io.prismic.Api.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package io.prismic
import io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpResponseStatus
import org.joda.time._
import scala.util.control.Exception._
import scala.concurrent._
import scala.language.postfixOps
import PrismicJson._
import PrismicJsonProtocol._
* High-level entry point for communications with API
final class Api(
data: ApiData,
accessToken: Option[String],
serverProxy: Option[ProxyServer],
private[prismic] val cache: Cache,
private[prismic] val logger: (Symbol, String) => Unit) {
def refs: Map[String, Ref] = data.refs.groupBy(_.label).mapValues(_.head)
def bookmarks: Map[String, String] = data.bookmarks
def forms: Map[String, SearchForm] = data.forms.mapValues(form => SearchForm(this, form, form.defaultData))
def master: Ref = refs.values.collectFirst { case ref if ref.isMasterRef => ref }.getOrElse(sys.error("no master reference found"))
* Experiments exposed by API
def experiments: Experiments = data.experiments
* Shortcut to the current running experiment, if any
def experiment: Option[Experiment] = experiments.current
def proxy: Option[ProxyServer] = serverProxy
* Return the URL to display a given preview
* @param token as received from Prismic server to identify the content to preview
* @param linkResolver the link resolver to build URL for your site
* @param defaultUrl the URL to default to return if the preview doesn't correspond to a document
* (usually the home page of your site)
* @return a Future corresponding to the URL you should redirect the user to preview the requested change
def previewSession(token: String, linkResolver: DocumentLinkResolver, defaultUrl: String): Future[String] = {
try {
(for {
tokenJson <- HttpClient.getJson(token).map(_.json)
mainDocumentId = (tokenJson \ "mainDocument").convertTo[String]
results <- forms("everything").query("", mainDocumentId)).ref(token).submit()
document = results.results.head
} yield {
}).recoverWith {
case _ => Future.successful(defaultUrl)
} catch {
case _: Exception => Future.successful(defaultUrl)
def oauthInitiateEndpoint = data.oauthEndpoints._1
def oauthTokenEndpoint = data.oauthEndpoints._2
// Helpers
* Do an "at" query
* @param field the field to query, for example ""
* @param value the value to match
* @return
def findBy(field: String,
value: String,
form: String = "everything",
ref: Ref = master,
page: Int = 1,
pageSize: Int = 20
): Future[Seq[Document]] =
forms(form).ref(ref).page(page).pageSize(pageSize).query(, value)).submit().map(_.results)
* Search documents from a list of ids
* @param values
* @return
def findByIds(values: Seq[String],
form: String = "everything",
ref: Ref = master,
page: Int = 1,
pageSize: Int = 20
): Future[Seq[Document]] =
forms(form).ref(ref).page(page).pageSize(pageSize).query(Predicate.any("", values)).submit().map(_.results)
* Retrieve the document with the corresponding id
* @param value
* @return
def findById(value: String,
form: String = "everything",
ref: Ref = master,
page: Int = 1,
pageSize: Int = 20
): Future[Option[Document]] =
findBy("", value, form, ref, page, pageSize).map(_.headOption)
* Retrieve the document with the corresponding uid
* @param value
* @return
def findByUid(value: String,
customType: String,
form: String = "everything",
ref: Ref = master,
page: Int = 1,
pageSize: Int = 20
): Future[Option[Document]] =
findBy(s"my.${customType}.uid", value, form, ref, page, pageSize).map(_.headOption)
* Instanciate an Api instance from a API URL
object Api {
private[prismic] val MaxAge = """max-age\s*=\s*(\d+)""".r
* Instantiate an Api instance from a API URL
def get(endpoint: String,
accessToken: Option[String] = None,
proxy: Option[ProxyServer] = None,
cache: Cache = Cache.defaultCache,
logger: (Symbol, String) => Unit = { (_, _) => () },
ttl: Long = 5000L): Future[Api] = {
val url = => s"$endpoint?access_token=$token").getOrElse(endpoint)
cache.getOrSet(url, ttl) {
HttpClient.getJson(url, proxy = proxy).map { resp =>
resp.status match {
case HttpResponseStatus.OK => resp.json
case HttpResponseStatus.UNAUTHORIZED => (resp.json \ "oauth_initiate").toOpt[String] match {
case Some(u) if accessToken.isDefined =>
throw InvalidToken("The provided access token is either invalid or expired", u)
case Some(u) =>
throw AuthorizationNeeded("You need to provide an access token to access this repository", u)
case None =>
throw UnexpectedError("Authorization error, but not URL was provided")
case err => throw UnexpectedError(s"Got an HTTP error $err (${resp.body})")
}.map { json =>
new Api(
// ApiData.reader.reads(json).getOrElse(sys.error(s"Error while parsing API document: $json")),
private def getIntProperty(key: String): Option[Int] = Option(System.getProperty(key)).flatMap { strValue =>
catching(classOf[NumberFormatException]) opt strValue.toInt
* Represent a reference, a fixed point in time.
* The references must be provided when accessing to any resource
* (except /api) and allow to assert that the URL you use will always
* returns the same results.
case class Ref(
id: String,
ref: String,
label: String,
isMasterRef: Boolean = false,
scheduledAt: Option[DateTime] = None)
private[prismic] object Ref {
implicit val reader = (
(__ \ "id").read[String] and
(__ \ "ref").read[String] and
(__ \ "label").read[String] and
((__ \ "isMasterRef").read[Boolean] orElse Reads.pure(false)) and
(__ \ "scheduledAt").readNullable[DateTime]
)(Ref.apply _)
* A document field metadata
case class Field(`type`: String, multiple: Boolean, default: Option[String])
private[prismic] object Field {
implicit val reader = (
(__ \ "type").read[String] and
(__ \ "multiple").readNullable[Boolean].map(_.getOrElse(false)) and
(__ \ "default").readNullable[String]
)(Field.apply _)
case class Form(
name: Option[String],
method: String,
rel: Option[String],
enctype: String,
action: String,
fields: Map[String, Field]) {
def defaultData: Map[String, Seq[String]] = {
fields.mapValues(_.default).collect {
case (key, Some(value)) => (key, Seq(value))
private[prismic] object Form {
implicit val reader = Json.reads[Form]
private[prismic] case class ApiData(
refs: Seq[Ref],
bookmarks: Map[String, String],
types: Map[String, String],
tags: Seq[String],
forms: Map[String, Form],
oauthEndpoints: (String, String),
experiments: Experiments)
private[prismic] object ApiData {
import Experiment.readsExperiment
implicit val reader = (
(__ \ 'refs).read[Seq[Ref]] and
(__ \ 'bookmarks).read[Map[String, String]] and
(__ \ 'types).read[Map[String, String]] and
(__ \ 'tags).read[Seq[String]] and
(__ \ 'forms).read[Map[String, Form]] and
(__ \ 'oauth_initiate).read[String] and
(__ \ 'oauth_token).read[String] tupled
) and
(__ \ 'experiments).readNullable[Experiments].map(_ getOrElse Experiments(Nil, Nil))
)(ApiData.apply _)
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