io.pinecone.clients.Pinecone Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package io.pinecone.clients;
import io.pinecone.configs.PineconeConfig;
import io.pinecone.configs.PineconeConnection;
import io.pinecone.configs.ProxyConfig;
import io.pinecone.exceptions.*;
import okhttp3.OkHttpClient;
import org.openapitools.db_control.client.ApiClient;
import org.openapitools.db_control.client.ApiException;
import org.openapitools.db_control.client.Configuration;
import org.openapitools.db_control.client.api.ManageIndexesApi;
import org.openapitools.db_control.client.model.*;
import java.net.InetSocketAddress;
import java.net.Proxy;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
* The Pinecone class is the main entry point for interacting with Pinecone via the Java SDK.
* It is used to create, delete, and manage your indexes and collections, along with the inference api.
* Note that the Pinecone class instantiates a single shared {@link OkHttpClient} instance,
* which is used for both control plane and inference operations.The OkHttpClient performs best when you create a single
* `OkHttpClient` instance and reuse it for all of your HTTP calls. This is because each client holds its own connection
* pool and thread pools. Reusing connections and threads reduces latency and saves memory. Conversely, creating a
* client for each request wastes resources on idle pools.
* To instantiate the Pinecone class, use the {@link Pinecone.Builder} class to pass
* an API key and any other optional configuration.
* import io.pinecone.clients.Pinecone;
* Pinecone client = new Pinecone.Builder("PINECONE_API_KEY").build();
* // Use the client to interact with Pinecone
* client.describeIndex("YOUR-INDEX");
* // Use the client to obtain an Index or AsyncIndex instance to upsert or query
* Index index = client.getIndexConnection("YOUR-INDEX");
* index.upsert(...);
* }
public class Pinecone {
private static final ConcurrentHashMap connectionsMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private final ManageIndexesApi manageIndexesApi;
private final PineconeConfig config;
Pinecone(PineconeConfig config, ManageIndexesApi manageIndexesApi) {
this.config = config;
this.manageIndexesApi = manageIndexesApi;
PineconeConfig getConfig() {
return config;
* Creates a new serverless index with the specified parameters.
* Example:
* client.createServerlessIndex("YOUR-INDEX", "cosine", 1536, "aws", "us-west-2", DeletionProtection.ENABLED);
* }
* @param indexName The name of the index to be created.
* @param metric The metric type for the index. Must be one of "cosine", "euclidean", or "dotproduct".
* @param dimension The number of dimensions for the index.
* @param cloud The cloud provider for the index.
* @param region The cloud region for the index.
* @param deletionProtection Enable or disable deletion protection for the index.
* @return {@link IndexModel} representing the created serverless index.
* @throws PineconeException if the API encounters an error during index creation or if any of the arguments are invalid.
public IndexModel createServerlessIndex(String indexName,
String metric,
int dimension,
String cloud,
String region,
DeletionProtection deletionProtection) throws PineconeException {
if (indexName == null || indexName.isEmpty()) {
throw new PineconeValidationException("Index name cannot be null or empty");
if (metric == null || metric.isEmpty()) {
throw new PineconeValidationException("Metric cannot be null or empty. Must be one of " + Arrays.toString(CreateIndexRequest.MetricEnum.values()));
try {
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new PineconeValidationException("Metric cannot be null or empty. Must be one of " + Arrays.toString(CreateIndexRequest.MetricEnum.values()));
if (dimension < 1) {
throw new PineconeValidationException("Dimension must be greater than 0. See limits for more info: https://docs.pinecone.io/reference/limits");
if (cloud == null || cloud.isEmpty()) {
throw new PineconeValidationException("Cloud cannot be null or empty. Must be one of " + Arrays.toString(ServerlessSpec.CloudEnum.values()));
try {
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new PineconeValidationException("Cloud cannot be null or empty. Must be one of " + Arrays.toString(ServerlessSpec.CloudEnum.values()));
if (region == null || region.isEmpty()) {
throw new PineconeValidationException("Region cannot be null or empty");
// Convert user string for "metric" arg into IndexMetric
CreateIndexRequest.MetricEnum userMetric = CreateIndexRequest.MetricEnum.fromValue(metric.toLowerCase());
// Convert user string for "cloud" arg into ServerlessSpec.CloudEnum
ServerlessSpec.CloudEnum cloudProvider = ServerlessSpec.CloudEnum.fromValue(cloud.toLowerCase());
ServerlessSpec serverlessSpec = new ServerlessSpec().cloud(cloudProvider).region(region);
IndexSpec createServerlessIndexRequestSpec = new IndexSpec().serverless(serverlessSpec);
IndexModel indexModel = null;
try {
indexModel = manageIndexesApi.createIndex(new CreateIndexRequest()
} catch (ApiException apiException) {
return indexModel;
* Overload for creating a new pods index with environment and podType, the minimum required parameters.
* Example:
* client.createPodsIndex("YOUR-INDEX", 1536, "us-east4-gcp", "p1.x2");
* }
* @param indexName The name of the index to be created.
* @param dimension The number of dimensions for the index.
* @param environment The cloud environment where you want the index to be hosted.
* @param podType The type of pod to use. A string with one of s1, p1, or p2 appended with a "." and one of x1, x2, x4, or x8.
* @return {@link IndexModel} representing the created serverless index.
* @throws PineconeException if the API encounters an error during index creation or if any of the arguments are invalid.
public IndexModel createPodsIndex(String indexName, Integer dimension, String environment, String podType) {
return createPodsIndex(indexName, dimension, environment, podType, null, null, null,
null, null, null, DeletionProtection.DISABLED);
* Overload for creating a new pods index with environment, podType, and deletion protection.
* Example:
* client.createPodsIndex("YOUR-INDEX", 1536, "us-east4-gcp", "p1.x2", DeletionProtection.ENABLED);
* }
* @param indexName The name of the index to be created.
* @param dimension The number of dimensions for the index.
* @param environment The cloud environment where you want the index to be hosted.
* @param podType The type of pod to use. A string with one of s1, p1, or p2 appended with a "." and one of x1, x2, x4, or x8.
* @param deletionProtection Enable or disable deletion protection for the index.
* @return {@link IndexModel} representing the created serverless index.
* @throws PineconeException if the API encounters an error during index creation or if any of the arguments are invalid.
public IndexModel createPodsIndex(String indexName,
Integer dimension,
String environment,
String podType,
DeletionProtection deletionProtection) {
return createPodsIndex(indexName, dimension, environment, podType, null, null, null,
null, null, null, deletionProtection);
* Overload for creating a new pods index with environment, podType, and metric.
* Example:
* client.createPodsIndex("YOUR-INDEX", 1536, "us-east4-gcp", "p1.x2", "cosine");
* }
* @param indexName The name of the index to be created.
* @param dimension The number of dimensions for the index.
* @param environment The cloud environment where you want the index to be hosted.
* @param podType The type of pod to use. A string with one of s1, p1, or p2 appended with a "." and one of x1, x2, x4, or x8.
* @param metric The metric type for the index. Must be one of "cosine", "euclidean", or "dotproduct".
* @return {@link IndexModel} representing the created serverless index.
* @throws PineconeException if the API encounters an error during index creation or if any of the arguments are invalid.
public IndexModel createPodsIndex(String indexName, Integer dimension, String environment,
String podType, String metric) {
return createPodsIndex(indexName, dimension, environment, podType, metric, null, null,
null, null, null, DeletionProtection.DISABLED);
* Overload for creating a new pods index with environment, podType, metric, and metadataConfig.
* Example:
* import org.openapitools.control.client.model.PodSpecMetadataConfig;
* ...
* PodSpecMetadataConfig metadataConfig =
* new PodSpecMetadataConfig()
* .fields(Arrays.asList("genre", "year"));
* client.createPodsIndex("YOUR-INDEX", 1536, "us-east4-gcp", "p1.x2", "cosine", metadataConfig);
* }
* @param indexName The name of the index to be created.
* @param dimension The number of dimensions for the index.
* @param environment The cloud environment where you want the index to be hosted.
* @param podType The type of pod to use. A string with one of s1, p1, or p2 appended with a "." and one of x1, x2, x4, or x8.
* @param metric The metric type for the index. Must be one of "cosine", "euclidean", or "dotproduct".
* @param metadataConfig The configuration for the behavior of Pinecone's internal metadata index. By default, all metadata is indexed;
* when metadataConfig is present, only specified metadata fields are indexed.
* @return {@link IndexModel} representing the created serverless index.
* @throws PineconeException if the API encounters an error during index creation or if any of the arguments are invalid.
public IndexModel createPodsIndex(String indexName, Integer dimension, String environment,
String podType, String metric, PodSpecMetadataConfig metadataConfig) {
return createPodsIndex(indexName, dimension, environment, podType, metric, null, null, null,
metadataConfig,null, DeletionProtection.DISABLED);
* Overload for creating a new pods index with environment, podType, metric, and sourceCollection.
* Example:
* client.createPodsIndex("YOUR-INDEX", 1536, "us-east4-gcp", "p1.x2", "cosine", "my-collection");
* }
* @param indexName The name of the index to be created.
* @param dimension The number of dimensions for the index.
* @param environment The cloud environment where you want the index to be hosted.
* @param podType The type of pod to use. A string with one of s1, p1, or p2 appended with a "." and one of x1, x2, x4, or x8.
* @param metric The metric type for the index. Must be one of "cosine", "euclidean", or "dotproduct".
* @param sourceCollection The name of the collection to be used as the source for the index. Collections are snapshots of an index at a point in time.
* @return {@link IndexModel} representing the created serverless index.
* @throws PineconeException if the API encounters an error during index creation or if any of the arguments are invalid.
public IndexModel createPodsIndex(String indexName, Integer dimension, String environment,
String podType, String metric, String sourceCollection) {
return createPodsIndex(indexName, dimension, environment, podType, metric, null, null, null, null,
sourceCollection, DeletionProtection.DISABLED);
* Overload for creating a new pods index with environment, podType, and pods.
* Example:
* client.createPodsIndex("YOUR-INDEX", 1536, "us-east4-gcp", "p1.x2", "cosine", 6);
* }
* @param indexName The name of the index to be created.
* @param dimension The number of dimensions for the index.
* @param environment The cloud environment where you want the index to be hosted.
* @param podType The type of pod to use. A string with one of s1, p1, or p2 appended with a "." and one of x1, x2, x4, or x8.
* @param pods The number of pods to be used in the index.
* @return {@link IndexModel} representing the created serverless index.
* @throws PineconeException if the API encounters an error during index creation or if any of the arguments are invalid.
public IndexModel createPodsIndex(String indexName, Integer dimension, String environment,
String podType, Integer pods) {
return createPodsIndex(indexName, dimension, environment, podType, null, null, null, pods,
null, null, DeletionProtection.DISABLED);
* Overload for creating a new pods index with environment, podType, pods, and metadataConfig.
* Example:
* import org.openapitools.control.client.model.PodSpecMetadataConfig;
* ...
* PodSpecMetadataConfig metadataConfig =
* new PodSpecMetadataConfig()
* .fields(Arrays.asList("genre", "year"));
* client.createPodsIndex("YOUR-INDEX", 1536, "us-east4-gcp", "p1.x2", "cosine", 6);
* }
* @param indexName The name of the index to be created.
* @param dimension The number of dimensions for the index.
* @param environment The cloud environment where you want the index to be hosted.
* @param podType The type of pod to use. A string with one of s1, p1, or p2 appended with a "." and one of x1, x2, x4, or x8.
* @param pods The number of pods to be used in the index.
* @return {@link IndexModel} representing the created serverless index.
* @throws PineconeException if the API encounters an error during index creation or if any of the arguments are invalid.
public IndexModel createPodsIndex(String indexName, Integer dimension, String environment,
String podType, Integer pods,
PodSpecMetadataConfig metadataConfig) {
return createPodsIndex(indexName, dimension, environment, podType, null, null, null, pods, metadataConfig,
null, DeletionProtection.DISABLED);
* Overload for creating a new pods index with environment, podType, replicas, and shards.
* Example:
* client.createPodsIndex("YOUR-INDEX", 1536, "us-east4-gcp", "p1.x2", "cosine", 2, 2);
* }
* @param indexName The name of the index to be created.
* @param dimension The number of dimensions for the index.
* @param environment The cloud environment where you want the index to be hosted.
* @param podType The type of pod to use. A string with one of s1, p1, or p2 appended with a "." and one of x1, x2, x4, or x8.
* @param replicas The number of replicas. Replicas duplicate your index. They provide higher availability and throughput and can be scaled.
* @param shards The number of shards. Shards split your data across multiple pods so you can fit more data into an index.
* @return {@link IndexModel} representing the created serverless index.
* @throws PineconeException if the API encounters an error during index creation or if any of the arguments are invalid.
public IndexModel createPodsIndex(String indexName, Integer dimension, String environment,
String podType, Integer replicas,
Integer shards) {
return createPodsIndex(indexName, dimension, environment, podType, null, replicas, shards, null,
null, null, DeletionProtection.DISABLED);
* Overload for creating a new pods index with environment, podType, replicas, shards, and metadataConfig.
* Example:
* import org.openapitools.control.client.model.PodSpecMetadataConfig;
* ...
* PodSpecMetadataConfig metadataConfig =
* new PodSpecMetadataConfig()
* .fields(Arrays.asList("genre", "year"));
* client.createPodsIndex("YOUR-INDEX", 1536, "us-east4-gcp", "p1.x2", "cosine", 2, 2, metadataConfig);
* }
* @param indexName The name of the index to be created.
* @param dimension The number of dimensions for the index.
* @param environment The cloud environment where you want the index to be hosted.
* @param podType The type of pod to use. A string with one of s1, p1, or p2 appended with a "." and one of x1, x2, x4, or x8.
* @param replicas The number of replicas. Replicas duplicate your index. They provide higher availability and throughput and can be scaled.
* @param shards The number of shards. Shards split your data across multiple pods so you can fit more data into an index.
* @return {@link IndexModel} representing the created serverless index.
* @throws PineconeException if the API encounters an error during index creation or if any of the arguments are invalid.
public IndexModel createPodsIndex(String indexName, Integer dimension, String environment,
String podType, Integer replicas,
Integer shards, PodSpecMetadataConfig metadataConfig) {
return createPodsIndex(indexName, dimension, environment,
podType, null, replicas,
shards, null, metadataConfig,
null, DeletionProtection.DISABLED);
* Creates a new pods index with the specified parameters.
* Example:
* import org.openapitools.control.client.model.PodSpecMetadataConfig;
* ...
* PodSpecMetadataConfig metadataConfig =
* new PodSpecMetadataConfig()
* .fields(Arrays.asList("genre", "year"));
* client.createPodsIndex("YOUR-INDEX", 1536, "us-east4-gcp", "p1.x2", "cosine", 2, 2, 4, null, null, DeletionProtection.DISABLED);
* }
* @param indexName The name of the index to be created.
* @param dimension The number of dimensions for the index.
* @param environment The cloud environment where you want the index to be hosted.
* @param podType The type of pod to use. A string with one of s1, p1, or p2 appended with a "." and one of x1, x2, x4, or x8.
* @param metric The metric type for the index. Must be one of "cosine", "euclidean", or "dotproduct".
* @param replicas The number of replicas. Replicas duplicate your index. They provide higher availability and throughput and can be scaled.
* @param shards The number of shards. Shards split your data across multiple pods so you can fit more data into an index.
* @param pods The number of pods to be used in the index. This should be equal to shards x replicas.
* @param metadataConfig The configuration for the behavior of Pinecone's internal metadata index. By default, all metadata is indexed;
* when metadataConfig is present, only specified metadata fields are indexed.
* @param sourceCollection The name of the collection to be used as the source for the index. Collections are snapshots of an index at a point in time.
* @param deletionProtection Enable or disable deletion protection for the index.
* @return {@link IndexModel} representing the created serverless index.
* @throws PineconeException if the API encounters an error during index creation or if any of the arguments are invalid.
public IndexModel createPodsIndex(String indexName, Integer dimension, String environment,
String podType, String metric,
Integer replicas, Integer shards, Integer pods,
PodSpecMetadataConfig metadataConfig, String sourceCollection,
DeletionProtection deletionProtection) throws PineconeException {
validatePodIndexParams(indexName, dimension, environment, podType, metric, replicas, shards, pods);
PodSpec podSpec = new PodSpec().environment(environment)
IndexSpec createIndexRequestSpec = new IndexSpec().pod(podSpec);
CreateIndexRequest createIndexRequest = new CreateIndexRequest()
.metric(metric != null ? CreateIndexRequest.MetricEnum.fromValue(metric) : CreateIndexRequest.MetricEnum.COSINE)
IndexModel indexModel = null;
try {
indexModel = manageIndexesApi.createIndex(createIndexRequest);
} catch (ApiException apiException) {
return indexModel;
public static void validatePodIndexParams(String indexName, Integer dimension, String environment,
String podType, String metric,
Integer replicas, Integer shards, Integer pods) {
if (indexName == null || indexName.isEmpty()) {
throw new PineconeValidationException("indexName cannot be null or empty");
if (dimension == null) {
throw new PineconeValidationException("Dimension cannot be null");
if (dimension < 1) {
throw new PineconeValidationException("Dimension must be greater than 0. See limits for more info: https://docs.pinecone.io/reference/limits");
if (environment == null || environment.isEmpty()) {
throw new PineconeValidationException("Environment cannot be null or empty");
if (podType == null || podType.isEmpty()) {
throw new PineconeValidationException("podType cannot be null or empty");
if (metric != null && metric.isEmpty()) {
throw new PineconeValidationException("Metric cannot be null or empty. Must be one of " + Arrays.toString(IndexModel.MetricEnum.values()));
if (replicas != null && replicas < 1) {
throw new PineconeValidationException("Number of replicas must be >= 1");
if (shards != null && shards < 1) {
throw new PineconeValidationException("Number of shards must be >= 1");
if (pods != null && pods < 1) {
throw new PineconeValidationException("Number of pods must be >= 1");
if (replicas != null && shards != null && pods != null && (replicas*shards != pods)) {
throw new PineconeValidationException("Number of pods does not equal number of shards times number of " +
"replicas"); }
* Retrieves information about an existing index.
* Example:
* import org.openapitools.control.client.model.IndexModel;
* ...
* IndexModel indexModel = client.describeIndex("YOUR-INDEX");
* }
* @param indexName The name of the index to describe.
* @return {@link IndexModel} with the details of the index.
* @throws PineconeException if an error occurs during the operation or the index does not exist.
public IndexModel describeIndex(String indexName) throws PineconeException {
IndexModel indexModel = null;
try {
indexModel = manageIndexesApi.describeIndex(indexName);
} catch (ApiException apiException) {
return indexModel;
* Configures an existing pod-based index with new settings.
* Example:
* import org.openapitools.control.client.model.IndexModel;
* ...
* // Make a configuration change
* IndexModel indexModel = client.configurePodsIndex("YOUR-INDEX", "p1.x2", 4, DeletionProtection.ENABLED);
* // Call describeIndex to see the index status as the change is applied.
* indexModel = client.describeIndex("YOUR-INDEX");
* }
* @param indexName The name of the index to configure.
* @param podType The new podType for the index. Can be null if not changing the pod type.
* @param replicas The desired number of replicas for the index, lowest value is 0. Can be null if not changing the number of replicas.
* @param deletionProtection Enable or disable deletion protection for the index.
* @return {@link IndexModel} representing the configured index.
* @throws PineconeException if an error occurs during the operation, the index does not exist, or if any of the arguments are invalid.
public IndexModel configurePodsIndex(String indexName, String podType, Integer replicas, DeletionProtection deletionProtection) throws PineconeException {
if (indexName == null || indexName.isEmpty()) {
throw new PineconeValidationException("indexName cannot be null or empty");
// If you pass a # replicas, but they're < 1, throw an exception
if (replicas != null) {
if (replicas < 1) {
throw new PineconeValidationException("Number of replicas must be >= 1");
// Build ConfigureIndexRequest object
ConfigureIndexRequest configureIndexRequest = new ConfigureIndexRequest()
.spec(new ConfigureIndexRequestSpec()
.pod(new ConfigureIndexRequestSpecPod()
IndexModel indexModel = null;
try {
indexModel = manageIndexesApi.configureIndex(indexName, configureIndexRequest);
} catch (ApiException apiException) {
return indexModel;
* Overload for configurePodsIndex to change the number of replicas and deletion protection for an index.
* Example:
* import org.openapitools.control.client.model.IndexModel;
* ...
* IndexModel indexModel = client.configurePodsIndex("YOUR-INDEX", 4, DeletionProtection.ENABLED);
* }
* @param indexName The name of the index.
* @param replicas The desired number of replicas for the index, lowest value is 0.
* @param deletionProtection Enable or disable deletion protection for the index.
* @return {@link IndexModel} of the configured index.
* @throws PineconeException if an error occurs during the operation, the index does not exist, or if the number of replicas is invalid.
public IndexModel configurePodsIndex(String indexName, Integer replicas, DeletionProtection deletionProtection) throws PineconeException {
return configurePodsIndex(indexName, null, replicas, deletionProtection);
* Overload for configurePodsIndex to only change the podType of an index.
* Example:
* import org.openapitools.control.client.model.IndexModel;
* ...
* IndexModel indexModel = client.configurePodsIndex("YOUR-INDEX", "p1.x2");
* }
* @param indexName The name of the index.
* @param podType The new podType for the index.
* @return {@link IndexModel} of the configured index.
* @throws PineconeException if an error occurs during the operation, the index does not exist, or if the podType is invalid.
public IndexModel configurePodsIndex(String indexName, String podType) throws PineconeException {
DeletionProtection deletionProtection = describeIndex(indexName).getDeletionProtection();
return configurePodsIndex(indexName, podType, null, deletionProtection);
* Overload for configurePodsIndex to only change the deletion protection of an index.
* Example:
* import org.openapitools.control.client.model.IndexModel;
* ...
* IndexModel indexModel = client.configurePodsIndex("YOUR-INDEX", DeletionProtection.ENABLED);
* }
* @param indexName The name of the index.
* @param deletionProtection Enable or disable deletion protection for the index.
* @return {@link IndexModel} of the configured index.
* @throws PineconeException if an error occurs during the operation, the index does not exist, or if the podType is invalid.
public IndexModel configurePodsIndex(String indexName, DeletionProtection deletionProtection) throws PineconeException {
return configurePodsIndex(indexName, null, null, deletionProtection);
* Configures an existing serverless index with deletion protection.
* Example:
* import org.openapitools.control.client.model.IndexModel;
* ...
* // Make a configuration change
* IndexModel indexModel = client.configureServerlessIndex("YOUR-INDEX", DeletionProtection.ENABLED);
* // Call describeIndex to see the index status as the change is applied.
* indexModel = client.describeIndex("YOUR-INDEX");
* }
* @param indexName The name of the index to configure.
* @param deletionProtection Enable or disable deletion protection for the index.
* @return {@link IndexModel} representing the configured index.
* @throws PineconeException if an error occurs during the operation, the index does not exist, or if any of the arguments are invalid.
public IndexModel configureServerlessIndex(String indexName, DeletionProtection deletionProtection) throws PineconeException {
if (indexName == null || indexName.isEmpty()) {
throw new PineconeValidationException("indexName cannot be null or empty");
// Build ConfigureIndexRequest object
ConfigureIndexRequest configureIndexRequest = new ConfigureIndexRequest().deletionProtection(deletionProtection);
IndexModel indexModel = null;
try {
indexModel = manageIndexesApi.configureIndex(indexName, configureIndexRequest);
} catch (ApiException apiException) {
return indexModel;
* Lists all indexes in your project, including the index name, dimension, metric, status, and spec.
* Example:
* import org.openapitools.control.client.model.IndexList;
* ...
* IndexList indexes = client.listIndexes();
* }
* @return {@link IndexList} containing all indexes.
* @throws PineconeException if an error occurs during the operation.
public IndexList listIndexes() throws PineconeException {
IndexList indexList = null;
try {
indexList = manageIndexesApi.listIndexes();
} catch (ApiException apiException) {
return indexList;
* Deletes an index.
* Deleting an index is an irreversible operation. All data in the index will be lost.
* When you use this command, a request is sent to the Pinecone control plane to delete
* the index, but the termination is not synchronous because resources take a few moments to
* be released.
* You can check the status of the index by calling the describeIndex command.
* With repeated polling of the describeIndex command, you will see the index transition to a
* Terminating state before eventually resulting in a 404 after it has been removed.
* Example:
* import org.openapitools.control.client.model.IndexModel;
* ...
* // Delete an index
* client.deleteIndex("YOUR-INDEX");
* // Get index status with describeIndex
* IndexModel indexModel = client.describeIndex("YOUR-INDEX");
* indexModel.getStatus().getState();
* }
* @param indexName The name of the index to delete.
* @throws PineconeException if an error occurs during the deletion operation or the index does not exist.
public void deleteIndex(String indexName) throws PineconeException {
try {
} catch (ApiException apiException) {
* Creates a new collection from a source index.
* Example:
* import org.openapitools.control.client.model.CollectionModel;
* ...
* CollectionModel collection = client.createCollection("my-collection", "my-source-index");
* }
* @param collectionName The name of the new collection.
* @param sourceIndex The name of the source index.
* @return {@link CollectionModel} representing the created collection.
* @throws PineconeException if an error occurs during the operation, or the source collection is invalid.
public CollectionModel createCollection(String collectionName, String sourceIndex) throws PineconeException {
if (collectionName == null || collectionName.isEmpty()) {
throw new PineconeValidationException("collectionName cannot be null or empty");
if (sourceIndex == null || sourceIndex.isEmpty()) {
throw new PineconeValidationException("sourceIndex cannot be null or empty");
CreateCollectionRequest createCollectionRequest = new CreateCollectionRequest()
CollectionModel collection = null;
try {
collection = manageIndexesApi.createCollection(createCollectionRequest);
} catch (ApiException apiException) {
return collection;
* Describes an existing collection.
* Example:
* import io.pinecone.clients.Pinecone;
* import org.openapitools.control.client.model.CollectionModel;
* ...
* CollectionModel collection = client.describeCollection("my-collection");
* }
* @param collectionName The name of the collection to describe.
* @return {@link CollectionModel} with the description of the collection.
* @throws PineconeException if an error occurs during the operation or the collection does not exist.
public CollectionModel describeCollection(String collectionName) throws PineconeException {
CollectionModel collection = null;
try {
collection = manageIndexesApi.describeCollection(collectionName);
} catch (ApiException apiException) {
return collection;
* Lists all collections in the project.
* Example:
* import org.openapitools.control.client.model.CollectionList;
* ...
* CollectionList collections = client.listCollections();
* }
* @return {@link CollectionList} containing all collections.
* @throws PineconeException if an error occurs during the listing operation.
public CollectionList listCollections() throws PineconeException {
CollectionList collections = null;
try {
collections = manageIndexesApi.listCollections();
} catch (ApiException apiException) {
return collections;
* Deletes a collection.
* Deleting a collection is an irreversible operation. All data in the collection will be lost.
* This method tells Pinecone you would like to delete a collection, but it takes a few moments to complete the operation.
* Use the describeCollection() method to confirm that the collection has been deleted.
* Example:
* client.deleteCollection('my-collection');
* // Verify collection status with describeCollection
* client.describeCollection('my-collection');
* }
* @param collectionName The name of the collection to delete.
* @throws PineconeException if an error occurs during the deletion operation or the collection does not exist.
public void deleteCollection(String collectionName) throws PineconeException {
try {
} catch (ApiException apiException) {
* Retrieves a connection to a specific index for synchronous operations. This method initializes
* and returns an {@link Index} object that represents a connection to an index and allowing for
* synchronous operations against it.
* Example:
* import io.pinecone.clients.Index;
* ...
* Index index = client.getIndexConnection("YOUR-INDEX");
* // Use the index object to interact with the index
* index.describeIndexStats();
* }
* @param indexName The name of the index to connect to. Must not be null or empty.
* @return An {@link Index} object representing the connection to the specified index.
* @throws PineconeValidationException If the indexName is null or empty.
public Index getIndexConnection(String indexName) throws PineconeValidationException {
if(indexName == null || indexName.isEmpty()) {
throw new PineconeValidationException("Index name cannot be null or empty");
PineconeConnection connection = getConnection(indexName);
return new Index(connection, indexName);
* Retrieves a connection to a specific index for asynchronous operations. This method initializes
* and returns an {@link AsyncIndex} object that represents a connection to an index and allowing for
* synchronous operations against it.
* Example:
* import io.pinecone.clients.AsyncIndex;
* ...
* AsyncIndex asyncIndex = client.getAsyncIndexConnection("YOUR-INDEX");
* // Use the index object to interact with the index
* asyncIndex.describeIndexStats();
* }
* @param indexName The name of the index to connect to. Must not be null or empty.
* @return An {@link AsyncIndex} object representing the connection to the specified index.
* @throws PineconeValidationException If the indexName is null or empty.
public AsyncIndex getAsyncIndexConnection(String indexName) throws PineconeValidationException {
if(indexName == null || indexName.isEmpty()) {
throw new PineconeValidationException("Index name cannot be null or empty");
PineconeConnection connection = getConnection(indexName);
return new AsyncIndex(config, connection, indexName);
* A method to create and return a new instance of the {@link Inference} client.
* This method initializes the Inference client using the current {@link PineconeConfig} instance which is
* initialized as a part of the Builder class. The {@link Inference} client can then be used to interact with
* Pinecone's inference API.
* @return A new {@link Inference} client instance.
public Inference getInferenceClient() {
return new Inference(config);
PineconeConnection getConnection(String indexName) {
return connectionsMap.computeIfAbsent(indexName, key -> new PineconeConnection(config));
ConcurrentHashMap getConnectionsMap() {
return connectionsMap;
String getIndexHost(String indexName) {
return this.describeIndex(indexName).getHost();
static void closeConnection(String indexName) {
private void handleApiException(ApiException apiException) throws PineconeException {
int statusCode = apiException.getCode();
String responseBody = apiException.getResponseBody();
FailedRequestInfo failedRequestInfo = new FailedRequestInfo(statusCode, responseBody);
HttpErrorMapper.mapHttpStatusError(failedRequestInfo, apiException);
* A builder class for creating a {@link Pinecone} instance. This builder allows for configuring a {@link Pinecone}
* instance with custom parameters including an API key, a source tag, and a custom OkHttpClient.
public static class Builder {
// Required fields
private final String apiKey;
// Optional fields
private String host;
private String sourceTag;
private ProxyConfig proxyConfig;
private OkHttpClient customOkHttpClient;
private boolean enableTls = true;
* Constructs a new {@link Builder} with the mandatory API key.
* {@code
* import io.pinecone.clients.Pinecone;
* Pinecone client = new Pinecone.Builder("PINECONE_API_KEY").build();
* }
* @param apiKey The API key required for authenticating requests to Pinecone services.
public Builder(String apiKey) {
this.apiKey = apiKey;
* Sets the source tag to include with all requests made by the Pinecone client.
* Source tag is an optional string identifier used to help Pinecone attribute API activity to our partners.
* For more info, see
* https://docs.pinecone.io/integrations/build-integration/attribute-api-activity
* Pinecone client = new Pinecone.Builder("PINECONE_API_KEY")
* .withSourceTag("YOUR_SOURCE_TAG")
* .build();
* // The tag will be included in all requests made by the client, e.g.
* client.listIndexes();
* }
* @param sourceTag The source tag to identify the origin of the requests.
* @return This {@link Builder} instance for chaining method calls.
public Builder withSourceTag(String sourceTag) {
this.sourceTag = sourceTag;
return this;
* Sets a custom OkHttpClient for the Pinecone client to use for making HTTP requests.
* {@code
* import okhttp3.OkHttpClient;
* OkHttpClient myClient = new OkHttpClient();
* Pinecone client = new Pinecone.Builder("PINECONE_API_KEY")
* .withOkHttpClient(myClient)
* .build();
* // Network requests will now be made using your custom OkHttpClient
* client.listIndexes();
* }
* @param okHttpClient The custom OkHttpClient to be used. Must not be null.
* @return This {@link Builder} instance for chaining method calls.
public Builder withOkHttpClient(OkHttpClient okHttpClient) {
this.customOkHttpClient = okHttpClient;
return this;
* Sets a proxy for the Pinecone client to use for control and data plane requests.
* When a proxy is configured using this method, all control and data plane requests made by the Pinecone client
* will be routed through the specified proxy server.
* It's important to note that both proxyHost and proxyPort parameters should be provided to establish
* the connection to the proxy server.
* Example usage:
* String proxyHost = System.getenv("PROXY_HOST");
* int proxyPort = Integer.parseInt(System.getenv("PROXY_PORT"));
* Pinecone pinecone = new Pinecone.Builder("PINECONE_API_KEY")
* .withProxy(proxyHost, proxyPort)
* .build();
* // Network requests for control plane operations will now be made using the specified proxy.
* pinecone.listIndexes();
* // Network requests for data plane operations will now be made using the specified proxy.
* Index index = pinecone.getIndexConnection("PINECONE_INDEX");
* index.describeIndexStats();
* }
* @param proxyHost The hostname or IP address of the proxy server. Must not be null.
* @param proxyPort The port number of the proxy server. Must not be null.
* @return This {@link Builder} instance for chaining method calls.
public Builder withProxy(String proxyHost, int proxyPort) {
this.proxyConfig = new ProxyConfig(proxyHost, proxyPort);
return this;
* Sets a custom host URL for the control and data plane operations.
* This method allows you to specify a custom base URL for Pinecone control and data plane requests.
* Example usage:
* Pinecone client = new Pinecone.Builder("PINECONE_API_KEY")
* .withHost("http://localhost:5080")
* .build();
* // Requests will now be sent to the specified host.
* client.listIndexes();
* }
* @param host The custom host URL for the Pinecone service. Must be a valid URL.
* @return This {@link Builder} instance for chaining method calls.
public Builder withHost(String host) {
this.host = host;
return this;
* Configures whether TLS (Transport Layer Security) should be enabled for data plane operations.
* By default, TLS is enabled for data plane requests to ensure secure communication for data plane operations.
* This method can be used to disable TLS if needed (e.g., for testing or when communicating with non-secure
* endpoints). Disabling TLS in a production environment is not recommended due to potential security risks.
* Example usage:
* Pinecone client = new Pinecone.Builder("PINECONE_API_KEY")
* .withTlsEnabled(false)
* .build();
* // Get index for data plane operations
* Index index = pinecone.getIndexConnection("PINECONE_INDEX_NAME");
* // Requests will now be made without TLS encryption (not recommended for production use).
* index.upsert("v1", Arrays.asList(1f, 2f, 3f));
* }
* @param enableTls {@code true} to enable TLS (default), {@code false} to disable it.
* @return This {@link Builder} instance for chaining method calls.
public Builder withTlsEnabled(boolean enableTls) {
this.enableTls = enableTls;
return this;
* Builds and returns a {@link Pinecone} instance configured with the provided API key, optional source tag,
* and OkHttpClient.
* This method also performs configuration validation, sets up the internal API client, and manages indexes API
* with debugging options based on the environment variables.
* @return A new {@link Pinecone} instance configured based on the builder parameters.
public Pinecone build() {
PineconeConfig config = new PineconeConfig(apiKey, sourceTag, proxyConfig, customOkHttpClient);
if (proxyConfig != null && customOkHttpClient != null) {
throw new PineconeConfigurationException("Invalid configuration: Both Custom OkHttpClient and Proxy are set. Please configure only one of these options.");
ApiClient apiClient;
if (customOkHttpClient != null) {
apiClient = new ApiClient(customOkHttpClient);
} else {
apiClient = new ApiClient(buildOkHttpClient(proxyConfig));
if(host!=null && !host.isEmpty()) {
apiClient.addDefaultHeader("X-Pinecone-Api-Version", Configuration.VERSION);
if (Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getenv("PINECONE_DEBUG"))) {
ManageIndexesApi manageIndexesApi = new ManageIndexesApi();
return new Pinecone(config, manageIndexesApi);
static OkHttpClient buildOkHttpClient(ProxyConfig proxyConfig) {
OkHttpClient.Builder builder = new OkHttpClient.Builder();
if(proxyConfig != null) {
Proxy proxy = new Proxy(Proxy.Type.HTTP, new InetSocketAddress(proxyConfig.getHost(), proxyConfig.getPort()));
return builder.build();