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/** Copyright 2014 TappingStone, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package io.prediction.engines.base
import io.prediction.controller.LDataSource
import io.prediction.controller.Params
import io.prediction.controller.ParamsWithAppId
import io.prediction.controller.EmptyDataParams
import org.joda.time.DateTime
import org.joda.time.Duration
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import scala.collection.immutable.HashMap
import scala.collection.immutable.List
import scala.language.implicitConversions
import grizzled.slf4j.Logger
abstract class AbstractEventsDataSourceParams
extends Params with ParamsWithAppId {
val appId: Int
// default None to include all itypes
val itypes: Option[Set[String]] // train items with these itypes
// actions for trainingdata
val actions: Set[String]
// only consider events happening after starttime.
val startTime: Option[DateTime]
// only consider events happening until untiltime.
val untilTime: Option[DateTime]
// used for mapping attributes from event store.
val attributeNames: AttributeNames
// for generating eval data sets. See [[[EventsSlidingEvalParams]]].
val slidingEval: Option[EventsSlidingEvalParams] = None
/* Parameters for generating eval (testing) data.
* Generates data in a sliding window fashion. First, it sets a cutoff time for
* training data, all events whose timestamp is less than the cutoff time go to
* training, then it takes all events that happened between the
* [firstUntilTime, firstUntilTime + evalDuration] as test set.
* Afterwards, it uses events up to firstUntilTime + evalDuration as
* training set, and [firstUntilTime + evalDuration, firstUntilTime +
* 2 x evalDuration] as test set. This process is repeated for
* evalCount times.
* It is important to note that this sliding window is usually subjected to the
* startTime and endTime of the parent DataSourceParams.
class EventsSlidingEvalParams(
val firstTrainingUntilTime: DateTime,
val evalDuration: Duration = Duration.standardDays(1),
val evalCount: Int = 1
) extends Serializable
class DataParams(
val trainUntil: DateTime,
val evalStart: DateTime,
val evalUntil: DateTime
) extends Params with HasName {
override def toString = s"E: [$evalStart, $evalUntil)"
val name = this.toString
class EventsDataSource[DP: ClassTag, Q, A](
dsp: AbstractEventsDataSourceParams)
extends LDataSource[TrainingData, DP, Q, A] {
@transient lazy val logger = Logger[this.type]
@transient lazy val batchView = new LBatchView(dsp.appId,
dsp.startTime, dsp.untilTime)
def read(): Seq[(TrainingData, DP, Seq[(Q, A)])] = {
if (dsp.slidingEval.isEmpty) {
val (uid2ui, users) = extractUsers(dsp.untilTime)
val (iid2ii, items) = extractItems(dsp.untilTime)
val actions = extractActions(uid2ui, iid2ii, dsp.startTime, dsp.untilTime)
val trainingData = new TrainingData(
users = HashMap[Int, UserTD]() ++ users,
items = HashMap[Int, ItemTD]() ++ items,
u2iActions = actions.toList)
return Seq((trainingData, null.asInstanceOf[DP], Seq[(Q, A)]()))
} else {
val evalParams = dsp.slidingEval.get
val evalDuration = evalParams.evalDuration
val firstTrainUntil = evalParams.firstTrainingUntilTime
return (0 until evalParams.evalCount).map { idx => {
// Use [dsp.startTime, firstTrain + idx * duration) as training
val trainUntil = * evalDuration.getMillis)
val evalStart = trainUntil
val evalUntil =
println(s"Eval $idx " +
s"train: [, $trainUntil) eval: [$evalStart, $evalUntil)")
val (uid2ui, users) = extractUsers(Some(trainUntil))
val (iid2ii, items) = extractItems(Some(trainUntil))
val trainActions = extractActions(
startTimeOpt = dsp.startTime,
untilTimeOpt = Some(trainUntil))
val trainingData = new TrainingData(
users = HashMap[Int, UserTD]() ++ users,
items = HashMap[Int, ItemTD]() ++ items,
u2iActions = trainActions.toList)
// Use [firstTrain + idx * duration, firstTraing + (idx+1) * duration)
// as testing
val evalActions = extractActions(
startTimeOpt = Some(evalStart),
untilTimeOpt = Some(evalUntil))
val (dp, qaSeq) = generateQueryActualSeq(
users, items, evalActions, trainUntil, evalStart, evalUntil)
(trainingData, dp, qaSeq)
// sub-classes should override this method.
def generateQueryActualSeq(
users: Map[Int, UserTD],
items: Map[Int, ItemTD],
actions: Seq[U2IActionTD],
trainUntil: DateTime,
evalStart: DateTime,
evalUntil: DateTime): (DP, Seq[(Q, A)]) = {
// first return value is a fake data param to make compiler happy
(null.asInstanceOf[DP], Seq[(Q, A)]())
def extractUsers(untilTimeOpt: Option[DateTime] = None)
: (Map[String, Int], Map[Int, UserTD]) = {
val attributeNames = dsp.attributeNames
val usersMap: Map[Int, String] = batchView
entityType = attributeNames.user,
untilTimeOpt = untilTimeOpt)
.mapValues(_ + 1) // make index 1-based
.mapValues(_._1) // value._2 is a DataMap, unused by user.
usersMap.mapValues(entityId => new UserTD(uid=entityId)))
def extractItems(untilTimeOpt: Option[DateTime] = None)
: (Map[String, Int], Map[Int, ItemTD]) = {
val attributeNames = dsp.attributeNames
val itemsMap: Map[String, ItemTD] = batchView
entityType = attributeNames.item,
untilTimeOpt = untilTimeOpt)
.map { case (entityId, dataMap) =>
val itemTD = try {
new ItemTD(
iid = entityId,
itypes = dataMap.get[List[String]](attributeNames.itypes),
starttime = dataMap.getOpt[DateTime](attributeNames.starttime)
endtime = dataMap.getOpt[DateTime](attributeNames.endtime)
inactive = dataMap.getOpt[Boolean](attributeNames.inactive)
} catch {
case exception: Exception => {
logger.error(s"${exception}: entityType ${attributeNames.item} " +
s"entityID ${entityId}: ${dataMap}." )
throw exception
(entityId -> itemTD)
.filter { case (id, (itemTD)) =>
// TODO. Traverse itemTD.itypes to avoid a toSet function. Looking up
// dsp.itypes is constant time.
.map{ t =>
val indexMap: Map[Int, (String, ItemTD)] =
itemsMap.zipWithIndex.mapValues(_ + 1).map(_.swap)
(indexMap.mapValues(_._1).map(_.swap), indexMap.mapValues(_._2))
def extractActions(
uid2ui: Map[String, Int],
iid2ii: Map[String, Int],
startTimeOpt: Option[DateTime] = None,
untilTimeOpt: Option[DateTime] = None
): Seq[U2IActionTD] = {
val attributeNames = dsp.attributeNames
startTimeOpt = startTimeOpt,
untilTimeOpt = untilTimeOpt)
.filter { e => (true
&& attributeNames.u2iActions.contains(e.event)
&& dsp.actions.contains(e.event)
// TODO. Add a flag to allow unseen users
&& uid2ui.contains(e.entityId)
// TODO. Add a flag to allow unseen items
.map { e =>
(e.targetEntityId != None),
s"u2i Event: ${e} cannot have targetEntityId empty.")
try {
new U2IActionTD(
uindex = uid2ui(e.entityId),
iindex = iid2ii(e.targetEntityId.get),
action = e.event,
v =[Int](attributeNames.rating),
t = e.eventTime.getMillis
} catch {
case exception: Exception => {
logger.error(s"${exception}: event ${e}.")
throw exception