io.prestosql.jdbc.$internal.jackson.databind.util.TokenBuffer Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package io.prestosql.jdbc.$internal.jackson.databind.util;
import java.io.*;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import io.prestosql.jdbc.$internal.jackson.core.*;
import io.prestosql.jdbc.$internal.jackson.core.base.ParserMinimalBase;
import io.prestosql.jdbc.$internal.jackson.core.json.JsonWriteContext;
import io.prestosql.jdbc.$internal.jackson.core.util.ByteArrayBuilder;
import io.prestosql.jdbc.$internal.jackson.databind.*;
* Utility class used for efficient storage of {@link JsonToken}
* sequences, needed for temporary buffering.
* Space efficient for different sequence lengths (especially so for smaller
* ones; but not significantly less efficient for larger), highly efficient
* for linear iteration and appending. Implemented as segmented/chunked
* linked list of tokens; only modifications are via appends.
* Note that before version 2.0, this class was located in the "core"
* bundle, not data-binding; but since it was only used by data binding,
* was moved here to reduce size of core package
public class TokenBuffer
/* Won't use JsonGeneratorBase, to minimize overhead for validity
* checking
extends JsonGenerator
protected final static int DEFAULT_GENERATOR_FEATURES = JsonGenerator.Feature.collectDefaults();
/* Configuration
* Object codec to use for stream-based object
* conversion through parser/generator interfaces. If null,
* such methods cannot be used.
protected ObjectCodec _objectCodec;
* Parse context from "parent" parser (one from which content to buffer is read,
* if specified). Used, if available, when reading content, to present full
* context as if content was read from the original parser: this is useful
* in error reporting and sometimes processing as well.
protected JsonStreamContext _parentContext;
* Bit flag composed of bits that indicate which
* {@link io.prestosql.jdbc.$internal.jackson.core.JsonGenerator.Feature}s
* are enabled.
* NOTE: most features have no effect on this class
protected int _generatorFeatures;
protected boolean _closed;
* @since 2.3
protected boolean _hasNativeTypeIds;
* @since 2.3
protected boolean _hasNativeObjectIds;
* @since 2.3
protected boolean _mayHaveNativeIds;
* Flag set during construction, if use of {@link BigDecimal} is to be forced
* on all floating-point values.
* @since 2.7
protected boolean _forceBigDecimal;
/* Token buffering state
* First segment, for contents this buffer has
protected Segment _first;
* Last segment of this buffer, one that is used
* for appending more tokens
protected Segment _last;
* Offset within last segment,
protected int _appendAt;
* If native type ids supported, this is the id for following
* value (or first token of one) to be written.
protected Object _typeId;
* If native object ids supported, this is the id for following
* value (or first token of one) to be written.
protected Object _objectId;
* Do we currently have a native type or object id buffered?
protected boolean _hasNativeId = false;
/* Output state
protected JsonWriteContext _writeContext;
/* Life-cycle
* @param codec Object codec to use for stream-based object
* conversion through parser/generator interfaces. If null,
* such methods cannot be used.
* @param hasNativeIds Whether resulting {@link JsonParser} (if created)
* is considered to support native type and object ids
public TokenBuffer(ObjectCodec codec, boolean hasNativeIds)
_objectCodec = codec;
_writeContext = JsonWriteContext.createRootContext(null);
// at first we have just one segment
_first = _last = new Segment();
_appendAt = 0;
_hasNativeTypeIds = hasNativeIds;
_hasNativeObjectIds = hasNativeIds;
_mayHaveNativeIds = _hasNativeTypeIds | _hasNativeObjectIds;
* @since 2.3
public TokenBuffer(JsonParser p) {
this(p, null);
* @since 2.7
public TokenBuffer(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt)
_objectCodec = p.getCodec();
_parentContext = p.getParsingContext();
_writeContext = JsonWriteContext.createRootContext(null);
// at first we have just one segment
_first = _last = new Segment();
_appendAt = 0;
_hasNativeTypeIds = p.canReadTypeId();
_hasNativeObjectIds = p.canReadObjectId();
_mayHaveNativeIds = _hasNativeTypeIds | _hasNativeObjectIds;
_forceBigDecimal = (ctxt == null) ? false
: ctxt.isEnabled(DeserializationFeature.USE_BIG_DECIMAL_FOR_FLOATS);
* Convenience method, equivalent to:
* TokenBuffer b = new TokenBuffer(p);
* b.copyCurrentStructure(p);
* return b;
* @since 2.9
public static TokenBuffer asCopyOfValue(JsonParser p) throws IOException {
TokenBuffer b = new TokenBuffer(p);
return b;
* Method that allows explicitly specifying parent parse context to associate
* with contents of this buffer. Usually context is assigned at construction,
* based on given parser; but it is not always available, and may not contain
* intended context.
* @since 2.9
public TokenBuffer overrideParentContext(JsonStreamContext ctxt) {
_parentContext = ctxt;
return this;
* @since 2.7
public TokenBuffer forceUseOfBigDecimal(boolean b) {
_forceBigDecimal = b;
return this;
public Version version() {
return io.prestosql.jdbc.$internal.jackson.databind.cfg.PackageVersion.VERSION;
* Method used to create a {@link JsonParser} that can read contents
* stored in this buffer. Will use default _objectCodec
* object conversions.
* Note: instances are not synchronized, that is, they are not thread-safe
* if there are concurrent appends to the underlying buffer.
* @return Parser that can be used for reading contents stored in this buffer
public JsonParser asParser() {
return asParser(_objectCodec);
* Same as:
* JsonParser p = asParser();
* p.nextToken();
* return p;
* @since 2.9
public JsonParser asParserOnFirstToken() throws IOException {
JsonParser p = asParser(_objectCodec);
return p;
* Method used to create a {@link JsonParser} that can read contents
* stored in this buffer.
* Note: instances are not synchronized, that is, they are not thread-safe
* if there are concurrent appends to the underlying buffer.
* @param codec Object codec to use for stream-based object
* conversion through parser/generator interfaces. If null,
* such methods cannot be used.
* @return Parser that can be used for reading contents stored in this buffer
public JsonParser asParser(ObjectCodec codec)
return new Parser(_first, codec, _hasNativeTypeIds, _hasNativeObjectIds, _parentContext);
* @param src Parser to use for accessing source information
* like location, configured codec
public JsonParser asParser(JsonParser src)
Parser p = new Parser(_first, src.getCodec(), _hasNativeTypeIds, _hasNativeObjectIds, _parentContext);
return p;
/* Additional accessors
public JsonToken firstToken() {
// no need to null check; never create without `_first`
return _first.type(0);
/* Other custom methods not needed for implementing interfaces
* Helper method that will append contents of given buffer into this
* buffer.
* Not particularly optimized; can be made faster if there is need.
* @return This buffer
public TokenBuffer append(TokenBuffer other) throws IOException
// Important? If source has native ids, need to store
if (!_hasNativeTypeIds) {
_hasNativeTypeIds = other.canWriteTypeId();
if (!_hasNativeObjectIds) {
_hasNativeObjectIds = other.canWriteObjectId();
_mayHaveNativeIds = _hasNativeTypeIds | _hasNativeObjectIds;
JsonParser p = other.asParser();
while (p.nextToken() != null) {
return this;
* Helper method that will write all contents of this buffer
* using given {@link JsonGenerator}.
* Note: this method would be enough to implement
* JsonSerializer
for TokenBuffer
* but we cannot have upwards
* references (from core to mapper package); and as such we also
* cannot take second argument.
public void serialize(JsonGenerator gen) throws IOException
Segment segment = _first;
int ptr = -1;
final boolean checkIds = _mayHaveNativeIds;
boolean hasIds = checkIds && (segment.hasIds());
while (true) {
if (++ptr >= Segment.TOKENS_PER_SEGMENT) {
ptr = 0;
segment = segment.next();
if (segment == null) break;
hasIds = checkIds && (segment.hasIds());
JsonToken t = segment.type(ptr);
if (t == null) break;
if (hasIds) {
Object id = segment.findObjectId(ptr);
if (id != null) {
id = segment.findTypeId(ptr);
if (id != null) {
// Note: copied from 'copyCurrentEvent'...
switch (t) {
// 13-Dec-2010, tatu: Maybe we should start using different type tokens to reduce casting?
Object ob = segment.get(ptr);
if (ob instanceof SerializableString) {
gen.writeFieldName((SerializableString) ob);
} else {
gen.writeFieldName((String) ob);
Object ob = segment.get(ptr);
if (ob instanceof SerializableString) {
gen.writeString((SerializableString) ob);
} else {
gen.writeString((String) ob);
Object n = segment.get(ptr);
if (n instanceof Integer) {
gen.writeNumber((Integer) n);
} else if (n instanceof BigInteger) {
gen.writeNumber((BigInteger) n);
} else if (n instanceof Long) {
gen.writeNumber((Long) n);
} else if (n instanceof Short) {
gen.writeNumber((Short) n);
} else {
gen.writeNumber(((Number) n).intValue());
Object n = segment.get(ptr);
if (n instanceof Double) {
gen.writeNumber(((Double) n).doubleValue());
} else if (n instanceof BigDecimal) {
gen.writeNumber((BigDecimal) n);
} else if (n instanceof Float) {
gen.writeNumber(((Float) n).floatValue());
} else if (n == null) {
} else if (n instanceof String) {
gen.writeNumber((String) n);
} else {
throw new JsonGenerationException(String.format(
"Unrecognized value type for VALUE_NUMBER_FLOAT: %s, cannot serialize",
n.getClass().getName()), gen);
Object value = segment.get(ptr);
// 01-Sep-2016, tatu: as per [databind#1361], should use `writeEmbeddedObject()`;
// however, may need to consider alternatives for some well-known types
// first
if (value instanceof RawValue) {
((RawValue) value).serialize(gen);
} else if (value instanceof JsonSerializable) {
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Internal error: should never end up through this code path");
* Helper method used by standard deserializer.
* @since 2.3
public TokenBuffer deserialize(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException
if (p.getCurrentTokenId() != JsonToken.FIELD_NAME.id()) {
return this;
/* 28-Oct-2014, tatu: As per [databind#592], need to support a special case of starting from
* FIELD_NAME, which is taken to mean that we are missing START_OBJECT, but need
* to assume one did exist.
JsonToken t;
do {
} while ((t = p.nextToken()) == JsonToken.FIELD_NAME);
if (t != JsonToken.END_OBJECT) {
ctxt.reportWrongTokenException(TokenBuffer.class, JsonToken.END_OBJECT,
"Expected END_OBJECT after copying contents of a JsonParser into TokenBuffer, got "+t);
// never gets here
return this;
public String toString()
// Let's print up to 100 first tokens...
final int MAX_COUNT = 100;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("[TokenBuffer: ");
JsonParser jp = asParser();
int count = 0;
final boolean hasNativeIds = _hasNativeTypeIds || _hasNativeObjectIds;
while (true) {
JsonToken t;
try {
t = jp.nextToken();
if (t == null) break;
if (hasNativeIds) {
if (count < MAX_COUNT) {
if (count > 0) {
sb.append(", ");
if (t == JsonToken.FIELD_NAME) {
} catch (IOException ioe) { // should never occur
throw new IllegalStateException(ioe);
if (count >= MAX_COUNT) {
sb.append(" ... (truncated ").append(count-MAX_COUNT).append(" entries)");
return sb.toString();
private final void _appendNativeIds(StringBuilder sb)
Object objectId = _last.findObjectId(_appendAt-1);
if (objectId != null) {
Object typeId = _last.findTypeId(_appendAt-1);
if (typeId != null) {
/* JsonGenerator implementation: configuration
public JsonGenerator enable(Feature f) {
_generatorFeatures |= f.getMask();
return this;
public JsonGenerator disable(Feature f) {
_generatorFeatures &= ~f.getMask();
return this;
//public JsonGenerator configure(SerializationFeature f, boolean state) { }
public boolean isEnabled(Feature f) {
return (_generatorFeatures & f.getMask()) != 0;
public int getFeatureMask() {
return _generatorFeatures;
public JsonGenerator setFeatureMask(int mask) {
_generatorFeatures = mask;
return this;
public JsonGenerator overrideStdFeatures(int values, int mask) {
int oldState = getFeatureMask();
_generatorFeatures = (oldState & ~mask) | (values & mask);
return this;
public JsonGenerator useDefaultPrettyPrinter() {
// No-op: we don't indent
return this;
public JsonGenerator setCodec(ObjectCodec oc) {
_objectCodec = oc;
return this;
public ObjectCodec getCodec() { return _objectCodec; }
public final JsonWriteContext getOutputContext() { return _writeContext; }
/* JsonGenerator implementation: capability introspection
* Since we can efficiently store byte[]
, yes.
public boolean canWriteBinaryNatively() {
return true;
/* JsonGenerator implementation: low-level output handling
public void flush() throws IOException { /* NOP */ }
public void close() throws IOException {
_closed = true;
public boolean isClosed() { return _closed; }
/* JsonGenerator implementation: write methods, structural
public final void writeStartArray() throws IOException
_writeContext = _writeContext.createChildArrayContext();
public final void writeEndArray() throws IOException
// Let's allow unbalanced tho... i.e. not run out of root level, ever
JsonWriteContext c = _writeContext.getParent();
if (c != null) {
_writeContext = c;
public final void writeStartObject() throws IOException
_writeContext = _writeContext.createChildObjectContext();
@Override // since 2.8
public void writeStartObject(Object forValue) throws IOException
JsonWriteContext ctxt = _writeContext.createChildObjectContext();
_writeContext = ctxt;
if (forValue != null) {
public final void writeEndObject() throws IOException
// Let's allow unbalanced tho... i.e. not run out of root level, ever
JsonWriteContext c = _writeContext.getParent();
if (c != null) {
_writeContext = c;
public final void writeFieldName(String name) throws IOException
_append(JsonToken.FIELD_NAME, name);
public void writeFieldName(SerializableString name) throws IOException
_append(JsonToken.FIELD_NAME, name);
/* JsonGenerator implementation: write methods, textual
public void writeString(String text) throws IOException {
if (text == null) {
} else {
_appendValue(JsonToken.VALUE_STRING, text);
public void writeString(char[] text, int offset, int len) throws IOException {
writeString(new String(text, offset, len));
public void writeString(SerializableString text) throws IOException {
if (text == null) {
} else {
_appendValue(JsonToken.VALUE_STRING, text);
public void writeRawUTF8String(byte[] text, int offset, int length) throws IOException
// could add support for buffering if we really want it...
public void writeUTF8String(byte[] text, int offset, int length) throws IOException
// could add support for buffering if we really want it...
public void writeRaw(String text) throws IOException {
public void writeRaw(String text, int offset, int len) throws IOException {
public void writeRaw(SerializableString text) throws IOException {
public void writeRaw(char[] text, int offset, int len) throws IOException {
public void writeRaw(char c) throws IOException {
public void writeRawValue(String text) throws IOException {
_appendValue(JsonToken.VALUE_EMBEDDED_OBJECT, new RawValue(text));
public void writeRawValue(String text, int offset, int len) throws IOException {
if (offset > 0 || len != text.length()) {
text = text.substring(offset, offset+len);
_appendValue(JsonToken.VALUE_EMBEDDED_OBJECT, new RawValue(text));
public void writeRawValue(char[] text, int offset, int len) throws IOException {
_appendValue(JsonToken.VALUE_EMBEDDED_OBJECT, new String(text, offset, len));
/* JsonGenerator implementation: write methods, primitive types
public void writeNumber(short i) throws IOException {
_appendValue(JsonToken.VALUE_NUMBER_INT, Short.valueOf(i));
public void writeNumber(int i) throws IOException {
_appendValue(JsonToken.VALUE_NUMBER_INT, Integer.valueOf(i));
public void writeNumber(long l) throws IOException {
_appendValue(JsonToken.VALUE_NUMBER_INT, Long.valueOf(l));
public void writeNumber(double d) throws IOException {
_appendValue(JsonToken.VALUE_NUMBER_FLOAT, Double.valueOf(d));
public void writeNumber(float f) throws IOException {
_appendValue(JsonToken.VALUE_NUMBER_FLOAT, Float.valueOf(f));
public void writeNumber(BigDecimal dec) throws IOException {
if (dec == null) {
} else {
_appendValue(JsonToken.VALUE_NUMBER_FLOAT, dec);
public void writeNumber(BigInteger v) throws IOException {
if (v == null) {
} else {
_appendValue(JsonToken.VALUE_NUMBER_INT, v);
public void writeNumber(String encodedValue) throws IOException {
/* 03-Dec-2010, tatu: related to [JACKSON-423], should try to keep as numeric
* identity as long as possible
_appendValue(JsonToken.VALUE_NUMBER_FLOAT, encodedValue);
public void writeBoolean(boolean state) throws IOException {
_appendValue(state ? JsonToken.VALUE_TRUE : JsonToken.VALUE_FALSE);
public void writeNull() throws IOException {
/* JsonGenerator implementation: write methods for POJOs/trees
public void writeObject(Object value) throws IOException
if (value == null) {
Class> raw = value.getClass();
if (raw == byte[].class || (value instanceof RawValue)) {
_appendValue(JsonToken.VALUE_EMBEDDED_OBJECT, value);
if (_objectCodec == null) {
/* 28-May-2014, tatu: Tricky choice here; if no codec, should we
* err out, or just embed? For now, do latter.
// throw new JsonMappingException("No ObjectCodec configured for TokenBuffer, writeObject() called");
_appendValue(JsonToken.VALUE_EMBEDDED_OBJECT, value);
} else {
_objectCodec.writeValue(this, value);
public void writeTree(TreeNode node) throws IOException
if (node == null) {
if (_objectCodec == null) {
// as with 'writeObject()', is codec optional?
_appendValue(JsonToken.VALUE_EMBEDDED_OBJECT, node);
} else {
_objectCodec.writeTree(this, node);
/* JsonGenerator implementation; binary
public void writeBinary(Base64Variant b64variant, byte[] data, int offset, int len) throws IOException
/* 31-Dec-2009, tatu: can do this using multiple alternatives; but for
* now, let's try to limit number of conversions.
* The only (?) tricky thing is that of whether to preserve variant,
* seems pointless, so let's not worry about it unless there's some
* compelling reason to.
byte[] copy = new byte[len];
System.arraycopy(data, offset, copy, 0, len);
* Although we could support this method, it does not necessarily make
* sense: we cannot make good use of streaming because buffer must
* hold all the data. Because of this, currently this will simply
* throw {@link UnsupportedOperationException}
public int writeBinary(Base64Variant b64variant, InputStream data, int dataLength) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
/* JsonGenerator implementation: native ids
public boolean canWriteTypeId() {
return _hasNativeTypeIds;
public boolean canWriteObjectId() {
return _hasNativeObjectIds;
public void writeTypeId(Object id) {
_typeId = id;
_hasNativeId = true;
public void writeObjectId(Object id) {
_objectId = id;
_hasNativeId = true;
@Override // since 2.8
public void writeEmbeddedObject(Object object) throws IOException {
_appendValue(JsonToken.VALUE_EMBEDDED_OBJECT, object);
/* JsonGenerator implementation; pass-through copy
public void copyCurrentEvent(JsonParser p) throws IOException
if (_mayHaveNativeIds) {
switch (p.getCurrentToken()) {
if (p.hasTextCharacters()) {
writeString(p.getTextCharacters(), p.getTextOffset(), p.getTextLength());
} else {
switch (p.getNumberType()) {
case INT:
if (_forceBigDecimal) {
/* 10-Oct-2015, tatu: Ideally we would first determine whether underlying
* number is already decoded into a number (in which case might as well
* access as number); or is still retained as text (in which case we
* should further defer decoding that may not need BigDecimal):
} else {
switch (p.getNumberType()) {
case FLOAT:
throw new RuntimeException("Internal error: should never end up through this code path");
public void copyCurrentStructure(JsonParser p) throws IOException
JsonToken t = p.getCurrentToken();
// Let's handle field-name separately first
if (t == JsonToken.FIELD_NAME) {
if (_mayHaveNativeIds) {
t = p.nextToken();
// fall-through to copy the associated value
if (_mayHaveNativeIds) {
switch (t) {
while (p.nextToken() != JsonToken.END_ARRAY) {
while (p.nextToken() != JsonToken.END_OBJECT) {
default: // others are simple:
private final void _checkNativeIds(JsonParser jp) throws IOException
if ((_typeId = jp.getTypeId()) != null) {
_hasNativeId = true;
if ((_objectId = jp.getObjectId()) != null) {
_hasNativeId = true;
/* Internal methods
protected final void _append(JsonToken type)
Segment next = _hasNativeId
? _last.append(_appendAt, type, _objectId, _typeId)
: _last.append(_appendAt, type);
if (next == null) {
} else {
_last = next;
_appendAt = 1; // since we added first at 0
protected final void _append(JsonToken type, Object value)
Segment next = _hasNativeId
? _last.append(_appendAt, type, value, _objectId, _typeId)
: _last.append(_appendAt, type, value);
if (next == null) {
} else {
_last = next;
_appendAt = 1;
* Similar to {@link #_append(JsonToken)} but also updates context with
* knowledge that a scalar value was written
* @since 2.6.4
protected final void _appendValue(JsonToken type)
Segment next = _hasNativeId
? _last.append(_appendAt, type, _objectId, _typeId)
: _last.append(_appendAt, type);
if (next == null) {
} else {
_last = next;
_appendAt = 1; // since we added first at 0
* Similar to {@link #_append(JsonToken,Object)} but also updates context with
* knowledge that a scalar value was written
* @since 2.6.4
protected final void _appendValue(JsonToken type, Object value)
Segment next = _hasNativeId
? _last.append(_appendAt, type, value, _objectId, _typeId)
: _last.append(_appendAt, type, value);
if (next == null) {
} else {
_last = next;
_appendAt = 1;
// 21-Oct-2016, tatu: Does not seem to be used or needed
protected final void _appendRaw(int rawType, Object value)
Segment next = _hasNativeId
? _last.appendRaw(_appendAt, rawType, value, _objectId, _typeId)
: _last.appendRaw(_appendAt, rawType, value);
if (next == null) {
} else {
_last = next;
_appendAt = 1;
protected void _reportUnsupportedOperation() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Called operation not supported for TokenBuffer");
/* Supporting classes
protected final static class Parser
extends ParserMinimalBase
/* Configuration
protected ObjectCodec _codec;
* @since 2.3
protected final boolean _hasNativeTypeIds;
* @since 2.3
protected final boolean _hasNativeObjectIds;
protected final boolean _hasNativeIds;
/* Parsing state
* Currently active segment
protected Segment _segment;
* Pointer to current token within current segment
protected int _segmentPtr;
* Information about parser context, context in which
* the next token is to be parsed (root, array, object).
protected TokenBufferReadContext _parsingContext;
protected boolean _closed;
protected transient ByteArrayBuilder _byteBuilder;
protected JsonLocation _location = null;
/* Construction, init
@Deprecated // since 2.9
public Parser(Segment firstSeg, ObjectCodec codec,
boolean hasNativeTypeIds, boolean hasNativeObjectIds)
this(firstSeg, codec, hasNativeTypeIds, hasNativeObjectIds, null);
public Parser(Segment firstSeg, ObjectCodec codec,
boolean hasNativeTypeIds, boolean hasNativeObjectIds,
JsonStreamContext parentContext)
_segment = firstSeg;
_segmentPtr = -1; // not yet read
_codec = codec;
_parsingContext = TokenBufferReadContext.createRootContext(parentContext);
_hasNativeTypeIds = hasNativeTypeIds;
_hasNativeObjectIds = hasNativeObjectIds;
_hasNativeIds = (hasNativeTypeIds | hasNativeObjectIds);
public void setLocation(JsonLocation l) {
_location = l;
public ObjectCodec getCodec() { return _codec; }
public void setCodec(ObjectCodec c) { _codec = c; }
public Version version() {
return io.prestosql.jdbc.$internal.jackson.databind.cfg.PackageVersion.VERSION;
/* Extended API beyond JsonParser
public JsonToken peekNextToken() throws IOException
// closed? nothing more to peek, either
if (_closed) return null;
Segment seg = _segment;
int ptr = _segmentPtr+1;
if (ptr >= Segment.TOKENS_PER_SEGMENT) {
ptr = 0;
seg = (seg == null) ? null : seg.next();
return (seg == null) ? null : seg.type(ptr);
/* Closeable implementation
public void close() throws IOException {
if (!_closed) {
_closed = true;
/* Public API, traversal
public JsonToken nextToken() throws IOException
// If we are closed, nothing more to do
if (_closed || (_segment == null)) return null;
// Ok, then: any more tokens?
if (++_segmentPtr >= Segment.TOKENS_PER_SEGMENT) {
_segmentPtr = 0;
_segment = _segment.next();
if (_segment == null) {
return null;
_currToken = _segment.type(_segmentPtr);
// Field name? Need to update context
if (_currToken == JsonToken.FIELD_NAME) {
Object ob = _currentObject();
String name = (ob instanceof String) ? ((String) ob) : ob.toString();
} else if (_currToken == JsonToken.START_OBJECT) {
_parsingContext = _parsingContext.createChildObjectContext();
} else if (_currToken == JsonToken.START_ARRAY) {
_parsingContext = _parsingContext.createChildArrayContext();
} else if (_currToken == JsonToken.END_OBJECT
|| _currToken == JsonToken.END_ARRAY) {
// Closing JSON Object/Array? Close matching context
_parsingContext = _parsingContext.parentOrCopy();
return _currToken;
public String nextFieldName() throws IOException
// inlined common case from nextToken()
if (_closed || (_segment == null)) {
return null;
int ptr = _segmentPtr+1;
if ((ptr < Segment.TOKENS_PER_SEGMENT) && (_segment.type(ptr) == JsonToken.FIELD_NAME)) {
_segmentPtr = ptr;
_currToken = JsonToken.FIELD_NAME;
Object ob = _segment.get(ptr); // inlined _currentObject();
String name = (ob instanceof String) ? ((String) ob) : ob.toString();
return name;
return (nextToken() == JsonToken.FIELD_NAME) ? getCurrentName() : null;
public boolean isClosed() { return _closed; }
/* Public API, token accessors
public JsonStreamContext getParsingContext() { return _parsingContext; }
public JsonLocation getTokenLocation() { return getCurrentLocation(); }
public JsonLocation getCurrentLocation() {
return (_location == null) ? JsonLocation.NA : _location;
public String getCurrentName() {
// 25-Jun-2015, tatu: as per [databind#838], needs to be same as ParserBase
if (_currToken == JsonToken.START_OBJECT || _currToken == JsonToken.START_ARRAY) {
JsonStreamContext parent = _parsingContext.getParent();
return parent.getCurrentName();
return _parsingContext.getCurrentName();
public void overrideCurrentName(String name)
// Simple, but need to look for START_OBJECT/ARRAY's "off-by-one" thing:
JsonStreamContext ctxt = _parsingContext;
if (_currToken == JsonToken.START_OBJECT || _currToken == JsonToken.START_ARRAY) {
ctxt = ctxt.getParent();
if (ctxt instanceof TokenBufferReadContext) {
try {
((TokenBufferReadContext) ctxt).setCurrentName(name);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
/* Public API, access to token information, text
public String getText()
// common cases first:
if (_currToken == JsonToken.VALUE_STRING
|| _currToken == JsonToken.FIELD_NAME) {
Object ob = _currentObject();
if (ob instanceof String) {
return (String) ob;
return ClassUtil.nullOrToString(ob);
if (_currToken == null) {
return null;
switch (_currToken) {
return ClassUtil.nullOrToString(_currentObject());
return _currToken.asString();
public char[] getTextCharacters() {
String str = getText();
return (str == null) ? null : str.toCharArray();
public int getTextLength() {
String str = getText();
return (str == null) ? 0 : str.length();
public int getTextOffset() { return 0; }
public boolean hasTextCharacters() {
// We never have raw buffer available, so:
return false;
/* Public API, access to token information, numeric
public boolean isNaN() {
// can only occur for floating-point numbers
if (_currToken == JsonToken.VALUE_NUMBER_FLOAT) {
Object value = _currentObject();
if (value instanceof Double) {
Double v = (Double) value;
return v.isNaN() || v.isInfinite();
if (value instanceof Float) {
Float v = (Float) value;
return v.isNaN() || v.isInfinite();
return false;
public BigInteger getBigIntegerValue() throws IOException
Number n = getNumberValue();
if (n instanceof BigInteger) {
return (BigInteger) n;
if (getNumberType() == NumberType.BIG_DECIMAL) {
return ((BigDecimal) n).toBigInteger();
// int/long is simple, but let's also just truncate float/double:
return BigInteger.valueOf(n.longValue());
public BigDecimal getDecimalValue() throws IOException
Number n = getNumberValue();
if (n instanceof BigDecimal) {
return (BigDecimal) n;
switch (getNumberType()) {
case INT:
case LONG:
return BigDecimal.valueOf(n.longValue());
return new BigDecimal((BigInteger) n);
// float or double
return BigDecimal.valueOf(n.doubleValue());
public double getDoubleValue() throws IOException {
return getNumberValue().doubleValue();
public float getFloatValue() throws IOException {
return getNumberValue().floatValue();
public int getIntValue() throws IOException
Number n = (_currToken == JsonToken.VALUE_NUMBER_INT) ?
((Number) _currentObject()) : getNumberValue();
if ((n instanceof Integer) || _smallerThanInt(n)) {
return n.intValue();
return _convertNumberToInt(n);
public long getLongValue() throws IOException {
Number n = (_currToken == JsonToken.VALUE_NUMBER_INT) ?
((Number) _currentObject()) : getNumberValue();
if ((n instanceof Long) || _smallerThanLong(n)) {
return n.longValue();
return _convertNumberToLong(n);
public NumberType getNumberType() throws IOException
Number n = getNumberValue();
if (n instanceof Integer) return NumberType.INT;
if (n instanceof Long) return NumberType.LONG;
if (n instanceof Double) return NumberType.DOUBLE;
if (n instanceof BigDecimal) return NumberType.BIG_DECIMAL;
if (n instanceof BigInteger) return NumberType.BIG_INTEGER;
if (n instanceof Float) return NumberType.FLOAT;
if (n instanceof Short) return NumberType.INT; // should be SHORT
return null;
public final Number getNumberValue() throws IOException {
Object value = _currentObject();
if (value instanceof Number) {
return (Number) value;
// Difficult to really support numbers-as-Strings; but let's try.
// NOTE: no access to DeserializationConfig, unfortunately, so cannot
// try to determine Double/BigDecimal preference...
if (value instanceof String) {
String str = (String) value;
if (str.indexOf('.') >= 0) {
return Double.parseDouble(str);
return Long.parseLong(str);
if (value == null) {
return null;
throw new IllegalStateException("Internal error: entry should be a Number, but is of type "
private final boolean _smallerThanInt(Number n) {
return (n instanceof Short) || (n instanceof Byte);
private final boolean _smallerThanLong(Number n) {
return (n instanceof Integer) || (n instanceof Short) || (n instanceof Byte);
// 02-Jan-2017, tatu: Modified from method(s) in `ParserBase`
protected int _convertNumberToInt(Number n) throws IOException
if (n instanceof Long) {
long l = n.longValue();
int result = (int) l;
if (((long) result) != l) {
return result;
if (n instanceof BigInteger) {
BigInteger big = (BigInteger) n;
if (BI_MIN_INT.compareTo(big) > 0
|| BI_MAX_INT.compareTo(big) < 0) {
} else if ((n instanceof Double) || (n instanceof Float)) {
double d = n.doubleValue();
// Need to check boundaries
if (d < MIN_INT_D || d > MAX_INT_D) {
return (int) d;
} else if (n instanceof BigDecimal) {
BigDecimal big = (BigDecimal) n;
if (BD_MIN_INT.compareTo(big) > 0
|| BD_MAX_INT.compareTo(big) < 0) {
} else {
return n.intValue();
protected long _convertNumberToLong(Number n) throws IOException
if (n instanceof BigInteger) {
BigInteger big = (BigInteger) n;
if (BI_MIN_LONG.compareTo(big) > 0
|| BI_MAX_LONG.compareTo(big) < 0) {
} else if ((n instanceof Double) || (n instanceof Float)) {
double d = n.doubleValue();
// Need to check boundaries
if (d < MIN_LONG_D || d > MAX_LONG_D) {
return (long) d;
} else if (n instanceof BigDecimal) {
BigDecimal big = (BigDecimal) n;
if (BD_MIN_LONG.compareTo(big) > 0
|| BD_MAX_LONG.compareTo(big) < 0) {
} else {
return n.longValue();
/* Public API, access to token information, other
public Object getEmbeddedObject()
if (_currToken == JsonToken.VALUE_EMBEDDED_OBJECT) {
return _currentObject();
return null;
public byte[] getBinaryValue(Base64Variant b64variant) throws IOException, JsonParseException
// First: maybe we some special types?
if (_currToken == JsonToken.VALUE_EMBEDDED_OBJECT) {
// Embedded byte array would work nicely...
Object ob = _currentObject();
if (ob instanceof byte[]) {
return (byte[]) ob;
// fall through to error case
if (_currToken != JsonToken.VALUE_STRING) {
throw _constructError("Current token ("+_currToken+") not VALUE_STRING (or VALUE_EMBEDDED_OBJECT with byte[]), cannot access as binary");
final String str = getText();
if (str == null) {
return null;
ByteArrayBuilder builder = _byteBuilder;
if (builder == null) {
_byteBuilder = builder = new ByteArrayBuilder(100);
} else {
_decodeBase64(str, builder, b64variant);
return builder.toByteArray();
public int readBinaryValue(Base64Variant b64variant, OutputStream out) throws IOException
byte[] data = getBinaryValue(b64variant);
if (data != null) {
out.write(data, 0, data.length);
return data.length;
return 0;
/* Public API, native ids
public boolean canReadObjectId() {
return _hasNativeObjectIds;
public boolean canReadTypeId() {
return _hasNativeTypeIds;
public Object getTypeId() {
return _segment.findTypeId(_segmentPtr);
public Object getObjectId() {
return _segment.findObjectId(_segmentPtr);
/* Internal methods
protected final Object _currentObject() {
return _segment.get(_segmentPtr);
protected final void _checkIsNumber() throws JsonParseException
if (_currToken == null || !_currToken.isNumeric()) {
throw _constructError("Current token ("+_currToken+") not numeric, cannot use numeric value accessors");
protected void _handleEOF() throws JsonParseException {
* Individual segment of TokenBuffer that can store up to 16 tokens
* (limited by 4 bits per token type marker requirement).
* Current implementation uses fixed length array; could alternatively
* use 16 distinct fields and switch statement (slightly more efficient
* storage, slightly slower access)
protected final static class Segment
public final static int TOKENS_PER_SEGMENT = 16;
* Static array used for fast conversion between token markers and
* matching {@link JsonToken} instances
private final static JsonToken[] TOKEN_TYPES_BY_INDEX;
static {
// ... here we know that there are <= 15 values in JsonToken enum
TOKEN_TYPES_BY_INDEX = new JsonToken[16];
JsonToken[] t = JsonToken.values();
// and reserve entry 0 for "not available"
System.arraycopy(t, 1, TOKEN_TYPES_BY_INDEX, 1, Math.min(15, t.length - 1));
// // // Linking
protected Segment _next;
// // // State
* Bit field used to store types of buffered tokens; 4 bits per token.
* Value 0 is reserved for "not in use"
protected long _tokenTypes;
// Actual tokens
protected final Object[] _tokens = new Object[TOKENS_PER_SEGMENT];
* Lazily constructed Map for storing native type and object ids, if any
protected TreeMap _nativeIds;
public Segment() { }
// // // Accessors
public JsonToken type(int index)
long l = _tokenTypes;
if (index > 0) {
l >>= (index << 2);
int ix = ((int) l) & 0xF;
public int rawType(int index)
long l = _tokenTypes;
if (index > 0) {
l >>= (index << 2);
int ix = ((int) l) & 0xF;
return ix;
public Object get(int index) {
return _tokens[index];
public Segment next() { return _next; }
* Accessor for checking whether this segment may have native
* type or object ids.
public boolean hasIds() {
return _nativeIds != null;
// // // Mutators
public Segment append(int index, JsonToken tokenType)
if (index < TOKENS_PER_SEGMENT) {
set(index, tokenType);
return null;
_next = new Segment();
_next.set(0, tokenType);
return _next;
public Segment append(int index, JsonToken tokenType,
Object objectId, Object typeId)
if (index < TOKENS_PER_SEGMENT) {
set(index, tokenType, objectId, typeId);
return null;
_next = new Segment();
_next.set(0, tokenType, objectId, typeId);
return _next;
public Segment append(int index, JsonToken tokenType, Object value)
if (index < TOKENS_PER_SEGMENT) {
set(index, tokenType, value);
return null;
_next = new Segment();
_next.set(0, tokenType, value);
return _next;
public Segment append(int index, JsonToken tokenType, Object value,
Object objectId, Object typeId)
if (index < TOKENS_PER_SEGMENT) {
set(index, tokenType, value, objectId, typeId);
return null;
_next = new Segment();
_next.set(0, tokenType, value, objectId, typeId);
return _next;
public Segment appendRaw(int index, int rawTokenType, Object value)
if (index < TOKENS_PER_SEGMENT) {
set(index, rawTokenType, value);
return null;
_next = new Segment();
_next.set(0, rawTokenType, value);
return _next;
public Segment appendRaw(int index, int rawTokenType, Object value,
Object objectId, Object typeId)
if (index < TOKENS_PER_SEGMENT) {
set(index, rawTokenType, value, objectId, typeId);
return null;
_next = new Segment();
_next.set(0, rawTokenType, value, objectId, typeId);
return _next;
private void set(int index, int rawTokenType, Object value, Object objectId, Object typeId)
_tokens[index] = value;
long typeCode = (long) rawTokenType;
if (index > 0) {
typeCode <<= (index << 2);
_tokenTypes |= typeCode;
assignNativeIds(index, objectId, typeId);
private void set(int index, int rawTokenType, Object value)
_tokens[index] = value;
long typeCode = (long) rawTokenType;
if (index > 0) {
typeCode <<= (index << 2);
_tokenTypes |= typeCode;
private void set(int index, JsonToken tokenType)
/* Assumption here is that there are no overwrites, just appends;
* and so no masking is needed (nor explicit setting of null)
long typeCode = tokenType.ordinal();
if (index > 0) {
typeCode <<= (index << 2);
_tokenTypes |= typeCode;
private void set(int index, JsonToken tokenType,
Object objectId, Object typeId)
long typeCode = tokenType.ordinal();
if (index > 0) {
typeCode <<= (index << 2);
_tokenTypes |= typeCode;
assignNativeIds(index, objectId, typeId);
private void set(int index, JsonToken tokenType, Object value)
_tokens[index] = value;
long typeCode = tokenType.ordinal();
if (index > 0) {
typeCode <<= (index << 2);
_tokenTypes |= typeCode;
private void set(int index, JsonToken tokenType, Object value,
Object objectId, Object typeId)
_tokens[index] = value;
long typeCode = tokenType.ordinal();
if (index > 0) {
typeCode <<= (index << 2);
_tokenTypes |= typeCode;
assignNativeIds(index, objectId, typeId);
private final void assignNativeIds(int index, Object objectId, Object typeId)
if (_nativeIds == null) {
_nativeIds = new TreeMap();
if (objectId != null) {
_nativeIds.put(_objectIdIndex(index), objectId);
if (typeId != null) {
_nativeIds.put(_typeIdIndex(index), typeId);
* @since 2.3
private Object findObjectId(int index) {
return (_nativeIds == null) ? null : _nativeIds.get(_objectIdIndex(index));
* @since 2.3
private Object findTypeId(int index) {
return (_nativeIds == null) ? null : _nativeIds.get(_typeIdIndex(index));
private final int _typeIdIndex(int i) { return i+i; }
private final int _objectIdIndex(int i) { return i+i+1; }