io.prometheus.client.metrics.Gauge Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright 2013 Prometheus Team Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the
* License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
package io.prometheus.client.metrics;
import com.google.common.base.Optional;
import com.google.common.util.concurrent.AtomicDouble;
import com.google.gson.JsonArray;
import com.google.gson.JsonElement;
import com.google.gson.JsonObject;
import com.google.gson.JsonSerializationContext;
import com.google.gson.JsonSerializer;
import io.prometheus.client.Metrics;
import io.prometheus.client.utility.labels.Reserved;
import javax.annotation.concurrent.NotThreadSafe;
import javax.annotation.concurrent.ThreadSafe;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* {@link Gauge} is a {@link Metric} that reports instantaneous values based on
* external state.
* -
* Instantaneous value: The amount of money currently in the room. The value
* comes from a blackbox system that can only return the state result; it does
* not return how the state was derived.
* An example follows:
* * {@code
* package example;
* import io.prometheus.client.Prometheus;
* import io.prometheus.client.Register;
* import io.prometheus.client.metrics.Gauge;
* public class Aquarium {
* // Annotate this with "Register" if this class is not explicitly loaded
* // by your project.
* private static final Gauge waterTemp = Gauge.newBuilder()
* .namespace("seaworld")
* .inSubsystem("aquatic_tanks")
* .name("water_temperature_c")
* .labelNames("tank_name")
* .documentation("The current aquarium tank temperature partitioned by tank name.")
* .build()
* public void run() {
* while (true) {
* // Busy loop. :sad-trombone:
* waterTemp.newPartial()
* .labelPair("tank_name", "shamu")
* .apply()
* .set(getShamuTemperature());
* waterTemp.newPartial()
* .labelPair("tank_name", "urchin")
* .apply()
* .set(getUrchinTemperature());
* }
* }
* private double getShamuTemperature() {
* // That poor orca's boiling alive!
* return 42;
* }
* private double getUrchinTemperature() {
* return 9;
* }
* }}
* Assuming that each code path is executed once, {@code waterTemp} yields the following
* child metrics:
* * seaworld_aquatic_tanks_water_temperature_c{tank_name="shamu"} = 42
* seaworld_aquatic_tanks_water_temperature_c{tank_name="urchin"} = 9
* Note:To represent whitebox values inside of business logic control, use {@link Counter}.
* @author Matt T. Proud (matt.proud@gmail.com)
public class Gauge extends Metric {
private final double defaultValue;
private Gauge(final String n, final String d, final List ds, final double defaultValue,
final Metrics.MetricFamily p, final boolean rs) {
super(n, d, ds, p, rs);
this.defaultValue = defaultValue;
Metrics.MetricFamily.Builder annotateBuilder(final Metrics.MetricFamily.Builder b) {
for (final Map labels : children.keySet()) {
final Child child = children.get(labels);
final Metrics.Metric.Builder m = b.addMetricBuilder();
for (final String label : labels.keySet()) {
final String value = labels.get(label);
return b;
* Start generating a concrete {@link Child} instance by building a partial
* and accumulating labels with it.
* @see io.prometheus.client.metrics.Metric#newPartial()
public Partial newPartial() {
return new Partial();
* Create a {@link Builder} to configure the {@link Gauge}.
public static Builder newBuilder() {
return new Builder();
* Define the characteristics for this {@link Gauge}.
* Implementation-Specific Behaviors:
* -
* If the metric and its children are reset, a default value of {@code 0} is
* used.
* For all other behaviors, see {@link Metric.BaseBuilder}.
public static class Builder implements Metric.Builder {
private static final Double DEFAULT_VALUE = Double.valueOf(0);
private final BaseBuilder base;
private final Optional defaultValue;
Builder() {
base = new BaseBuilder();
defaultValue = Optional.absent();
private Builder(final BaseBuilder base, final Optional defaultValue) {
this.base = base;
this.defaultValue = defaultValue;
public Builder labelNames(String... ds) {
return new Builder(base.labelNames(ds), defaultValue);
public Builder documentation(String d) {
return new Builder(base.documentation(d), defaultValue);
public Builder name(String n) {
return new Builder(base.name(n), defaultValue);
public Builder subsystem(String ss) {
return new Builder(base.subsystem(ss), defaultValue);
public Builder namespace(String ns) {
return new Builder(base.namespace(ns), defaultValue);
public Builder registerStatic(final boolean rs) {
return new Builder(base.registerStatic(rs), defaultValue);
* Provide a custom default value for this {@link Gauge} when it undergoes a
* {@link io.prometheus.client.metrics.Gauge#resetAll()} or a specific
* {@link Child} undergoes a {@link Gauge.Child#reset()}.
* @return A copy of the original {@link Builder} with the new
* target value.
public Builder defaultValue(final Double v) {
return new Builder(base, Optional.of(v));
private double getDefaultValue() {
return defaultValue.or(DEFAULT_VALUE);
public Gauge build() {
final String name = base.buildName();
final String docstring = base.buildDocstring();
final Metrics.MetricFamily.Builder builder =
return new Gauge(base.buildName(), base.buildDocstring(), base.buildLabelNames(),
getDefaultValue(), builder.build(), base.getRegisterStatic());
* A derivative of {@link Gauge} that lets you accumulate labels to build a
* concrete metric via {@link #apply()} for mutation with the methods of
* {@link Gauge.Child}.
* Warning: All mutations to {@link Partial} are retained. You should not
* share {@link Partial} between distinct label sets unless you have a parent
* {@link Partial} that you {@link io.prometheus.client.metrics.Gauge.Partial#clone()}.
* In this example below, we have both a race condition with a nasty outcome that
* unformedMetric is mutated in both threads and that it is an undefined behavior, which
* {@code data-type} label pair setting wins.
* * {@code
* Gauge.Partial unformedMetric = …;
* new Thread() {
* public void run() {
* unformedMetric.labelPair("system", "cache");
* .labelPair("data-type", "user-profile"); // Difference
* .apply()
* .set(1);
* }
* }.start();
* new Thread() {
* public void run() {
* unformedMetric.labelPair("system", "cache");
* .labelPair("data-type", "avatar"); // Difference
* .apply()
* .set(15);
* }
* }.start();
* }
* The following is preferable and {@link ThreadSafe}:
* * {@code
* Gauge.Partial unformedMetric = …;
* new Thread() {
* public void run() {
* Gauge.Partial local = unformedMetric.clone(); // Safe step!
* local.labelPair("system", "cache");
* .labelPair("data-type", "user-profile"); // Difference
* .apply()
* .set(5);
* }
* }.start();
* new Thread() {
* public void run() {
* Gauge.Partial local = unformedMetric.clone(); // Safe step!
* local.labelPair("system", "cache");
* .labelPair("data-type", "avatar"); // Difference
* .apply()
* .set(15);
* }
* }.start();
* }
* @see Metric.Partial
public class Partial extends Metric.Partial {
public Partial labelPair(String labelName, String labelValue) {
return (Partial) baseLabelPair(labelName, labelValue);
public Partial clone() {
return (Partial) super.clone();
protected Gauge.Child newChild() {
return new Child();
* Finalize this child to perform mutations under this set of label-value
* pairs.
* @see io.prometheus.client.metrics.Metric.Partial#apply()
public Gauge.Child apply() {
return (Child) baseApply();
* A concrete instance of {@link Gauge} for a unique set of label dimensions.
* Warning: Do not hold onto a reference of a {@link Child} if you
* ever use the {@link #resetAll()}. If you want to hold onto a concrete
* instance, please hold onto a {@link io.prometheus.client.metrics.Gauge.Partial} and use
* {@link io.prometheus.client.metrics.Gauge.Partial#apply()}.
* @see Metric.Child
public class Child implements Metric.Child {
final AtomicDouble value = new AtomicDouble();
* Set this {@link io.prometheus.client.metrics.Gauge.Child} to an arbitrary
* value.
public void set(final double v) {
* Increment this {@link Gauge.Child} by one.
public void increment() {
* Increment this {@link Gauge.Child} by {@code v}.
public void increment(final double v) {
* Decrement this {@link Gauge.Child} by one.
public void decrement() {
* Decrement this {@link Gauge.Child} by {@code v}.
public void decrement(final double v) {
* Reset this {@link Gauge} to its default value per
* {@link Gauge.Builder#defaultValue(Double)}.
public void reset() {
* Used to serialize {@link Gauge} instances for {@link com.google.gson.Gson}.
public static class Serializer implements JsonSerializer {
public JsonElement serialize(final Gauge src, final Type typeOfSrc,
final JsonSerializationContext context) {
final JsonObject container = new JsonObject();
final JsonObject baseLabels = new JsonObject();
baseLabels.addProperty(Reserved.NAME.label(), src.name);
container.add(SERIALIZE_BASE_LABELS, baseLabels);
container.addProperty(SERIALIZE_DOCSTRING, src.docstring);
final JsonObject metric = new JsonObject();
metric.addProperty("type", "gauge");
final JsonArray values = new JsonArray();
for (final Map labelSet : src.children.keySet()) {
final JsonObject element = new JsonObject();
element.add("labels", context.serialize(labelSet));
final Child vector = src.children.get(labelSet);
element.add("value", context.serialize(vector.value.get()));
metric.add("value", values);
container.add(SERIALIZE_METRIC, context.serialize(metric));
return container;
public boolean equals(final Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (!(o instanceof Gauge)) return false;
if (!super.equals(o)) return false;
final Gauge gauge = (Gauge) o;
if (Double.compare(gauge.defaultValue, defaultValue) != 0) return false;
return true;
public int hashCode() {
int result = super.hashCode();
long temp;
temp = Double.doubleToLongBits(defaultValue);
result = 31 * result + (int) (temp ^ (temp >>> 32));
return result;