org.geotools.geometry.jts.GeometrySmoother Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* GeoTools - The Open Source Java GIS Toolkit
* http://geotools.org
* (C) 2005-2008, Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo)
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
* version 2.1 of the License.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* This class is composed of code taken from JAI-tools version 1.1.0
* http://code.google.com/p/jai-tools/
* It combines the JAI-tools classes AbstractSmoother, LineSmoother,
* PolygonSmoother and SmootherControl. All are covered by the following
* copyright and license:
* Copyright 2010-2011 Michael Bedward
* This file is part of jai-tools.
* jai-tools is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* jai-tools is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with jai-tools. If not, see .
package org.geotools.geometry.jts;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.locationtech.jts.geom.Coordinate;
import org.locationtech.jts.geom.GeometryFactory;
import org.locationtech.jts.geom.LineString;
import org.locationtech.jts.geom.LinearRing;
import org.locationtech.jts.geom.Polygon;
* Provides package-private helper methods for the {@link JTS} utility class.
* @author Michael Bedward
* @version $Id$
* @since 2.8
class GeometrySmoother {
* Defines methods to control the smoothing process. {@code LineSmoother} has a default
* implementation that specifies a constant number of vertices in smoothed segments and no lower
* bound on the distance between input vertices for smoothing.
private interface SmootherControl {
* Gets the minimum distance between input vertices for the segment to be smoothed. Segments
* smaller than this will be copied to the output unchanged.
* @return minimum segment length for smoothing
double getMinLength();
* Given an input segment length, returns the number of vertices to use for the smoothed
* segment. This number includes the segment end-points.
* @param length input segment length
* @return number of vertices in the smoothed segment including the end-points
int getNumVertices(double length);
* Default smoothing control. Specifies no minimum vertex distance and a constant number of
* points per smoothed segment.
private SmootherControl DEFAULT_CONTROL =
new SmootherControl() {
public double getMinLength() {
return 0.0;
public int getNumVertices(double length) {
return 10;
/** The current SmootherControl instance. */
private SmootherControl control;;
/** The current {@code GeometryFactory} being used. */
private final GeometryFactory geomFactory;
/** Class to hold interpolation parameters for a given point. */
private static final class InterpPoint {
double[] t = new double[4];
double tsum;
/** Cache of previously calculated interpolation parameters */
private Map> lookup =
new HashMap>();
* Creates a new smoother that will use the given {@code GeometryFactory}.
* @param geomFactory factory to use for creating smoothed objects
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code geomFactory} is {@code null}
GeometrySmoother(GeometryFactory geomFactory) {
if (geomFactory == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("geomFactory must not be null");
this.geomFactory = geomFactory;
this.control = DEFAULT_CONTROL;
* Creates a new {@code LineString} which is a smoothed version of the input {@code LineString}.
* @param ls the input {@code LineString}
* @param alpha a value between 0 and 1 (inclusive) specifying the tightness of fit of the
* smoothed boundary (0 is loose)
* @return the smoothed {@code LineString}
LineString smooth(LineString ls, double alpha) {
Coordinate[] coords = ls.getCoordinates();
Coordinate[][] controlPoints = getLineControlPoints(coords, alpha);
final int N = coords.length;
List smoothCoords = new ArrayList();
double dist;
for (int i = 0; i < N - 1; i++) {
dist = coords[i].distance(coords[i + 1]);
if (dist < control.getMinLength()) {
// segment too short - just copy input coordinate
smoothCoords.add(new Coordinate(coords[i]));
} else {
int smoothN = control.getNumVertices(dist);
Coordinate[] segment =
coords[i + 1],
controlPoints[i + 1][0],
int copyN = i < N - 1 ? segment.length - 1 : segment.length;
for (int k = 0; k < copyN; k++) {
smoothCoords.add(coords[N - 1]);
return geomFactory.createLineString(smoothCoords.toArray(new Coordinate[0]));
* Creates a new {@code Polygon} whose exterior shell is a smoothed version of the input {@code
* Polygon}.
* Note: this method presently ignores holes.
* @param p the input {@code Polygon}
* @param alpha a value between 0 and 1 (inclusive) specifying the tightness of fit of the
* smoothed boundary (0 is loose)
* @return the smoothed {@code Polygon}
public Polygon smooth(Polygon p, double alpha) {
Coordinate[] coords = p.getExteriorRing().getCoordinates();
final int N = coords.length - 1; // first coord == last coord
Coordinate[][] controlPoints = getPolygonControlPoints(coords, N, alpha);
List smoothCoords = new ArrayList();
double dist;
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
int next = (i + 1) % N;
dist = coords[i].distance(coords[next]);
if (dist < control.getMinLength()) {
// segment too short - just copy input coordinate
smoothCoords.add(new Coordinate(coords[i]));
} else {
int smoothN = control.getNumVertices(dist);
Coordinate[] segment =
int copyN = i < N - 1 ? segment.length - 1 : segment.length;
for (int k = 0; k < copyN; k++) {
LinearRing shell = geomFactory.createLinearRing(smoothCoords.toArray(new Coordinate[0]));
return geomFactory.createPolygon(shell, null);
* Sets a new {@code Control} object to for smoothing.
* @param control the control to use for smoothing; if {@code null} the default control will be
* set
void setControl(SmootherControl control) {
this.control = control == null ? DEFAULT_CONTROL : control;
* Calculates a pair of Bezier control points for each vertex in an array of {@code
* Coordinates}.
* @param coords input vertices
* @param alpha tightness of fit
* @return 2D array of {@code Coordinates} for positions of each pair of control points per
* input vertex
private Coordinate[][] getLineControlPoints(Coordinate[] coords, double alpha) {
if (alpha < 0.0 || alpha > 1.0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("alpha must be a value between 0 and 1 inclusive");
final int N = coords.length;
Coordinate[][] ctrl = new Coordinate[N][2];
Coordinate[] v = new Coordinate[3];
Coordinate[] mid = new Coordinate[2];
mid[0] = new Coordinate();
mid[1] = new Coordinate();
Coordinate anchor = new Coordinate();
double[] vdist = new double[2];
// double mdist;
// Start with dummy coordinate preceding first real coordinate
v[1] = new Coordinate(2 * coords[0].x - coords[1].x, 2 * coords[0].y - coords[1].y);
v[2] = coords[0];
// Dummy coordinate for end of line
Coordinate vN =
new Coordinate(
2 * coords[N - 1].x - coords[N - 2].x,
2 * coords[N - 1].y - coords[N - 2].y);
mid[1].x = (v[1].x + v[2].x) / 2.0;
mid[1].y = (v[1].y + v[2].y) / 2.0;
vdist[1] = v[1].distance(v[2]);
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
v[0] = v[1];
v[1] = v[2];
v[2] = (i < N - 1 ? coords[i + 1] : vN);
mid[0].x = mid[1].x;
mid[0].y = mid[1].y;
mid[1].x = (v[1].x + v[2].x) / 2.0;
mid[1].y = (v[1].y + v[2].y) / 2.0;
vdist[0] = vdist[1];
vdist[1] = v[1].distance(v[2]);
double p = vdist[0] / (vdist[0] + vdist[1]);
anchor.x = mid[0].x + p * (mid[1].x - mid[0].x);
anchor.y = mid[0].y + p * (mid[1].y - mid[0].y);
double xdelta = anchor.x - v[1].x;
double ydelta = anchor.y - v[1].y;
ctrl[i][0] =
new Coordinate(
alpha * (v[1].x - mid[0].x + xdelta) + mid[0].x - xdelta,
alpha * (v[1].y - mid[0].y + ydelta) + mid[0].y - ydelta);
ctrl[i][1] =
new Coordinate(
alpha * (v[1].x - mid[1].x + xdelta) + mid[1].x - xdelta,
alpha * (v[1].y - mid[1].y + ydelta) + mid[1].y - ydelta);
return ctrl;
* Calculates a pair of Bezier control points for each vertex in an array of {@code
* Coordinates}.
* @param coords input vertices
* @param N number of coordinates in {@coords} to use
* @param alpha tightness of fit
* @return 2D array of {@code Coordinates} for positions of each pair of control points per
* input vertex
private Coordinate[][] getPolygonControlPoints(Coordinate[] coords, int N, double alpha) {
if (alpha < 0.0 || alpha > 1.0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("alpha must be a value between 0 and 1 inclusive");
Coordinate[][] ctrl = new Coordinate[N][2];
Coordinate[] v = new Coordinate[3];
Coordinate[] mid = new Coordinate[2];
mid[0] = new Coordinate();
mid[1] = new Coordinate();
Coordinate anchor = new Coordinate();
double[] vdist = new double[2];
// double mdist;
v[1] = coords[N - 1];
v[2] = coords[0];
mid[1].x = (v[1].x + v[2].x) / 2.0;
mid[1].y = (v[1].y + v[2].y) / 2.0;
vdist[1] = v[1].distance(v[2]);
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
v[0] = v[1];
v[1] = v[2];
v[2] = coords[(i + 1) % N];
mid[0].x = mid[1].x;
mid[0].y = mid[1].y;
mid[1].x = (v[1].x + v[2].x) / 2.0;
mid[1].y = (v[1].y + v[2].y) / 2.0;
vdist[0] = vdist[1];
vdist[1] = v[1].distance(v[2]);
double p = vdist[0] / (vdist[0] + vdist[1]);
anchor.x = mid[0].x + p * (mid[1].x - mid[0].x);
anchor.y = mid[0].y + p * (mid[1].y - mid[0].y);
double xdelta = anchor.x - v[1].x;
double ydelta = anchor.y - v[1].y;
ctrl[i][0] =
new Coordinate(
alpha * (v[1].x - mid[0].x + xdelta) + mid[0].x - xdelta,
alpha * (v[1].y - mid[0].y + ydelta) + mid[0].y - ydelta);
ctrl[i][1] =
new Coordinate(
alpha * (v[1].x - mid[1].x + xdelta) + mid[1].x - xdelta,
alpha * (v[1].y - mid[1].y + ydelta) + mid[1].y - ydelta);
return ctrl;
* Calculates vertices along a cubic Bazier curve given start point, end point and two control
* points.
* @param start start position
* @param end end position
* @param ctrl1 first control point
* @param ctrl2 second control point
* @param nv number of vertices including the start and end points
* @return vertices along the Bezier curve
private Coordinate[] cubicBezier(
final Coordinate start,
final Coordinate end,
final Coordinate ctrl1,
final Coordinate ctrl2,
final int nv) {
final Coordinate[] curve = new Coordinate[nv];
final Coordinate[] buf = new Coordinate[3];
for (int i = 0; i < buf.length; i++) {
buf[i] = new Coordinate();
curve[0] = new Coordinate(start);
curve[nv - 1] = new Coordinate(end);
InterpPoint[] ip = getInterpPoints(nv);
for (int i = 1; i < nv - 1; i++) {
Coordinate c = new Coordinate();
c.x =
ip[i].t[0] * start.x
+ ip[i].t[1] * ctrl1.x
+ ip[i].t[2] * ctrl2.x
+ ip[i].t[3] * end.x;
c.x /= ip[i].tsum;
c.y =
ip[i].t[0] * start.y
+ ip[i].t[1] * ctrl1.y
+ ip[i].t[2] * ctrl2.y
+ ip[i].t[3] * end.y;
c.y /= ip[i].tsum;
curve[i] = c;
return curve;
* Gets the interpolation parameters for a Bezier curve approximated by the given number of
* vertices.
* @param npoints number of vertices
* @return array of {@code InterpPoint} objects holding the parameter values
private InterpPoint[] getInterpPoints(int npoints) {
WeakReference ref = lookup.get(npoints);
InterpPoint[] ip = null;
if (ref != null) ip = ref.get();
if (ip == null) {
ip = new InterpPoint[npoints];
for (int i = 0; i < npoints; i++) {
double t = (double) i / (npoints - 1);
double tc = 1.0 - t;
ip[i] = new InterpPoint();
ip[i].t[0] = tc * tc * tc;
ip[i].t[1] = 3.0 * tc * tc * t;
ip[i].t[2] = 3.0 * tc * t * t;
ip[i].t[3] = t * t * t;
ip[i].tsum = ip[i].t[0] + ip[i].t[1] + ip[i].t[2] + ip[i].t[3];
lookup.put(npoints, new WeakReference(ip));
return ip;