io.permazen.kv.raft.FollowerRole Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2015 Archie L. Cobbs. All rights reserved.
package io.permazen.kv.raft;
import io.permazen.kv.KVTransactionException;
import io.permazen.kv.RetryKVTransactionException;
import io.permazen.kv.mvcc.Reads;
import io.permazen.kv.mvcc.Writes;
import io.permazen.kv.raft.msg.AppendRequest;
import io.permazen.kv.raft.msg.AppendResponse;
import io.permazen.kv.raft.msg.CommitRequest;
import io.permazen.kv.raft.msg.CommitResponse;
import io.permazen.kv.raft.msg.GrantVote;
import io.permazen.kv.raft.msg.InstallSnapshot;
import io.permazen.kv.raft.msg.Message;
import io.permazen.kv.raft.msg.PingRequest;
import io.permazen.kv.raft.msg.PingResponse;
import io.permazen.kv.raft.msg.RequestVote;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.annotation.concurrent.GuardedBy;
import org.dellroad.stuff.util.LongMap;
* Raft follower role.
public class FollowerRole extends NonLeaderRole {
private String leader; // our leader, if known
private String leaderAddress; // our leader's network address
private String votedFor; // the candidate we voted for this term
private SnapshotReceive snapshotReceive; // in-progress snapshot install, if any
private final HashSet commitRequests = new HashSet<>(); // waiting for CommitResponse from leader
private final LongMap pendingWrites = new LongMap<>(); // wait for AppendRequest with null data
private Timestamp lastLeaderMessageTime; // time of most recent rec'd AppendRequest
private Timestamp leaderLeaseTimeout; // latest rec'd leader lease timeout
private HashMap probeTimestamps; // used only when probing majority
// Constructors
FollowerRole(RaftKVDatabase raft) {
this(raft, null, null, null);
FollowerRole(RaftKVDatabase raft, String leader, String leaderAddress) {
this(raft, leader, leaderAddress, leader);
FollowerRole(RaftKVDatabase raft, String leader, String leaderAddress, String votedFor) {
super(raft, raft.isClusterMember());
this.leader = leader;
this.leaderAddress = leaderAddress;
this.votedFor = votedFor;
assert this.leaderAddress != null || this.leader == null;
// Status
* Get the identity of my leader, if known.
* @return leader identity, or null if not known
public String getLeaderIdentity() {
synchronized (this.raft) {
return this.leader;
* Get the address of my leader, if known.
* @return leader address, or null if not known
public String getLeaderAddress() {
synchronized (this.raft) {
return this.leaderAddress;
* Get the identity of the node that this node voted for this term, if any.
* @return node voted for, or null if none
public String getVotedFor() {
synchronized (this.raft) {
return this.votedFor;
* Determine whether this node is currently in the process of receiving a whole database snapshot download.
* @return true if snapshot install is in progress
public boolean isInstallingSnapshot() {
synchronized (this.raft) {
return this.snapshotReceive != null;
* Determine the number of nodes (including this node) that this node has successfully probed when probing
* for a majority of nodes with {@link PingRequest}s prior to reverting to a candidate.
* @return the number of other nodes this node has successfully probed, or -1 if not probing
public int getNodesProbed() {
synchronized (this.raft) {
return this.probeTimestamps != null ? this.calculateProbedNodes() : -1;
// Probing mode
private int calculateProbedNodes() {
assert Thread.holdsLock(this.raft);
assert this.probeTimestamps != null;
int numProbed = this.raft.isClusterMember() ? 1 : 0;
final Timestamp now = new Timestamp();
for (Iterator i = this.probeTimestamps.values().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
final Timestamp timestamp =;
if (now.offsetFrom(timestamp) >= this.raft.maxElectionTimeout) { // timestamp is too old, discard
return numProbed;
// Lifecycle
void setup() {
assert Thread.holdsLock(this.raft);
if (this.log.isDebugEnabled()) {
this.debug("entering follower role in term {}{}{}", this.raft.currentTerm,
this.leader != null ? "; with leader \"" + this.leader + "\" at " + this.leaderAddress : "",
this.votedFor != null ? "; having voted for \"" + this.votedFor + "\"" : "");
void shutdown() {
assert Thread.holdsLock(this.raft);
// Cancel any in-progress snapshot install
if (this.snapshotReceive != null) {
if (this.log.isDebugEnabled())
this.debug("aborting snapshot install due to leaving follower role");
this.snapshotReceive = null;
// Fail any r/w transactions that are waiting on leader response to a CommitRequest. We've already discarded
// the reads for these transactions, so there's no way to conflict check them with a new leader.
for (RaftKVTransaction tx : new ArrayList<>(this.raft.openTransactions.values())) {
if (this.commitRequests.contains(tx) && tx.addsLogEntry()) {
assert !tx.isRebasable();
assert tx.getState().equals(TxState.COMMIT_READY);, new RetryKVTransactionException(tx, "leader was deposed before commit response received"));
// Cleanup pending requests and commit writes
// Proceed
// Service
void outputQueueEmpty(String address) {
assert Thread.holdsLock(this.raft);
if (address.equals(this.leaderAddress))
this.raft.requestService(this.checkReadyTransactionsService); // TODO: track specific transactions
void handleElectionTimeout() {
assert Thread.holdsLock(this.raft);
// Invalidate current leader
this.leader = null;
this.leaderAddress = null;
this.leaderLeaseTimeout = null;
this.lastLeaderMessageTime = null;
// Is probing enabled? If not convert immediately into a candidate
if (!this.raft.followerProbingEnabled) {
if (this.log.isDebugEnabled())
this.debug("follower election timeout: probing is disabled, so converting immediately to candidate");
this.raft.changeRole(new CandidateRole(this.raft));
// If not probing, start probing; if already probing, then we never heard from a majority, so keep on trying
if (this.probeTimestamps == null) {
if (this.log.isDebugEnabled())
this.debug("follower election timeout: attempting to probe a majority before becoming candidate");
this.probeTimestamps = new HashMap<>(this.raft.currentConfig.size() - 1);
// Send out a(nother) round of probes to all other nodes
final Timestamp now = new Timestamp();
for (String peer : this.raft.currentConfig.keySet()) {
if (peer.equals(this.raft.identity))
this.raft.sendMessage(new PingRequest(this.raft.clusterId, this.raft.identity, peer, this.raft.currentTerm, now));
// Restart election timeout (now it's really a ping timer)
// Handle the case where I am the only node
* Check whether the election timer should be running, and make it so.
* This should be invoked:
* - After a log entry that contains a configuration change has been added to the log
* - When a snapshot install starts
* - When a snapshot install completes
private void updateElectionTimer() {
assert Thread.holdsLock(this.raft);
final boolean isClusterMember = this.raft.isClusterMember();
final boolean electionTimerRunning = this.electionTimer.isRunning();
if (isClusterMember && !electionTimerRunning) {
if (this.log.isTraceEnabled())
this.trace("starting up election timer because I'm now part of the current config");
} else if (!isClusterMember && electionTimerRunning) {
if (this.log.isTraceEnabled())
this.trace("stopping election timer because I'm no longer part of the current config");
// Transactions
void handleLinearizableReadOnlyChange(RaftKVTransaction tx) {
// Sanity check
assert !this.commitRequests.contains(tx);
// Send an immediate CommitRequest
this.checkSendCommitRequest(tx, false);
void checkReadyTransactionNeedingCommitInfo(RaftKVTransaction tx) {
// Sanity check
// Send CommitRequest if not already sent
this.checkSendCommitRequest(tx, true);
private void checkSendCommitRequest(RaftKVTransaction tx, boolean allowConfigure) {
// Sanity check
final boolean addsLogEntry = tx.addsLogEntry();
assert Thread.holdsLock(this.raft);
assert (tx.getState().equals(TxState.EXECUTING) && !addsLogEntry) || tx.getState().equals(TxState.COMMIT_READY);
// Did we already send a CommitRequest for this transaction?
if (this.commitRequests.contains(tx)) {
if (this.log.isTraceEnabled())
this.trace("not sending CommitRequest for tx {} because request already sent", tx);
// If we are installing a snapshot, we must wait
if (this.snapshotReceive != null) {
if (this.log.isTraceEnabled())
this.trace("not sending CommitRequest for tx {} because a snapshot install is in progress", tx);
// Handle situation where we are unconfigured and not part of any cluster yet
if (allowConfigure && !this.raft.isConfigured()) {
// Get transaction mutations
final String[] configChange = tx.getConfigChange();
// Allow an empty read-only transaction when unconfigured
if (!addsLogEntry) {
// Otherwise, we can only handle an initial config change that is adding the local node
if (configChange == null || !configChange[0].equals(this.raft.identity) || configChange[1] == null) {
throw new RetryKVTransactionException(tx, String.format(
"unconfigured node: an initial configuration change adding the local node"
+ " (\"%s\") as the first member of a new cluster is required", this.raft.identity));
// Create a new cluster if needed
if (this.raft.clusterId == 0) {
// Pick a new, random cluster ID
int newClusterId;
newClusterId = this.raft.random.nextInt();
while (newClusterId == 0);
// Join new cluster"creating new cluster with ID {}", String.format("0x%08x", newClusterId));
if (!this.raft.joinCluster(newClusterId))
throw new KVTransactionException(tx, "error persisting new cluster ID");
// Advance term
assert this.raft.currentTerm == 0;
if (!this.raft.advanceTerm(this.raft.currentTerm + 1))
throw new KVTransactionException(tx, "error advancing term");
// Append the first entry to the Raft log
final LogEntry logEntry;
try {
logEntry = this.raft.appendLogEntry(this.raft.currentTerm, new NewLogEntry(tx));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new KVTransactionException(tx, "error attempting to persist transaction", e);
if (this.log.isDebugEnabled())
this.debug("added log entry {} for local transaction {}", logEntry, tx);
assert logEntry.getTerm() == 1;
assert logEntry.getIndex() == 1;
// Advance transaction
this.advanceReadyTransactionWithCommitInfo(tx, 1, 1, null);
// Rebase any other transactions
// Update our commit term and index from new log entry
this.raft.commitIndex = logEntry.getIndex();
// Commit transaction
new CheckWaitingTransactionService(this, tx).run();
// Trigger key watches
// Immediately become the leader of our new single-node cluster
assert this.raft.isConfigured();
if (this.log.isDebugEnabled())
this.debug("appointing myself leader in newly created cluster");
this.raft.changeRole(new LeaderRole(this.raft));
// If we don't have a leader yet, or leader's queue is full, we must wait
if (this.leader == null || this.raft.isTransmitting(this.leaderAddress)) {
if (this.log.isTraceEnabled()) {
this.trace("leaving alone tx {} because leader {}", tx,
this.leader == null ? "is not known yet" : "\"" + this.leader + "\" is not writable yet");
// For read-write transactions, send the reads & writes to the leader so leader can check for conflicts
ByteBuffer readsData = null;
ByteBuffer mutationData = null;
if (addsLogEntry) {
// Serialize reads into buffer
assert tx.getConsistency().isGuaranteesUpToDateReads();
final Reads reads = tx.view.getReads();
final long readsDataSize = reads.serializedLength();
if (readsDataSize != (int)readsDataSize)
throw new KVTransactionException(tx, "transaction read information exceeds maximum length");
readsData = Util.allocateByteBuffer((int)readsDataSize);
try (ByteBufferOutputStream output = new ByteBufferOutputStream(readsData)) {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("unexpected exception", e);
assert !readsData.hasRemaining();
// Serialize mutations into a temporary file (but do not close or durably persist yet)
final Writes writes = tx.view.getWrites(); // synchronization not req'd here because tx is COMMIT_READY
final File file = new File(this.raft.logDir,
String.format("%s%019d%s", RaftKVDatabase.TX_FILE_PREFIX, tx.txId, RaftKVDatabase.TEMP_FILE_SUFFIX));
final FileWriter fileWriter;
try {
fileWriter = new FileWriter(file, this.raft.disableSync);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new KVTransactionException(tx, "error saving transaction mutations to temporary file", e);
try {
LogEntry.writeData(fileWriter, new LogEntry.Data(writes, tx.getConfigChange()));
} catch (IOException e) {
this.raft.deleteFile(fileWriter.getFile(), "pending write temp file");
throw new KVTransactionException(tx, "error saving transaction mutations to temporary file", e);
// Load serialized writes from file
final long writeLength = fileWriter.getLength();
try {
mutationData = Util.readFile(fileWriter.getFile(), writeLength);
} catch (IOException e) {
this.raft.deleteFile(fileWriter.getFile(), "pending write temp file");
throw new KVTransactionException(tx, "error reading transaction mutations from temporary file", e);
// Record pending commit write with temporary file
final PendingWrite pendingWrite = new PendingWrite(tx, fileWriter);
this.pendingWrites.put(tx.txId, pendingWrite);
// Send commit request to leader
final CommitRequest msg = new CommitRequest(this.raft.clusterId, this.raft.identity, this.leader,
this.raft.currentTerm, tx.txId, tx.getBaseTerm(), tx.getBaseIndex(), readsData, mutationData);
if (this.log.isTraceEnabled())
this.trace("sending {} to \"{}\" for {}", msg, this.leader, tx);
if (!this.raft.sendMessage(msg))
throw new RetryKVTransactionException(tx, "error sending commit request to leader");
// Record pending request
assert !this.commitRequests.contains(tx);
// Mark transaction no longer rebasable if leader will be checking conflicts for us
if (addsLogEntry)
void cleanupForTransaction(RaftKVTransaction tx) {
assert Thread.holdsLock(this.raft);
final PendingWrite pendingWrite = this.pendingWrites.remove(tx.txId);
if (pendingWrite != null)
// Messages
boolean mayAdvanceCurrentTerm(Message msg) {
assert Thread.holdsLock(this.raft);
// Deny vote if we have heard from our leader within the minimum election timeout (dissertation, section 4.2.3)
if (msg instanceof RequestVote
&& this.lastLeaderMessageTime != null
&& this.lastLeaderMessageTime.offsetFromNow() > -this.raft.minElectionTimeout)
return false;
// OK
return true;
void caseAppendRequest(AppendRequest msg, NewLogEntry newLogEntry) {
assert Thread.holdsLock(this.raft);
// Cancel probing
if (this.probeTimestamps != null) {
if (this.log.isDebugEnabled())
this.debug("heard from leader before we probed a majority, reverting back to normal follower");
this.probeTimestamps = null;
// Record new cluster ID if we haven't done so already
if (this.raft.clusterId == 0)
// Record leader
if (!msg.getSenderId().equals(this.leader)) {
if (this.leader != null && !this.leader.equals(msg.getSenderId())) {
this.error("detected a conflicting leader in {} (previous leader was \"{}\")"
+ " - should never happen; possible inconsistent cluster configuration (mine: {})",
msg, this.leader, this.raft.currentConfig);
this.leader = msg.getSenderId();
this.leaderAddress = this.raft.returnAddress;
this.leaderLeaseTimeout = null;
this.lastLeaderMessageTime = null;
if (this.log.isDebugEnabled())
this.debug("updated leader to \"{}\" at {}", this.leader, this.leaderAddress);
this.raft.requestService(this.checkReadyTransactionsService); // allows COMMIT_READY transactions to be sent
// Get message info
final long leaderCommitIndex = msg.getLeaderCommit();
final long leaderPrevTerm = msg.getPrevLogTerm();
final long leaderPrevIndex = msg.getPrevLogIndex();
final long logTerm = msg.getLogEntryTerm();
final long logIndex = leaderPrevIndex + 1;
// Update timestamp last heard from leader
this.lastLeaderMessageTime = new Timestamp();
// Update leader's lease timeout
if (msg.getLeaderLeaseTimeout() != null
&& (this.leaderLeaseTimeout == null || msg.getLeaderLeaseTimeout().compareTo(this.leaderLeaseTimeout) > 0)) {
if (this.log.isTraceEnabled())
this.trace("advancing leader lease timeout {} -> {}", this.leaderLeaseTimeout, msg.getLeaderLeaseTimeout());
this.leaderLeaseTimeout = msg.getLeaderLeaseTimeout();
// If a snapshot install is in progress, cancel it
if (this.snapshotReceive != null) {
if (this.raft.isPerfLogEnabled())
this.perfLog("rec'd {} during in-progress {}; aborting snapshot install", msg, this.snapshotReceive);
this.snapshotReceive = null;
// Restart election timeout (if running)
if (this.electionTimer.isRunning())
// Get my last log entry's index
long lastLogIndex = this.raft.log.getLastIndex();
// Check whether our previous log entry term matches that of leader; if not, or it doesn't exist, request fails
// Note: if log entry index is prior to my last applied log entry index, Raft guarantees that term must match
if (leaderPrevIndex >= this.raft.log.getLastAppliedIndex()
&& (leaderPrevIndex > lastLogIndex || leaderPrevTerm != this.raft.log.getTermAtIndex(leaderPrevIndex))) {
if (this.log.isDebugEnabled())
this.debug("rejecting {} because previous log entry doesn't match", msg);
this.raft.sendMessage(new AppendResponse(this.raft.clusterId, this.raft.identity, msg.getSenderId(),
this.raft.currentTerm, msg.getLeaderTimestamp(), false, this.raft.log.getLastAppliedIndex(),
// Check whether the message actually contains a log entry we can append; if so, append it
boolean success = true;
if (leaderPrevIndex >= this.raft.log.getLastAppliedIndex() && !msg.isProbe()) {
// Check for a conflicting (i.e., never committed, then overwritten) log entry that we need to clear away first
if (logIndex <= lastLogIndex && logTerm != this.raft.log.getTermAtIndex(logIndex)) {
// Delete conflicting log entry, and all entries that follow it, from the log
this.raft.log.discardLogEntries(logIndex, msg);
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
this.warn("error fsync()'ing log directory {}", this.raft.logDir, e);
// Rebuild current config
this.raft.currentConfig = this.raft.log.buildCurrentConfig();
// Update last log entry index
lastLogIndex = this.raft.log.getLastIndex();
// Fail any transactions that are based on any of the discarded log entries
for (RaftKVTransaction tx : new ArrayList<>(this.raft.openTransactions.values())) {
if (tx.getBaseIndex() >= logIndex && !tx.getConsistency().equals(Consistency.UNCOMMITTED)) {, new RetryKVTransactionException(tx,
"base log entry " + tx.getBaseIndex() + "t" + tx.getBaseTerm() + " overwritten by new leader"));
// Append the new log entry - if we don't already have it
if (logIndex > lastLogIndex) {
assert logIndex == lastLogIndex + 1;
LogEntry logEntry = null;
do {
// If message contains no data, we expect to get the data from the corresponding transaction
if (newLogEntry == null) {
// Find the matching pending commit write, if any
final PendingWrite pendingWrite = this.pendingWrites.values().stream().filter(pw -> {
final RaftKVTransaction tx = pw.getTx();
return tx.getState().equals(TxState.COMMIT_WAITING)
&& tx.getCommitTerm() == logTerm && tx.getCommitIndex() == logIndex;
if (pendingWrite == null) {
if (this.raft.isPerfLogEnabled()) {
this.perfLog("rec'd {} but no read-write transaction matching commit {}t{} found; rejecting",
msg, logIndex, logTerm);
// Commit's writes are no longer pending
final RaftKVTransaction tx = pendingWrite.getTx();
// Close and durably persist the associated temporary file
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
this.error("error closing temporary transaction file for {}", tx, e);
// Append a new log entry using temporary file
try {
logEntry = this.raft.appendLogEntry(logTerm,
new NewLogEntry(tx, pendingWrite.getFileWriter().getFile()));
} catch (Exception e) {
this.error("error appending new log entry for {}", tx, e);
// Debug
if (this.log.isDebugEnabled())
this.debug("now waiting for commit of {}t{} to commit {}", tx.getCommitIndex(), tx.getCommitTerm(), tx);
} else {
// Append new log entry normally using the data from the request
try {
logEntry = this.raft.appendLogEntry(logTerm, newLogEntry);
} catch (Exception e) {
this.error("error appending new log entry", e);
} while (false);
// Start/stop election timer as needed
if (logEntry != null && logEntry.getConfigChange() != null)
// Success?
success = logEntry != null;
// Rebase transactions
if (success)
// Update last log entry index
lastLogIndex = this.raft.log.getLastIndex();
// Update my commit index
final long newCommitIndex = Math.min(Math.max(leaderCommitIndex, this.raft.commitIndex), lastLogIndex);
if (newCommitIndex > this.raft.commitIndex) {
if (this.log.isDebugEnabled())
this.debug("updating leader commit index from {} -> {}", this.raft.commitIndex, newCommitIndex);
this.raft.commitIndex = newCommitIndex;
// Debug
if (this.log.isTraceEnabled()) {
this.trace("my updated follower state: term={} commitIndex={} leaderLeaseTimeout={} lastApplied={}t{} log={}",
this.raft.currentTerm, this.raft.commitIndex, this.leaderLeaseTimeout, this.raft.log.getLastAppliedIndex(),
this.raft.log.getLastAppliedTerm(), this.raft.log.getUnapplied());
// Send reply
if (success) {
this.raft.sendMessage(new AppendResponse(this.raft.clusterId, this.raft.identity, msg.getSenderId(),
this.raft.currentTerm, msg.getLeaderTimestamp(), true, msg.isProbe() ? logIndex - 1 : logIndex,
} else {
this.raft.sendMessage(new AppendResponse(this.raft.clusterId, this.raft.identity, msg.getSenderId(),
this.raft.currentTerm, msg.getLeaderTimestamp(), false, this.raft.log.getLastAppliedIndex(),
void caseCommitResponse(CommitResponse msg) {
assert Thread.holdsLock(this.raft);
// Find transaction
final RaftKVTransaction tx = this.raft.openTransactions.get(msg.getTxId());
if (tx == null) // must have been rolled back locally
assert tx.getConsistency().equals(Consistency.LINEARIZABLE);
assert msg.getCommitLeaderLeaseTimeout() == null || !tx.addsLogEntry();
// Sanity check whether we're expecting this response
if (!this.commitRequests.remove(tx)) {
if (this.log.isDebugEnabled())
this.debug("rec'd {} for {} not expecting a response; ignoring", msg, tx);
// Check result
if (this.log.isTraceEnabled())
this.trace("rec'd " + msg + " for " + tx);
// Do we already have a commit index & term? This would be unusual and can only happen with some leader change
if (tx.hasCommitInfo()) {
if (this.log.isTraceEnabled())
this.trace("ignoring {} for {}; already have commit {}t{}", msg, tx, tx.getCommitIndex(), tx.getCommitTerm());
// Did the request fail?
if (!msg.isSuccess()) {, new RetryKVTransactionException(tx, msg.getErrorMessage()));
// If messages can get out of order, then it's possible we've already rebased this tx past its commit index
long commitIndex = msg.getCommitIndex();
long commitTerm = msg.getCommitTerm();
if (tx.getBaseIndex() > commitIndex) {
if (this.log.isTraceEnabled()) {
final long actualCommitTerm = this.raft.log.getTermAtIndexIfKnown(commitIndex);
this.trace("{} was rebased past its commit index {}t{} to {}t{}; actual term for index {} is {}",
commitIndex, commitTerm, tx.getBaseIndex(), tx.getBaseTerm(), commitIndex,
actualCommitTerm != 0 ? "" + actualCommitTerm : "unknown");
}, new RetryKVTransactionException(tx, "transaction was rebased past its commit index"));
// Update transaction
switch (tx.getState()) {
assert tx.isReadOnly();
assert !tx.hasCommitInfo();
tx.setCommitInfo(commitTerm, commitIndex, msg.getCommitLeaderLeaseTimeout());
assert !tx.hasCommitInfo();
this.advanceReadyTransactionWithCommitInfo(tx, commitTerm, commitIndex, msg.getCommitLeaderLeaseTimeout());
if (this.log.isDebugEnabled())
this.debug("rec'd {} for {} in state {}; ignoring", msg, tx, tx.getState());
void caseInstallSnapshot(InstallSnapshot msg) {
assert Thread.holdsLock(this.raft);
// Restart election timer (if running)
if (this.electionTimer.isRunning())
// Sanity check that our log is not going backwards
if (msg.getSnapshotIndex() < this.raft.commitIndex) {
this.warn("rec'd {} with retrograde index {} < my commit index {}, ignoring",
msg, msg.getSnapshotIndex(), this.raft.commitIndex);
// Do we have an existing install?
boolean startNewInstall = false;
if (this.snapshotReceive != null) {
// Does the message not match?
if (!this.snapshotReceive.matches(msg)) {
// If the message is NOT the first one in a new install, ignore it
if (msg.getPairIndex() != 0) {
if (this.raft.isPerfLogEnabled())
this.perfLog("rec'd {} which doesn't match in-progress {}; ignoring", msg, this.snapshotReceive);
// The message is the first one in a new install, so discard the existing install
if (this.raft.isPerfLogEnabled())
this.perfLog("rec'd initial {} with in-progress {}; aborting previous install", msg, this.snapshotReceive);
startNewInstall = true;
} else {
// If the message is NOT the first one in a new install, ignore it
if (msg.getPairIndex() != 0) {
if (this.raft.isPerfLogEnabled())
this.perfLog("rec'd non-initial {} with no in-progress snapshot install; ignoring", msg);
// Get snapshot term and index
final long term = msg.getSnapshotTerm();
final long index = msg.getSnapshotIndex();
// Set up new install if necessary
if (this.snapshotReceive == null || startNewInstall) {
assert msg.getPairIndex() == 0;
if (this.raft.discardFlipFloppedStateMachine())
this.warn("detected left-over content in flip-flopped state machine; discarding");
this.snapshotReceive = new SnapshotReceive(this.raft.kv,
this.raft.getFlipFloppedStateMachinePrefix(), term, index, msg.getSnapshotConfig());
if (this.raft.isPerfLogEnabled()) {
this.perfLog("starting new snapshot install from \"{}\" of {}t{} with config {}",
msg.getSenderId(), index, term, msg.getSnapshotConfig());
assert this.snapshotReceive.matches(msg);
// Apply next chunk of key/value pairs
if (this.raft.isPerfLogEnabled())
this.perfLog("applying {} to {}", msg, this.snapshotReceive);
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
this.error("error applying snapshot to key/value store; aborting snapshot install", e);
this.snapshotReceive = null;
// If that was the last chunk, finalize persistent state
if (msg.isLastChunk()) {
// Flip-flop state machine
final Map snapshotConfig = this.snapshotReceive.getSnapshotConfig();
if (this.raft.isPerfLogEnabled()) {
this.perfLog("snapshot install from \"{}\" of {}t{} with config {} complete",
msg.getSenderId(), index, term, snapshotConfig);
this.snapshotReceive = null;
if (!this.raft.flipFlopStateMachine(term, index, snapshotConfig) && this.raft.isPerfLogEnabled()) {
this.perfLog("snapshot install from \"{}\" of {}t{} with config {} failed: state machine flip-flop error",
msg.getSenderId(), index, term, snapshotConfig);
// Fail transactions we can no longer deal with
for (RaftKVTransaction tx : new ArrayList<>(this.raft.openTransactions.values())) {
// Fail if base index is past our applied index
if (tx.getBaseIndex() > index) {, new RetryKVTransactionException(tx,
"rec'd snapshot install from leader and base index " + tx.getBaseIndex() + " > " + index));
// Fail if rebasable and the base index doesn't exactly match
if (tx.isRebasable() && (tx.getBaseTerm() != term || tx.getBaseIndex() != index)) {, new RetryKVTransactionException(tx, String.format(
"snapshot install of %dt%d invalidated transaction base %dt%d",
index, term, tx.getBaseIndex(), tx.getBaseTerm())));
// Check for newly committable transactions
void caseRequestVote(RequestVote msg) {
assert Thread.holdsLock(this.raft);
// Record new cluster ID if we haven't done so already
if (this.raft.clusterId == 0)
// Did we already vote for somebody else?
final String peer = msg.getSenderId();
if (this.votedFor != null && !this.votedFor.equals(peer)) {
if (this.log.isDebugEnabled())
this.debug("rec'd {}; rejected because we already voted for \"{}\"", msg, this.votedFor);
// Verify that we are allowed to vote for this peer
if (msg.getLastLogTerm() < this.raft.log.getLastTerm()
|| (msg.getLastLogTerm() == this.raft.log.getLastTerm() && msg.getLastLogIndex() < this.raft.log.getLastIndex())) {
if (this.log.isDebugEnabled()) {
this.debug("rec'd {}; rejected because their log {}t{} loses to ours {}t{}",
msg, msg.getLastLogIndex(), msg.getLastLogTerm(), this.raft.log.getLastIndex(), this.raft.log.getLastTerm());
// Persist our vote for this peer (if not already persisted)
if (this.votedFor == null) {
if (this.log.isDebugEnabled())
this.debug("granting vote to \"{}\" in term {}", peer, this.raft.currentTerm);
if (!this.updateVotedFor(peer))
} else {
if (this.log.isDebugEnabled())
this.debug("confirming existing vote for \"{}\" in term {}", peer, this.raft.currentTerm);
// Send reply
this.raft.sendMessage(new GrantVote(this.raft.clusterId, this.raft.identity, peer, this.raft.currentTerm));
void caseGrantVote(GrantVote msg) {
assert Thread.holdsLock(this.raft);
// Ignore - we already lost the election to the real leader
if (this.log.isDebugEnabled())
this.debug("ignoring {} rec'd while in {}", msg, this);
void casePingResponse(PingResponse msg) {
assert Thread.holdsLock(this.raft);
// Are we probing?
if (this.probeTimestamps == null) {
if (this.log.isTraceEnabled())
this.trace("ignoring {} rec'd while not probing in {}", msg, this);
// Update peer's ping timestamp
this.probeTimestamps.put(msg.getSenderId(), msg.getTimestamp());
// Check new status
private void checkProbeResult() {
assert Thread.holdsLock(this.raft);
assert this.probeTimestamps != null;
// Get the number of nodes successfully probed so far (including ourselves), and the minimum number required (a majority)
final int numProbed = this.calculateProbedNodes();
final int numRequired = this.raft.currentConfig.size() / 2 + 1;
if (this.log.isTraceEnabled())
this.trace("now we have probed {}/{} required nodes", numProbed, numRequired);
// If we have successfully probed a majority, then we can finally become a candidate
if (numProbed >= numRequired) {
if (this.log.isDebugEnabled())
this.debug("successfully probed {} nodes, now converting to candidate", numProbed);
this.raft.changeRole(new CandidateRole(this.raft));
// Helper methods
* Record the peer voted for in the current term.
private boolean updateVotedFor(String recipient) {
// Sanity check
assert Thread.holdsLock(this.raft);
assert recipient != null;
// Update persistent store
final Writes writes = new Writes();
writes.getPuts().put(RaftKVDatabase.VOTED_FOR_KEY, this.raft.encodeString(recipient));
try {
this.raft.kv.apply(writes, true);
} catch (Exception e) {
this.error("error persisting vote for \"{}\"", recipient, e);
return false;
// Done
this.votedFor = recipient;
return true;
// Role
Timestamp getLeaderLeaseTimeout() {
return this.leaderLeaseTimeout;
// Object
public String toString() {
synchronized (this.raft) {
final List pendingRequestIds =
.map(tx -> tx.txId)
return this.toStringPrefix()
+ (this.leader != null ? ",leader=\"" + this.leader + "\"" : "")
+ (this.votedFor != null ? ",votedFor=\"" + this.votedFor + "\"" : "")
+ (!pendingRequestIds.isEmpty() ? ",commitRequests=" + pendingRequestIds : "")
+ (!this.pendingWrites.isEmpty() ? ",pendingWrites=" + this.pendingWrites.keySet() : "")
+ "]";
// Debug
boolean checkState() {
assert Thread.holdsLock(this.raft);
assert this.leaderAddress != null || this.leader == null;
assert this.electionTimer.isRunning() == this.raft.isClusterMember();
for (RaftKVTransaction tx : this.commitRequests) {
switch (tx.getState()) {
assert tx.isReadOnly();
assert false;
assert !tx.hasCommitInfo();
for (Map.Entry entry : this.pendingWrites.entrySet()) {
final long txId = entry.getKey();
final PendingWrite pendingWrite = entry.getValue();
final RaftKVTransaction tx = pendingWrite.getTx();
assert txId == tx.txId;
assert tx.getState().equals(TxState.COMMIT_READY) || tx.getState().equals(TxState.COMMIT_WAITING);
assert pendingWrite.getFileWriter().getFile().exists();
return true;
void checkTransaction(RaftKVTransaction tx) {
switch (tx.getState()) {
assert !this.pendingWrites.containsKey(tx.txId);
assert !this.commitRequests.contains(tx);
assert !this.pendingWrites.containsKey(tx.txId);
assert !this.commitRequests.contains(tx);
// PendingWrite
// Represents a read-write transaction in COMMIT_READY or COMMIT_WAITING for which the server's AppendRequest
// will have null mutationData, because we will already have the data on hand waiting in a temporary file. This
// is a simple optimization to avoid sending the same data from leader -> follower just sent from follower -> leader.
private static class PendingWrite {
private final RaftKVTransaction tx;
private final FileWriter fileWriter;
PendingWrite(RaftKVTransaction tx, FileWriter fileWriter) {
this.tx = tx;
this.fileWriter = fileWriter;
public RaftKVTransaction getTx() {
return this.tx;
public FileWriter getFileWriter() {
return this.fileWriter;
public void cleanup() {
this.tx.raft.deleteFile(this.fileWriter.getFile(), "pending write temp file");
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