io.prestosql.verifier.VerifierConfig Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package io.prestosql.verifier;
import io.airlift.configuration.Config;
import io.airlift.configuration.ConfigDescription;
import io.airlift.configuration.LegacyConfig;
import io.airlift.units.Duration;
import io.prestosql.sql.tree.Identifier;
import io.prestosql.sql.tree.QualifiedName;
import org.joda.time.DateTime;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import javax.validation.constraints.Min;
import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import static io.prestosql.verifier.QueryType.CREATE;
import static io.prestosql.verifier.QueryType.MODIFY;
import static io.prestosql.verifier.QueryType.READ;
import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;
public class VerifierConfig
private String testUsernameOverride;
private String controlUsernameOverride;
private String testPasswordOverride;
private String controlPasswordOverride;
private List suites;
private Set controlQueryTypes = ImmutableSet.of(READ, CREATE, MODIFY);
private Set testQueryTypes = ImmutableSet.of(READ, CREATE, MODIFY);
private String source;
private String runId = new DateTime().toString("yyyy-MM-dd");
private Set eventClients = ImmutableSet.of("human-readable");
private int threadCount = 10;
private String queryDatabase;
private String controlGateway;
private String testGateway;
private Duration controlTimeout = new Duration(10, TimeUnit.MINUTES);
private Duration testTimeout = new Duration(1, TimeUnit.HOURS);
private Set blacklist = ImmutableSet.of();
private Set whitelist = ImmutableSet.of();
private int maxRowCount = 10_000;
private int maxQueries = 1_000_000;
private boolean alwaysReport;
private String eventLogFile;
private int suiteRepetitions = 1;
private int queryRepetitions = 1;
private String skipCorrectnessRegex = "^$";
private boolean checkCorrectness = true;
private String skipCpuCheckRegex = "(?i)(?s).*LIMIT.*";
private boolean checkCpu = true;
private boolean explainOnly;
private boolean verboseResultsComparison;
private String testCatalogOverride;
private String testSchemaOverride;
private String controlCatalogOverride;
private String controlSchemaOverride;
private boolean quiet;
private String additionalJdbcDriverPath;
private String testJdbcDriverName;
private String controlJdbcDriverName;
private int doublePrecision = 3;
private int controlTeardownRetries = 1;
private int testTeardownRetries = 1;
private boolean shadowWrites = true;
private String shadowTestTablePrefix = "tmp_verifier_";
private String shadowControlTablePrefix = "tmp_verifier_";
private boolean runTearDownOnResultMismatch;
private Duration regressionMinCpuTime = new Duration(5, TimeUnit.MINUTES);
public String getSkipCorrectnessRegex()
return skipCorrectnessRegex;
@ConfigDescription("Correctness check will be skipped if this regex matches query")
public VerifierConfig setSkipCorrectnessRegex(String skipCorrectnessRegex)
this.skipCorrectnessRegex = skipCorrectnessRegex;
return this;
public String getSkipCpuCheckRegex()
return skipCpuCheckRegex;
@ConfigDescription("CPU check will be skipped if this regex matches query")
public VerifierConfig setSkipCpuCheckRegex(String skipCpuCheckRegex)
this.skipCpuCheckRegex = skipCpuCheckRegex;
return this;
public boolean isVerboseResultsComparison()
return verboseResultsComparison;
@ConfigDescription("Display a diff of results that don't match")
public VerifierConfig setVerboseResultsComparison(boolean verboseResultsComparison)
this.verboseResultsComparison = verboseResultsComparison;
return this;
public boolean isQuiet()
return quiet;
@ConfigDescription("Reduces the number of informational messages printed")
public VerifierConfig setQuiet(boolean quiet)
this.quiet = quiet;
return this;
public int getQueryRepetitions()
return queryRepetitions;
@ConfigDescription("The number of times to repeat each query")
public VerifierConfig setQueryRepetitions(int queryRepetitions)
this.queryRepetitions = queryRepetitions;
return this;
public String getSuite()
return suites == null ? null : suites.get(0);
@ConfigDescription("The suites of queries in the query database to run")
public VerifierConfig setSuite(String suite)
if (suite == null) {
return this;
suites = ImmutableList.of(suite);
return this;
public Set getControlQueryTypes()
return controlQueryTypes;
@ConfigDescription("The types of control queries allowed to run [CREATE, READ, MODIFY]")
public VerifierConfig setControlQueryTypes(String types)
if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(types)) {
this.controlQueryTypes = ImmutableSet.of();
return this;
ImmutableSet.Builder builder = ImmutableSet.builder();
for (String value : Splitter.on(',').trimResults().omitEmptyStrings().split(types)) {
this.controlQueryTypes =;
return this;
public Set getTestQueryTypes()
return testQueryTypes;
@ConfigDescription("The types of control queries allowed to run [CREATE, READ, MODIFY]")
public VerifierConfig setTestQueryTypes(String types)
if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(types)) {
this.testQueryTypes = ImmutableSet.of();
return this;
ImmutableSet.Builder builder = ImmutableSet.builder();
for (String value : Splitter.on(',').trimResults().omitEmptyStrings().split(types)) {
this.testQueryTypes =;
return this;
public List getSuites()
return suites;
@ConfigDescription("The suites of queries in the query database to run")
public VerifierConfig setSuites(String suites)
if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(suites)) {
return this;
ImmutableList.Builder builder = ImmutableList.builder();
for (String value : Splitter.on(',').trimResults().omitEmptyStrings().split(suites)) {
this.suites =;
return this;
public int getThreadCount()
return threadCount;
@ConfigDescription("The concurrency level")
public VerifierConfig setThreadCount(int threadCount)
this.threadCount = threadCount;
return this;
public String getQueryDatabase()
return queryDatabase;
@ConfigDescription("Database to fetch query suites from")
public VerifierConfig setQueryDatabase(String queryDatabase)
this.queryDatabase = queryDatabase;
return this;
public Set getBlacklist()
return blacklist;
@ConfigDescription("Names of queries which are blacklisted")
public VerifierConfig setBlacklist(String blacklist)
ImmutableSet.Builder blacklistBuilder = ImmutableSet.builder();
for (String value : Splitter.on(',').trimResults().omitEmptyStrings().split(blacklist)) {
this.blacklist =;
return this;
public Set getWhitelist()
return whitelist;
@ConfigDescription("Names of queries which are whitelisted. Whitelist is applied before the blacklist")
public VerifierConfig setWhitelist(String whitelist)
ImmutableSet.Builder whitelistBuilder = ImmutableSet.builder();
for (String value : Splitter.on(',').trimResults().omitEmptyStrings().split(whitelist)) {
this.whitelist =;
return this;
public int getMaxRowCount()
return maxRowCount;
@ConfigDescription("The maximum number of rows a query may return. If it exceeds this limit it's marked as failed")
public VerifierConfig setMaxRowCount(int maxRowCount)
this.maxRowCount = maxRowCount;
return this;
public boolean isAlwaysReport()
return alwaysReport;
@ConfigDescription("Print more informational messages")
public VerifierConfig setAlwaysReport(boolean alwaysReport)
this.alwaysReport = alwaysReport;
return this;
public int getMaxQueries()
return maxQueries;
@ConfigDescription("The maximum number of queries to run for each suite")
public VerifierConfig setMaxQueries(int maxQueries)
this.maxQueries = maxQueries;
return this;
public boolean isCheckCorrectnessEnabled()
return checkCorrectness;
@ConfigDescription("Whether to check that the rows from control and test match")
public VerifierConfig setCheckCorrectnessEnabled(boolean checkCorrectness)
this.checkCorrectness = checkCorrectness;
return this;
public boolean isCheckCpuEnabled()
return checkCpu;
@ConfigDescription("Whether to check that CPU from control and test match")
public VerifierConfig setCheckCpuEnabled(boolean checkCpu)
this.checkCpu = checkCpu;
return this;
public boolean isExplainOnly()
return explainOnly;
@ConfigDescription("Only attempt to explain queries but do not execute them")
public VerifierConfig setExplainOnly(boolean explainOnly)
this.explainOnly = explainOnly;
return this;
public int getSuiteRepetitions()
return suiteRepetitions;
@ConfigDescription("Number of times to run each suite")
public VerifierConfig setSuiteRepetitions(int suiteRepetitions)
this.suiteRepetitions = suiteRepetitions;
return this;
public Set getEventClients()
return eventClients;
@ConfigDescription("The event client(s) to log the results to")
public VerifierConfig setEventClients(String eventClients)
requireNonNull(eventClients, "eventClients is null");
ImmutableSet.Builder builder = ImmutableSet.builder();
for (String value : Splitter.on(',').trimResults().omitEmptyStrings().split(eventClients)) {
this.eventClients =;
return this;
public String getSource()
return source;
@ConfigDescription("The source to pass to Presto")
public VerifierConfig setSource(String source)
this.source = source;
return this;
public String getRunId()
return runId;
@ConfigDescription("A customizable string that will be logged with the results")
public VerifierConfig setRunId(String runId)
this.runId = runId;
return this;
public String getEventLogFile()
return eventLogFile;
@ConfigDescription("The file to log events to. Used with event-client=file")
public VerifierConfig setEventLogFile(String eventLogFile)
this.eventLogFile = eventLogFile;
return this;
public String getTestCatalogOverride()
return testCatalogOverride;
@ConfigDescription("Overrides the test_catalog field in all queries in the suites")
public VerifierConfig setTestCatalogOverride(String testCatalogOverride)
this.testCatalogOverride = testCatalogOverride;
return this;
public String getTestSchemaOverride()
return testSchemaOverride;
@ConfigDescription("Overrides the test_schema field in all queries in the suites")
public VerifierConfig setTestSchemaOverride(String testSchemaOverride)
this.testSchemaOverride = testSchemaOverride;
return this;
public Duration getTestTimeout()
return testTimeout;
@ConfigDescription("Timeout for queries to the test cluster")
public VerifierConfig setTestTimeout(Duration testTimeout)
this.testTimeout = testTimeout;
return this;
public String getTestUsernameOverride()
return testUsernameOverride;
@ConfigDescription("Username for test cluster")
public VerifierConfig setTestUsernameOverride(String testUsernameOverride)
this.testUsernameOverride = testUsernameOverride;
return this;
public String getTestPasswordOverride()
return testPasswordOverride;
@ConfigDescription("Password for test cluster")
public VerifierConfig setTestPasswordOverride(String testPasswordOverride)
this.testPasswordOverride = testPasswordOverride;
return this;
public String getTestGateway()
return testGateway;
@ConfigDescription("URL for test cluster")
public VerifierConfig setTestGateway(String testGateway)
this.testGateway = testGateway;
return this;
public String getControlCatalogOverride()
return controlCatalogOverride;
@ConfigDescription("Overrides the control_catalog field in all queries in the suites")
public VerifierConfig setControlCatalogOverride(String controlCatalogOverride)
this.controlCatalogOverride = controlCatalogOverride;
return this;
public String getControlSchemaOverride()
return controlSchemaOverride;
@ConfigDescription("Overrides the control_schema field in all queries in the suites")
public VerifierConfig setControlSchemaOverride(String controlSchemaOverride)
this.controlSchemaOverride = controlSchemaOverride;
return this;
public Duration getControlTimeout()
return controlTimeout;
@ConfigDescription("Timeout for queries to the control cluster")
public VerifierConfig setControlTimeout(Duration controlTimeout)
this.controlTimeout = controlTimeout;
return this;
public String getControlUsernameOverride()
return controlUsernameOverride;
@ConfigDescription("Username for control cluster")
public VerifierConfig setControlUsernameOverride(String controlUsernameOverride)
this.controlUsernameOverride = controlUsernameOverride;
return this;
public String getControlPasswordOverride()
return controlPasswordOverride;
@ConfigDescription("Password for control cluster")
public VerifierConfig setControlPasswordOverride(String controlPasswordOverride)
this.controlPasswordOverride = controlPasswordOverride;
return this;
public String getControlGateway()
return controlGateway;
@ConfigDescription("URL for control cluster")
public VerifierConfig setControlGateway(String controlGateway)
this.controlGateway = controlGateway;
return this;
public String getAdditionalJdbcDriverPath()
return additionalJdbcDriverPath;
@ConfigDescription("Path for test jdbc driver")
public VerifierConfig setAdditionalJdbcDriverPath(String path)
this.additionalJdbcDriverPath = path;
return this;
public String getTestJdbcDriverName()
return testJdbcDriverName;
@ConfigDescription("Fully qualified test JDBC driver name")
public VerifierConfig setTestJdbcDriverName(String testJdbcDriverName)
this.testJdbcDriverName = testJdbcDriverName;
return this;
public String getControlJdbcDriverName()
return controlJdbcDriverName;
@ConfigDescription("Fully qualified control JDBC driver name")
public VerifierConfig setControlJdbcDriverName(String controlJdbcDriverName)
this.controlJdbcDriverName = controlJdbcDriverName;
return this;
public int getDoublePrecision()
return doublePrecision;
@ConfigDescription("The expected precision when comparing test and control results")
public VerifierConfig setDoublePrecision(int doublePrecision)
this.doublePrecision = doublePrecision;
return this;
public Duration getRegressionMinCpuTime()
return regressionMinCpuTime;
@ConfigDescription("Minimum cpu time a query must use in the control to be considered for regression")
public VerifierConfig setRegressionMinCpuTime(Duration regressionMinCpuTime)
this.regressionMinCpuTime = regressionMinCpuTime;
return this;
public int getControlTeardownRetries()
return controlTeardownRetries;
@ConfigDescription("Number of retries for control teardown queries")
public VerifierConfig setControlTeardownRetries(int controlTeardownRetries)
this.controlTeardownRetries = controlTeardownRetries;
return this;
public int getTestTeardownRetries()
return testTeardownRetries;
@ConfigDescription("Number of retries for test teardown queries")
public VerifierConfig setTestTeardownRetries(int testTeardownRetries)
this.testTeardownRetries = testTeardownRetries;
return this;
public boolean getShadowWrites()
return shadowWrites;
@ConfigDescription("Modify write queries to write to a temporary table instead")
public VerifierConfig setShadowWrites(boolean shadowWrites)
this.shadowWrites = shadowWrites;
return this;
public QualifiedName getShadowTestTablePrefix()
return QualifiedName.of("\\."))
@ConfigDescription("The prefix to use for temporary test shadow tables. May be fully qualified like 'tmp_catalog.tmp_schema.tmp_'")
public VerifierConfig setShadowTestTablePrefix(String prefix)
this.shadowTestTablePrefix = prefix;
return this;
public QualifiedName getShadowControlTablePrefix()
return QualifiedName.of("\\."))
@ConfigDescription("The prefix to use for temporary control shadow tables. May be fully qualified like 'tmp_catalog.tmp_schema.tmp_'")
public VerifierConfig setShadowControlTablePrefix(String prefix)
this.shadowControlTablePrefix = prefix;
return this;
public boolean getRunTearDownOnResultMismatch()
return runTearDownOnResultMismatch;
@ConfigDescription("If set to false, temporary tables will not be dropped after checksum failure")
public VerifierConfig setRunTearDownOnResultMismatch(boolean runTearDownOnResultMismatch)
this.runTearDownOnResultMismatch = runTearDownOnResultMismatch;
return this;
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