingLibertyFeatures);
// use logger.lifecycle so that message appears without --info tag on
logger.debug("Created file " + newServerXmlSrc);
// Add a reference to this new file in existing server.xml.
def serverXml = findConfigFile("server.xml", server.serverXmlFile);
def doc = getServerXmlDocFromConfig(serverXml);
logger.debug("Xml document we'll try to update after generate features doc=" + doc + " file=" + serverXml);
addGenerationCommentToConfig(doc, serverXml);
} else {
logger.lifecycle("Regenerated the following features: " + missingLibertyFeatures);
// use logger.lifecycle so that message appears without --info tag on
} else {
logger.lifecycle("No additional features were generated.");
if (newServerXmlSrc.exists()) {
// generated-features.xml exists but no additional features were generated
// create empty features list with comment
ServerConfigXmlDocument configDocument = ServerConfigXmlDocument.newInstance();
Element featureManagerElem = configDocument.createFeatureManager();
configDocument.createComment(featureManagerElem, NO_NEW_FEATURES_COMMENT);
} catch (ParserConfigurationException | TransformerException | IOException e) {
logger.debug("Exception creating the server features file", e);
throw new GradleException("Automatic generation of features failed. Error attempting to create the " + GENERATED_FEATURES_FILE_NAME + ". Ensure your id has write permission to the server installation directory.", e);
// Get the features from the server config and optionally exclude the specified config files from the search.
private Set getServerFeatures(ServerFeatureUtil servUtil, Set generatedFiles, boolean excludeGenerated) {
// if optimizing, ignore generated files when passing in existing features to binary scanner
FeaturesPlatforms fp = servUtil.getServerFeatures(server.configDirectory, server.serverXmlFile, new HashMap(), excludeGenerated ? generatedFiles : null); // pass generatedFiles to exclude them
Set existingFeatures = fp == null ? new HashSet() : fp.getFeatures();
return existingFeatures;
// returns the features specified in the generated-features.xml file
private Set getGeneratedFeatures(ServerFeatureUtil servUtil, File generatedFeaturesFile) {
FeaturesPlatforms fp = servUtil.getServerXmlFeatures(new FeaturesPlatforms(), server.configDirectory,
generatedFeaturesFile, null, null);
Set genFeatSet = fp == null ? new HashSet() : fp.getFeatures();
return genFeatSet;
* Gets the binary scanner jar file from the local cache.
* Downloads it first from connected repositories such as Maven Central if a newer release is available than the cached version.
* Note: Maven updates artifacts daily by default based on the last updated timestamp. Users should use 'mvn -U' to force updates if needed.
* @return The File object of the binary-app-scanner.jar in the local cache.
* @throws PluginExecutionException indicates the binary-app-scanner.jar could not be found
private File getBinaryScannerJarFromRepository() throws PluginExecutionException {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new PluginExecutionException("Could not retrieve the artifact " + BINARY_SCANNER_MAVEN_GROUP_ID + "."
+ " needed for generateFeatures. Ensure you have a connection to Maven Central or another repository that contains the "
+ ".jar configured in your build.gradle.",
* Return specificFile if it exists; otherwise check for a file with the requested name in the
* configDirectory and return it if it exists. Null is returned if a file does not exist in
* either location.
private File findConfigFile(String fileName, File specificFile) {
if (specificFile != null && specificFile.exists()) {
return specificFile;
if (server.configDirectory == null) {
return null;
File f = new File(server.configDirectory, fileName);
if (f.exists()) {
return f;
} else {
return null;
// Convert a file into a document object
private ServerConfigXmlDocument getServerXmlDocFromConfig(File serverXml) {
if (serverXml == null || !serverXml.exists()) {
return null;
try {
return ServerConfigXmlDocument.newInstance(serverXml);
} catch (ParserConfigurationException | SAXException | IOException e) {
logger.debug("Exception creating server.xml object model", e);
return null;
* Add a comment to server.xml to warn them we created another file with features in it.
private void addGenerationCommentToConfig(ServerConfigXmlDocument doc, File serverXml) {
if (doc == null) {
try {
if (doc.createFMComment(FEATURES_FILE_MESSAGE)) {
} catch (IOException | TransformerException e) {
log.debug("Exception adding comment to server.xml", e);
private Set getClassesDirectories() {
Set classesDirectories = new ArrayList();
project.sourceSets.main.getOutput().getClassesDirs().each {
if (it.exists()) {
return classesDirectories;
* Return the latest EE major version detected in the project dependencies
* @param project
* @return latest EE major version corresponding to the EE umbrella dependency, null if an EE umbrella dependency is not found
protected getEEVersion(Object project) {
String eeVersion = null
project.configurations.compileClasspath.allDependencies.each {
dependency ->
if (("javax") &&"javaee-api")) ||
("jakarta.platform") &&"jakarta.jakartaee-api"))) {
String newVersion = dependency.version
if (newVersion != null && isLatestVersion(eeVersion, newVersion)) {
eeVersion = newVersion
return eeVersion;
* Returns the latest MicroProfile major version detected in the project dependencies
* @param project
* @return latest MP major version corresponding to the MP umbrella dependency, null if an MP umbrella dependency is not found
protected getMPVersion(Object project) {
String mpVersion = null
project.configurations.compileClasspath.allDependencies.each {
dependency ->
if ("org.eclipse.microprofile") &&"microprofile")) {
String newVersion = dependency.version
if (newVersion != null && isLatestVersion(mpVersion, newVersion)) {
mpVersion = newVersion;
return mpVersion;
// Return true if the newVer > currentVer
protected static boolean isLatestVersion(String currentVer, String newVer) {
if (currentVer == null || currentVer.isEmpty()) {
return true;
// Comparing versions: mp4 > mp3.3 > mp3.0 > mp3
return (currentVer.compareTo(newVer) < 0);
// Define the logging functions of the binary scanner handler and make it available in this plugin
private class BinaryScannerHandler extends BinaryScannerUtil {
BinaryScannerHandler(File scannerFile) {
public void debug(String msg) {
public void debug(String msg, Throwable t) {
logger.debug(msg, t);
public void error(String msg) {
public void warn(String msg) {
public void info(String msg) {
public boolean isDebugEnabled() {
return logger.isEnabled(LogLevel.DEBUG);
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