Maven / Gradle / Ivy
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.function.Function;
* Package class,This class hold postgre data/time function methods.
* @see Date/Time Functions
* @since 1.0
abstract class PostgreDateTimeFunctions extends PostgreStringFunctions {
* package constructor
PostgreDateTimeFunctions() {
public interface ExtractTimeField {
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link OffsetDateTimeType}
* @see clock_timestamp ( ) → timestamp with time zone
public static SimpleExpression clockTimestamp() {
return FunctionUtils.zeroArgFunc("CLOCK_TIMESTAMP", OffsetDateTimeType.INSTANCE);
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link OffsetTimeType}
* @see current_time ( integer ) → time with time zone
public static SimpleExpression currentTime(Expression integer) {
return FunctionUtils.oneArgFunc("CURRENT_TIME", integer, OffsetTimeType.INSTANCE);
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link OffsetDateTimeType}
* @see current_timestamp ( integer ) → timestamp with time zone
public static SimpleExpression currentTimestamp(Expression integer) {
return FunctionUtils.oneArgFunc("CURRENT_TIMESTAMP", integer, OffsetDateTimeType.INSTANCE);
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link LocalDateTimeType}
* @see date_bin ( interval, timestamp, timestamp ) → timestamp
public static SimpleExpression dateBin(Expression interval, Expression timestamp1, Expression timestamp2) {
return FunctionUtils.threeArgFunc("DATE_BIN", interval, timestamp1, timestamp2, LocalDateTimeType.INSTANCE);
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link DoubleType}
* @param source timestamp or interval {@link Expression}
* @see #datePart(Expression, Expression)
* @see field
* @see date_part ( text, timestamp ) → double precision
* date_part ( text, interval ) → double precision
public static SimpleExpression datePart(final String field, final Expression source) {
final String name = "DATE_PART";
try {
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
String m = String.format("%s don't support field['%s'].", name, field);
throw ContextStack.clearStackAndCriteriaError(m);
return datePart(SQLs.literal(StringType.INSTANCE, field), source);
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link DoubleType}
* @param source timestamp or interval {@link Expression}
* @see field
* @see date_part ( text, timestamp ) → double precision
* date_part ( text, interval ) → double precision
public static SimpleExpression datePart(Expression field, Expression source) {
return FunctionUtils.twoArgFunc("DATE_PART", field, source, DoubleType.INSTANCE);
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type:
* - If the {@link MappingType} of source is {@link IntervalType},then the {@link MappingType} of source
* - Else {@link LocalDateTimeType}
* @param field lower field ,valid values for field are :
* - microseconds
* - milliseconds
* - second
* - minute
* - hour
* - day
* - week
* - month
* - quarter
* - year
* - decade
* - century
* - millennium
* @param source timestamp or interval {@link Expression}
* @see #dateTrunc(Expression, Expression)
* @see date_trunc ( text, timestamp ) → timestamp
* date_trunc ( text, interval ) → interval
public static SimpleExpression dateTrunc(String field, Expression source) {
if (isErrorDateTruncField(field)) {
throw errorDateTruncField(field);
return dateTrunc(SQLs.literal(StringType.INSTANCE, field), source);
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link OffsetDateTimeType}
* @param field lower field ,valid values for field are :
* - microseconds
* - milliseconds
* - second
* - minute
* - hour
* - day
* - week
* - month
* - quarter
* - year
* - decade
* - century
* - millennium
* @param source timestamp {@link Expression}
* @see #dateTrunc(Expression, Expression, Expression)
* @see date_trunc ( text, timestamp with time zone, text ) → timestamp with time zone
public static SimpleExpression dateTrunc(String field, Expression source, String timeZone) {
if (PostgreDateTimeFunctions.isErrorDateTruncField(field)) {
throw PostgreDateTimeFunctions.errorDateTruncField(field);
return dateTrunc(SQLs.literal(StringType.INSTANCE, field),
SQLs.literal(StringType.INSTANCE, timeZone));
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type:
* - If the {@link MappingType} of source is {@link IntervalType},then the {@link MappingType} of source
* - Else {@link LocalDateTimeType}
* @see date_trunc ( text, timestamp ) → timestamp
* date_trunc ( text, interval ) → interval
public static SimpleExpression dateTrunc(Expression field, Expression source) {
return FunctionUtils.twoArgFunc("DATE_TRUNC", field, source,
_returnType(source, PostgreDateTimeFunctions::intervalOrDateTime)
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link OffsetDateTimeType}
* @see date_trunc ( text, timestamp with time zone, text ) → timestamp with time zone
public static SimpleExpression dateTrunc(Expression field, Expression source, Expression timeZone) {
return FunctionUtils.threeArgFunc("DATE_TRUNC", field, source, timeZone, OffsetDateTimeType.INSTANCE);
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link BigDecimalType}
* @see extract ( field from timestamp ) → numeric
* extract ( field from interval ) → numeric
public static SimpleExpression extract(ExtractTimeField field, SQLs.WordFrom from, Expression timestampOrInterval) {
final String name = "EXTRACT";
if (!(field instanceof PostgreWords.WordExtractTimeField)) {
throw CriteriaUtils.funcArgError(name, from);
} else if (from != SQLs.FROM) {
throw CriteriaUtils.funcArgError(name, from);
return FunctionUtils.complexArgFunc(name, BigDecimalType.INSTANCE, field, from, timestampOrInterval);
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link IntervalType}
* @see justify_days ( interval ) → interval
public static SimpleExpression justifyDays(Expression exp) {
return FunctionUtils.oneArgFunc("JUSTIFY_DAYS", exp, IntervalType.from(Interval.class));
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link IntervalType}
* @see justify_hours ( interval ) → interval
public static SimpleExpression justifyHours(Expression exp) {
return FunctionUtils.oneArgFunc("JUSTIFY_HOURS", exp, IntervalType.from(Interval.class));
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link IntervalType}
* @see justify_interval ( interval ) → interval
public static SimpleExpression justifyInterval(Expression exp) {
return FunctionUtils.oneArgFunc("JUSTIFY_INTERVAL", exp, IntervalType.from(Interval.class));
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link LocalTimeType}
* @see Postgres#LOCALTIME
* @see localtime ( integer ) → time
public static SimpleExpression localtime(Expression integer) {
return FunctionUtils.oneArgFunc("LOCALTIME", integer, LocalTimeType.INSTANCE);
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link LocalDateTimeType}
* @see Postgres#LOCALTIMESTAMP
* @see localtimestamp ( integer ) → timestamp
public static SimpleExpression localtimestamp(Expression integer) {
return FunctionUtils.oneArgFunc("LOCALTIMESTAMP", integer, LocalDateTimeType.INSTANCE);
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link LocalDateType}
* @see make_date ( year int, month int, day int ) → date
public static SimpleExpression makeDate(Expression year, Expression month, Expression day) {
return FunctionUtils.threeArgFunc("MAKE_DATE", year, month, day, LocalDateType.INSTANCE);
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link IntervalType}
* @param years if Positional Notation ,then representing years,else Named Notation
* @see Postgres#namedNotation(String, Expression)
* @see Postgres#namedNotation(String, Function, Object)
* @see Using Positional Notation
* @see Using Named Notation
* @see make_interval ( [ years int [, months int [, weeks int [, days int [, hours int [, mins int [, secs double precision ]]]]]]] ) → interval
public static SimpleExpression makeInterval(Expression years) {
return FunctionUtils.oneNotationFunc("MAKE_INTERVAL",
years, IntervalType.from(Interval.class));
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link IntervalType}
* @param years if Positional Notation ,then representing years,else Named Notation
* @param months if Positional Notation ,then representing months,else Named Notation
* @see Postgres#namedNotation(String, Expression)
* @see Postgres#namedNotation(String, Function, Object)
* @see Using Positional Notation
* @see Using Named Notation
* @see make_interval ( [ years int [, months int [, weeks int [, days int [, hours int [, mins int [, secs double precision ]]]]]]] ) → interval
public static SimpleExpression makeInterval(Expression years, Expression months) {
return FunctionUtils.twoNotationFunc("MAKE_INTERVAL",
years, months, IntervalType.from(Interval.class));
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link IntervalType}
* @param years if Positional Notation ,then representing years,else Named Notation
* @param months if Positional Notation ,then representing months,else Named Notation
* @param weeks if Positional Notation ,then representing weeks,else Named Notation
* @see Postgres#namedNotation(String, Expression)
* @see Postgres#namedNotation(String, Function, Object)
* @see Using Positional Notation
* @see Using Named Notation
* @see make_interval ( [ years int [, months int [, weeks int [, days int [, hours int [, mins int [, secs double precision ]]]]]]] ) → interval
public static SimpleExpression makeInterval(Expression years, Expression months, Expression weeks) {
return FunctionUtils.threeNotationFunc("MAKE_INTERVAL",
years, months, weeks, IntervalType.from(Interval.class));
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link IntervalType}
* @param years if Positional Notation ,then representing years,else Named Notation
* @param months if Positional Notation ,then representing months,else Named Notation
* @param weeks if Positional Notation ,then representing weeks,else Named Notation
* @param days if Positional Notation ,then representing days,else Named Notation
* @see Postgres#namedNotation(String, Expression)
* @see Postgres#namedNotation(String, Function, Object)
* @see Using Positional Notation
* @see Using Named Notation
* @see make_interval ( [ years int [, months int [, weeks int [, days int [, hours int [, mins int [, secs double precision ]]]]]]] ) → interval
public static SimpleExpression makeInterval(Expression years, Expression months, Expression weeks, Expression days) {
return FunctionUtils.fourNotationFunc("MAKE_INTERVAL",
years, months, weeks, days, IntervalType.from(Interval.class));
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link IntervalType}
* @param years if Positional Notation ,then representing years,else Named Notation
* @param months if Positional Notation ,then representing months,else Named Notation
* @param weeks if Positional Notation ,then representing weeks,else Named Notation
* @param days if Positional Notation ,then representing days,else Named Notation
* @param hours if Positional Notation ,then representing hours,else Named Notation
* @see Postgres#namedNotation(String, Expression)
* @see Postgres#namedNotation(String, Function, Object)
* @see Using Positional Notation
* @see Using Named Notation
* @see make_interval ( [ years int [, months int [, weeks int [, days int [, hours int [, mins int [, secs double precision ]]]]]]] ) → interval
public static SimpleExpression makeInterval(Expression years, Expression months, Expression weeks, Expression days,
Expression hours) {
return FunctionUtils.fiveNotationFunc("MAKE_INTERVAL",
years, months, weeks, days, hours, IntervalType.from(Interval.class));
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link IntervalType}
* @param years if Positional Notation ,then representing years,else Named Notation
* @param months if Positional Notation ,then representing months,else Named Notation
* @param weeks if Positional Notation ,then representing weeks,else Named Notation
* @param days if Positional Notation ,then representing days,else Named Notation
* @param hours if Positional Notation ,then representing hours,else Named Notation
* @param mins if Positional Notation ,then representing mins,else Named Notation
* @see Postgres#namedNotation(String, Expression)
* @see Postgres#namedNotation(String, Function, Object)
* @see Using Positional Notation
* @see Using Named Notation
* @see make_interval ( [ years int [, months int [, weeks int [, days int [, hours int [, mins int [, secs double precision ]]]]]]] ) → interval
public static SimpleExpression makeInterval(Expression years, Expression months, Expression weeks, Expression days,
Expression hours, Expression mins) {
return FunctionUtils.sixNotationFunc("MAKE_INTERVAL",
years, months, weeks, days, hours, mins, IntervalType.from(Interval.class));
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link IntervalType}
* @param years if Positional Notation ,then representing years,else Named Notation
* @param months if Positional Notation ,then representing months,else Named Notation
* @param weeks if Positional Notation ,then representing weeks,else Named Notation
* @param days if Positional Notation ,then representing days,else Named Notation
* @param hours if Positional Notation ,then representing hours,else Named Notation
* @param mins if Positional Notation ,then representing mins,else Named Notation
* @param secs if Positional Notation ,then representing secs,else Named Notation
* @see Postgres#namedNotation(String, Expression)
* @see Postgres#namedNotation(String, Function, Object)
* @see Using Positional Notation
* @see Using Named Notation
* @see make_interval ( [ years int [, months int [, weeks int [, days int [, hours int [, mins int [, secs double precision ]]]]]]] ) → interval
public static SimpleExpression makeInterval(Expression years, Expression months, Expression weeks, Expression days,
Expression hours, Expression mins, Expression secs) {
return FunctionUtils.sevenNotationFunc("MAKE_INTERVAL",
years, months, weeks, days, hours, mins, secs,
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link LocalTimeType}
* @see make_time ( hour int, min int, sec double precision ) → time
public static SimpleExpression makeTime(Expression hour, Expression min, Expression sec) {
return FunctionUtils.threeArgFunc("MAKE_TIME", hour, min, sec, LocalTimeType.INSTANCE);
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link LocalDateTimeType}
* @see make_timestamp ( year int, month int, day int, hour int, min int, sec double precision ) → timestamp
public static SimpleExpression makeTimestamp(Expression year, Expression month, Expression day, Expression hour,
Expression min, Expression sec) {
return FunctionUtils.sixArgFunc("MAKE_TIMESTAMP", year, month, day, hour, min, sec, LocalDateTimeType.INSTANCE);
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link OffsetDateTimeType}
* @see make_timestamptz ( year int, month int, day int, hour int, min int, sec double precision [, timezone text ] ) → timestamp with time zone
public static SimpleExpression makeTimestampTz(Expression year, Expression month, Expression day, Expression hour,
Expression min, Expression sec) {
return FunctionUtils.sixArgFunc("MAKE_TIMESTAMPTZ", year, month, day, hour, min, sec,
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link OffsetDateTimeType}
* @see make_timestamptz ( year int, month int, day int, hour int, min int, sec double precision [, timezone text ] ) → timestamp with time zone
public static SimpleExpression makeTimestampTz(Expression year, Expression month, Expression day, Expression hour,
Expression min, Expression sec, Expression timeZone) {
return FunctionUtils.sevenArgFunc("MAKE_TIMESTAMPTZ",
year, month, day, hour, min, sec, timeZone,
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link OffsetDateTimeType}
* @see now ( ) → timestamp with time zone
public static SimpleExpression now() {
return FunctionUtils.zeroArgFunc("NOW", OffsetDateTimeType.INSTANCE);
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link OffsetDateTimeType}
* @see statement_timestamp ( ) → timestamp with time zone
public static SimpleExpression statementTimestamp() {
return FunctionUtils.zeroArgFunc("STATEMENT_TIMESTAMP", OffsetDateTimeType.INSTANCE);
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link StringType}
* @see timeofday ( ) → text
public static SimpleExpression timeOfDay() {
return FunctionUtils.zeroArgFunc("TIMEOFDAY", StringType.INSTANCE);
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link OffsetDateTimeType}
* @see transaction_timestamp ( ) → timestamp with time zone
public static SimpleExpression transactionTimestamp() {
return FunctionUtils.zeroArgFunc("TRANSACTION_TIMESTAMP", OffsetDateTimeType.INSTANCE);
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link OffsetDateTimeType}
* @see to_timestamp ( double precision ) → timestamp with time zone
public static SimpleExpression toTimestamp(Expression exp) {
return FunctionUtils.oneArgFunc("TO_TIMESTAMP", exp, OffsetDateTimeType.INSTANCE);
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link StringType}
* @see pg_sleep ( double precision )
public static SimpleExpression pgSleep(Expression seconds) {
return FunctionUtils.oneArgFunc("PG_SLEEP", seconds, StringType.INSTANCE);
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link StringType}
* @see pg_sleep_for ( interval )
public static SimpleExpression pgSleepFor(Expression interval) {
return FunctionUtils.oneArgFunc("PG_SLEEP_FOR", interval, StringType.INSTANCE);
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link StringType}
* @see pg_sleep_until ( timestamp with time zone )
public static SimpleExpression pgSleepUntil(Expression timestampTz) {
return FunctionUtils.oneArgFunc("PG_SLEEP_UNTIL", timestampTz, StringType.INSTANCE);
/*-------------------below private -------------------*/
* @see PostgreDateTimeFunctions#dateTrunc(Expression, Expression)
private static MappingType intervalOrDateTime(final MappingType type) {
final MappingType returnType;
if (type instanceof IntervalType) {
returnType = type;
} else {
returnType = LocalDateTimeType.INSTANCE;
return returnType;
* @see PostgreDateTimeFunctions#makeInterval(Expression, Expression, Expression, Expression, Expression, Expression, Expression)
* @see make_interval ( [ years int [, months int [, weeks int [, days int [, hours int [, mins int [, secs double precision ]]]]]]] ) → interval
private static boolean isErrorMakeIntervalNotation(final String argName) {
final boolean error;
switch (argName) {
case "years":
case "months":
case "weeks":
case "days":
case "hours":
case "mins":
case "secs":
error = false;
error = true;
return error;
* @see PostgreDateTimeFunctions#dateTrunc(String, Expression)
* @see PostgreDateTimeFunctions#dateTrunc(String, Expression, String)
private static CriteriaException errorDateTruncField(String field) {
String m = String.format("'%s' isn't valid field for date_trunc() function.", field);
return ContextStack.clearStackAndCriteriaError(m);
* @see PostgreDateTimeFunctions#dateTrunc(String, Expression)
* @see PostgreDateTimeFunctions#dateTrunc(String, Expression, String)
* @see date_trunc ( text, timestamp with time zone, text ) → timestamp with time zone
private static boolean isErrorDateTruncField(final String field) {
final boolean error;
switch (field) {
case "microseconds":
case "milliseconds":
case "second":
case "minute":
case "hour":
case "day":
case "week":
case "month":
case "quarter":
case "year":
case "decade":
case "century":
case "millennium":
error = false;
error = true;
return error;