io.quarkiverse.quinoa.deployment.config.QuinoaConfig Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package io.quarkiverse.quinoa.deployment.config;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import org.eclipse.microprofile.config.Config;
import org.eclipse.microprofile.config.ConfigProvider;
import io.quarkiverse.quinoa.QuinoaDevProxyHandlerConfig;
import io.quarkus.deployment.util.UriNormalizationUtil;
import io.quarkus.runtime.annotations.ConfigDocDefault;
import io.quarkus.runtime.annotations.ConfigPhase;
import io.quarkus.runtime.annotations.ConfigRoot;
import io.quarkus.vertx.http.deployment.NonApplicationRootPathBuildItem;
import io.quarkus.vertx.http.runtime.HttpBuildTimeConfig;
import io.smallrye.config.ConfigMapping;
import io.smallrye.config.WithDefault;
import io.smallrye.config.WithName;
import io.smallrye.config.WithParentName;
@ConfigMapping(prefix = "quarkus.quinoa")
@ConfigRoot(phase = ConfigPhase.BUILD_TIME)
public interface QuinoaConfig {
String DEFAULT_BUILD_DIR = "build/";
String DEFAULT_WEB_UI_DIR = "src/main/webui";
String DEFAULT_INDEX_PAGE = "index.html";
* Indicate if the extension should be enabled.
@ConfigDocDefault("enabled (disabled in test mode)")
public Optional enabled();
* Indicate if Quinoa should just do the build part.
* If true, Quinoa will NOT serve the Web UI built resources.
* This is handy when the output of the build is used
* to be served via something else (nginx, cdn, ...)
* Quinoa put the built files in 'target/quinoa/build' (or 'build/quinoa/build with Gradle).
boolean justBuild();
* Root path for hosting the Web UI.
* This path is normalized and always resolved relative to 'quarkus.http.root-path'.
String uiRootPath();
* Path to the Web UI (NodeJS) root directory (relative to the project root).
String uiDir();
* This the Web UI internal build system (webpack, ...) output directory.
* After the build, Quinoa will take the files from this directory,
* move them to 'target/quinoa/build' (or build/quinoa/build with Gradle) and serve them at runtime.
* The path is relative to the Web UI path.
@ConfigDocDefault("framework detection with fallback to '" + DEFAULT_BUILD_DIR + "'")
Optional buildDir();
* Name of the package manager binary.
* Only npm, pnpm and yarn are supported for the moment.
@ConfigDocDefault("auto-detected based on lockfile falling back to 'npm'")
Optional packageManager();
* Configuration for installing the package manager
PackageManagerInstallConfig packageManagerInstall();
* Configuration for overriding build commands
PackageManagerCommandConfig packageManagerCommand();
* Indicate if the Web UI should also be tested during the build phase (i.e: npm test).
* To be used in a {@link io.quarkus.test.junit.QuarkusTestProfile} to have Web UI test running during a
* {@link io.quarkus.test.junit.QuarkusTest}
boolean runTests();
* Install the packages without generating a lockfile (frozen lockfile) and failing if an update is needed (useful in CI).
@ConfigDocDefault("true if environment CI=true")
Optional ci();
* Force install packages before building.
* It will install packages only if the node_modules directory is absent or when the package.json is modified in dev-mode.
boolean forceInstall();
* Configure framework detection
FrameworkConfig framework();
* Enable SPA (Single Page Application) routing, all relevant requests will be re-routed to the index page.
* Currently, for technical reasons, the Quinoa SPA routing configuration won't work with RESTEasy Classic.
boolean enableSPARouting();
* List of path prefixes to be ignored by Quinoa (SPA Handler and Dev-Proxy).
* The paths are normalized and always resolved relative to 'quarkus.quinoa.ui-root-path'.
@ConfigDocDefault("ignore values configured by 'quarkus.resteasy-reactive.path', '', 'quarkus.resteasy.path' and 'quarkus.http.non-application-root-path'")
Optional> ignoredPathPrefixes();
* Configuration for the external dev server (live coding server)
DevServerConfig devServer();
static List getNormalizedIgnoredPathPrefixes(QuinoaConfig config,
NonApplicationRootPathBuildItem nonApplicationRootPath) {
return config.ignoredPathPrefixes()
.map(list ->
.map(s -> normalizePath(s, false))
.orElseGet(() -> {
Config allConfig = ConfigProvider.getConfig();
List defaultIgnore = new ArrayList<>();
String uiRootPath = getNormalizedUiRootPath(config);
// note that quarkus.resteasy.path and quarkus.resteasy-reactive.path are always relative to the http root path
readExternalConfigPath(uiRootPath, allConfig, "quarkus.resteasy.path").ifPresent(defaultIgnore::add);
readExternalConfigPath(uiRootPath, allConfig, "").ifPresent(defaultIgnore::add);
readExternalConfigPath(uiRootPath, allConfig, "quarkus.resteasy-reactive.path")
// the non-application root path is not always relative to the http root path
convertNonApplicationRootPath(uiRootPath, nonApplicationRootPath).ifPresent(defaultIgnore::add);
return defaultIgnore;
static QuinoaDevProxyHandlerConfig toDevProxyHandlerConfig(final QuinoaConfig config,
final HttpBuildTimeConfig httpBuildTimeConfig, final NonApplicationRootPathBuildItem nonApplicationRootPath) {
final Set compressMediaTypes =;
return new QuinoaDevProxyHandlerConfig(getNormalizedIgnoredPathPrefixes(config, nonApplicationRootPath),
httpBuildTimeConfig.enableCompression, compressMediaTypes, config.devServer().directForwarding());
* Normalizes the {@link QuinoaConfig#uiRootPath()} and the returned path always starts with {@code "/"} and ends with
* {@code "/"}.
* Note that this will not resolve the path relative to 'quarkus.http.root-path'.
static String getNormalizedUiRootPath(QuinoaConfig config) {
return normalizePath(config.uiRootPath(), true);
* Normalizes the path and the returned path starts with a slash and if {@code trailingSlash} is set to {@code true} then it
* will also end in a slash.
private static String normalizePath(String path, boolean trailingSlash) {
String normalizedPath = UriNormalizationUtil.toURI(path, trailingSlash).getPath();
return normalizedPath.startsWith("/") ? normalizedPath : "/" + normalizedPath;
* Note that {@code rootPath} and {@code leafPath} are required to start and end in a slash.
* The returned path also fulfills this requirement.
private static Optional relativizePath(String rootPath, String leafPath) {
return Optional.ofNullable(UriNormalizationUtil.relativize(rootPath, leafPath))
// note that relativize always removes the leading slash
.map(s -> "/" + s);
private static Optional readExternalConfigPath(String uiRootPath, Config config, String key) {
return config.getOptionalValue(key, String.class)
.map(s -> normalizePath(s, true))
// only add this path if it is relative to the ui-root-path
.flatMap(s -> relativizePath(uiRootPath, s))
.filter(s -> !Objects.equals(s, "/"))
.map(s -> s.endsWith("/") ? s.substring(0, s.length() - 1) : s);
private static Optional convertNonApplicationRootPath(String uiRootPath,
NonApplicationRootPathBuildItem nonApplicationRootPath) {
// only add the non-application root path if it is relative to the http root path
// note that both paths start and end in a slash already
return relativizePath(nonApplicationRootPath.getNormalizedHttpRootPath(),
// and also only add this path if it is relative to the ui-root-path
.flatMap(s -> relativizePath(uiRootPath, s))
.filter(s -> !Objects.equals(s, "/"))
.map(s -> s.endsWith("/") ? s.substring(0, s.length() - 1) : s);
static boolean isDevServerMode(QuinoaConfig config) {
return config.devServer().enabled() && config.devServer().port().isPresent();
static boolean isEnabled(QuinoaConfig config) {
return config.enabled().orElse(true);
static boolean isEqual(QuinoaConfig q1, QuinoaConfig q2) {
if (!Objects.equals(q1.enabled(), q2.enabled())) {
return false;
if (!Objects.equals(q1.justBuild(), q2.justBuild())) {
return false;
if (!Objects.equals(q1.uiRootPath(), q2.uiRootPath())) {
return false;
if (!Objects.equals(q1.uiDir(), q2.uiDir())) {
return false;
if (!Objects.equals(q1.buildDir(), q2.buildDir())) {
return false;
if (!Objects.equals(q1.packageManager(), q2.packageManager())) {
return false;
if (!PackageManagerInstallConfig.isEqual(q1.packageManagerInstall(), q2.packageManagerInstall())) {
return false;
if (!PackageManagerCommandConfig.isEqual(q1.packageManagerCommand(), q2.packageManagerCommand())) {
return false;
if (!Objects.equals(q1.runTests(), q2.runTests())) {
return false;
if (!Objects.equals(, {
return false;
if (!Objects.equals(q1.forceInstall(), q2.forceInstall())) {
return false;
if (!FrameworkConfig.isEqual(q1.framework(), q2.framework())) {
return false;
if (!Objects.equals(q1.enableSPARouting(), q2.enableSPARouting())) {
return false;
if (!Objects.equals(q1.ignoredPathPrefixes(), q2.ignoredPathPrefixes())) {
return false;
if (!DevServerConfig.isEqual(q1.devServer(), q2.devServer())) {
return false;
return true;