Maven / Gradle / Ivy
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
* package class,hold postgre string functions and operators method.
* @see String Functions and Operators
abstract class PostgreStringFunctions extends Functions {
* package constructor
PostgreStringFunctions() {
public interface WordNormalizeForm {
public interface WordPlacing {
public interface XmlAttributes extends Item {
public interface WordVersion extends SQLWords {
public interface WordStandalone extends SQLWords {
public interface StandaloneOption extends SQLWords {
public interface WordsNoValue extends StandaloneOption {
public interface WordPassing extends SQLWords {
public interface PassingOption extends SQLWords {
private enum KeyWordNormalizeForm implements WordNormalizeForm, SQLs.ArmyKeyWord, SQLWords {
NFC(" NFC"),
NFD(" NFD"),
private final String spaceWords;
KeyWordNormalizeForm(String spaceWords) {
this.spaceWords = spaceWords;
public final String spaceRender() {
return this.spaceWords;
public final String toString() {
return PostgreSyntax.keyWordToString(this);
private enum KeyWordPlacing implements WordPlacing, SQLs.ArmyKeyWord, SQLWords {
private final String spaceWord;
KeyWordPlacing(String spaceWord) {
this.spaceWord = spaceWord;
public final String spaceRender() {
return this.spaceWord;
public final String toString() {
return PostgreSyntax.keyWordToString(this);
public static final WordNormalizeForm NFC = KeyWordNormalizeForm.NFC;
public static final WordNormalizeForm NFD = KeyWordNormalizeForm.NFD;
public static final WordNormalizeForm NFKC = KeyWordNormalizeForm.NFKC;
public static final WordNormalizeForm NFKD = KeyWordNormalizeForm.NFKD;
public static final WordPlacing PLACING = KeyWordPlacing.PLACING;
/*-------------------below SQL String Functions and Operators-------------------*/
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link IntegerType}
* @see bit_length ( text ) → integer
* @see bit_length ( bit ) → integer
* @see bit_length ( bytea ) → integer
public static SimpleExpression bitLength(Expression exp) {
return FunctionUtils.oneArgFunc("BIT_LENGTH", exp, IntegerType.INSTANCE);
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link IntegerType}
* @see char_length ( text ) → integer
public static SimpleExpression charLength(Expression exp) {
return FunctionUtils.oneArgFunc("CHAR_LENGTH", exp, IntegerType.INSTANCE);
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link TextType} .
* @see #upper(Expression)
* @see lower ( text ) → text
* @see lower ( anyrange ) → anyelement
public static SimpleExpression lower(Expression exp) {
return FunctionUtils.oneArgFunc("LOWER", exp, _returnType(exp, PostgreStringFunctions::lowerOrUpperType));
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: the {@link MappingType} of exp.
* @see normalize ( text [, form ] ) → text
public static SimpleExpression normalize(Expression exp) {
return FunctionUtils.oneArgFunc("NORMALIZE", exp, exp.typeMeta());
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: the {@link MappingType} of exp.
* @see normalize ( text [, form ] ) → text
public static SimpleExpression normalize(final Expression exp, final WordNormalizeForm form) {
final String name = "NORMALIZE";
final SimpleExpression func;
if (exp instanceof SqlValueParam.MultiValue) {
throw CriteriaUtils.funcArgError(name, exp);
} else if (!(form instanceof KeyWordNormalizeForm)) {
throw CriteriaUtils.funcArgError(name, form);
} else {
func = FunctionUtils.complexArgFunc(name, exp.typeMeta(), exp, Functions.FuncWord.COMMA, form);
return func;
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link IntegerType}.
* @see octet_length ( text ) → integer ; octet_length ( character ) → integer
* @see octet_length ( bit ) → integer
* @see octet_length ( bytea ) → integer
public static SimpleExpression octetLength(Expression exp) {
return FunctionUtils.oneArgFunc("OCTET_LENGTH", exp, IntegerType.INSTANCE);
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: the {@link MappingType} of string.
* @see #overlay(Expression, WordPlacing, Expression, SQLs.WordFrom, Expression, SQLs.WordFor, Expression)
* @see overlay ( string text PLACING newsubstring text FROM start integer [ FOR count integer ] ) → text
* @see overlay ( bits bit PLACING newsubstring bit FROM start integer [ FOR count integer ] ) → bit
* @see overlay ( bytes bytea PLACING newsubstring bytea FROM start integer [ FOR count integer ] ) → bytea
public static SimpleExpression overlay(Expression string, WordPlacing placing, Expression newSubstring,
SQLs.WordFrom from, Expression start) {
return _overlay(string, placing, newSubstring, from, start, SQLs.FOR, null);
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: the {@link MappingType} of string.
* @see #overlay(Expression, WordPlacing, Expression, SQLs.WordFrom, Expression)
* @see overlay ( string text PLACING newsubstring text FROM start integer [ FOR count integer ] ) → text
* @see overlay ( bits bit PLACING newsubstring bit FROM start integer [ FOR count integer ] ) → bit
* @see overlay ( bytes bytea PLACING newsubstring bytea FROM start integer [ FOR count integer ] ) → bytea
public static SimpleExpression overlay(Expression string, WordPlacing placing, Expression newSubstring,
SQLs.WordFrom from, Expression start, SQLs.WordFor wordFor,
Expression count) {
return _overlay(string, placing, newSubstring, from, start, wordFor, count);
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link IntegerType}.
* @param in {@link SQLs#IN}
* @see position ( substring text IN string text ) → integer
* @see position ( substring bit IN bits bit ) → integer
* @see position ( substring bytea IN bytes bytea ) → integer
public static SimpleExpression position(Expression substring, SQLs.WordIn in, Expression string) {
final String name = "POSITION";
final SimpleExpression func;
if (substring instanceof SqlValueParam.MultiValue) {
throw CriteriaUtils.funcArgError(name, substring);
} else if (string instanceof SqlValueParam.MultiValue) {
throw CriteriaUtils.funcArgError(name, string);
} else if (in != SQLs.IN) {
throw CriteriaUtils.funcArgError(name, in);
} else {
func = FunctionUtils.complexArgFunc(name, IntegerType.INSTANCE,
substring, in, string);
return func;
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: the {@link MappingType} of string.
* @param from {@link SQLs#FROM}
* @see #substring(Expression, SQLs.WordFor, Expression)
* @see #substring(Expression, SQLs.WordFrom, Expression, SQLs.WordFor, Expression)
* @see substring ( string text [ FROM start integer ] [ FOR count integer ] ) → text ; substring ( string text FROM pattern text ) → text
* @see substring ( bits bit [ FROM start integer ] [ FOR count integer ] ) → bit
* @see substring ( bytes bytea [ FROM start integer ] [ FOR count integer ] ) → bytea
public static SimpleExpression substring(Expression string, SQLs.WordFrom from, Expression startOrPattern) {
return _substring(string, from, startOrPattern, SQLs.FOR, null);
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: the {@link MappingType} of string.
* @param wordFor {@link SQLs#FOR}
* @see #substring(Expression, SQLs.WordFrom, Expression)
* @see #substring(Expression, SQLs.WordFrom, Expression, SQLs.WordFor, Expression)
* @see substring ( string text [ FROM start integer ] [ FOR count integer ] ) → text
* @see substring ( bits bit [ FROM start integer ] [ FOR count integer ] ) → bit
* @see substring ( bytes bytea [ FROM start integer ] [ FOR count integer ] ) → bytea
public static SimpleExpression substring(Expression string, SQLs.WordFor wordFor, Expression count) {
return _substring(string, SQLs.FROM, null, wordFor, count);
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: the {@link MappingType} of string.
* @param from {@link SQLs#FROM}
* @param wordFor {@link SQLs#FOR}
* @see #substring(Expression, SQLs.WordFrom, Expression)
* @see #substring(Expression, SQLs.WordFor, Expression)
* @see #substring(Expression, SQLs.WordSimilar, Expression, SQLs.WordEscape, Expression)
* @see substring ( string text [ FROM start integer ] [ FOR count integer ] ) → text ; substring ( string text FROM pattern text FOR escape text ) → text
* @see substring ( bits bit [ FROM start integer ] [ FOR count integer ] ) → bit
* @see substring ( bytes bytea [ FROM start integer ] [ FOR count integer ] ) → bytea
public static SimpleExpression substring(Expression string, SQLs.WordFrom from, Expression startOrPattern,
SQLs.WordFor wordFor, Expression countOrEscape) {
return _substring(string, from, startOrPattern, wordFor, countOrEscape);
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: the {@link MappingType} of string.
* @param similar {@link SQLs#SIMILAR}
* @param wordEscape {@link SQLs#ESCAPE}
* @see #substring(Expression, SQLs.WordFrom, Expression, SQLs.WordFor, Expression)
* @see substring ( string text SIMILAR pattern text ESCAPE escape text ) → text
public static SimpleExpression substring(Expression string, SQLs.WordSimilar similar, Expression pattern,
SQLs.WordEscape wordEscape, Expression escape) {
final String name = "SUBSTRING";
final SimpleExpression func;
if (string instanceof SqlValueParam.MultiValue) {
throw CriteriaUtils.funcArgError(name, string);
} else if (pattern instanceof SqlValueParam.MultiValue) {
throw CriteriaUtils.funcArgError(name, pattern);
} else if (escape instanceof SqlValueParam.MultiValue) {
throw CriteriaUtils.funcArgError(name, escape);
} else if (similar != SQLs.SIMILAR) {
throw CriteriaUtils.funcArgError(name, similar);
} else if (wordEscape != SQLs.ESCAPE) {
throw CriteriaUtils.funcArgError(name, wordEscape);
} else {
func = FunctionUtils.complexArgFunc(name, string.typeMeta(),
string, similar, pattern, wordEscape, escape);
return func;
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: the {@link MappingType} of string.
* @see trim ( [ LEADING | TRAILING | BOTH ] [ FROM ] string text [, characters text ] ) → text
public static SimpleExpression trim(Expression string) {
return FunctionUtils.oneArgFunc("TRIM", string, string.typeMeta());
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: the {@link MappingType} of string.
* @param from {@link SQLs#FROM}
* @see trim ( [ LEADING | TRAILING | BOTH ] [ FROM ] string text [, characters text ] ) → text
public static SimpleExpression trim(SQLs.WordFrom from, Expression string) {
final String name = "TRIM";
if (from != SQLs.FROM) {
throw CriteriaUtils.funcArgError(name, from);
} else if (string instanceof SqlValueParam.MultiValue) {
throw CriteriaUtils.funcArgError(name, string);
return FunctionUtils.complexArgFunc(name, string.typeMeta(), from, string);
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: the {@link MappingType} of string.
* @param position below:
* - {@link SQLs#LEADING}
* - {@link SQLs#TRAILING}
* - {@link SQLs#BOTH}
* @param from {@link SQLs#FROM}
* @see #substring(Expression, SQLs.WordFrom, Expression, SQLs.WordFor, Expression)
* @see trim ( [ LEADING | TRAILING | BOTH ] [ characters text ] FROM string text ) → text
public static SimpleExpression trim(SQLs.TrimPosition position, SQLs.WordFrom from, Expression string) {
final String name = "TRIM";
if (string instanceof SqlValueParam.MultiValue) {
throw CriteriaUtils.funcArgError(name, string);
} else if (!(position instanceof SqlWords.WordTrimPosition)) {
throw CriteriaUtils.funcArgError(name, position);
} else if (from != SQLs.FROM) {
throw CriteriaUtils.funcArgError(name, from);
return FunctionUtils.complexArgFunc(name, string.typeMeta(),
position, from, string);
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: the {@link MappingType} of string.
* @param from {@link SQLs#FROM}
* @see #substring(Expression, SQLs.WordFrom, Expression, SQLs.WordFor, Expression)
* @see trim ( [ LEADING | TRAILING | BOTH ] [ characters text ] FROM string text ) → text
* @see trim ( [ LEADING | TRAILING | BOTH ] bytesremoved bytea FROM bytes bytea ) → bytea
public static SimpleExpression trim(Expression characters, SQLs.WordFrom from, Expression string) {
final String name = "TRIM";
if (characters instanceof SqlValueParam.MultiValue) {
throw CriteriaUtils.funcArgError(name, characters);
} else if (string instanceof SqlValueParam.MultiValue) {
throw CriteriaUtils.funcArgError(name, string);
} else if (from != SQLs.FROM) {
throw CriteriaUtils.funcArgError(name, from);
return FunctionUtils.complexArgFunc(name, string.typeMeta(),
characters, from, string);
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: the {@link MappingType} of string.
* @param position below:
* - {@link SQLs#LEADING}
* - {@link SQLs#TRAILING}
* - {@link SQLs#BOTH}
* @param from {@link SQLs#FROM}
* @see #substring(Expression, SQLs.WordFrom, Expression, SQLs.WordFor, Expression)
* @see trim ( [ LEADING | TRAILING | BOTH ] [ characters text ] FROM string text ) → text
* @see trim ( [ LEADING | TRAILING | BOTH ] bytesremoved bytea FROM bytes bytea ) → bytea
public static SimpleExpression trim(SQLs.TrimPosition position, Expression characters, SQLs.WordFrom from, Expression string) {
final String name = "TRIM";
if (characters instanceof SqlValueParam.MultiValue) {
throw CriteriaUtils.funcArgError(name, characters);
} else if (string instanceof SqlValueParam.MultiValue) {
throw CriteriaUtils.funcArgError(name, string);
} else if (!(position instanceof SqlWords.WordTrimPosition)) {
throw CriteriaUtils.funcArgError(name, position);
} else if (from != SQLs.FROM) {
throw CriteriaUtils.funcArgError(name, from);
return FunctionUtils.complexArgFunc(name, string.typeMeta(),
position, characters, from, string);
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: the {@link MappingType} of string.
* @see trim ( [ LEADING | TRAILING | BOTH ] [ FROM ] string text [, characters text ] ) → text
* @see trim ( [ LEADING | TRAILING | BOTH ] [ FROM ] bytes bytea, bytesremoved bytea ) → bytea
public static SimpleExpression trim(Expression string, Expression characters) {
final String name = "TRIM";
if (string instanceof SqlValueParam.MultiValue) {
throw CriteriaUtils.funcArgError(name, string);
} else if (characters instanceof SqlValueParam.MultiValue) {
throw CriteriaUtils.funcArgError(name, characters);
return FunctionUtils.twoArgFunc(name, string, characters, string.typeMeta());
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: the {@link MappingType} of string.
* @see trim ( [ LEADING | TRAILING | BOTH ] [ FROM ] string text [, characters text ] ) → text
* @see trim ( [ LEADING | TRAILING | BOTH ] [ FROM ] bytes bytea, bytesremoved bytea ) → bytea
public static SimpleExpression trim(SQLs.WordFrom from, Expression string, Expression characters) {
final String name = "TRIM";
if (from != SQLs.FROM) {
throw CriteriaUtils.funcArgError(name, from);
} else if (string instanceof SqlValueParam.MultiValue) {
throw CriteriaUtils.funcArgError(name, string);
} else if (characters instanceof SqlValueParam.MultiValue) {
throw CriteriaUtils.funcArgError(name, characters);
return FunctionUtils.complexArgFunc(name, string.typeMeta(),
from, string, Functions.FuncWord.COMMA, characters);
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: the {@link MappingType} of string.
* @param position below:
* - {@link SQLs#LEADING}
* - {@link SQLs#TRAILING}
* - {@link SQLs#BOTH}
* @param from {@link SQLs#FROM}
* @see trim ( [ LEADING | TRAILING | BOTH ] [ FROM ] string text [, characters text ] ) → text
* @see trim ( [ LEADING | TRAILING | BOTH ] [ FROM ] bytes bytea, bytesremoved bytea ) → bytea
public static SimpleExpression trim(SQLs.TrimPosition position, SQLs.WordFrom from, Expression string, Expression characters) {
final String name = "TRIM";
if (string instanceof SqlValueParam.MultiValue) {
throw CriteriaUtils.funcArgError(name, string);
} else if (characters instanceof SqlValueParam.MultiValue) {
throw CriteriaUtils.funcArgError(name, characters);
} else if (!(position instanceof SqlWords.WordTrimPosition)) {
throw CriteriaUtils.funcArgError(name, position);
} else if (from != SQLs.FROM) {
throw CriteriaUtils.funcArgError(name, from);
return FunctionUtils.complexArgFunc(name, string.typeMeta(),
position, from, string, Functions.FuncWord.COMMA, characters);
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link TextType} .
* @see #lower(Expression)
* @see upper ( text ) → text
public static SimpleExpression upper(Expression exp) {
return FunctionUtils.oneArgFunc("UPPER", exp, _returnType(exp, PostgreStringFunctions::lowerOrUpperType));
/*-------------------below Other String Functions and Operators -------------------*/
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link IntegerType} .
* @see ascii ( text ) → integer
public static SimpleExpression ascii(Expression exp) {
return FunctionUtils.oneArgFunc("ASCII", exp, IntegerType.INSTANCE);
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: the {@link MappingType} of exp.
* @see btrim ( string text [, characters text ] ) → text
public static SimpleExpression btrim(Expression exp) {
return FunctionUtils.oneArgFunc("BTRIM", exp, exp.typeMeta());
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: the {@link MappingType} of exp.
* @see btrim ( string text [, characters text ] ) → text
public static SimpleExpression btrim(Expression exp, Expression characters) {
return FunctionUtils.twoArgFunc("BTRIM", exp, characters, exp.typeMeta());
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link StringType}.
* @see chr ( integer ) → text
public static SimpleExpression chr(Expression exp) {
return FunctionUtils.oneArgFunc("CHR", exp, StringType.INSTANCE);
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link StringType}.
* @see concat ( val1 "any" [, val2 "any" [, ...] ] ) → text
public static SimpleExpression concat(Expression exp1, Expression... rest) {
return FunctionUtils.oneAndRestFunc("CONCAT", StringType.INSTANCE, exp1, rest);
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link StringType}.
* @param expList non-null and non-empty.
* @see concat ( val1 "any" [, val2 "any" [, ...] ] ) → text
public static SimpleExpression concat(List expList) {
return FunctionUtils.multiArgFunc("CONCAT", expList, StringType.INSTANCE);
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link StringType}.
* @param sep non-multi param value
* @param exp1 expression ,possibly be multi param value:
* - {@link SQLs#rowParam(TypeInfer, Collection)}
* - {@link SQLs#rowLiteral(TypeInfer, Collection)}
* - {@link SQLs#namedRowParam(TypeInfer, String, int)}
* - {@link SQLs#namedRowLiteral(TypeInfer, String, int)}
* @param rest element possibly be multi param value:
* - {@link SQLs#rowParam(TypeInfer, Collection)}
* - {@link SQLs#rowLiteral(TypeInfer, Collection)}
* - {@link SQLs#namedRowParam(TypeInfer, String, int)}
* - {@link SQLs#namedRowLiteral(TypeInfer, String, int)}
* @see #concatWs(Expression, List)
* @see concat_ws ( sep text, val1 "any" [, val2 "any" [, ...] ] ) → text
public static SimpleExpression concatWs(final Expression sep, final Expression exp1, final Expression... rest) {
final List list = new ArrayList<>(1 + rest.length);
Collections.addAll(list, rest);
return concatWs(sep, list);
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link StringType}.
* @param sep non-multi param value
* @param expList non-null and non-empty,element possibly be multi param value:
* - {@link SQLs#rowParam(TypeInfer, Collection)}
* - {@link SQLs#rowLiteral(TypeInfer, Collection)}
* - {@link SQLs#namedRowParam(TypeInfer, String, int)}
* - {@link SQLs#namedRowLiteral(TypeInfer, String, int)}
* @see #concatWs(Expression, Expression, Expression...)
* @see concat_ws ( sep text, val1 "any" [, val2 "any" [, ...] ] ) → text
public static SimpleExpression concatWs(Expression sep, List expList) {
return FunctionUtils.oneAndMultiArgFunc("CONCAT_WS", sep, expList, StringType.INSTANCE);
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: the {@link MappingType} of formatStr.
* @see format ( formatstr text [, formatarg "any" [, ...] ] ) → text
public static SimpleExpression format(Expression formatStr) {
return FunctionUtils.oneArgFunc("FORMAT", formatStr, formatStr.typeMeta());
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: the {@link MappingType} of formatStr.
* @see format ( formatstr text [, formatarg "any" [, ...] ] ) → text
public static SimpleExpression format(Expression formatStr, Expression... formatArgs) {
return FunctionUtils.oneAndRestFunc("FORMAT", formatStr.typeMeta(), formatStr, formatArgs);
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: the {@link MappingType} of exp.
* @see initcap ( text ) → text
public static SimpleExpression initcap(Expression exp) {
return FunctionUtils.oneArgFunc("INITCAP", exp, exp.typeMeta());
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: the {@link MappingType} of string.
* @see left ( string text, n integer ) → text
public static SimpleExpression left(Expression string, Expression n) {
return FunctionUtils.twoArgFunc("LEFT", string, n, string.typeMeta());
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: the {@link MappingType} of string.
* @see #lpad(Expression, Expression, Expression)
* @see lpad ( string text, length integer [, fill text ] ) → text
public static SimpleExpression lpad(Expression string, Expression length) {
return FunctionUtils.twoArgFunc("LPAD", string, length, string.typeMeta());
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: the {@link MappingType} of string.
* @see #lpad(Expression, Expression)
* @see lpad ( string text, length integer [, fill text ] ) → text
public static SimpleExpression lpad(Expression string, Expression length, Expression fill) {
return FunctionUtils.threeArgFunc("LPAD", string, length, fill, string.typeMeta());
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: the {@link MappingType} of string.
* @see ltrim ( string text [, characters text ] ) → text
public static SimpleExpression ltrim(Expression string) {
return FunctionUtils.oneArgFunc("LTRIM", string, string.typeMeta());
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: the {@link MappingType} of string.
* @see ltrim ( string text [, characters text ] ) → text
* @see ltrim ( bytes bytea, bytesremoved bytea ) → bytea
public static SimpleExpression ltrim(Expression string, Expression characters) {
return FunctionUtils.twoArgFunc("LTRIM", string, characters, string.typeMeta());
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link TextType}.
* @see md5 ( text ) → text
* @see md5 ( bytea ) → text
public static SimpleExpression md5(Expression string) {
return FunctionUtils.oneArgFunc("MD5", string, TextType.INSTANCE);
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link TextArrayType} .
* @see parse_ident ( qualified_identifier text [, strict_mode boolean DEFAULT true ] ) → text[]
public static SimpleExpression parseIdent(Expression qualifiedIdentifier) {
return FunctionUtils.oneArgFunc("PARSE_IDENT", qualifiedIdentifier, TextArrayType.from(String[].class));
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link TextArrayType} .
* @see parse_ident ( qualified_identifier text [, strict_mode boolean DEFAULT true ] ) → text[]
public static SimpleExpression parseIdent(Expression qualifiedIdentifier, SQLs.WordBooleans strictMode) {
final String name = "PARSE_IDENT";
if (strictMode != SQLs.TRUE && strictMode != SQLs.FALSE) {
throw CriteriaUtils.funcArgError(name, strictMode);
return FunctionUtils.twoArgFunc(name, qualifiedIdentifier, strictMode, TextArrayType.from(String[].class));
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link StringType} .
* @see pg_client_encoding ( ) → name
public static SimpleExpression pgClientEncoding() {
return FunctionUtils.zeroArgFunc("PG_CLIENT_ENCODING", StringType.INSTANCE);
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type:
* - If the {@link MappingType} of anyElement is string type,then the {@link MappingType} of anyElement
* - Else {@link StringType}
* @see quote_literal ( anyelement ) → text
public static SimpleExpression quoteLiteral(Expression anyElement) {
return FunctionUtils.oneArgFunc("QUOTE_LITERAL", anyElement, _returnType(anyElement, Functions::_sqlStringType));
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type:
* - If the {@link MappingType} of anyElement is string type,then the {@link MappingType} of anyElement
* - Else {@link StringType}
* @see quote_nullable ( anyelement ) → text
public static SimpleExpression quoteNullable(Expression anyElement) {
return FunctionUtils.oneArgFunc("QUOTE_NULLABLE", anyElement, _returnType(anyElement, Functions::_sqlStringType));
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link IntegerType}
* @see #regexpCount(Expression, Expression, Expression)
* @see #regexpCount(Expression, Expression, Expression, Expression)
* @see regexp_count ( string text, pattern text [, start integer [, flags text ] ] ) → integer
public static SimpleExpression regexpCount(Expression string, Expression pattern) {
return FunctionUtils.twoArgFunc("REGEXP_COUNT", string, pattern, IntegerType.INSTANCE);
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link IntegerType}
* @see #regexpCount(Expression, Expression)
* @see #regexpCount(Expression, Expression, Expression, Expression)
* @see regexp_count ( string text, pattern text [, start integer [, flags text ] ] ) → integer
public static SimpleExpression regexpCount(Expression string, Expression pattern, Expression start) {
return FunctionUtils.threeArgFunc("REGEXP_COUNT", string, pattern, start, IntegerType.INSTANCE);
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link IntegerType}
* @see #regexpCount(Expression, Expression)
* @see #regexpCount(Expression, Expression, Expression)
* @see regexp_count ( string text, pattern text [, start integer [, flags text ] ] ) → integer
public static SimpleExpression regexpCount(Expression string, Expression pattern, Expression start, Expression flags) {
return FunctionUtils.fourArgFunc("REGEXP_COUNT", string, pattern, start, flags, IntegerType.INSTANCE);
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link}
* @param valueFunc valid function are :
* - {@link SQLs#literal(TypeInfer, Object)}
* - {@link SQLs#param(TypeInfer, Object)}
* - {@link SQLs#namedLiteral(TypeInfer, String)}
* - {@link SQLs#namedParam(TypeInfer, String)}
* @see #regexpLike(Expression, Expression, Expression)
* @see regexp_like ( string text, pattern text [, flags text ] ) → boolean
public static IPredicate regexpLike(Expression string, BiFunction valueFunc,
String pattern) {
return regexpLike(string, valueFunc.apply(StringType.INSTANCE, pattern));
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link}
* @see #regexpLike(Expression, Expression, Expression)
* @see regexp_like ( string text, pattern text [, flags text ] ) → boolean
public static IPredicate regexpLike(Expression string, Expression pattern) {
return FunctionUtils.twoArgPredicateFunc("REGEXP_LIKE", string, pattern);
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link}
* @param valueFunc valid function are :
* - {@link SQLs#literal(TypeInfer, Object)}
* - {@link SQLs#param(TypeInfer, Object)}
* - {@link SQLs#namedLiteral(TypeInfer, String)}
* - {@link SQLs#namedParam(TypeInfer, String)}
* @see #regexpLike(Expression, Expression)
* @see regexp_like ( string text, pattern text [, flags text ] ) → boolean
public static IPredicate regexpLike(Expression string, BiFunction valueFunc,
String pattern, String flags) {
return regexpLike(
string, valueFunc.apply(StringType.INSTANCE, pattern), SQLs.literal(StringType.INSTANCE, flags)
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link}
* @param valueFunc valid function are :
* - {@link SQLs#literal(TypeInfer, Object)}
* - {@link SQLs#param(TypeInfer, Object)}
* - {@link SQLs#namedLiteral(TypeInfer, String)}
* - {@link SQLs#namedParam(TypeInfer, String)}
* @see #regexpLike(Expression, Expression)
* @see regexp_like ( string text, pattern text [, flags text ] ) → boolean
public static IPredicate regexpLike(Expression string, BiFunction valueFunc,
String pattern, Expression flags) {
return regexpLike(string, valueFunc.apply(StringType.INSTANCE, pattern), flags);
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link}
* @see #regexpLike(Expression, Expression)
* @see regexp_like ( string text, pattern text [, flags text ] ) → boolean
public static IPredicate regexpLike(Expression string, Expression pattern, Expression flags) {
return FunctionUtils.threeArgPredicateFunc("REGEXP_LIKE", string, pattern, flags);
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link TextArrayType}
* @see regexp_match ( string text, pattern text [, flags text ] ) → text[]
public static SimpleExpression regexpMatch(Expression string, Expression pattern) {
return FunctionUtils.twoArgFunc("REGEXP_MATCH", string, pattern, TextArrayType.from(String[].class));
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link TextArrayType}
* @see regexp_match ( string text, pattern text [, flags text ] ) → text[]
public static SimpleExpression regexpMatch(Expression string, Expression pattern, Expression flags) {
return FunctionUtils.threeArgFunc("REGEXP_MATCH", string, pattern, flags, TextArrayType.from(String[].class));
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link TextArrayType}
* @see regexp_like ( string text, pattern text [, flags text ] ) → boolean
public static _ColumnWithOrdinalityFunction regexpMatches(Expression string, Expression pattern) {
return DialectFunctionUtils.twoArgColumnFunction("REGEXP_MATCHES", string, pattern,
null, TextArrayType.from(String[].class));
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link TextArrayType}
* @see regexp_like ( string text, pattern text [, flags text ] ) → boolean
public static _ColumnWithOrdinalityFunction regexpMatches(Expression string, Expression pattern, Expression flags) {
final String name = "REGEXP_MATCHES";
return DialectFunctionUtils.threeArgColumnFunction(name, string, pattern, flags,
name.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT), TextArrayType.from(String[].class));
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link TextType}
* @see regexp_replace ( string text, pattern text, replacement text [, start integer ] [, flags text ] ) → text
public static SimpleExpression regexpReplace(Expression string, Expression pattern, Expression replacement) {
return FunctionUtils.threeArgFunc("REGEXP_REPLACE", string, pattern, replacement, TextType.INSTANCE);
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link TextType}
* @see regexp_replace ( string text, pattern text, replacement text [, start integer ] [, flags text ] ) → text
public static SimpleExpression regexpReplace(Expression string, Expression pattern, Expression replacement, Expression startOrFlag) {
return FunctionUtils.fourArgFunc("REGEXP_REPLACE", string, pattern, replacement, startOrFlag, TextType.INSTANCE);
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link TextType}
* @see #regexpLike(Expression, Expression)
* @see regexp_replace ( string text, pattern text, replacement text [, start integer ] [, flags text ] ) → text ;
* regexp_replace ( string text, pattern text, replacement text, start integer, N integer [, flags text ] ) → text
public static SimpleExpression regexpReplace(Expression string, Expression pattern, Expression replacement, Expression start, Expression nOrFlat) {
return FunctionUtils.fiveArgFunc("REGEXP_REPLACE", string, pattern, replacement, start, nOrFlat, TextType.INSTANCE);
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link TextType}
* @see #regexpReplace(Expression, Expression, Expression, Expression, Expression)
* @see #regexpReplace(Expression, Expression, Expression, Expression)
* @see regexp_replace ( string text, pattern text, replacement text [, start integer ] [, flags text ] ) → text
public static SimpleExpression regexpReplace(Expression string, Expression pattern, Expression replacement, Expression start, Expression n, Expression flags) {
return FunctionUtils.sixArgFunc("REGEXP_REPLACE", string, pattern, replacement, start, n, flags, TextType.INSTANCE);
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link TextArrayType}
* @see #regexpSplitToArray(Expression, Expression, Expression)
* @see regexp_split_to_array ( string text, pattern text [, flags text ] ) → text[]
public static SimpleExpression regexpSplitToArray(Expression string, Expression pattern) {
return FunctionUtils.twoArgFunc("REGEXP_SPLIT_TO_ARRAY", string, pattern, TextArrayType.from(String[].class));
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link TextArrayType}
* @see #regexpSplitToArray(Expression, Expression)
* @see regexp_split_to_array ( string text, pattern text [, flags text ] ) → text[]
public static SimpleExpression regexpSplitToArray(Expression string, Expression pattern, Expression flags) {
return FunctionUtils.threeArgFunc("REGEXP_SPLIT_TO_ARRAY", string, pattern, flags, TextArrayType.from(String[].class));
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link TextType}
* @see #regexpSplitToTable(Expression, Expression, Expression)
* @see regexp_split_to_table ( string text, pattern text [, flags text ] ) → setof text
public static _ColumnWithOrdinalityFunction regexpSplitToTable(Expression string, Expression pattern) {
return DialectFunctionUtils.twoArgColumnFunction("REGEXP_SPLIT_TO_TABLE", string, pattern,
null, TextType.INSTANCE);
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link TextType}
* @see #regexpSplitToTable(Expression, Expression)
* @see regexp_split_to_table ( string text, pattern text [, flags text ] ) → setof text
public static _ColumnWithOrdinalityFunction regexpSplitToTable(Expression string, Expression pattern, Expression flags) {
final String name = "REGEXP_SPLIT_TO_TABLE";
return DialectFunctionUtils.threeArgColumnFunction(name, string, pattern, flags,
name.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT), TextType.INSTANCE);
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link TextType}
* @see regexp_substr ( string text, pattern text [, start integer [, N integer [, flags text [, subexpr integer ] ] ] ] ) → text
public static SimpleExpression regexpSubstr(Expression string, Expression pattern, Expression start) {
return FunctionUtils.threeArgFunc("REGEXP_SUBSTR", string, pattern, start, TextType.INSTANCE);
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link TextType}
* @see regexp_substr ( string text, pattern text [, start integer [, N integer [, flags text [, subexpr integer ] ] ] ] ) → text
public static SimpleExpression regexpSubstr(Expression string, Expression pattern, Expression start, Expression n) {
return FunctionUtils.fourArgFunc("REGEXP_SUBSTR", string, pattern, start, n, TextType.INSTANCE);
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link TextType}
* @see regexp_substr ( string text, pattern text [, start integer [, N integer [, flags text [, subexpr integer ] ] ] ] ) → text
public static SimpleExpression regexpSubstr(Expression string, Expression pattern, Expression start, Expression n, Expression flags) {
return FunctionUtils.fiveArgFunc("REGEXP_SUBSTR", string, pattern, start, n, flags, TextType.INSTANCE);
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link TextType}
* @see regexp_substr ( string text, pattern text [, start integer [, N integer [, flags text [, subexpr integer ] ] ] ] ) → text
public static SimpleExpression regexpSubstr(Expression string, Expression pattern, Expression start, Expression n, Expression flags, Expression subExpr) {
return FunctionUtils.sixArgFunc("REGEXP_SUBSTR", string, pattern, start, n, flags, subExpr, TextType.INSTANCE);
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link TextType}
* @see repeat ( string text, number integer ) → text
public static SimpleExpression repeat(Expression string, Expression number) {
return FunctionUtils.twoArgFunc("REPEAT", string, number, TextType.INSTANCE);
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link TextType}
* @see replace ( string text, from text, to text ) → text
public static SimpleExpression replace(Expression string, Expression from, Expression to) {
return FunctionUtils.threeArgFunc("REPLACE", string, from, to, TextType.INSTANCE);
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link TextType}
* @see reverse ( text ) → text
public static SimpleExpression reverse(Expression string) {
return FunctionUtils.oneArgFunc("REVERSE", string, TextType.INSTANCE);
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link TextType}
* @see right ( string text, n integer ) → text
public static SimpleExpression right(Expression string, Expression n) {
return FunctionUtils.twoArgFunc("RIGHT", string, n, TextType.INSTANCE);
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link TextType}
* @see rpad ( string text, length integer [, fill text ] ) → text
public static SimpleExpression rpad(Expression string, Expression length) {
return FunctionUtils.twoArgFunc("RPAD", string, length, TextType.INSTANCE);
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link TextType}
* @see rpad ( string text, length integer [, fill text ] ) → text
public static SimpleExpression rpad(Expression string, Expression length, Expression fill) {
return FunctionUtils.threeArgFunc("RPAD", string, length, fill, TextType.INSTANCE);
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link TextType}
* @see rtrim ( string text [, characters text ] ) → text
public static SimpleExpression rtrim(Expression string) {
return FunctionUtils.oneArgFunc("RTRIM", string, TextType.INSTANCE);
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: the {@link MappingType} of string
* @see rtrim ( string text [, characters text ] ) → text
* @see rtrim ( bytes bytea, bytesremoved bytea ) → bytea
public static SimpleExpression rtrim(Expression string, Expression characters) {
return FunctionUtils.twoArgFunc("RTRIM", string, characters, string.typeMeta());
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link TextType}
* @see split_part ( string text, delimiter text, n integer ) → text
public static SimpleExpression splitPart(Expression string, Expression delimiter, Expression n) {
return FunctionUtils.threeArgFunc("SPLIT_PART", string, delimiter, n, TextType.INSTANCE);
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link BooleanType}
* @see Postgres#caretAt(Expression, Expression)
* @see starts_with ( string text, prefix text ) → boolean
public static IPredicate startsWith(Expression string, Expression prefix) {
return FunctionUtils.twoArgPredicateFunc("STARTS_WITH", string, prefix);
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link TextArrayType}
* @see string_to_array ( string text, delimiter text [, null_string text ] ) → text[]
public static SimpleExpression stringToArray(Expression string, Expression delimiter) {
return FunctionUtils.twoArgFunc("STRING_TO_ARRAY", string, delimiter, TextArrayType.from(String[].class));
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link TextArrayType}
* @see string_to_array ( string text, delimiter text [, null_string text ] ) → text[]
public static SimpleExpression stringToArray(Expression string, Expression delimiter, Expression nullString) {
return FunctionUtils.threeArgFunc("STRING_TO_ARRAY", string, delimiter, nullString, TextArrayType.from(String[].class));
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link TextType}
* @see string_to_table ( string text, delimiter text [, null_string text ] ) → setof text
public static _ColumnWithOrdinalityFunction stringToTable(Expression string, Expression delimiter) {
return DialectFunctionUtils.twoArgColumnFunction("STRING_TO_TABLE", string, delimiter,
null, TextType.INSTANCE
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link TextType}
* @see string_to_table ( string text, delimiter text [, null_string text ] ) → setof text
public static _ColumnWithOrdinalityFunction stringToTable(Expression string, Expression delimiter, Expression nullString) {
return DialectFunctionUtils.threeArgColumnFunction("STRING_TO_TABLE", string, delimiter, nullString,
null, TextType.INSTANCE);
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link IntegerType}
* @see strpos ( string text, substring text ) → integer
public static SimpleExpression strPos(Expression string, Expression substring) {
return FunctionUtils.twoArgFunc("STRPOS", string, substring, IntegerType.INSTANCE);
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: the {@link MappingType} of string
* @see substr ( string text, start integer [, count integer ] ) → text
* @see substr ( bytes bytea, start integer [, count integer ] ) → bytea
public static SimpleExpression substr(Expression string, Expression start) {
return FunctionUtils.twoArgFunc("SUBSTR", string, start, string.typeMeta());
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: the {@link MappingType} of string
* @see substr ( string text, start integer [, count integer ] ) → text
* @see substr ( bytes bytea, start integer [, count integer ] ) → bytea
public static SimpleExpression substr(Expression string, Expression start, Expression count) {
return FunctionUtils.threeArgFunc("SUBSTR", string, start, count, string.typeMeta());
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link TextType}
* @see to_ascii ( string text ) → text
* to_ascii ( string text, encoding name ) → text
* to_ascii ( string text, encoding integer ) → text
public static SimpleExpression toAscii(Expression string) {
return FunctionUtils.oneArgFunc("TO_ASCII", string, TextType.INSTANCE);
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link TextType}
* @see to_ascii ( string text ) → text
* to_ascii ( string text, encoding name ) → text
* to_ascii ( string text, encoding integer ) → text
public static SimpleExpression toAscii(Expression string, Expression encoding) {
return FunctionUtils.twoArgFunc("TO_ASCII", string, encoding, TextType.INSTANCE);
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link TextType}
* @see to_hex ( integer ) → text
* to_hex ( bigint ) → text
public static SimpleExpression toHex(Expression integer) {
return FunctionUtils.oneArgFunc("TO_HEX", integer, TextType.INSTANCE);
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link TextType}
* @see translate ( string text, from text, to text ) → text
public static SimpleExpression translate(Expression string, Expression from, Expression to) {
return FunctionUtils.threeArgFunc("TRANSLATE", string, from, to, TextType.INSTANCE);
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link TextType}
* @see unistr ( text ) → text
* to_hex ( bigint ) → text
public static SimpleExpression uniStr(Expression string) {
return FunctionUtils.oneArgFunc("UNISTR", string, TextType.INSTANCE);
/*-------------------below Bit String Functions and Operators -------------------*/
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link LongType}
* @see bit_count ( bit ) → bigint
* @see bit_count ( bytes bytea ) → bigint
public static SimpleExpression bitCount(Expression bit) {
return FunctionUtils.oneArgFunc("BIT_COUNT", bit, LongType.INSTANCE);
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link IntegerType}
* @see get_bit ( bits bit, n integer ) → integer
* @see get_bit ( bytes bytea, n bigint ) → integer
public static SimpleExpression getBit(Expression bits, Expression n) {
return FunctionUtils.twoArgFunc("GET_BIT", bits, n, IntegerType.INSTANCE);
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: the {@link MappingType} of bits
* @see set_bit ( bits bit, n integer, newvalue integer ) → bit
* @see set_bit ( bytes bytea, n bigint, newvalue integer ) → bytea
public static SimpleExpression setBit(Expression bits, Expression n) {
return FunctionUtils.twoArgFunc("SET_BIT", bits, n, bits.typeMeta());
/*-------------------below Binary String Functions and Operators -------------------*/
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link IntegerType}
* @see get_bit ( bytes bytea, n bigint ) → integer
public static SimpleExpression getByte(Expression bits, Expression n) {
return FunctionUtils.twoArgFunc("GET_BIT", bits, n, IntegerType.INSTANCE);
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link IntegerType}
* @see length ( bytes bytea, encoding name ) → integer
public static SimpleExpression length(Expression bytes, Expression encoding) {
return FunctionUtils.twoArgFunc("LENGTH", bytes, encoding, IntegerType.INSTANCE);
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: the {@link MappingType} of bits
* @see set_bit ( bytes bytea, n bigint, newvalue integer ) → bytea
public static SimpleExpression setBit(Expression bits, Expression n, Expression newValue) {
return FunctionUtils.threeArgFunc("SET_BIT", bits, n, newValue, bits.typeMeta());
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: the {@link MappingType} of bits
* @see set_byte ( bytes bytea, n integer, newvalue integer ) → bytea
public static SimpleExpression setByte(Expression bits, Expression n, Expression newValue) {
return FunctionUtils.threeArgFunc("SET_BYTE", bits, n, newValue, bits.typeMeta());
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: the {@link MappingType} of bytea
* @see sha224 ( bytea ) → bytea
public static SimpleExpression sha224(Expression bytea) {
return FunctionUtils.oneArgFunc("SHA224", bytea, bytea.typeMeta());
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: the {@link MappingType} of bytea
* @see sha256 ( bytea ) → bytea
public static SimpleExpression sha256(Expression bytea) {
return FunctionUtils.oneArgFunc("SHA256", bytea, bytea.typeMeta());
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: the {@link MappingType} of bytea
* @see sha384 ( bytea ) → bytea
public static SimpleExpression sha384(Expression bytea) {
return FunctionUtils.oneArgFunc("SHA384", bytea, bytea.typeMeta());
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: the {@link MappingType} of bytea
* @see sha512 ( bytea ) → bytea
public static SimpleExpression sha512(Expression bytea) {
return FunctionUtils.oneArgFunc("SHA512", bytea, bytea.typeMeta());
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: the {@link MappingType} of bytea
* @see convert ( bytes bytea, src_encoding name, dest_encoding name ) → bytea
public static SimpleExpression convert(Expression bytea, Expression srcEncoding, Expression destEncoding) {
return FunctionUtils.threeArgFunc("CONVERT", bytea, srcEncoding, destEncoding, bytea.typeMeta());
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link TextType} .
* @see convert_from ( bytes bytea, src_encoding name ) → text
public static SimpleExpression convertFrom(Expression bytea, Expression srcEncoding) {
return FunctionUtils.twoArgFunc("CONVERT_FROM", bytea, srcEncoding, TextType.INSTANCE);
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link BinaryType} .
* @see convert_to ( string text, dest_encoding name ) → bytea
public static SimpleExpression convertTo(Expression bytea, Expression destEncoding) {
return FunctionUtils.twoArgFunc("CONVERT_TO", bytea, destEncoding, BinaryType.INSTANCE);
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link TextType}
* @see encode ( bytes bytea, format text ) → text
public static SimpleExpression encode(Expression bytea, Expression format) {
return FunctionUtils.twoArgFunc("ENCODE", bytea, format, TextType.INSTANCE);
* The {@link MappingType} of function return type: {@link BinaryType}
* @see decode ( string text, format text ) → bytea
public static SimpleExpression decode(Expression text, Expression format) {
return FunctionUtils.twoArgFunc("DECODE", text, format, BinaryType.INSTANCE);
/*-------------------below private method -------------------*/
* @see #overlay(Expression, WordPlacing, Expression, SQLs.WordFrom, Expression)
* @see #overlay(Expression, WordPlacing, Expression, SQLs.WordFrom, Expression, SQLs.WordFor, Expression)
private static SimpleExpression _overlay(Expression string, WordPlacing placing, Expression newSubstring,
SQLs.WordFrom from, Expression start, @Nullable SQLs.WordFor wordFor,
@Nullable Expression count) {
final String name = "OVERLAY";
final SimpleExpression func;
if (string instanceof SqlValueParam.MultiValue) {
throw CriteriaUtils.funcArgError(name, string);
} else if (newSubstring instanceof SqlValueParam.MultiValue) {
throw CriteriaUtils.funcArgError(name, newSubstring);
} else if (start instanceof SqlValueParam.MultiValue) {
throw CriteriaUtils.funcArgError(name, start);
} else if (count instanceof SqlValueParam.MultiValue) {
throw CriteriaUtils.funcArgError(name, count);
} else if (placing != PLACING) {
throw CriteriaUtils.funcArgError(name, placing);
} else if (from != SQLs.FROM) {
throw CriteriaUtils.funcArgError(name, from);
} else if (wordFor != SQLs.FOR) {
throw CriteriaUtils.funcArgError(name, wordFor);
} else if (count == null) {
func = FunctionUtils.complexArgFunc(name, string.typeMeta(),
string, placing, newSubstring, from, start);
} else {
func = FunctionUtils.complexArgFunc(name, string.typeMeta(),
string, placing, newSubstring, from, start, wordFor, count);
return func;
* @see #substring(Expression, SQLs.WordFrom, Expression)
* @see #substring(Expression, SQLs.WordFor, Expression)
* @see #substring(Expression, SQLs.WordFrom, Expression, SQLs.WordFor, Expression)
private static SimpleExpression _substring(Expression string, SQLs.WordFrom from, @Nullable Expression start,
SQLs.WordFor wordFor, @Nullable Expression count) {
final String name = "SUBSTRING";
final SimpleExpression func;
if (string instanceof SqlValueParam.MultiValue) {
throw CriteriaUtils.funcArgError(name, string);
} else if (start instanceof SqlValueParam.MultiValue) {
throw CriteriaUtils.funcArgError(name, start);
} else if (count instanceof SqlValueParam.MultiValue) {
throw CriteriaUtils.funcArgError(name, count);
} else if (from != SQLs.FROM) {
throw CriteriaUtils.funcArgError(name, from);
} else if (wordFor != SQLs.FOR) {
throw CriteriaUtils.funcArgError(name, wordFor);
} else if (start != null && count != null) {
func = FunctionUtils.complexArgFunc(name, string.typeMeta(),
string, from, start, wordFor, count);
} else if (start != null) {
func = FunctionUtils.complexArgFunc(name, string.typeMeta(),
string, from, start);
} else if (count != null) {
func = FunctionUtils.complexArgFunc(name, string.typeMeta(),
string, wordFor, count);
} else {
//no bug,never here
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
return func;
* @see #lower(Expression)
* @see #upper(Expression)
private static MappingType lowerOrUpperType(final MappingType type) {
final MappingType returnType;
if (type instanceof PostgreRangeType.RangeType) {
returnType = ((PostgreRangeType.RangeType) type).subtype();
} else {
returnType = TextType.INSTANCE;
return returnType;