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/** Copyright 2014 TappingStone, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package io.prediction.engines.base
import io.prediction.controller.Params
import io.prediction.controller.Evaluator
import breeze.stats.{ mean, meanAndVariance }
import io.prediction.controller.NiceRendering
import org.json4s._
import org.json4s.JsonDSL._
import org.json4s.native.JsonMethods._
import org.json4s.native.Serialization.{read, write}
import org.json4s.native.Serialization
trait HasName {
def name: String
case class Stats(
val average: Double,
val count: Long,
val stdev: Double,
val min: Double,
val max: Double
) extends Serializable
// Describe how to map from actions to a binary rating parameter
class BinaryRatingParams(
val actionsMap: Map[String, Option[Int]], // ((view, 1), (rate, None))
val goodThreshold: Int // action rating >= goodThreshold is good.
) extends Serializable
// This class is used with the html rendering class. See toHTML()
case class EvaluatorOutput(
val name: String,
val evaluatorName: String,
val description: String = "",
val measureType: String,
val algoMean: Double,
val algoStats: Stats,
//val heatMap: HeatMapData,
val runs: Seq[(String, Stats, Stats)], // name, algo, baseline
val aggregations: Seq[(String, Seq[(String, Stats)])])
extends Serializable with NiceRendering {
override def toString(): String = {
val b = 1.96 * algoStats.stdev / Math.sqrt(algoStats.count)
val lb = algoStats.average - b
val ub = algoStats.average + b
f"$measureType $name ${algoStats.average}%.4f [$lb%.4f, $ub%.4f]"
def toHTML(): String = html.detailed().toString
def toJSON(): String = {
implicit val formats = DefaultFormats
object EvaluatorHelper {
def actions2GoodIids(
actionTuples: Seq[(String, String, U2IActionTD)],
binaryRatingParams: BinaryRatingParams)
: Set[String] = {
.filter{ t => {
val u2i = t._3
val rating = Preparator.action2rating(
u2i = u2i,
actionsMap = binaryRatingParams.actionsMap,
default = 0)
rating >= binaryRatingParams.goodThreshold
def calculateResample(values: Seq[(Int, Double)], buckets: Int): Stats = {
if (values.isEmpty) {
return Stats(0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
// JackKnife resampling.
val segmentSumCountMap: Map[Int, (Double, Int)] = values
.map{ case(k, v) => (k % buckets, v) }
.mapValues(l => (, l.size))
val sum =
val count = values.size
val segmentMeanMap: Map[Int, Double] = segmentSumCountMap
.mapValues { case(sSum, sCount) => (sum - sSum) / (count - sCount) }
val segmentValues = segmentMeanMap.values
// Assume the mean is normally distributed
val mvc = meanAndVariance(segmentValues)
// Stats describes the properties of the buckets
return Stats(mvc.mean, buckets, mvc.stdDev,
segmentValues.min, segmentValues.max)
def aggregate[T](
units: Seq[T],
scoreFunc: T => Double,
groupByFunc: T => String): Seq[(String, Stats)] = {
.mapValues( => scoreFunc(e)))
.map{ case(k, l) => (k, calculate(l)) }
def calculate(values: Seq[Double]): Stats = {
val mvc = meanAndVariance(values)
Stats(mvc.mean, mvc.count, mvc.stdDev, values.min, values.max)
// return a double to key map based on boundaries.
def groupByRange(values: Array[Double], format: String = "%f")
: Double => String = {
val keys: Array[String] = (0 to values.size).map { i =>
val s = (if (i == 0) Double.NegativeInfinity else values(i-1))
val e = (if (i < values.size) values(i) else Double.PositiveInfinity)
"[" + format.format(s) + ", " + format.format(e) + ")"
def f(v: Double): String = {
// FIXME. Use binary search or indexWhere
val i: Option[Int] = (0 until values.size).find(i => v < values(i))
return f