// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT!
// source: provenance/metadata/v1/tx.proto
package io.provenance.metadata.v1;
public interface MsgP8eMemorializeContractRequestOrBuilder extends
// @@protoc_insertion_point(interface_extends:provenance.metadata.v1.MsgP8eMemorializeContractRequest)
com.google.protobuf.MessageOrBuilder {
* The scope id of the object being add or modified on blockchain.
* string scope_id = 1;
java.lang.String getScopeId();
* The scope id of the object being add or modified on blockchain.
* string scope_id = 1;
* The uuid of the contract execution.
* string group_id = 2;
java.lang.String getGroupId();
* The uuid of the contract execution.
* string group_id = 2;
* The scope specification id.
* string scope_specification_id = 3;
java.lang.String getScopeSpecificationId();
* The scope specification id.
* string scope_specification_id = 3;
* The new recitals for the scope. Used in leu of Contract for direct ownership changes.
* .provenance.metadata.v1.p8e.Recitals recitals = 4;
boolean hasRecitals();
* The new recitals for the scope. Used in leu of Contract for direct ownership changes.
* .provenance.metadata.v1.p8e.Recitals recitals = 4;
io.provenance.metadata.v1.p8e.Recitals getRecitals();
* The new recitals for the scope. Used in leu of Contract for direct ownership changes.
* .provenance.metadata.v1.p8e.Recitals recitals = 4;
io.provenance.metadata.v1.p8e.RecitalsOrBuilder getRecitalsOrBuilder();
* The executed contract.
* .provenance.metadata.v1.p8e.Contract contract = 5;
boolean hasContract();
* The executed contract.
* .provenance.metadata.v1.p8e.Contract contract = 5;
io.provenance.metadata.v1.p8e.Contract getContract();
* The executed contract.
* .provenance.metadata.v1.p8e.Contract contract = 5;
io.provenance.metadata.v1.p8e.ContractOrBuilder getContractOrBuilder();
* The contract signatures
* .provenance.metadata.v1.p8e.SignatureSet signatures = 6;
boolean hasSignatures();
* The contract signatures
* .provenance.metadata.v1.p8e.SignatureSet signatures = 6;
io.provenance.metadata.v1.p8e.SignatureSet getSignatures();
* The contract signatures
* .provenance.metadata.v1.p8e.SignatureSet signatures = 6;
io.provenance.metadata.v1.p8e.SignatureSetOrBuilder getSignaturesOrBuilder();
* The bech32 address of the notary (ie the broadcaster of this message).
* string invoker = 7;
java.lang.String getInvoker();
* The bech32 address of the notary (ie the broadcaster of this message).
* string invoker = 7;