io.projectglow.bgen.BgenRecordWriter.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2019 The Glow Authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package io.projectglow.bgen
import java.io.{BufferedOutputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream, DataOutput, OutputStream}
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
import java.util.zip.{Deflater, DeflaterOutputStream}
import java.util.{Comparator, Arrays => JArrays, HashMap => JHashMap}
import com.google.common.io.{CountingOutputStream, LittleEndianDataOutputStream}
import org.apache.commons.math3.util.CombinatoricsUtils
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType
import io.projectglow.common.{BgenRow, GlowLogging}
* Writes BGEN records.
* @param outputStream The output stream to write to
* @param schema Schema of the input rows
* @param writeHeader If true, write the header
* @param numVariants Number of variants (for the header)
* @param bitsPerProb Number of bits used to represent each genotype/haplotype probability value
* @param maxPloidy If ploidy is missing, it is inferred as some value in [1, maxPloidy]
* @param defaultPloidy If phasing and ploidy are missing or the inferred ploidy is ambiguous, we
* assume ploidy is defaultPloidy
* @param defaultPhasing If phasing is missing and the inferred phasing is ambiguous, we assume
* phasing is defaultPhasing
class BgenRecordWriter(
outputStream: OutputStream,
schema: StructType,
writeHeader: Boolean,
numVariants: Long,
bitsPerProb: Int,
maxPloidy: Int,
defaultPloidy: Int,
defaultPhasing: Boolean)
extends GlowLogging {
import BgenRecordWriter._
val converter = new InternalRowToBgenRowConverter(
val stream = new LittleEndianDataOutputStream(outputStream)
val probabilityWriter: (Long, LittleEndianDataOutputStream) => Unit = {
bitsPerProb match {
case 8 => (prob, ledos) => writeUnsignedByte(prob, ledos)
case 16 => (prob, ledos) => writeUnsignedShort(prob, ledos)
case 32 => (prob, ledos) => writeUnsignedInt(prob, ledos)
case _ =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Only probabilities of 8, 16, or 32 bits are accepted")
val probBlockSizeMap = new JHashMap[GenotypeCharacteristics, ProbabilityBlockSize]()
val buffSize = 8192
var headerHasBeenWritten: Boolean = false
private def shouldWriteHeader: Boolean = writeHeader && !headerHasBeenWritten
// If header should be written but has not been written yet, write it
private def maybeWriteHeader(sampleIds: Seq[Option[String]]): Unit = {
if (shouldWriteHeader) {
val headerWriter = new BgenHeaderWriter(stream, numVariants, sampleIds)
headerHasBeenWritten = true
private def maybeWriteHeaderForEmptyFile(): Unit = {
if (shouldWriteHeader) {
logger.info("Writing header for empty file")
val headerWriter = new BgenHeaderWriter(stream, numVariants, Nil)
headerHasBeenWritten = true
* # Bytes | Description
* ========+=====================================
* 2 | Length of the variant ID = L_(id)
* ----------------------------------------------
* L_(id) | The variant ID
* ----------------------------------------------
* 2 | Length of the rsid = L_(rsid)
* ----------------------------------------------
* L_(rsid)| The rsid
* ----------------------------------------------
* 2 | Length of the chromosome
* ----------------------------------------------
* L_(chr) | The chromosome
* ----------------------------------------------
* 4 | Variant position
* ----------------------------------------------
* 2 | Number of alleles = K
* ----------------------------------------------
* 4 | Length of the first allele = L_(a1)
* ----------------------------------------------
* L_(a1) | The first allele
* ----------------------------------------------
* 4 | Length of the second allele = L_(a2)
* ----------------------------------------------
* L_(a2) | The second allele
* ----------------------------------------------
* ... | ...
* ----------------------------------------------
* 4 | Length of the Kth allele = L_(aK)
* ----------------------------------------------
* L_(aK) | The Kth allele
* ----------------------------------------------
private def writeVariantIdentifyingBlock(row: BgenRow): Unit = {
writeUTF8String(row.names.headOption.getOrElse(""), false, stream)
writeUTF8String(row.names.lift(1).getOrElse(""), false, stream)
writeUTF8String(row.contigName, false, stream)
writeUnsignedInt(row.start.toInt + 1, stream)
writeUnsignedShort(1 + row.alternateAlleles.length, stream) // Reference allele (1) + alts
writeUTF8String(row.referenceAllele, true, stream)
row.alternateAlleles.foreach { aa =>
writeUTF8String(aa, true, stream)
* # Bytes | Description
* ========+======================================================================================
* 4 | Number of samples
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* 2 | Number of alleles
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* 1 | Minimum ploidy of samples
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* 1 | Maximum ploidy of samples
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* N | The nth byte represents the ploidy and missingness of the nth sample. Ploidy is
* | encoded in the least significant 6 bits of this value. Missingness is encoded by the
* | most significant bit (1 if missing).
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* 1 | 1 if phased, 0 if unphased
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* 1 | Number of bits used to store each probability = B
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* X | Probabilities for each possible haplotype (if phased)/genotype (if unphased)
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def getCompressedGenotypeProbabilityData(row: BgenRow): (Int, Array[Byte]) = {
val baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(buffSize)
val dos = new DeflaterOutputStream(baos, new Deflater(), buffSize)
val cos = new CountingOutputStream(dos)
val bos = new BufferedOutputStream(cos, buffSize)
val ledos = new LittleEndianDataOutputStream(bos)
writeUnsignedInt(row.genotypes.length, ledos)
val numAlleles = row.alternateAlleles.length + 1
writeUnsignedShort(numAlleles, ledos)
val (minPloidy, maxPloidy) = minMax(row.genotypes.map(_.ploidy.get), defaultPloidy)
var gtIdx = 0
while (gtIdx < row.genotypes.length) {
val gt = row.genotypes(gtIdx)
val missingness = if (gt.posteriorProbabilities.isEmpty) 1 else 0
ledos.writeByte(gt.ploidy.get + (missingness << 6))
gtIdx += 1
val phased = if (row.genotypes.nonEmpty) row.genotypes.head.phased.get else defaultPhasing
val phasedByte = if (phased) 1 else 0
gtIdx = 0
while (gtIdx < row.genotypes.length) {
val gt = row.genotypes(gtIdx)
val gc = GenotypeCharacteristics(numAlleles, phased, gt.ploidy.get)
val probBlockSize = if (probBlockSizeMap.containsKey(gc)) {
} else {
val probBlockSizeValue = getProbabilityBlockSize(gc)
probBlockSizeMap.put(gc, probBlockSizeValue)
val xList = if (gt.posteriorProbabilities.isEmpty) {
// If missing probabilities, fill with 0's
Array.fill(probBlockSize.probabilitiesPerBlock * probBlockSize.numBlocks)(0L).toSeq
} else {
calculateIntProbabilities(bitsPerProb, gt.posteriorProbabilities)
// For each probability block, write all but the last value
var bi = 0
var bpi = 0
while (bi < probBlockSize.numBlocks) {
while (bpi < probBlockSize.probabilitiesPerBlock - 1) {
probabilityWriter(xList(bi * probBlockSize.probabilitiesPerBlock + bpi), ledos)
bpi += 1
bpi = 0
bi += 1
gtIdx += 1
(cos.getCount.toInt, baos.toByteArray)
* # Bytes | Description
* ========+=============================================================================
* 4 | Total length of the the rest of the data for this variant = C
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* 4 | Total length of the probability data after decompression = D
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* C-4 | Genotype probability data for each of the N samples: decompressed to D bytes
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def writeGenotypeDataBlock(row: BgenRow): Unit = {
val (uncompressedLength, compressedGdp) = getCompressedGenotypeProbabilityData(row)
// Uncompressed length is stored as an int (4 bytes)
writeUnsignedInt(4 + compressedGdp.length, stream)
writeUnsignedInt(uncompressedLength, stream)
* A Bgen file consists of a header followed by M variant data blocks.
* Variant data blocks consist of:
* - Variant identifying data
* - Genotype data block
def write(row: InternalRow): Unit = {
val bgenRow = converter.convert(row)
def close(): Unit = {
object BgenRecordWriter {
def minMax(a: Seq[Int], default: Int): (Int, Int) = {
if (a.isEmpty) {
(default, default)
} else {
a.foldLeft((a.head, a.head)) {
case ((min, max), e) =>
(math.min(min, e), math.max(max, e))
def writeUnsignedByte(l: Long, output: DataOutput): Unit = {
def writeUnsignedShort(l: Long, output: DataOutput): Unit = {
def writeUnsignedInt(l: Long, output: DataOutput): Unit = {
def writeUTF8String(s: String, lengthAsInt: Boolean, output: DataOutput): Unit = {
val byteArray = s.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)
if (lengthAsInt) {
writeUnsignedInt(byteArray.length, output)
} else {
writeUnsignedShort(byteArray.length, output)
def getProbabilityBlockSize(gc: GenotypeCharacteristics): ProbabilityBlockSize = {
if (gc.phased) {
// One probability per allele per haplotype
ProbabilityBlockSize(gc.numAlleles, gc.ploidy)
} else {
// One probability per possible genotype
gc.ploidy + gc.numAlleles - 1,
gc.numAlleles - 1
* Given a vector v = (v_1, ... v_d) of d probabilities that sum to one, we find the integer
* representation (where each int is stored in B bits) as follows:
* - Multiply v by 2**B-1.
* - Compute the total fractional part F = sum_i (v_i - floor(v_i)).
* - Form x by rounding the F entries of v with the largest fractional parts up to the nearest
* integer, and the other d-F entries down to the nearest smaller integer.
def calculateIntProbabilities(bitsPerProb: Int, probabilities: Seq[Double]): Seq[Long] = {
val multiplier = (1L << bitsPerProb) - 1
val numProbs = probabilities.length
val vList = new Array[Double](numProbs)
val fpIdxList = new Array[FractionalPartIndex](numProbs)
var totalFractionalPart = 0d
var i = 0
while (i < numProbs) {
val v = probabilities(i) * multiplier
val fractionalPart = v - math.floor(v)
vList(i) = v
fpIdxList(i) = FractionalPartIndex(fractionalPart, i)
totalFractionalPart += fractionalPart
i += 1
JArrays.sort(fpIdxList, new SortByDescendingFractionalPart())
val xList = new Array[Long](numProbs)
i = 0
for (i <- xList.indices) {
xList(i) = if (fpIdxList(i).index < totalFractionalPart) {
} else {
case class GenotypeCharacteristics(numAlleles: Int, phased: Boolean, ploidy: Int)
case class FractionalPartIndex(fractionalPart: Double, index: Int)
class SortByDescendingFractionalPart extends Comparator[FractionalPartIndex] {
override def compare(a: FractionalPartIndex, b: FractionalPartIndex): Int = {
val diff = b.fractionalPart - a.fractionalPart
diff match {
case d if d < 0 => -1
case 0 => 0
case _ => 1
case class ProbabilityBlockSize(probabilitiesPerBlock: Int, numBlocks: Int)
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