io.prismic.SearchForm.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package io.prismic
import io.netty.handler.codec.http.{HttpResponseStatus, QueryStringEncoder}
import scala.concurrent.Future
import PrismicJson._
import PrismicJsonProtocol._
* A SearchForm represent a Form returned by the API.
* These forms depend on the repository, and can be filled and sent
* as regular HTML forms.
* You may get a SearchForm instance through the [[io.prismic.Api.forms]] method.
* The SearchForm instance contains helper methods for each predefined form's fields.
* @example
* val form = api.forms('everything')
* .page(3) // specify the field 'page'
* .pageSize(20) // specify the 'page_size' field
* val results = form.submit() // submit the search form
case class SearchForm(api: Api, form: Form, data: Map[String, Seq[String]]) {
def set(field: String, value: String): SearchForm = form.fields.get(field).map { fieldDesc =>
copy(data = data ++ Map(field -> (if (fieldDesc.multiple) data.getOrElse(field, Nil) ++ Seq(value) else Seq(value))))
}.getOrElse(sys.error(s"Unknown field $field"))
def set(field: String, value: Int): SearchForm = form.fields.get(field).map(_.`type`).map {
case "Integer" => set(field, value.toString)
case t => sys.error(s"Cannot use a Int as value for the field $field of type $t")
}.getOrElse(sys.error(s"Unknown field $field"))
def ref(r: Ref): SearchForm = ref(r.ref)
def ref(r: String): SearchForm = set("ref", r)
def query(query: String) = {
if (form.fields.get("q").map(_.multiple) == Some(true)) {
set("q", query)
else {
// Temporary Hack for backward compatibility
def strip(q: String) = q.trim.drop(1).dropRight(1)
copy(data = data ++ Map("q" -> Seq(s"""[${form.fields("q")"")}${strip(query)}]""")))
* Build an "AND" query with all the predicates passed in parameter
* @param predicates one or more Predicate
* @return the SearchForm instance for chaining
def query(predicates: Predicate*): SearchForm = {
this.query("[" + + "]")
def page(p: Int) = set("page", p)
def pageSize(p: Int) = set("pageSize", p)
* Restrict the fragments to be return to the set of fields in parameter
* @param fields
* @return
def fetch(fields: Iterable[String]) = set("fetch", fields.mkString(","))
* Add the requested fields to the DocumentLink objects within the results
* @param fields
* @return
def fetchLinks(fields: Iterable[String]) = set("fetchLinks", fields.mkString(","))
* @param o one or more string, containing the name of a field optionally followed by a space and "desc"
* @return the SearchForm instance for chaining
def orderings(o: String*) = {
o.headOption match {
case None => this // noop
case Some(first) if first.matches("""^\[.*\]$""") => set("orderings", first) // backward compatibility
case _ => set("orderings", s"[${o.mkString(", ")}]") // normal usage
* @param lang the language to query for
* @return the SearchForm instance for chaining
def lang(lang: String): SearchForm = set("lang", lang)
def submit(): Future[Response] = {
(form.method, form.enctype, form.action) match {
case ("GET", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", action) =>
val url = {
val encoder = new QueryStringEncoder(form.action)
data.foreach {
case (key, values) => values.foreach(value => encoder.addParam(key, value))
api.cache.get(url).map { json =>
}.getOrElse {
HttpClient.getJson(url, proxy = api.proxy).map { resp =>
resp.status match {
case HttpResponseStatus.OK =>
val json = resp.json
resp.header("Cache-Control").foreach {
case Api.MaxAge(duration) => api.cache.set(url, (System.currentTimeMillis + duration.toLong * 1000, json))
case _ =>
case error => sys.error(s"Http error(status:$error msg:${resp.status.reasonPhrase()} body:${resp.body}")
case _ => Future.failed {
sys.error(s"Form type not supported")
* Paginated response to a query. Note that you may not get all documents in the first page,
* and may need to retrieve more pages or increase the page size.
case class Response(
results: Seq[Document],
page: Int,
resultsPerPage: Int,
resultsSize: Int,
totalResultsSize: Int,
totalPages: Int,
nextPage: Option[String],
prevPage: Option[String])
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