io.qt.pdf.QPdfDocument Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package io.qt.pdf;
import io.qt.*;
* Loads a PDF document and renders pages from it
* Java wrapper for Qt class QPdfDocument
public class QPdfDocument extends io.qt.core.QObject
static {
* This variable stores the meta-object for the class.
public static final io.qt.core.@NonNull QMetaObject staticMetaObject = io.qt.core.QMetaObject.forType(QPdfDocument.class);
* Java wrapper for Qt enum QPdfDocument::Error
public enum Error implements QtEnumerator {
* Representing QPdfDocument:: Error:: None
* Representing QPdfDocument:: Error:: Unknown
* Representing QPdfDocument:: Error:: DataNotYetAvailable
* Representing QPdfDocument:: Error:: FileNotFound
* Representing QPdfDocument:: Error:: InvalidFileFormat
* Representing QPdfDocument:: Error:: IncorrectPassword
* Representing QPdfDocument:: Error:: UnsupportedSecurityScheme
static {
private Error(int value) {
this.value = value;
* {@inheritDoc}
public int value() {
return value;
* Returns the corresponding enum entry for the given value.
* @param value
* @return enum entry
public static @NonNull Error resolve(int value) {
switch (value) {
case 0: return None;
case 1: return Unknown;
case 2: return DataNotYetAvailable;
case 3: return FileNotFound;
case 4: return InvalidFileFormat;
case 5: return IncorrectPassword;
case 6: return UnsupportedSecurityScheme;
default: throw new QNoSuchEnumValueException(value);
private final int value;
* Java wrapper for Qt enum QPdfDocument::MetaDataField
public enum MetaDataField implements QtEnumerator {
* Representing QPdfDocument:: MetaDataField:: Title
* Representing QPdfDocument:: MetaDataField:: Subject
* Representing QPdfDocument:: MetaDataField:: Author
* Representing QPdfDocument:: MetaDataField:: Keywords
* Representing QPdfDocument:: MetaDataField:: Producer
* Representing QPdfDocument:: MetaDataField:: Creator
* Representing QPdfDocument:: MetaDataField:: CreationDate
* Representing QPdfDocument:: MetaDataField:: ModificationDate
static {
private MetaDataField(int value) {
this.value = value;
* {@inheritDoc}
public int value() {
return value;
* Returns the corresponding enum entry for the given value.
* @param value
* @return enum entry
public static @NonNull MetaDataField resolve(int value) {
switch (value) {
case 0: return Title;
case 1: return Subject;
case 2: return Author;
case 3: return Keywords;
case 4: return Producer;
case 5: return Creator;
case 6: return CreationDate;
case 7: return ModificationDate;
default: throw new QNoSuchEnumValueException(value);
private final int value;
* Java wrapper for Qt enum QPdfDocument::PageModelRole
public enum PageModelRole implements QtEnumerator {
* Representing QPdfDocument:: PageModelRole:: Label
* Representing QPdfDocument:: PageModelRole:: PointSize
* Representing QPdfDocument:: PageModelRole:: NRoles
static {
private PageModelRole(int value) {
this.value = value;
* {@inheritDoc}
public int value() {
return value;
* Returns the corresponding enum entry for the given value.
* @param value
* @return enum entry
public static @NonNull PageModelRole resolve(int value) {
switch (value) {
case 256: return Label;
case 257: return PointSize;
case 258: return NRoles;
default: throw new QNoSuchEnumValueException(value);
private final int value;
* Java wrapper for Qt enum QPdfDocument::Status
public enum Status implements QtEnumerator {
* Representing QPdfDocument:: Status:: Null
* Representing QPdfDocument:: Status:: Loading
* Representing QPdfDocument:: Status:: Ready
* Representing QPdfDocument:: Status:: Unloading
* Representing QPdfDocument:: Status:: Error
static {
private Status(int value) {
this.value = value;
* {@inheritDoc}
public int value() {
return value;
* Returns the corresponding enum entry for the given value.
* @param value
* @return enum entry
public static @NonNull Status resolve(int value) {
switch (value) {
case 0: return Null;
case 1: return Loading;
case 2: return Ready;
case 3: return Unloading;
case 4: return Error;
default: throw new QNoSuchEnumValueException(value);
private final int value;
* See QPdfDocument:: pageCountChanged(int)
public final @NonNull Signal1 pageCountChanged = new Signal1<>();
* See QPdfDocument:: pageModelChanged()
public final @NonNull Signal0 pageModelChanged = new Signal0();
* See QPdfDocument:: passwordChanged()
public final @NonNull Signal0 passwordChanged = new Signal0();
* See QPdfDocument:: passwordRequired()
public final @NonNull Signal0 passwordRequired = new Signal0();
* See QPdfDocument:: statusChanged(QPdfDocument::Status)
public final @NonNull Signal1 statusChanged = new Signal1<>();
* See QPdfDocument:: QPdfDocument()
public QPdfDocument(){
private native static void initialize_native(QPdfDocument instance);
* See QPdfDocument:: QPdfDocument(QObject*)
public QPdfDocument(io.qt.core.@Nullable QObject parent){
initialize_native(this, parent);
private native static void initialize_native(QPdfDocument instance, io.qt.core.QObject parent);
public final void close(){
private native void close_native(long __this__nativeId);
* See QPdfDocument:: error()const
public final io.qt.pdf.QPdfDocument.@NonNull Error error(){
return io.qt.pdf.QPdfDocument.Error.resolve(error_native_constfct(QtJambi_LibraryUtilities.internal.nativeId(this)));
private native int error_native_constfct(long __this__nativeId);
* See QPdfDocument:: getAllText(int)
public final io.qt.pdf.@NonNull QPdfSelection getAllText(int page){
return getAllText_native_int(QtJambi_LibraryUtilities.internal.nativeId(this), page);
private native io.qt.pdf.QPdfSelection getAllText_native_int(long __this__nativeId, int page);
* See QPdfDocument:: getSelection(int, QPointF, QPointF)
public final io.qt.pdf.@NonNull QPdfSelection getSelection(int page, io.qt.core.@NonNull QPointF start, io.qt.core.@NonNull QPointF end){
return getSelection_native_int_QPointF_QPointF(QtJambi_LibraryUtilities.internal.nativeId(this), page, QtJambi_LibraryUtilities.internal.checkedNativeId(start), QtJambi_LibraryUtilities.internal.checkedNativeId(end));
private native io.qt.pdf.QPdfSelection getSelection_native_int_QPointF_QPointF(long __this__nativeId, int page, long start, long end);
* See QPdfDocument:: getSelectionAtIndex(int, int, int)
public final io.qt.pdf.@NonNull QPdfSelection getSelectionAtIndex(int page, int startIndex, int maxLength){
return getSelectionAtIndex_native_int_int_int(QtJambi_LibraryUtilities.internal.nativeId(this), page, startIndex, maxLength);
private native io.qt.pdf.QPdfSelection getSelectionAtIndex_native_int_int_int(long __this__nativeId, int page, int startIndex, int maxLength);
* See QPdfDocument:: load(QIODevice*)
public final void load(io.qt.core.@Nullable QIODevice device){
load_native_QIODevice_ptr(QtJambi_LibraryUtilities.internal.nativeId(this), QtJambi_LibraryUtilities.internal.checkedNativeId(device));
private native void load_native_QIODevice_ptr(long __this__nativeId, long device);
* See QPdfDocument:: load(QString)
public final io.qt.pdf.QPdfDocument.@NonNull Error load(java.lang.@NonNull String fileName){
return io.qt.pdf.QPdfDocument.Error.resolve(load_native_cref_QString(QtJambi_LibraryUtilities.internal.nativeId(this), fileName));
private native int load_native_cref_QString(long __this__nativeId, java.lang.String fileName);
* See QPdfDocument:: metaData(QPdfDocument::MetaDataField)const
public final java.lang.Object metaData(io.qt.pdf.QPdfDocument.@NonNull MetaDataField field){
return metaData_native_QPdfDocument_MetaDataField_constfct(QtJambi_LibraryUtilities.internal.nativeId(this), field.value());
private native java.lang.Object metaData_native_QPdfDocument_MetaDataField_constfct(long __this__nativeId, int field);
* See QPdfDocument:: pageCount()const
public final int pageCount(){
return pageCount_native_constfct(QtJambi_LibraryUtilities.internal.nativeId(this));
private native int pageCount_native_constfct(long __this__nativeId);
* See QPdfDocument:: pageLabel(int)
public final java.lang.@NonNull String pageLabel(int page){
return pageLabel_native_int(QtJambi_LibraryUtilities.internal.nativeId(this), page);
private native java.lang.String pageLabel_native_int(long __this__nativeId, int page);
public final io.qt.core.@Nullable QAbstractListModel pageModel(){
return pageModel_native(QtJambi_LibraryUtilities.internal.nativeId(this));
private native io.qt.core.QAbstractListModel pageModel_native(long __this__nativeId);
* See QPdfDocument:: pagePointSize(int)const
public final io.qt.core.@NonNull QSizeF pagePointSize(int page){
return pagePointSize_native_int_constfct(QtJambi_LibraryUtilities.internal.nativeId(this), page);
private native io.qt.core.QSizeF pagePointSize_native_int_constfct(long __this__nativeId, int page);
* See QPdfDocument:: password()const
public final java.lang.@NonNull String password(){
return password_native_constfct(QtJambi_LibraryUtilities.internal.nativeId(this));
private native java.lang.String password_native_constfct(long __this__nativeId);
* See QPdfDocument:: render(int, QSize, QPdfDocumentRenderOptions)
public final io.qt.gui.@NonNull QImage render(int page, io.qt.core.@NonNull QSize imageSize, io.qt.pdf.@NonNull QPdfDocumentRenderOptions options){
return render_native_int_QSize_QPdfDocumentRenderOptions(QtJambi_LibraryUtilities.internal.nativeId(this), page, QtJambi_LibraryUtilities.internal.checkedNativeId(imageSize), QtJambi_LibraryUtilities.internal.checkedNativeId(options));
private native io.qt.gui.QImage render_native_int_QSize_QPdfDocumentRenderOptions(long __this__nativeId, int page, long imageSize, long options);
* See QPdfDocument:: setPassword(QString)
public final void setPassword(java.lang.@NonNull String password){
setPassword_native_cref_QString(QtJambi_LibraryUtilities.internal.nativeId(this), password);
private native void setPassword_native_cref_QString(long __this__nativeId, java.lang.String password);
* See QPdfDocument:: status()const
public final io.qt.pdf.QPdfDocument.@NonNull Status status(){
return io.qt.pdf.QPdfDocument.Status.resolve(status_native_constfct(QtJambi_LibraryUtilities.internal.nativeId(this)));
private native int status_native_constfct(long __this__nativeId);
* Constructor for internal use only.
* @param p expected to be null
* @hidden
protected QPdfDocument(QPrivateConstructor p) { super(p); }
* Constructor for internal use only.
* It is not allowed to call the declarative constructor from inside Java.
* @hidden
protected QPdfDocument(QDeclarativeConstructor constructor) {
initialize_native(this, constructor);
private static native void initialize_native(QPdfDocument instance, QDeclarativeConstructor constructor);
* Overloaded function for {@link #getSelection(int, io.qt.core.QPointF, io.qt.core.QPointF)}.
public final io.qt.pdf.@NonNull QPdfSelection getSelection(int page, io.qt.core.@NonNull QPoint start, io.qt.core.@NonNull QPointF end) {
return getSelection(page, new io.qt.core.QPointF(start), end);
* Overloaded function for {@link #getSelection(int, io.qt.core.QPointF, io.qt.core.QPointF)}.
public final io.qt.pdf.@NonNull QPdfSelection getSelection(int page, io.qt.core.@NonNull QPointF start, io.qt.core.@NonNull QPoint end) {
return getSelection(page, start, new io.qt.core.QPointF(end));
* Overloaded function for {@link #getSelection(int, io.qt.core.QPointF, io.qt.core.QPointF)}.
public final io.qt.pdf.@NonNull QPdfSelection getSelection(int page, io.qt.core.@NonNull QPoint start, io.qt.core.@NonNull QPoint end) {
return getSelection(page, new io.qt.core.QPointF(start), new io.qt.core.QPointF(end));
* @hidden
* Kotlin property getter. In Java use {@link #pageCount()} instead.
public final int getPageCount() {
return pageCount();
* @hidden
* Kotlin property getter. In Java use {@link #pageModel()} instead.
public final io.qt.core.@Nullable QAbstractListModel getPageModel() {
return pageModel();
* @hidden
* Kotlin property getter. In Java use {@link #password()} instead.
public final java.lang.@NonNull String getPassword() {
return password();
* Overloaded function for {@link #render(int, io.qt.core.QSize, io.qt.pdf.QPdfDocumentRenderOptions)}
* with options = new io.qt.pdf.QPdfDocumentRenderOptions()
public final io.qt.gui.@NonNull QImage render(int page, io.qt.core.@NonNull QSize imageSize) {
return render(page, imageSize, new io.qt.pdf.QPdfDocumentRenderOptions());
* @hidden
* Kotlin property getter. In Java use {@link #status()} instead.
public final io.qt.pdf.QPdfDocument.@NonNull Status getStatus() {
return status();